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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Ebby looks down at her frozen hand. "you don't want me to lick you back." She then looks up at Willow, "its nothing, i make dead things into living things all the time..." she pauses for a moment wondering were the pet that was following her went... "speaking of things brought back to life..." Ebby walks away almost completely forgetting what had happened.

(Someone grab that vial of unicorn tears and just give it to Shina ... Gonna whip those two idiots into shape the hard way D:< )

Shina stirred restlessly. She could sense that there was something going on around her but she still couldn't open her eyes.

Master ... the vampire is fighting with other boy.

Ugh, did Enki get dragged into his fight again?

No... The vampire keeps calling him Jay.

... Oh shoot. I need to wake up and stop them.

I'm sorry... I cannot risk lending you my strength again. We need those unicorn tears for your body to recover.

Shina hoped someone nearby knew telepathy and would be able to read her mind. Would anyone please pass those unicorn tears?
Willow turns towards Shina. She has a vague sense that she was trying to communicate but couldn't quite make it out since Shina is human and not an animal. Looking around she tried to figure out what the girl needed. Spotting a vial that looked like the one Jay Had used for the unicorn tears she picked it up and moved over to where Enki was holding Shina. She tipped the vial pouring some of the liquid into Shina's mouth, hoping this was what she needed.

@PhoenixFire13 @metalcity
(@OceanBunny FINALLY THANK YOU :D Now time to get down to business -cracks knuckles-)

Shina could feel something being tipped into her throat. She swallowed the liquid and her body began to get warmer. After a few seconds, she opened her eyes. She jumped to her feet and looked at the person who gave her the liquid to thank her. To her surprise, it was the girl she had fought against in the game. "Um, thanks..." She turned and saw the infirmary burnt, destroyed, demolished, (insert more destruction words here). And in the center of the whole mess was a certain vampire.

Her entire body went tense and she charged toward Nyx in amazing speed. She ripped his hands off of Jay and slapped him across the cheek so hard he flew out the door, or what was left of the door, and through the wall. She walked over to him and created a fire barrier around him, trapping him within. Then she sat down before him and crossed her arms, glaring at him from the other side.

"I'm at my limit. I really am. And if you don't sit down, shut up, and listen like a good vampire, I'm going to have you turn into a vampire kitten. And have Chloe chop off your limbs one by one. Have I made myself clear?"

@GingerBread @Lotusy @metalcity @Momo Mix (I forgot who else is there O.o )
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Willow giggles as she watches Shina set Nyx straight. It was quiet amusing to see the violent vampire put in his place. 'I like her, she's strong.' Miyu tells Willow, a smile on her voice. "Yes, she is quite strong." Willow smiles down at Miyu and Ruffles her furr.
Nyx sighed "You seem to forget, i'm more powerful than you" Nyx said going to grab his daggers only to realize they were on the floor and not in there sheaths, he glared before muttering an incantation causing Richard to explode into a shower of blood extinguishing the fire barrier around him.

Nyx glared at shina
"If we're going to talk, then we will talk when i want to, not when you want to, Girl" he said harshly to shina.

"I Would to prefer to get back to what i'm doing rather than hear you make up fights again" Nyx said glaring at Shina

(@GingerBread I didn't lock Richard in with you though ...)

Shina sighed, quickly losing the rest of her patience. "Alright, I'm fine with the kitten way too. I'm sure you'll make a nice cat." She walked over to the girl who had gave her the unicorn tears and whispered in her ear, "I'm sorry to do this but, uh ... The only way to stop him now without ... ahem, killing him, would be to use your blood to turn him into a cat. Do you mind?" She smiled shyly and gave her a piece of broken glass she found on the floor and the empty vial that once held unicorn tears.

"In the meantime ..." she turned and grabbed Nyx by the shirt collar. "This is your last warning to stop being a dick like Enki said or-" She paused for a second as she heard Fiona whisper in her mind. "You know what, good idea. Let's just have you be a kitten. You can be the first to be eaten by devils." She started to drag him over to the fairy girl.

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"Talking is better than fighting." Willow says to Nyx. "Then people don't get hurt." She looks over at Ebby as she reanimates Richard and shudders lightly. "A bunny? He'll become a bunny?" Willow says confused. She looks down at the glass in her hand before slicing it across her palm. Her blood drips into the vial. She looks back up to see Shina dragging Nyx towards her.

(Vampire kitten with bat wings time!!
@GingerBread @PhoenixFire13 @Momo Mix @metalcity)
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Shina grinned evilly as she pushed Nyx onto his knees and forced his jaw open. "Yup, a kitten. A cute little kitten. I think he's better off as a harmless kitten." She giggled.

(@GingerBread ok now, your choice. To be a kitten or to not be a kitten. @OceanBunny Don't have him drink it until he chooses)
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"i Tried being nice" Nyx muttered before commanding the blood in the vial to shoot towards shina, doing nothing more than causing her to loosen her grip giving him enough time to get up and move away.

"Do you people not have functioning brains, don't try to use blood against someone who controls it" Nyx said in an annoyed tone whilst preparing himself for a fight.

@OceanBunny @PhoenixFire13 (The kitten can wait, need to fix the ship :P )
Az Followed from afar, making sure not to be by seen by anyone. He flew closer to the ground just to be safe.
(@metalcity Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu)

Shina smiled gratefully at Enki but sent out a barrier of orange flames that trapped the purple flame. "Thanks, Enki, but I think the problem needs to be resolved between the two of them now. He's calmed down a bit. No need to use force anymore."

@GingerBread @Lotusy Go, go!
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'These people are amusing.' Miyuki's voice filled Willow's head with tinkling laughter. She snuggled closer to Willow, a light frost covering her lap. 'That they are Miyu. I wish they would not fight though, Hopefully they make up soon.' Willow keeps their conversation silent not wanting to interrupt her friends. She watched curiously, waiting to see how things would turn out, and if her blood would really be needed.
Enki looked at the flame If it doesn't burn, how did he knock me out with it. Also... Enki thought to him self as a purple fire arm burst out of where the sethered arm was de-attached "Wow that worked" he said in confusion. Enki then placed a glove over where a hand should be and moved the fire to fill the gaps. "Fine, sorry for trying to use force. Didn't mean to." He said sadly.

@PhoenixFire13 @OceanBunny @GingerBread
Jay cautiously approached Nyx. "So... you aren't going to hurt me this time? No more breaking my ribs?" He slowly came to a halt. "Can you tell me what was wrong now?"

Shina watched in amazement as the purple fire created an arm out of Enki's body. "Wow! Didn't know that purple flames could do that! Pretty cool." She saw that the purple flames in her barrier had disappeared so she cancelled out her flames and stepped back to stand beside Enki, allowing Jay to talk to Nyx privately.

"And I'm sorry too. For having you worry about me. I'm hot-headed at times so I often jump into conclusions and make rash decisions. I must be a really bad friend." she tried to smile as if it wasn't anything important but it was a sad smile.

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Nyx walked over to Jay picking up his daggers on the way "I think this conversation best stay private don't you?" Nyx asked, not waiting for an answer he created a solid blood dome around him and Jay

"The problem is that you lied to me, you said you didn't but i don't believe you, why else would you make an excuse when i came to talk to you?"

Jay sighed. "Alright, here it goes. I tried to keep this as a secret, which was why I needed to push you away. You see, there's this project I'm working on. Supposedly, it's able to allow me to heal more than one person. The only problem is, I have to extract 2 liter of my own blood to make it work. I was trying to hide that, since it would only make other people worried, or even avoid me. Remember that blood you had earlier? It was mine. It's been my little project, drawing out blood for this... potion. That's why I couldn't let you in. It's not that I hated you, but just that I never really wanted to show anybody." He took a deep breath. "Does that fix the problem?"

Enki "No no, its fine. Your a great friend, your so unpredictable and that's what makes you so interesting to be around. So don't sweat it." He said as Hyip started to happily bark at Shina and started to lick her. "Urg, Dog stop it." he said as he pushed the dog in his hoddie, the dog seemed to like it.


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