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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Shina smiled gratefully as she took Enki's hand. They walked to the room next door and found Nyx on the floor. She glared down at him before her expression softened. Sighing, she knelt down and place her hands on his wounds. The orange flames around them started to heal the wounds and stop the blood.

"Oi, depressed vampire. I trust you're not going to jump me or Enki the second I heal you right? Cause I can still return the pain to you."

@metalcity @GingerBread
Ebby becomes fascinated with the colors on the ground and runs over to look at them. "Yeah, yeah friends uh-huh" she says in a disinterested way and becomes engrossed in the colors. "Zoo, sure... pretty" Ebby seams to be lost again and is stuck just following Willow.

@OceanBunny @LokiofSP
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"Well you still owe me a fight" Nyx said before adding "But not right now, i need to find Jay" Nyx said attempting to stand up, but found he couldn't lift himself up as he was too weak, he decided to stay on the ground.

"But as you're here you could tell me what happened to me, i doubt your weakling of a boyfriend did this much damage to me"

@PhoenixFire13 @metalcity
Shina glared at Nyx and raised a foot as if to step on him. "We had our fight. Just now. Don't tell me you forgot."

Master, can I kick this man in the crotch a second time?

No, I think we kicked him there one too many times today. But good suggestion.

She turned to Enki and gestured at two stools nearby. "I'll start talking. Make yourself comfortable? And you," she turned back to Nyx on the ground, "can stay there if you're too weak to get up. This conversation involves you too."

Shina sat down on one of the stools and went limb for a while before permitting Fiona to take control again.

"Now, to continue what we were talking about ... Vampire, do you feel any abnormalities since that time you absorb a bit of the blue flames yesterday? I understand that devil boy here was able to extract the fire from you before you were disintegrated but just in case."

@metalcity @GingerBread
Fiona glared at the vampire boy, her eyes flashing in annoyance, "Where do you think you got those injuries from? Where do you think my master got these injuries from? Remember or I will have to use force to make you remember." She summoned a blue flame on her hand.

@GingerBread @metalcity
"Glad to see we met eye to eye out side of battle" Enball laughed. Then his laughter stopped when Enki stabbed him self again.

"Looks like this is the only way to keep him from taking over." Enki said at Fiona before coughing up blood.

@PhoenixFire13 @GingerBread
(Sorry for delays and shtuff, personal problems)

Pandora stirred awake to the sound of her stomach grumbling hungrily. She stood up, groaning and stretching herself out. She smiled, looking to the side to see that Corvus was still sleeping soundly. She wandered over into the kitchen, to have a look at whatever may be in the fridge. She noticed her dinner made up from last night, but it was cold so she decided not to eat it. Sighing, Pandora went back to grab her hoodie and head out the door to find some convenience store to steal from.
Fiona got ready to throw the fireball at the vampire. "My master is Shina. Although devil boy here would be better off without Enball inside him." She was forced to stop as Enball momentarily took over the boy again.

She sighed and went over, healing the wound again. "I would appreciate it if you stop popping out, Enball. We're trying to hold a conversation. If you want to come out, at least ask permission from your master."

@GingerBread @metalcity
(@PhoenixFire13 Just a heads up, if Shina and Nyx can move around perfectly fine like right now, there won't be any motivation to go to the zoo. Though it sounds weird, could you act a little more hurt for a while? Also, Shina gets healing powers too? D:that makes Jay utterly useless now.)

(Lots of dialogue incoming, adding bold for quotes.

"I'm glad you asked, Columbus and Willow." Jay walks in front of the small assembled group, then began to pace back and forth. "You see, it's my friends. They're in desperate need of help, and unicorn tears are the only way to save them. Of course, I can't just punch unicorns at the zoo, I'd get arrested." He stopped pacing. "That's where you come in." He picked out a white mask, and threw it to Columbus. "We'll break in. In response to your earlier question, Columbus, this cart can seat about three people. You, me, and someone else will take it ahead of time, to the zoo. We'll disable the security. Meanwhile, the rest of us will move into the park." He lifted up Democritus. "When you see this brown pigeon with the green ribbon, go nuts. Scare away the park visitors." He put the bird down. "Now," he said, "You might be wondering, 'What's in it for me?' Well, that's a great question." He lifts up two small rocks. With security and visitors gone, we get the whole zoo to ourselves." He snaps the two rocks together. "And, the zoo is your oyster." He grins devilishly. "Mythical pets, free tours, open rides, your wildest dreams can come true."

"Now, who's with me?"

@LokiofSP , @OceanBunny
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"All you guys have done is come in here and lie to me. i don't see how any of this involves me or why i should care" Nyx said sounding annoyed

"I doubt we did fight anyway, you're still alive" Nyx added in a cocky tone

@PhoenixFire13 @metalcity

(@Lotusy Nyx is face down on the ground, he can't move :P )
"Sounds like fun." Willow says excitedly. Pausing she frowns, "no one will get hurt during the raid will they?" She asks hopefully not wanting to be involved in anymore fighting.

At this point Ebby will blindly follow Willow off of a cliff and not know the difference. The world around her is not even raising a glance. Ebony even goes so far as to paw at the ground trying to figure out the meaning of the lights that are dancing before her eyes.

@OceanBunny @Lotusy
"Sorry, but I cant hold him back anymorrrrreeeee..." Enki said as he started to fall to the floor, then placed his foot on the floor to support himself.

"I am his master, dont get confused!!!" Enball shouted as he summoned his sword and charged at Fiona.

(Sorry QAQ, He is pissed u would say some one is his master)

@PhoenixFire13 @GingerBread
Chloe's eyes widen "C...Cut...CUTE ANIMALS!!!!" Chloe jumped up and down in excitement. She loved living animals. Knowing that she can get a adorable pet she ran over and hugged Jay "YAY, YAY, YAY. PET!!!" She said jumping up and down. "Ima get a rabbit!!!" she squealed in excitement.

"Urk... Chloe... please... you're choking me." He squirms out of her grasp. "I'm sure there's a rabbit, but it'll probably breathe fire or something. Well, we should move quickly. Who wants to take the golf cart?"
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The loude screams cause Ebby to burst into flames changing into her male form. "what the bloody h*** is that?" as soon as he realized that it was not a threat he burst into flames again changing back into Ebby (female), "did I miss something?"

@metalcity @OceanBunny @Lotusy
"Coz they are so cute." she let go of Ja but continued to jump up and down clapping. "They have cute wittle noses, so fluffy, long ears!!!" Her eyes sparkled. "I don't want a fire one, that would be mean." she pouted. Then she jumped into the cart.

@Lotusy @OceanBunny

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