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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Well that was stupid" Nyx remarked looking down at Columbus, but from the blood the red glow around Nyx's daggers got stronger, he looked at the girl looking ready to attack again.

"When i get hungry i don't go on a rampage, whats special about you?" Nyx asked assuming what the girl had said was an excuse

@LokiofSP @Thalia Raiz @Lotusy
"Not all of us can be born a pureblood! Some of us weren't born this way, don't have a natural resistance to hunger. So actually, it's the opposite. I'm not special."
"What a monster you must have grown up to be, killing for the pleasure of it. You may be superior when it comes to genetics, but unlike you, I have seen many horrors, too many to count. Yet I have only gotten wiser by it. I haven't lost my marbles, unlike you." She smiles. "I'd rather die of old age, of a heart attack, but that was taken from me. From someone I thought I could trust. But he betrayed me. My last dieing wish was always to get revenge on him before I got killed, but I guess that will not happen. Instead a monster shall take my dream away along with my life. I do not wish for that."
Jay ran over to Columbus's fallen body. (Will healing work on the undead? I hope it does.) He raises his finger, and a soft orange light covers Columbus.

(@LokiofSP Your call.)
"How many of those horrors involved you i wonder. you call me a monster yet you can't control your own hunger" Nyx taunted glaring at the girl.

"i'm as far away from being a monster as i can be. but as a reward for your arrogance i won't kill you. Just beat you within an inch of your life"

@Thalia Raiz @Lotusy (you wanna step in?)
(@GingerBread Of course.)

Jay stepped between the two vampires. "Stop it, you two." He puts his hands out. "Neither of you are going to fight." He turns to the vampire girl. "Look, just because he's a 'pureblood' doesn't mean he doesn't suffer as much as you. No one has any idea how much the other one suffered. Put that aside." He turns to Nyx. "And we need her right now. There's a demon invasion. We have a school to protect."

@GingerBread @Thalia Raiz
Moki pulled up at the school in a limo, he adjusted the tie to his uniform, and got out of the limo, grabbing his stuff. The limo sped off quickly as he stepped onto the sidewalk. He was shocked to see light still on inside the school. It was apparently active at all times of the day. Moki walked through the open gates into the school courtyard. He placed his bags down and sat on them. "I'm stumped. What do I do? Where do I go?" The boy wondered as he sighed, hoping someone would cone around and help him. "Can somebody help me!?!" He called out, hoping someone would hear him. He didn't know what it was, but something wasn't right. Something was going on, and it gave Moki a bad feeling. Suddenly, this apparition, too terrible to describe, appeared in front of him. Moki was paralyzed with fear as it moved towards him and around him. "What is this thing? A monster? A... A Demon?" Finally Moki was able to make something... A faint "Help Me." was all he had the courage to mutter.
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Columbus began to get up shakily, but collapsed again under the glow of Jay's magic (Thought I'd go the FF route, healing magic has reverse effects on the undead), he grabbed Nyx's ankle weakly, "Come on....Lets all just sit down and talk man."

@Lotusy @GingerBread @Thalia Raiz
"Fine, i won't kill her...Yet" Nyx said giving the girl a hostile glare before turning to jay "Do we have a plan?"

@Lotusy @Thalia Raiz @LokiofSP (could blood magic do anything, like donate some life energy to you from nyx, technically we're both undead)
"Yes, we do. But why should I care about driving out the demons? No one has tried to be my friend. The only real "friends" I had were demons. Why should I care about this school, or humanity for that matter? What has anyone done for me?"
(Yeah @GingerBread, I like that, healing magic and blood magic have reverse effects on the undead?)

Columbus weakly got to his feet, "See? Look this is great, we're all getting along great now.....Now can I get some help so we can deal with these portals?"

@Thalia Raiz @Lotusy
"If there's no humans, you won't be able to get any blood. that a good enough reason" Nyx snapped at the girl before walking over to columbus

"You owe me for this" Nyx said as he started casting an incantation to 'donate' some life force to Columbus. As he did this a red glow started to flow from Nyx to columbus, once he had done that nyx felt slightly weaker "You feel any better?" He asked Columbus.

@LokiofSP @Lotusy @Thalia Raiz
Jay sighed. "Listen here, vampire girl. First you try and take my blood, then you want to side with the demons. This is our school to save. If you don't care for it, leave!" Jay's hearing picks up something. "Do you guys hear that? There's something coming towards us..."

@Thalia Raiz

@GingerBread @LokiofSP
Corvus awoke with a shock, as if lightning bolts had bolted through his body, charging him up with immense electrical energy. He looked out upon the sky from his bed and saw it turn a sickening green, as vortexes opened up on the ground. The creatures that had crawled out of those supernatural wormholes were indescribable; creatures so freakish they make Lakoria students look normal. The shaken elf only managed to come to grips with what he saw before yelling, "Pandora! We gotta go!" At his last word, demons had already swarmed his neighborhood as the sounds of tormented and fearful screams, shattering windows, car alarms, and inhuman noises littered the sky.

He ran to the middle of his living room and stood with his feet and hands together. From the center of his two feet expanded a large clock glyph that grew to envelop the area around his house. Rings of glyphs were present around his wrists and a giant clock glyph was on his forehead by the time the time field had covered the house.

C̘̯̰̻͎̐̐ͤ̌͒ͧh̝̫͇ͥ̐̓̐r͖̦o͙̜̐̀n̲͙͔̾͊̿o̦̙̟̩̮̻̮͆s͉ ̘̺͙͉ͩ̃ͨ̔̚C̯̺ͩ͑͂ͦ͆ͧe̘̞̞̬̤̝̽̔ͤl͚̻ͦͫ̊ͭať̬̩̣̲ͯ͌̅̀͐uͥ̚s̬!͔͒̇͛ͨ

With that, the glyphs disappeared as Corvus had saved the state of the surrounding area, keeping it secure using his powers of time. After casting his time seal, he immediately felt a strange sensation course through his body, quickly finding its way into Corvus's elfen bloodstream. It was as if someone was calling out to him. A spirit, or some sort of aura...

@DragonStorm @TheCreator645
The demon charged at Moki, and time seemed to slow down. He did the only thing he could do, and that was react. He suddenly clenched his bags tight, and took in as much air as he could into his longs. When he breathed out, instead of normal breath, it was a powerful blast of air that shot Moki back, a far distance. He flew threw the air, clenching his bag, and as he went sprawling, he noticed a group of people, it seemed to be some kind of chase, and he was coming right towards them. There as he fell through the air he screamed as he landed on her.

Moki thought he was dead, but he groaned as his eyes opened. "What the hell?" He thought. He felt the girl still underneath him. "That hurt." He said getting up. "I take it you are all members of the school." He dusted himself off and stretched, letting out a series of groans.

@Thalia Raiz


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"Oh. It's someone else. What a landing, you flattened the vampire." Jay looked down at the new boy, extending his hand to help pull him up. "Good to see someone alive out here. I'm Jay. What 's your name?"

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Miko had rebounded off of the wall and rolled back into the group. He took the hand he was offered and stood up, dusting himself off once more. "My names... Miko." He said. "I'm super sorry... I didn't mean to crush her. Please don't kill me. I won't bother you ever again, I swear. Please let me live." He begged.



@Thalia Raiz
"We're not gonna kill ya. Well, I can't say that about everyone" She glares at Nyx. She turns back to Miko. "Sorry for the hostile aurora in the air."

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