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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Nyx was flung back into the wall, he groaned in pain before muttering a incantation causing Enki to be frozen in place,

"Best thing about my powers, i can make your own blood betray you" Nyx said cockily before lifting his arm and moving it to the left causing Enki to get thrown out the door.

@metalcity @PhoenixFire13
Fiona frowned, unhappy that she was being ignored and that Enball had did the opposite of what she had told him to. "Enball, if you want to listen in so badly, just sit down. Vampire, would you please just ..." She gasped as pain rushed through her body, she collapsed onto the ground, barely managing to keep herself up with her hands. Her eyes phased between shades of yellow and purple.

Not good, master! Your body cannot handle this any longer!

I know! But we have to tell them about the gate! Let me handle this! I can't believe these two are fighting!

Her eyes stabilized and she jumped to her feet, throwing a barrier around the entire room that cancelled the powers being thrown around. "WOULD YOU TWO JUST SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN? I'M RISKING MY FUCKING LIFE HERE TRYING TO TELL YOU GUYS THAT THE WORLD IS ABOUT TO END SOON!" In her rage, Shina used the remainder of her energy to place her hand onto Enball's forehead. With Fiona's help, she managed to temporarily seal Enball within Enki.

"Shoot... now I don't have enough ... strength to stay awake..." she slowly sank to the floor, her breathing becoming more and more heavy and with a high fever.

@GingerBread @metalcity
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"Cool, i love a good doomsday, Always fun" Nyx said in a mocking tone, not really caring about what had just happened as he could barely keep himself from passing out. "Enki you wanna get my daggers for me?" Nyx asked in a demanding tone.

@metalcity @PhoenixFire13
Enball got thrown out the room "You basta..." Before he could finish he saw Shina walk towards him, she touched his head then Enball left his mind, for now. Enki enterd his mind once again. Enki became confused and ran over to Shina, grabbed her before she could fall.

"Dammit, don't go. We didn't talk, don't go!" Enki shouted then he placed his hand on her forehead,
good its only a fever, she wont die. He happily thought. He looked up "Don't start, I didn't start a fight with you." He said in a demanding tone back to him.

@PhoenixFire13 @GingerBread
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"I'll start whatever i want, and in case you forgot you did start a fight with me. So i'll ask once more. Pass. Me. My. Daggers" Nyx said the anger evident in his voice as he glared at Enki

"i'm fine" Ebby composes herself and stands up. "I'm not crazy or anything. Mother said the Doctors are all wrong...WRONG!... Right mother?" Ebby starts speaking gibberish to the air next to her. (her mothers spirit is there telling her to listen to the people that are trying to help her) Her attention goes back to Willow. "Don't worry about me."

Columbus looked at the mask for a few moments, it felt a tad familiar, like he'd seen something similar to it...

He shook his head and put on the mask "Uh, I'll take the cart, as long as I'm not driving! I don't want to be the reason we crash into the gates..." He stood by the cart, "So are we ready to go?"

@Lotusy @OceanBunny @Momo Mix @metalcity
His eyes started to fall sympathetic, he remembered that Nyx wouldn't understand that Enball did this. Enki lifted his head and looked at Nyx, he swollowed his pride and gritied his teeth "I'm sorry, you wouldn't understand." Then Enki picked up Shina and left the room "Get some rest." He said as he left Nyx's sight. He went back to Shina's room and placed her on the bed. He then sat on the floor and began to mediate.

@GingerBread @PhoenixFire13
Nyx annoyed that Enki had just left without even doing what he had told him to do, decided not to take any chances, he summoned his pather.

As his panther materialized beside him, he thought about a name for it. Nyx decided that he would call the Panther Richard.

Richard stood in front of Nyx, his expression showing that he would rip apart anyone who tried to harm Nyx. Nyx feeling safe decided to let sleep claim him as he couldn't even move.

(@metalcity Why you gotta hurt my feelings D: )
"Sure! I think we can handle security by ourselves. Hop in!" He turned the key, and started the ignition. "You know, I really don't know how to drive!" He laughed manically as he sped off towards the zoo.

As Jay pulled into the zoo's back parking lot, he jumped out and slipped on a mask. "Alright. Let's roll."
Columbus got out slowly, catching his balance, "You know Jay, literally anyone else would beat you to a pulp, just know that..." He readjusted his mask and followed Jay off.

Ebby wonders into the Zoo taking in all the sites and jumping at every cage she sees to announce "PRETTY!" (Ebby gives no F**** about taking the animals from their cages but she wanted to get free walks around.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/7.jpg.0cfb5ef7c164834e58110b5c2eaf1eff.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79663" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/7.jpg.0cfb5ef7c164834e58110b5c2eaf1eff.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Kurotani Yato

Sitting up out of the large -not really- and comfy bed, which Yato lay drooling all over the place, snoring, too. A low, long-drawn groan escaped from parted lips as he placed a hand to the side of his head. Because he doesn't often drink water his temples gave off that irritating throb of pain, the kind that feels like your head is swelling from the inside out. Exhaling sharply through his nostrils, the boy rolled over and planted his face into the cushioned mattress, allowing a few muffled curses to flow out before finally throwing himself from the bed, and into the floor with a thud. Because he wasn't paying attention, Yato accidentally smacked his head on the corner of the table-stand during his fall, resulting in a pained cry, "Ooooh~! Oh...Oh- What the hell!?" The boy was now rolling around in his dorm floor, hands wrapped around to the back of his head, fingers intertwined. "....Come on...." Yato laid on his side for a good minute to let the pain subside. What was it that woke him up exactly? Oh, that was probably the little knock at his conscience, in which someone was calling out in invitation for some event involving pets that seems to be going on. However, Yato is no fan of animals...he's utterly terrified of them. It doesn't matter how small or how big, how cute or how ferocious. He will run.

After sitting up, Yato remained in one spot, his legs in a criss-crossed position as his arms folded across his chest. He didn't look too pleased, and seemed a little confused. Upon placing a finger to his temple, and slightly leaning into it, his face grew a little red. Is he thinking?...Yes. Biting down on his own teeth, Yato tried to remember what is was that he had just been dreaming about. You ever do that? A light growl reverberated from his vocals,
"Hmm....it's right...on the tip of my tongue." If you stop trying, you'll remember...maybe. It didn't take long for him to give up, then he stood to his feet, taking notice of the words seemingly echoing through his mind. With narrowed eyes, Yato stared at the wall in a suspicious manner. "Is this a trap?" It's not. "I bet someone's out to get me...It's because I'm short isn't it?" Not really. Ignoring the message for the moment, Yato stepped over to the other side of his bed and bent down to remove his phone from it's charger, checking it for any text messages. There were three newly received text from his "guardian" and "father-figure," Kyousuke, another buddy from his old group, and one from some anonymous number he had never seen before. Yato only replied to the two in which he knew the senders of.

Now back to the telepathic message. There was a brief moment of complete silence as he pondered the meaning of pet. Pets...equal animals. Rearing back, turning around, and and stomping over to his dorm door, Yato rammed his head against the door with everything in him, causing it to crack a little.
"I won't do it!" And with that, he escaped to the bathroom to wash up and change clothes, after which he left his dorm and began making way down the halls in search of an unhealthy morning drink. No care for his health. Tsk, tsk, tsk. "Where's the soda!?" The boy was pretty much speaking to himself out loud as he stormed around like a thug. He did grow up with people of that nature. Yato was no longer in the dorms, but instead he was standing right outside of the dorm's main entrance, sneering out at the blurry scenery. "Why's everything blurry?" That's because you don't wear glasses like you're supposed to. With squinted eyes, he began scanning the area to see if there was anything that partially resembled the appearance of a vending machine. Although, the only thing he could really make out was a mixture of horse and man. "...I...Okay." Thinking it was probably because of the fact he has no glasses, Yato brushed off the sight and approached the guy, hands resting in his pockets as his shoulders drooped lazily. "Ooooi~" He gave a salute for a wave.


[sorry for the long post lol, they won't all be like that...]



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Leon continued browsing the items in the vending machine until he heard a voice coming from behind him. The centaur turned around to see a person around his age saying hello. Leon smiled at the greeting, "Hey, I'll be done in just a minute...I just need to pay for my snack." Leon then turned back around and inserted two dollars and fifty cents into the machine and got a pack of decently sized chips. Leon then moved to the side of the machine and opened the bag for himself and began to eat. He then turned back towards the stranger, "Alright, it's all yours." Leon didn't grab his glasses either, but could see well without them. He mostly needed them if the thing he was looking at was far off in the distance.

@Suzumaki Arakai
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c50abf287_27smallagain(1).gif.0229f29e3f4cafff45799e53a10a100e.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79724" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c50abf287_27smallagain(1).gif.0229f29e3f4cafff45799e53a10a100e.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Kurotani Yato

Almost as soon as he waved in greeting, the person standing by the vending machines turned around, acknowledging Yato with a generous smile, causing Yato to smile as well. Although, his gave off an awkward feel. I guess he's not used to people taking to him in such a casual manner. Yato remained silent as he grew closer, his sight clearing up a little bit more as well. He gave a slight wave of the hand after the other stated he'd be out of the way momentarily, mumbling inaudibly, "You're good..." Yato waited patiently, looking around spontaneously for nothing in particular. Somehow, he hadn't yet taken notice of the simple fact that this guy was half-animal, and just ignored any kind of eye-contact. The little "Alright, it's all yours." caught Yato's attention. Turning back around to face the other, he looked up with an awkward grin, "Yeah..." Reaching into his pockets, he eventually came to the realization that he had no money, and leaned his forehead against the glass surface of the vending machine. "You bastard." And, once again, he's speaking to himself...well, the vending machine, actually. A sharp sigh or irritation escaped his lungs, turning his head a bit to face the other. Yato scratched the back of his head and gave a nervous and embarrassed smile, "Heh...c-can I borr- Ooooh!" His eyes had taken it upon themselves to finally study this guys true appearance, causing Yato to jumped backward, landing on his butt. Wide eyes now focused on the other in horror. "Oh- Y-....You're an animal!?" He felt like he was about to get sick and decided to maneuver his body around until he was facing the ground on all fours. "I think...I think I'm gonna cry." It's not you, Leon...it's...well it's kind of you. Yato didn't take note that his actions could put someone on the wrong edge, or even upset them.




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Leon quickly backed away as the stranger practically threw himself onto the ground! Leon only watched as the stranger positioned himself on all fours and said something like he was about to cry. Leon didn't try to move towards the stranger but instead extended an arm, "Look, I'm not going to hurt you. Yes I am a centaur, but I still think and act like a human. I just have the lower half of a horse. There's nothing to worry about. It's not like I'm gonna eat you." Leon then reached into his bag again and took out his wallet and pulled out a dollar, "You said you wanted to borrow a dollar right? Well here." Leon then held his arm out once again, if the stranger wanted the dollar he would stand up and collect it from him.

@Suzumaki Arakai
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c50ac2bc7_19evensmaller(1).gif.c4be34efbdf34b1acc70d9ab5b106d59.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79725" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c50ac2bc7_19evensmaller(1).gif.c4be34efbdf34b1acc70d9ab5b106d59.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Kurotani Yato

Yato was making a disgruntled expression as he bit down on his lip and continued to stare at the ground beneath him. He was usually a cocky and annoying person to be around, but when it comes to animals...or...half-animals, I guess, things take a turn almost instantly. When the other guy spoke up, Yato flinched, looking up at the out-held hand with wide eyes. A crooked smile appeared on his expression as the guy stated he wouldn't hurt him, which almost sparked Yato's cocky nature. However, he couldn't seem to stand just yet...So, instead, he furrowed his brow and smacked the guys hand away, "I'm not s-scared!" averting his gaze to the side. A bit of guilt grew in him, causing his expression to soften a bit. And by the time Yato returned the centaur to his sights, a dollar sat right in front of his face, causing his eyes to widen once more. "W-...Whaaaa!" The short male flew back for the second time, landing on his butt, hands behind him for support. Yato jut his finger out at the other, "A-are you trying to kill me!?" Of course, he was now being random and jumping to illogical conclusions that often bring many to confusion. After a brief moment of silence, his eyes darted back and forth between the dollar and the animal-guy's eyes, lips puckered in a stubborn fashion. Then, quickly, Yato grabbed the dollar and stood to his feet with crossed arms, "I don't need your pity. Just because I'm short, doesn't mean I need money." Looking to the side, Yato pondered the sense in what he said, then realized it made all kinds of sense. - Which it didn't - A triumphant smile slid across his face as he stepped passed the centaur and allowed the vending machine to eat the dollar just given to him by a complete stranger. He then studied the buttons on the machine in confusion, stepping back a little to examine them better with a hand on his chin. "...What the hell is this?....When was this thing made!?" Actually, the only problem was that Yato has no idea what anything says...probably because he took like...seven steps away from it to try understanding what was going on. Looking towards the other, "Hey Pony Boy...can you work this thing?"




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Leon watched as the stranger had another meltdown, shouting random things that made little to no sense whatsoever. He then watched as the stranger fiddled around with the vending machine and eventually asked if Leon knew how to work it. Leon jokingly pushed the stranger to the side, "I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear the part about the pony. I could probably tear you in half if I wanted to. Us centaurs are extremely strong, I could probably pick you up with one hand." He then punched two buttons on the machine and watched as a drink fell. Leon bent over and picked up the drink before holding it out for the stranger to take, "Oh, and I still haven't gotten a thanks for giving you that dollar."

@Suzumaki Arakai
"Yea, I get that sometimes." He saw Chloe leap over the wall. "Welp, we lost her." Jay turned back, and pulled an club from the back of the cart. "Let's go ahead. That brick building over there has the security room. He runs over, and slowly cracks open the door...

Guard #1 notices the door to the security room start to open, he grabs his baton and slowly walks over to the door. He swings the door open and sees a boy wearing a mask wielding a club "You're not meant to be here" He states glaring harshly at the boy

@Lotusy (Most creative name ever)
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c50ac6bd5_17evensmaller(1).gif.185751e04e8f1af87a7974ce7c70ce5b.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79726" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c50ac6bd5_17evensmaller(1).gif.185751e04e8f1af87a7974ce7c70ce5b.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Kurotani Yato

Staring blankly at the vending machine, Yato began to grow lost in thought within the very short amount of time it took for Pony Boy to move him out of the way on his own accord, causing a slightly offended expression to appear on Yato's face, brushing invisible specs off his shoulder. With each sentence spoken by the other, his expression grew even more cringed, his brow now furrowed. Crossing his arms, Yato watched as Pony Boy fiddled with the vending machine, "I'm not weak, you know!?..." His eyes narrowed when the device cooperated with the other's commands, spitting out a drink in his favor. Practically forgetting what he was just ranting on about, he stepped all the way around Pony Boy in awe, staring at the drink. "Why'd it work for you?" Probably because all you did was put in a dollar and start shaking it around. That's a rhetorical question, by the way; no need to answer.

Yato took hold of the drink, not yet removing it from the other's grip. He stared up at Pony Boy and looked him in the eyes with a suspicious glare, "I'm not thankful for the dollar. But thank you..." He then jerked the drink away with a cocky smile, "...for the drink." And with that, he twisted the lid off and began chugging whatever it was down - he didn't care about product. - After that was over, Yato returned the cap to it's rightful place and allowed it to drop down by his side, placing his free hand on his hip. A refreshed exhale escaped his lungs as he remained focused on Pony Boy, "So what's your name? Or should I keep calling you Pony Boy?..." Yato usually carries a skateboard around with him, but he also forgets to grab it a lot too.




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