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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Whoa!" Jay stubles back. "Democritus! C'mon!" At that instant, the ten pigeons dove down, scratching at the guard's face. Jay steeled his iron (lol pun) and swung, aiming straight for his- well, *ahem*.

(@GingerBread What a dirty player.)
Guard #1 swatted at the pigeons before feeling a sharp pain in his family Jewels, he dropped to the floor his hands around his Family jewels in case the boy tried to hit him there again.

He grabbed at the radio on his shirt sending out a message to the other guards in the park "Attention! All guards! there is teenager wearing a White mask, roaming the zoo, he has already assaulted me and trespassed in the security room"

@Lotusy (Well that was a good move wasn't it xD )
Rhianna roamed the zoo. Look at at the smiles and happiness and joy. So... Unfamiler. Fools. She wore a black beanie, a black leather jacket, a black tank top, and grey skinny, ripped jeans, with black knee high leather boots. She saw a odd sight of pigeons and a man, and watched, leaning against a tree, a shadow overcasting her.
Leon smiled as he faced the stranger, "That's better, my name is Leon." The large centaur then threw away the bag of chips before turning back to the stranger, "Now, who might you be?" Leon was at least happy that he didn't send the stranger off running because he was half horse. Leon pondered why he was so scared of animals in the first place, but Leon decided that now wasn't the time to ask that question.

@Suzumaki Arakai
@GingerBread I gotchu! Running there right now xD Can't stop laughing at that assault

Guard #2 hears the transmission and runs toward the security office. He spots the suspicious boy mentioned and pulled out his gun while running toward him.

"Freeze! Hands in the air! You are under arrest for assaulting an officer!"

(But ya know what they say, "If you don't succeed, try, try again!")

By now, a small group of security officers were starting to run toward the security office. Guard #2's radio emitted static before the following message was delivered: "Guard #2, Guard #2, have you found the intruders? I repeat, Guard #2, have you found the intruders? Answer, Guard #2!"

(Better start running, guys :P )

@Lotusy @LokiofSP @OceanBunny @metalcity @CelestiaVanGuard @Momo Mix
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c50aca5ea_18evensmaller(1).gif.51c46decec3f444094036863ca17a2e4.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79727" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c50aca5ea_18evensmaller(1).gif.51c46decec3f444094036863ca17a2e4.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Kurotani Yato

His expression still nonchalant, Yato continued to stare up at the guy he now knew as Leon. Puckering his bottom lip, he gave a little nod of the head and shook a finger at the other, "Hmm...strange name." When Leon turned around to throw away his chips, Yato stepped towards him on his tip-toes to see the difference in their height, then quickly faded back to the position he stood in before, just in time to avoid being caught in the act. A nervous laugh escaped him, avoiding eye contact. "Me?..Hah, I'm...Uhh~...Kurotani? Yato?" Why it sounded like he was questioning the name himself confuses even me, the narrator. Yato doesn't usually loiter around and chit-chat, he just loiters instead. So this is kind of new to him. Funny how things seem to be so peaceful here, but somewhere else on campus there are teens knocking out security guards. That thought randomly passed through Yato's mind, but he shrugged it off as a funny and random comedy skit, silently laughing to himself. He was trying to avoid focusing on the fact that this guy has...horse for legs, and averted his gaze in all different directions; trashcans, benches, birds that aren't there, etc. When things, the silence to be more specific, started to get awkward, Yato gave a forced smile and turned around as though he were about to leave, but changed his mind and faced Leon once more. "Uhhh~....So....can you skate?..." After asking this, he narrowed his eyes a bit and straightened his mouth out in an awkward manner, looking off to the side through the corner of his eyes. "...Actually...n-no- you probably can't...I mean...with..." He twitched his hand a bit, pointing at Leon's...horse. "...pony."




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the gun Guard #2 was holding dropped next to Guard #1, seeing an opportunity he grabbed the gun and stood up, the pain still present in his Nether region. He pointed the gun at the boy who had just knocked the other guard unconscious

"I Suggest you drop your weapon unless you want a couple of bullet holes"

upon hearing backup on the radio, he grabbed his own before saying "guard #2 is down! i repeat guard #2 is down"

@Lotusy @LokiofSP @PhoenixFire13 (Right now seeing how many idioms for the, you know... i can get before this guard is out for the count)
Columbus didn't say anything, panic setting in as he realized how terribly things were already going. He then came to a realization, 'Wait....I could take control of this situation whenever I want...' So he stood there for a few moments, letting his body go limp while he stood. He began to limp at the guard, letting his skin grey and decay while he still had his mask on. Every few seconds a gurgling sound could be heard from under the mask.

(Lets spice this up a tad
@GingerBread ) @Lotusy @PhoenixFire13
Az was curled up in one of the cages at the zoo, He looked translucent and had a gemstone in the center of his chest.
Leon raised a eyebrow as he heard Yato ask if he could skate, "Does it look like I can skate? And would you stop calling me a pony! I'm a proud stallion if anything." Leon could almost immediately tell that either Yato was scared because of Leon's massive stature, or didn't want to be involved in a conversation with him. He still found it odd that Yato even bothered to ask if he could skate, clearly there was something going on in that head of his, "You alright there Yato? You're kinda stuttering there."

@Suzumaki Arakai
Guard #3 appeared on the scene and quickly understood the situation. Guard #1 was trying to restrict that boy with the grey skin. Guard #2 was passed out on the ground. He spoke into the radio before running toward Guard #1 to back him up, "Intruders spotted! I repeat, intruders spotted! Two teenage boys with white masks. Suggests possibility of multiple accomplices. Search for white masks. Repeat, search for white masks!"

@Lotusy @LokiofSP @GingerBread
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seeing the boy in front of him, skin start to decay Guard #1 started to back up into the wall behind him shouting once again

"Sir! if you come any closer i will have to shoot"

@Lotusy @LokiofSP @PhoenixFire13 (Watch the gun be like one of the guns in cartoons where a flag saying bang comes out)
Jay ran up to guard #3. "Hey! What's two plus two?" He swung his club at the guard's chest. "The answer was fore, btw... damn. I really missed that opportunity."

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Columbus didn't heed the cops warning, instead he used Jay's taking out of Guard #3 to finally take his chance, he rushed the man and tackled him to the ground, swinging widely and hoping to hit something as his vision was practically useless.

Guard #1 was tackled to the ground as he was the boy who had tackled him was on top on him swing wildly at him hitting him repeatedly in the face.

Guard #1 having enough of this Swung a punch at the boy's head

@LokiofSP (Guard #1 is getting fed up xD )
(Guard #1 is one tough SOB, is he Hulk Hogan or something?)

Columbus staggered for a moment and blindly reached for his pipe, he grabbed it and gave the guard one last hard swing across the jaw.

(Guard #1 is being a very good guard though)

Guard #3 turned around and screamed "Four!" in surprise. With some mysterious luck, he had managed to dodge the assault when he turned.

"Thank god for that math teacher I had in elementary school..." he mumbled to himself before grabbing onto the club to pull it out of the boy's grasp.

@Lotusy @LokiofSP @GingerBread
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Not having any time to react, the metal pipe connected with his jaw with a sickening crack as his jaw was dislocated, that sound was the last thing guard #1 heard as his whole world went black

(I know this isnt in OOC but I thought it would be the best way to let people know, For Az, He doesnt have to be your familiar but if you do all you need to do is touch the gemstone in the center of his chest and he will be your familiar)
Columbus just sat there for a few moments, he couldn't hear, he couldn't see, he couldn't do anything. He put back up the smells as his world opened up again, he picked up his pipe again and rushed Guard #2, "INSERT SOME EQUALLY COOL LINE AS WHAT THE OTHER GUY SAID HERE!" He swung it like a baseball bat at his head.

(@LokiofSP Guard #3 owo Guard #2 is currently passed out on the floor with a headache)

Guard #3 turned to see a bat flying at his face. It connected with his perfectly straight teeth that took 3 years of braces to get and sent him flying 5 feet away. "Uwah... I dun git it, teetchaa." And fainted.

(And RIP Guards #1, 2, and 3. Gonna sleep now so night guys~)

@Lotusy @GingerBread
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