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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Jay looked with a hint of satisfaction as the peacock smahsed into the tank. As it collapsed, he let out a small sigh of relief. He began to walk away, but suddenly, he couldn't tear his eyes off of the peacock. "Yo. Don't look at me like that. You tried to kill me." He took a few more steps. "Oh, come on!" He runs back to the peacock. "You are so lucky that I'm as stupid as I am," he muttered. He healed the peacock, and took a few steps away.

The peacock eyed the boy suspiciously, before gingerly taking a few steps towards him and letting out a small sound of thanks. the peacock started to walk away back to it's home.

"I'll never understand this world." Jay walked out of the aquarium. He saw the chaos in the zoo continuing, but decided to not join in. "I think I've had enough for today." He walks out of the zoo, and gets on the golf cart, speeding back towards the school.

As he arrives, he runs to the infirmary. He walks over to Nyx's room, and uncorks the bottle of unicorn tears. He opens Nyx's mouth, pouring out half of the flask's contents.

(@GingerBread are you ready to come back to life?)
'Are you okay?' Willow directed her thoughts at a snow leopard that was trapped under a fallen tree. 'Who are you?' A scared voice responded. 'I can't move.' 'My name is Willow. I'll help you get out.' Willow made her voice sound soft and reassuring inside the frost leopards head. She grew vines from the ground that wrapped around the tree and started to lift it from on top the leopard. 'There you go. What's your name?' Willow asked as the leopard moved from beneath the tree. She let the tree drop back to the ground once the feline was free. 'My name is Miyuki. Thank you for freeing me.' Miyu replied as she bounded over to the fairy and licked her face.

(I was supposed to go with you Dx
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Leon was glad that he didn't have to answer any more questions about what it's like to be a centaur. But just like that, another question came up about his fighting ability. Leon scratched the nape of his neck a little as he thought on it, "Well Yato, I'm more of a hunter than a fighter. I have a spear and a bow, for self defense and hunting. If I fight it's normally to kill, but I guess I have a bit of knowledge in combat." Leon could already tell where this was heading, he could sense it.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Columbus looked at Jay leave and then looked at the chaos on the ground, he winced, "Yeah....I think I'll just leave now..." He kicked the Griffon and headed back to campus.

He stopped at the hill and began to hover a few hundred feet above the ground, he looked down at his ride,
"You know what? I like you, I think I'll keep you." He hugged the bird, "I'll call you Little Rock and you can be the coolest pet ever, and I can ride you, and you can live on my fire escAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPEEEE!" The bird dumped Columbus off it's back and began to fly away screeching. Columbus hit the dirt hard and groaned in pain, turning over, "Okay....That's fine.....I get the message..."
Ebby walks out of the Zoo dragging a brood soaked bag behind her. *whistles* She makes her way back to the school.

(bag contains parts of many animals and some of the guards parts)

The Frankenstein cat follows behind not knowing what it was before and trying to stay near the first thing that it remembers.
Nyx feels his body get stronger, he opened his eyes to see Jay in front of him, he expression turning to one of anger. Nyx saw Richard pounce at jay with intent to kill, he pushed jay out of the way of the attack "Richard, don't attack" he said glaring at jay before muttering

"I'm the one who gets to kill him"

@Lotusy (hell yeah)
Willow giggles as Miyuki licks her face. "We should get you to the infirmary." Willow says out loud as she notices Miyu's injured leg. "I'm not sure how well I can fly with you though.." She sighs, trying to figure out a way to carry her new friend. Suddenly the leopards shifts into a humanoid form. "Is this better?" She asks shyly, not knowing why she trusts the fairy so much and uncomfortable in her kemonomimi form after so long. "Wow. Yes, this will work better." Willow gives Miyu a bright smile moving to wrap her arms around her before jumping into the air. She shivers lightly as frost covers her skin. Miyu blushes lightly as she carried through the skies and tries to keep her frost to a minimum so she doesn't freeze her new friend. Landing outside the infirmary Willow sets Miyuki down on the ground. "Come on, let's go get the leg looked at." She says as she heads into the building. Miyu shifts back to her leopard form not trusting any of the other people that may be around. She follows Willow into the infirmary cautiously.

@GingerBread @Lotusy @PhoenixFire13 @metalcity

(I think that's everyone in the infirmary yes?)
Chloe knelt down next to the dog, she had a fluffy black outer coat and a white under belly. She was so cute but great fully hurt, Chloe looked down on the dog and then she picked it up. The dog looked into her eyes and started to sniff, then lifted her head and licked Chloe's face. "So cute" she said looking down on the dog, then she started to dig her head into the dogs chest and rubbed up and down "SO CUTE!!!" She shouted as the dog gave a happy bark. Chloe went to a food stand and feed to dog. The dog sat on her head and Chloe went back to the school.
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Enki returned to his body, he was out of breath and gasped for oxygen. "Dammit, I need answers." He said to him self. Enki lifted himself of the ground and saw Shina still in bed "I'm sorry." He said then sat back in his chair.
Willow burst into the infirmary with Miyuki following behind. She noticed a girl in a bed with a boy next to her, turning to the other side of the room she saw Nyx and Jay. She ran over to Jay, "Can you help her? A tree fell and hurt her leg." She said hopefully indicating the frost leopard watching warily from the doorway.

@Lotusy @GingerBread @metalcity @PhoenixFire13
"Sure!" He dropped his backpack, and began ruffling through it. He picked out some gauze and some over-the-corner APAP variant. "So, what's the problem? Is it broken, or just hurt?" He pulls out the tape, and looks quizzically at the leopard.

"It's fractured I think." Willow says to Jay before crouching down and calling Miyuki over. "It's okay girl, he's friendly, just going to bandage your leg for you." She said reassuringly. Miyuki walked slowly towards them, keeping her back left paw off the ground.

"Well, alright, I'm sure I can help." He grabs some papers from his bag, and rolls the up. "I'm not big on leopard anatomy, but I'm sure a splint would work fine for this purpose." He places the rolled up papers by the leg, and wraps it. "Keep her off that leg from now on, if that's possible. This will be temporary, just to make sure the fracture doesn't move much. It would help if we had little leopard crutches..." He chuckles to himself.

Nyx stood up and went and retrieved his daggers putting them back in their sheaths and walked over to Richard

"When i fight jay stop anyone who tries to break it up, but don't kill them" Nyx said to richard quietly so no one else could hear.

He Stood next to Richard waiting for Jay to finish patching up Willows leopard, he glared at willow for delaying his fight.

@Lotusy @OceanBunny
Miyuki cocks her head to the side as Jay patches her leg. She can hear a girl calling to bring out the dead. Looking at the vampire she thinks 'he's dead..' She pounces, biting into his arm and pulling him towards the door.

@Lotusy @GingerBread @Momo Mix
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(Oooh, get 'im!)

Jay jumped out of the way as the leopard pulled Nyx away. "Welp... I hope he's awake. I'm sure he can fight his way out of this one." He turns around to see a panther sitting by the bed. "This is new. Are you the one who mauled him earlier?"
Nyx felt a sharp pain in his arm as he was dragged towards the door By willows snow leopard before Nyx could react richard started to run towards the leopard tackling it to the ground, richards sharp teeth on it's neck daring it to try something.

Nyx walked over to Jay and took out one of his daggers and glared at Jay before flipping around so he was holding by the blade and offered it to jay, he then took out his other dagger "We're fighting now!" Nyx says anger in his voice

@OceanBunny @Lotusy
Chloe came into the infermary, she saw a girl shouting "Sorry, don't have any." Chloe said with a smile. She then proceeded into Shina's room and closed the door, "guess what I got you." She said as the dog leaped off of her head and landed on Enki's lap. His chair fell back and crashed on the floor.

"What is this you got me." Enki said awkwardly.

"She's Hyip, your new dog. And if u say no I'll cry and Maka will not be happy." She said smiling. Then she left and the dog sat on Enki's face.
Ebby pops her head into the infirmary still screaming, "bring out your dead!". Seeing that people are about to fight she throws the bag into the room and screams, "NINE PENCE!" At the same time she burst into flames revealing her male form once again. "Not again..." Ebby (male) looks himself over before cracking his neck for what ever happens next.

@OceanBunny @metalcity @Lotusy @PhoenixFire13 @GingerBread

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