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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Shina screamed, "Wait!" and sent a kick at the demon on top of Enki. The demon screeched and released its hold, giving her just enough time to grab Enki and run off in the opposite direction. "We should stick together! These guys are from the Underworld. We don't know how powerful they are!"

She grabbed the boys again and continued to pull them toward the exit, dodging the demon striking at them from behind. "And stop breaking out of my grip! One slice from those claws and you're dead!"

@metalcity @Lotusy @GingerBread
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The green glow flows around Ebby's arms and legs before he floats to his feet. Looking up at the sky with all of the composure he can muster. "Hi again." He says not breaking eye contact with the dark void that is floating above their heads.

Duncan scanned his gaze lazily upward toward the sky, which had abruptly become dark. "What kind of school is this?" Raising a brow, he removed himself from the vending machine and instead stood in the center of the courtyard staring aimless towards the creatures pouring outward from the portals. Of course, Duncan had a hint of urgency within him, but all in the same, he felt at ease. Walking outward, back into the courtyard, Duncan spotted a figure running across the school grounds.
Hak walks back to school by himself after what happened at the zoo, although he wasn't just by himself, he had a snow tiger following him, Hak sighed soon after saying "Tskkk, do you need something" He said in a cold voice, the snow tiger then transformed into a human girl in which was around Willow's height, "P-Please make me your master!!!..." She says to him, "W-wait what....???!!" He said whilst totally confused, 'so basically what just happened is that a snow tiger as big as me was following me, suddenly turns into a smallish girl and then asks me to be her master?!? something tells me things are going to be weird when I get back to school' he thought whilst sighing. "I'm not really keen on having someone that will drag me down... can you prove your worthiness?" Hak asks the girl, "But of course master, what would you like me to do....? wait....don't tell me you want me to do sexual things with you?!?!" She says with a blushed face, "Seriously...what do you take me for...." He says whilst sighing again.

"You know what, sure, we will see what happens next once we get back to school...." He said having a bad feeling about what would happen, "Y-yes master!!!" she replies.

"Oh but actually, whats your name first before we head off?" He asks whilst tilting his head backwards looking at her, "M-my name is Hina..." Hina says,

"Hmmmmm... nice name, the names Hak...." Hak replied. "Let's get going then" He said whilst looking at her and then looking forward and beginning to walk, Hina ran up beside Hak and held onto his arm whilst his hands were in his pockets, they then proceeded to walk down the straight road for miles after being left behind at the zoo, Hak still wasn't really with it and he couldn't quite understand the situation so he just left it and went with it until he could understand what was happening in a more thorough manner.

They finally make it into the town just before the school, and begin walking through the town with Hak realizing he was supposed to get clothes whilst he was there previously, as they walked down the street, they attracted a lot of attention as you don't tend to see a boy holding a Naginata (for you that don't know to put it simple a pole arm spear, heres and image :) )


And a girl holding onto his arm tightly with puppy like ears and snow white hair, they find the nearest clothes shop and find some clothes that may fit Hak, they also find some clothes for Hina too due to the fact the only clothing she was wearing was a thin piece of cloth really... after some time they get dressed into their new clothes and begin walking yet again towards the school, " Y'know...I could do with getting a job... then we could actually get a house and more money easily, if it wasn't for the money I got sent by my grandfather a few days ago, I would be screwed right now..." He says soon after thinking 'Although I could get her working too, true I've only just met her a few hours ago, but she says I'm her master so I suppose she wouldn't mind making some money for us right?' , "Right, hows about we go job hunting tomorrow what do you say Hina?" He says to her "Job Hunting master? whats a job?!..." She replies. 'This could take some time it seems like she knows even less than me about the world...' He thinks whilst sighing. "A Job is something that we gain money from Hina, which means we could have a house and be happy" He says with a smile soon after realizing "O-oh but not that sort of happy!!!! I meant like we wouldn't have to sleep outside all the time and stuff..." He says whilst tilting his head, 'I think that's right...' He thinks soon after. "Well, if that would make you happy with me master then I will do anything..." She replies.

He sighs whilst saying
"Did you say that to your previous masters that you'd do anything for them?...." Shortly after realizing that she's probably never actually been outside that zoo really... Hina tilted her head, "Either way lets get going to school" He mumbled whilst smiling at her.
"We need to find that stupid hand." He said angrily knowing that he let this happen and not talk to her sooner. Then a demon jumped at them and grabbed them both pushing them on a wall "Shit!" @PhoenixFire13
Shina's head hit the wall, causing her vision to blur for a few seconds. "Ugh ... freaking... GET OFF ME!" She encased her hand with red flames and managed to stab the demon. It screeched but only squeezed harder. "Damn...."

Willow looks suspiciously up at the black void before hearing a familiar voice nearby. Spinning around she searches for where the voice came from. "Hak!?" She calls out excitedly. "Where are you?" She asks still searching the surrounding area.

@Momo Mix @CelestiaVanGuard
"Don't worry, I got this." Enki pushed him self back and put his legs on the wall. He slashed at the wall forcing a hole to form, Enki jumped through it and grabbed the demon and pulled it through, it's head smashed on the wall, letting go of Shina. "Kill it quick!" Enki shouted through the hole.

She landed on her feet, yelling, "Thanks!" before she charged toward the demon, a blue sword appearing in her hand. She sliced downwards and jumped back, pulling Enki back into the building before he could fall. She looked at the sword in amazement, "Whoa. Never knew I could make a sword."

Nyx unsheathed his daggers casting an incantation on the causing them to get a red glow once again, he looked at jay and offered one of his daggers to him "i suggest you take it this time" Nyx said his voice sounding demanding.

@Lotusy (If you do take the daggers the red glow around them could do something to you.)
Ebby (male) announces "Bone rattle!" causing the ground under the their feet to shake. Green energy ribbon trail into the ground around him causing the bones that lye below to crawl forth.

Demons begin to fly down from the portal.

@OceanBunny @CelestiaVanGuard
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"Key question is have you trained with a sword?" Enki looks around "We need to get out of here and think up a strategy." He looked around to see 3 more demons start to enter this world.

"Good point. Nope." Shina backed up as the demons advanced toward them. "So are we going to stick with Jay and Enki or should we separate? If we stick together, we can probably take these guys out, or at least deal enough damage to chase them away," She raised her sword to block a demon that pounced on her, "but if we separate into smaller groups, it's easier to maneuver and flee if we ever get into bad situations."

@GingerBread @metalcity @Lotusy
Grabbing one of the skeletons that arisen from the ground she pulls an arm off and smacks one of the demons over the head. "um... Willow? Right?... help." the other skeletons begin to fight off the other demons.

Shiroi attacks one of the demons, and Franki hides under Ebby's feet.

@OceanBunny @CelestiaVanGuard
"I think smaller groups would be best, as we need to locate the portals quicker. Each of us should hold our own in a fight, like I said looking at the past it would be best to have Nyx and Jay in a group and the 2 of us in another." Enki said preparing to summon a blue flame.

@PhoenixFire13 @GingerBread @Lotusy
Jay shook his head. "No thanks. I don't really use knives. He pulls out the golf club. "Actually, I have a plan." He runs over to Shina. "Really quickly, I need something. Ever heard of a 'spirit flame?' They're the ones that never go out or something. I need one of those. Don't ask why, but it'll help later. Trust me."

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Miyuki growls and attacks a demon that gets close to Willow. Frost spreads across the ground from her paws and into the demon through her teeth. Willow grows thorny vines from the ground and they whip around lashing out at demons near here. As a vine slams into the frozen demon he shatters into pieces. Her opponent gone she pounces on a new one. "What gate?" Willow calls out still looking for Hak.

@Momo Mix @CelestiaVanGuard
(I need a break ... so this is my last post for the day. Shina is fainting a bit too much though lol)

"What?" Shina slashed at the demon's hand and turned toward Jay. But the demon grabbed her and slammed her toward the wall. She fell onto the floor, unconscious.

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Bored of the scene. Rhianna became a shadow. Black and transparent. In her form. She touched a kid, the kid jumped and saw the shadow. He started to cry and scream and she stood there and watched him. But as his mother turned around, she turned invisible. She walked away and started to do it to multiple people. Five minutes later, crying children and screaming, inconsolable childre where heard all over the zoo.. And she was see. As well. She was quite amused. @Anyone
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"Close the portals! You can't! All my friends finally came and now you want them to leave? That's like inviting someone to a party and then telling them to leave once they arrive!" Marie said.
"Im in the graveyard.. fighting demons from the black portal.." Willow called out. Her vines slammed into another frozen demon, shattering it to pieces. Miyuki growled ferociously and jumped onto a tombstone using it to launch herself into the air. Twisting midair she slammed into a flying demon and sunk her teeth into its throat. She shook her head, tearing the creatures throat out as they fell to the ground.

@CelestiaVanGuard @Momo Mix


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