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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Chloe walked around the zoo, she saw many cool looking animals, but none of them where a rabbit. Sadness filled her eyes, and she started to cry but suddenly she heard squeaking come form one of the exhibits. Her eyes sparkled as she heard this and she started to jump with glee, she approached the squeaking and saw a rabbit "URG ME GOD!" she gigglishly screamed as she broke open the glass window, then the rabbit pounced onto her arm, she cried with joy as she started to pet it, it was so fluffy and cute. It looked at her and squeaked again before biting her arm off. Chloe's eyes grow with anger "that was not cute." she said in a devilish way. then in one motion she decapitated it. "DON'T LIE TO ME WITH CUTENESS!!!!!" she shouted as she started to hack and slash at all the exhibits,


@PhoenixFire13 @GingerBread @LokiofSP @Lotusy @OceanBunny @CelestiaVanGuard @Momo Mix @DarknessSpirit (someone else I think but cant remember sry ;- ;)
Boring. Boring. Ugh what's the point in coming here? Rhianna glumly thought to herself. Just then she watched as a girl ran up to a bunny then insanely decapitated it, yelling at it as well. Rhianna smirked a amused smile. Finally something worth watching. And she watched silently from a distance. In a more shadier spot.

"Yeah they are cute Willow, shall we go look at the ones over there too?" He responded whilst looking at Willow, "I've never been to a zoo nor have I actually seen these animals you speak of before, but they look nice right? I wonder if they can talk? we use to have familiars in our village and we would use them for chores and such, they use to talk but I'm sure they took on a form like this too..." He says whilst scratching his head, "Oh well may as well enjoy the most of it whilst we can I guess..." He says whilst pulling Willow along to the next part of the zoo. Hak looked at the sign as it said 'Lions (Big Cats)' "Hmmmm... what are lions or these so called 'Big Cats' Willow? WAIT....DON'T TELL ME THEY ARE BEASTS THAT ARE HERE TO DESTROY THE EARTH BUT ARE BEING HELD CAPTIVE HERE AND THE SECOND THEY BREAK FREE THEY WILL MASSACRE EVERYTHING?!?!?" Hak says with an unsettled face....."No probably just me thinking that right?" He says with a dumbfounded face, they walk up to the fence whilst still holding hands and see these creature like things inside a cage: (sorry couldn't find a better image ;P)


"Wow....... they look like a family...and those little creatures look cute..." He says whilst his eyes brighten up, "Are we allowed in the cages?!?!?" He says whilst wanting to go see them closer.

"Whew. Good one, Columbus." Jay takes his club back from the unconscious guard, then walks into the room. There were monitors everywhere, each one showing different parts of the zoo. "Hey, do you know how to turn these things off?"

"I don't know if they can talk like we do. I've heard that some can.. Tho I've never met any. I can talk to all animals though." Willow says while walking with Hak. "Big cats are just felines that are larger than dogs." She giggles as they walk under the sign. "A family group of lions is called a pride. I don't think we're supposed to go in but since we're hear for a raid I'd we can." She says with a smile as abeles sober the fence. "Chloe's breaking most of the cages anyway. The animals are really excited to be out of them. They'll chase the patrons out for us too." She grins at Hak before flipping over the fence and tumbling into the lion pen. Landing lightly beside one she scratches the adolescents years.

@Momo Mix @CelestiaVanGuard @metalcity @LokiofSP @Lotusy
Chloe ran round rampant, smashing any cages in sight "WHY ARE NONE OF YOU CUTE!!!" she said running round, tears flooded out of her eyes. Not seeing where she was going she ran into Hak, knocking him over making the two fall onto the floor. She cried on him "WAAAAAAAA, THERE'S NO CUTE BUNNYS!!!" she cried out.

@OceanBunny @CelestiaVanGuard
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Guard #4 saw what looked like a demon girl, smashing up the animal cages, he un-holstered his pistol and aimed it at the girl

"Ma'am! i suggest you stop or i will Shoot!"

(You knocked Hak over I'm in the lion pen @metalcity)

Willow looked up from the lion to see Chloe knock Hak over. "It's okay Chloe, I can get you a bunny of you want.. There's one on campus I was talking to the other day." She calls up, hoping to console her upset friend.
"Well, there's no use worrying." Jay hit the button saying <Stop feed>, and the screens went blank. He then smashed the monitors and the control borad for good measure, before walking back outside. He sent Democritus out. "Go! Fly!"

He ran out into the park. Now, to find those unicorns...

@OceanBunny @metalcity @CelestiaVanGuard @Momo Mix
Guard #4 eye's widen as he see's a fireball heading towards him, "Holy crap"

he said as the fireball knocked him back and set him on fire causing him to let out a scream of pain.

Guard #5 upon hearing the scream, started running towards the location of the noise, when he got there he saw a demon girl with hints of fire still in her hand and guard #4 on the ground on fire. Not taking any chances Guard #5 started shooting at the demon.

@metalcity (it's going down for real, Guard #5 can be a terrible shot if you want )
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c50abaed7_16evensmaller.gif.0a90cde2b125d965fa1ab43490210581.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79723" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c50abaed7_16evensmaller.gif.0a90cde2b125d965fa1ab43490210581.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Kurotani Yato

Yato kept up his attempts at avoiding eye contact, it's normal. Shaking his head lightly when Leon asked if it looked like he could skate. His hands reached up and scratched at the back of his own neck at the same time, "No..." Yato's brow raised a bit at the mention of Leon being a proud stallion, causing his expression to grow into that of a disgusted one...or one that you make when something stinks. "A stallion?...That...sounds disgusting." Of course, he's only saying this because he has no idea what a stallion is. Lifting his drink, Yato took a few sips from it before replacing the lid and letting out a refreshed exhale. His eyes narrowed at the large stallion...with a bit of human. The corners of his mouth shot down in a manner that usually indicates someone just messed up. However, Yato's was because he was still slightly creeped out. "Do people...ever ask to ride you?" He doesn't mean it that way. "Like...how do you sleep? Standing up?"




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"LET ME BE HAPPY, IM GETTING A FREAKING BUNNY!!!!! YOU BRAT!!" she shouted still standing on top of Hak she throw another fire ball at the floor, the blast made the bullets stop in there tracks, then she throw another at the guard. Her face went back to joy as she looked back at Willow, "What's the wabbit called?" she said as her eyes sparkled.

@GingerBread @OceanBunny
Seeing the fire ball coming Guard #5 took out his baton "Batter up!" he said as he hit the fireball back in the direction of the demon

@metalcity (magic batons are a lifesaver xD )
"Her name was Eva." Willow said as she flew up to land on the fence behind Chloe and Hak. As she looked at the guards vines began to grow from the ground. They wrapped around the guard, holding his arms against his sides and lifting him off the ground. Willow's eyes sparkled with anger. "Don't try to just my friends!" She yelled at the guard.

@metalcity @GingerBread @CelestiaVanGuard
Enki sat there, he was meditating. His mind flooded with thoughts of everything: war, hate-rid, genocide. Trying to access Enball was hard, all things that brought hell on earth scared his mind but he couldn't give up. His body started to suffer from this knowledge, he screamed out in pain as he rolled around on the floor, then his heart stopped. Dead. He entered the world in his mind, he saw the seal Enball was locked behind. Enki walked over and destroyed the seal. Enball opened one eye.

"Have you came to grant me your body, Mr.four?" His voice echoed and knocked Enki back.
"she messed with the zoo" the guard shouted back while trying to struggle out of the vines that had a tight grasp on him

@OceanBunny (you still up for making nyx a kitten later? )
(Well of course xD @GingerBread )

"She just wants a bunny!! It's not her fault you don't have one!!" Willow yells angrily at the guard. Turning back to Chloe she smiles. "She's a light tan with black and gray spots." She tells her friend.

"And i wanted to be a doctor, i didn't destroy places just because i didn't get what i want" Guard #5 yelled back in anger still struggling to get out of the vines

@OceanBunny (Any idea of how to get it to happen? )
Columbus ran back around, just like Jay said there was crazy everywhere. Guards fighting, animals roaming freely, it was all crazy.

Still fun though.

He knew he was supposed to be getting a Unicorn tear, but he also figured clearing the escape would be a good thing to do, so he scoured the Zoo until he came across one pen in particular. He smiled and climbed atop it, and after a few tries was able to control it, he kicked it, "Lets go see if we can't empty this Zoo!"

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Because of being shaken around by the vines, Guard #5 started to feel sick "i knew i shouldn't've had that egg roll" he muttered to himself before projectile vomiting in the girls direction.

(Morning all)

Az look towards the exit and notice it was open, He didnt even know how it opened in the first place. He then flew put of the cage and into the air. He then looked down towards everyone, He was quite noticeable.

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