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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Miko questioned the relationship of the guy who had offered him a hand and the guy who threatened to kill him. "Let him?" Miko thought. "I totally ship it." He swept those thoughts aside and turned towards the guy who had helped him up. "Um mind telling me why something tried to attack me?" He asked. "I just got here and have almost died 3 times now." He complained.
Columbus had been in the corner, letting Nyx's blood magic do its work, he got up and walked to the new kid, "What's it with you and killing people? Seriously, when you were born did you like, immediately point a gun at your mother or something?" He turned to Miko and did as best he could o smile despite the situation, "Hey, my name is the ever amazing Columbus, resident undead. The one that also has white hair is Nyx, don't worry about him, he's just upset that he'll never be as cool as me, the one with brown hair is Jay, he REALLY likes birds. I don't know the girl though, she's new. As you can see we're kinda in a bad spot right now."

@Thalia Raiz @Lotusy @GingerBread @Leone
"I'm Marie. Now, I wanna start doing the plan" Marie stands "Now, someone come with me as a blood source." She starts walking.
Miko smiled. "Oh... Nice to... Umm... Meet you." Miko blushed a bit. "This school has so many attractive people." He thought looking through three guys over. "Well, As I said, I am Miko. And as a thank you for not killing me...." A couple demons had appeared around them. Miko stuck out his hands and they began glowing. Out of his fingertips, lightning shot out, disintegrating several of the demons. "How did I do?" He asked.
Nyx glared at Columbus "I suggest you don't ever talk about my mother like that or i won't hesitate to kill you" He said through gritted teeth, his expression one of pure anger.

Columbus gave Nyx a weird look, "Whatever man, wasn't about your mom anyways." He turned to follow Marie when he noticed the demon, he held out his fingers once more, "Okay, so our guest isn't done yet..." He briefly checked over his new abilities mentally, "Richie, skilled at projection magic, but only with some sort of reassurance of an exit point, hence the use of the 'bang' fingers. Keep my distance, close range will kill me." He growled at the demon.

@Thalia Raiz @GingerBread @Lotusy @Leone
The strange sensation coursing through his body strengthened, almost to the point of causing Corvus pain. He called out to Pandora one more time, yelling "Come on! We gotta go! They're coming!," desperate to follow where the aura was leading him.

Suddenly a hideous looking gargoyle broke in through the window in his living room, landing on the floor in front of Corvus with a chthonic hiss. With lightning fast reaction speed, Corvus cracked a hole in time and space before drawing out a futuristic crossbow from the void.

With no time to spare, Corvus quickly pointed it at the oncoming demon and squeezed the trigger. Three explosive arrows shot out from the crossbow, embedding itself into the gargoyle before detonating, turning the creature into a flurry of airborne mystery meat missiles. Blood painted the once spotless living room, and not even the poor elf's face was saved from the mess. Hearing screams from the outside, Corvus's adrenaline pulsed through his body at frightening speeds as he knew the demons were coming. He called out one last time and quickly searched the other rooms. No sign of her...

A cold feeling crept up his shoulder, as images of a maimed Pandora flashed through his mind. No no no don't think that, he thought, panicked as he burst through the door and climbed to the roof of the apartment complex. He reloaded his crossbow with three more arrows and set the weapon to semi-automatic to save ammunition. Surveying the area, Corvus found that the backyard area was safe enough as an escape route. He made his way there manually and snuck past the incoming monsters, in search of Pandora as well as answering the aura that pulled him towards Tumble Hill Zoo.

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Shina woke up in an unfamiliar room. She got up and rubbed her head. "Ow ... That was one painful hit. Note to self, next time I verse a demon, don't get distracted." Hyip barked and jumped onto the bed, licking her face. "Oh hey, Hyip! If you're here I guess this is Enki's room." She laughed and pulled him off her face to get a good look around.

She whistled softly as she noticed how clean and organized the room was. "Not bad for a boy." Hyip barked again and tugged on her sleeve. "Hey! Quit that! Why are you-" She notices a book on the floor, which Hyip seemed to be dragging her toward. "Is that ... a journal?" She tentatively picked up the notebook, staring at it in her hands. "Enki's journal ... I wonder what he writes ..." She reached toward the cover but then retracted her hand. "No, no, no, it's not good to peek at other people's secrets!" She shook her head and placed the book on a nearby desk. She walked a few steps away, stopped, and turned to look at the book. Frowning, she stood there for a while, debating internally with herself. Hyip walked up to her and began to tug on her pants. "Oh, alright! If you want me to look so badly ... I really hope Enki doesn't mind ..."

She walked over to the desk and sat down. Opening the journal, she began to read from the very first page...

Columbus tensed, "Um....I not usually the planing guy, but let me try....Okay, from what I've seen from you all, this is what I got, Nyx, Marie, you guys stay at medium range, get in when you think the opportunity is right and you have a clear shot, Jay, you're the distraction, annoy him so he stays on you, if your worried about getting hit, don't be, because me and Miko will cover you with ranged magic."

@Lotusy @GingerBread @Thalia Raiz @Leone
"Or i could just run in and take this guy out" Nyx said before running towards the demon and trying to hit him, only to get backhanded back towards Everyone. "Maybe not then" Nyx said as he summoned Richard, who materialized beside him with a red glow

@LokiofSP @Lotusy @Leone @Thalia Raiz (I'm thinking of this demon like a mini boss :P )
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He Looked around to find out what was happening around he has seen stuff like this before. He saw a couple demons gaining up onto him, He grin before he started to fly in a circle, his aura sending another blast but stronger. Within the blast it destroyed the demons that surrounded him.
Hak grabbed Hinas hand and ran towards the direction of the voice, he remembered that there was a graveyard as he went to the zoo and back

(sorry in school ;P @OceanBunny@Momo Mix

didn't post in wrong chat or anything...
Pandora ran past the corner, throwing her snacks to the ground. The skies had grown dark, and demons began pouring out of hellish portals. She almost ran into a large devil, but it seemed to dismiss her. Fear, blood and discord filled the streets that Pandora hid from. She sighed deeply, pushing herself further into the dark alleyway.
Enki made his way out of the dorm room, he looked around for anyone to team up with but as he did a demon jumped him and crashed him to the ground. He painfully screamed "You bastard!" as he summoned his sword and sliced one of the legs of the demon, it let go allowing him to dig his sword through the monsters neck. As he did this he saw a portal on top of the library, "time to take it out I guess." He muttered as he approached the library.

(at school, boooo)
After a while of running they noticed devilish beings appearing from portals, "That's got to be the place right?" He says whilst looking back at Hina, "Yes master,I can sense much darker intentions coming from the centre inside those gates..." She replies. "Hummmmmm I guess its game time then" He says with a smirk and begins to unsheathe the cloth wrapped around the end of his Naginata, (he wraps it to prevent as much attention) They run around the corner into the graveyard noticing it was practically filled with these inhuman things, "I guess we will have to get serious then......LEVEL 1 MAGIC CAST: 1,000 Blades" He says whilst tearing through the black substance like aura.

@OceanBunny @Momo Mix

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