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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Ebby continues fighting. Swinging frantically at anything that comes within ten feet of him. "Just a heads up. Skeletons aren't very strong without muscles to work with." He screams this over the sound of the cracking bones. "Are demons alive or dead?"

@OceanBunny @CelestiaVanGuard
Duncan turned a blind eye to the events unfolding among the school grounds, coming to the conclusion that he shouldn't take action as of yet. He himself decided it be best that he simply leave the school and find more people, as reluctant as he was. Within a few minutes of walking distance, Duncan came across a scene of crying children, ones being comforted by their mothers. This sight caused Duncan to clutch his hands within his pockets, his teeth grinding coldly against each other. He never had that, so why should they? Forcing himself to continue, Duncan came across a female, one of which seemed to be the culprit, or the reason for the annoying noise. Mostly due to the fact that she looked to be laughing. "Ridiculous." Duncan brushed past the girl, coming close enough for her to hear a single sentence as he walked away. "Keep moving forward." @DarknessSpirit
Rhianna went back to her black shadow fo. Nobody could make out any facial features. A man walked by her coldly and she turned cold as well. Still in her transparent shadow form, she coldly shoved the man to the ground. And a kid screamed "there it is!" And she appeared next to the kids side. Picking him up by his head, she grabbed him by his head and threw him. And people began running out of the zoo. She looked back to the man and slowly walked towards him.
"SHINA!" Enki shouted as he charged at the demon, he slashed and took off the head, blood poored out of the fleshy wound. Enki moved over to Shina and felt for a pulse. "She's out, I'll take her to my dorm room, it seems safe there!" Enki shouted as he started to make a move for the dorms.

@Lotusy @PhoenixFire13 @GingerBread
Ebby starts pulling the energy from the demons, it was black and purple. Over powering him the evergy completely over shadows his skeletons and makes their flesh regenerate at an extreme rate. The boost in his power is almost overwhelming.

@OceanBunny @CelestiaVanGuard
"Dammit!" Jay watches as Enki drags Shina back to the dorms. Let's see... spiritual fires... oh. Duh. Jay stood up. I almost forgot these demons. They've probably been burning for eternity. He spots a flaming skeleton. Bingo. "Hey, numbskull! Over here!" The skeleton turned around, then charged towards him.

One intense clubbing match later, Jay emerged with a flaming femur. "This should work." He runs over to Nyx. "Nyx! Hey! I need your help! Run to the dorms, I'll tell you later!"

Within moments, Duncan felt a touch against his skin. That same touch was followed by a movement of force, which caused Duncan to instinctively step slightly to his side and turn around, just barely keeping his balance. In doing so, he was shaky for a few seconds, but straightened his posture. Not even seconds after he was comfortable again, with his hands shoved deep within his pockets, he witnessed a kid being thrown by their head. This time around, Duncan couldn't help but chuckle. Still, he caught the very same kid by his shirt and set him down, only to shove him away by his head. "This is more interesting than I expected. Too scared to show yourself?" @DarknessSpirit
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"Wow." Willow says as she watches the skeletons regenerate their flesh. It was completely gross but fascinating at the same time. She continues lashing out at the demons in the air and the ones that Miyuki froze. Taking them out as they came pouring through the portal.

@Momo Mix @CelestiaVanGuard
Marie ran to the portal. She called to the demons "LEAVE WHILE YOU STILL CAN, MY FRIENDS!!!" Some started leaving, others hesitating.
Nyx started to make his way the dorms as jay had told him to do, confused why they were going there since he was vampire he'd be stuck in the hallways until someone invited him into a room.

When he got to the dorms Nyx decided to wait outside Jay's dorm room.

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Marie created a portal to the underworld a few milimeters away from the first portal, making all underworld creatures coming from the first portal cycle back to the underworld. This was only one of a few portals though.
Enki entered his room, he placed Shina on his bed, then put a damp towal on her forehead. He placed Hyip on her "Defend her with your life pal." The dog barked and prepared for battle, Enki smiled and left his room and locked it, he left a key inside. Once left Hyip started to look around and found a journal Enki kept, she dragged it onto Shina. It had everything from Enki killing his master to eating breakfast. Enki's darkest and most hidden memory was the death of his master, that was the page Hyip left the book on.

Jay entered his dorm. "Come in, Nyx." The room was a mess. The floor was covered in papers, the table was covered in coffee, and the sink had exploded. "Alright. I have a plan. Of course, I'm going to need your help." He brought out a large pot that looked like it was taken from a witch cartoon movie. He held out the book. "This recipe. It requires two liters of blood. I need your blood magic. When I cut myself, take the blood out, until you've hit this mark." He takes out a chalk piece and marks a small line. "I'm risking a severe hemorrhage, but hopefully I can heal it all off. Will you do it?"

"Sure,you better not die though" Nyx said his voice a cross between joking and serious as he walked towards Jay, trying not to step on anything.

Marie walked to her dorm, grabbing her bags on the way and setting up everything in her dorm room. She layed on her bed. "So hungry...." She muttered.
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"Alright, here goes nothing." Jay picks up the other part of his scissors and makes an incision on his thigh. "Now!"

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Marie smelled the blood. "Need.... Blood....." Her eyes turned red. She raced down the hall to the dorm room where Nyx and Jay were in "Let me in!"
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"No! We need this blood!" Jay yelled at the vampire outside of his dorm. "Vampires can't come in unless invited! Please go! I really don't want anyone else drinking my blood!"

(@Thalia Raiz No seriously, we need this blood.)
Rhianna smirked and appeared behind him. She gave a quick pull of his hair and then appeared across from him. "Orr maybe I'm just to lazy." She said.
Nyx started chanting an incantation forcing the blood from jay to flow into the pot, Nyx let it fill up to the line as jay had asked and then stopped it going into the pot. "There you go, i'd fix that wound quick, you seem to be attracting another vampire" Nyx said as he got his Daggers out ready to attack.

Aaarghh... The pain... Jay draws a circle on his chest, activating his power, and instantly clears his head. He scrambled around, pouring in the vampire blood, the spirit flame, the honey, and the peacock feathers. A large explosion of red light expanded from the pot, blinding Jay. He ran over to the pot, which had a small bit of potion left, contained in the flask that used to hold the vampire blood. He quickly drank it. "Uh oh. Nyx? I need you to run. Now. I have a bad feeling about this."

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"Let me in! I'm going crazy out here! I can just smell all the blood! I need it! I've been holding off all day!" She started banging on the door, starting to make holes.

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