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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"No" Nyx said with a look of disappointment on his face "You didn't want to tell the person who drinks blood about it, the person who drinks blood to stay alive" He sighed, he looked away from jay tears starting to form in his eyes "I almost killed my only friend, because i thought you were doing what everyone else had.i thought you were pretending to be my friend to hurt me" Nyx said his voice filled with sadness

"I believe its a she." Enki sighs "sadly, Chloe found this mut and gave it to me. I think its called Hyip" he said as he turned his head to see Shina playing with the dog. It started to climb out of Enki's hoodie and started to lick her again, she happily barked.

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Sanji would walk up to the vending machine, keeping a tight grip on his money in his pocket. He heard strange noises, not minding them. He finally arrived at the vending machine. He'd pull out his coins and look at the sodas. He'd see Cola and read the dial aloud. "B-3" he would say. He'd punch the two buttons: B-3 and put in the money. He'd get his Cola and saw an image of a cheetah. "Perfect." He'd mumble, turning into the Cheetah. He'd run straight to his dorm, and turn back normal drinking his Cola in bed.
"Well, it'll be OK anyways." Jay walked over, putting his hand on Nyx's shoulder. "Hey, Big guy. Don't cry. C'mon, let's go back out there. I'm sure they're waiting."

"Oh, he's a she! Sorry, little guy, I mean, girl!" Shina pet Hyip happily and returned her to Enki's hoodie. "Stay here. You look nice and comfy in there and you won't get lost."

Willow saw a small franken creature poke its head out of the bag of decayed body parts. 'I wonder where Ebby went.' She thought. "Come on Miyuki, lets go find Ebby." Willow sais as she scooped the franken kitty up. She headed out of the infirmary in search of Ebby as Miyuki floowed behind.

@Momo Mix
Ebby mutters the word, "Franki" in the panthers ear. As soon as he heard he stopped dead in his tracks. Waiting for Willow to catch up with them he lays on ground outside of the school. "Franki will be here soon."

Enki's hoddie became heavier again, "seems like she likes you." He said with a smile, "Do you wanna go some where quite, we need to discuses these fire problems, and still the arm." Enki said as he turned to face her. He became more serious while saying this, as if the situation got worse.

"Don't tell me what to do" Nyx said trying to sound angry, but still sounding sad "I'm going to go though, i don't want Shina and Enki to see that i've been crying, i'd never hear the end of it" He said trying to force a smile.

@Lotusy (You can get rid of the blood dome in your post, just have it disappear or something)

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(Here comes the event~ But first, Shina gotta apologize QAQ I'm gonna be writing the event post so the four of us should just make up in the meantime @Lotusy @GingerBread @metalcity And I think Willow left to look for Ebby )

Shina nodded, her expression getting serious as she remembered the reason she had been desperately trying to wake up. She opened her mouth to tell Enki but at that second, the blood dome behind her disappeared and the two boys walked out, looking like they were in much better moods.

She walked over to the two of them sheepishly, "Um ... I'm really sorry about earlier. I heard from Fiona that you guys were fighting again and ... I guess I kind of just got too irritated to look at the situation... Can we go back to being friends?" She held out her hand hesitantly.
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Soft footsteps sauntered across the concrete pavement, a slight rustling sound against his neck. It couldn't be helped, even though it was slightly annoying. A first day wasn't something he thought would've been as quiet. Honestly, he was half-heartedly wondering where the opposing creatures were. Equally so, he was satisfied that he was alone. Already, his father's words were ringing through his head, which resulted in an almost threatening growl to escape his throat just as the grinding of his teeth commenced. The hands tucked away within the pockets of his pants shifted, creating wrinkled creases on the outside surface. "This ridiculous idea is supposed to make him happy?" Of course, he was against the entire idea of going to school. People would pester him, question his ideals, and perhaps even try to~

Shaking his head mid-thought, he found himself facing what looked to be the dorms.
"Here goes....A waste of my life." Blowing his breath as he took a single step forward, Duncan found himself frozen. A shaky rumble erupted from his stomach, causing him to somewhat bend forward. Taking a deep breath as he straightened his posture, Duncan scanned his gaze over the courtyard. "Ah." Proceeding forward, Duncan came into view of a vending machine. His attention was focused solely on the idea of retrieving food for his stomach. In doing so, he halted about a two feet away from the vending machine, due to seeing the embodiment of a living specimen, of which he wasn't prepared to encounter. Slightly waiting, Duncan stepped forward and posted himself up against the machine. "Are you done there?"
"There she is!" Willow says, spotting Ebby on the panthers back. Walking up to them she lays Franki on top of Ebby. "I think we should stay with them Miyuki. I dont want Ebby to get hurt while shes asleep.." She scratches behind Miyu's ears. 'Okay Willow.' Miyuki responds, pressing her head into Willow's hand and purring lightly.

@Momo Mix
Enki looked over to see Shina trying to be kinder to Nyx so he decided to try be the same "I still want to kick your ass down to hell and back but." He sighed "We should try to be more friendly until that time comes, do we have a deal?" He said with mixture of a smile and serious face. He placed his hand out as well.

@GingerBread @Lotusy @PhoenixFire13
Jay saw Nyx huff and turn away. "Ignore him. He wants to be friends, deep down, I know it." He puts out his hand. "And when did I ever say we weren't friends?" He says, smiling.
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Willow follows the panther, watching to make sure Ebby doesn't fall off his back. "How's your leg doing Miyuki? Are you okay to be walking, Or should i carry you again?" She asks Miyu, concerned about her fractured leg. 'It still hurts, but I think it'll be okay.' Miyu replies, testing how her leg will hold her weight.

@Momo Mix
Enki sighed "Why's he got to be so stubborn, I don't get him. Not at all." Then he smiled "At least I don't need to hold back when I kick his ass next." He said with a smile. Then Enki laughs at Jay to what he said then his face went back to being serious. "We should get going, should we bring Jay? I'll grab my old ar.. where did it go!?" Enki said as found his arm to be no where in sight. But spots a small trail of blood "di...did my arm just move away?" He said in confusion.

@PhoenixFire13 @Lotusy

That was the first thing that came to Columbus's head when he saw the demons, this wasn't a fight he could handle, not ever. He got up, he needed to find someone, make sure people were safe, try to help evacuate, ANYTHING he could do to help. He began to run to what was left of the school hoping to be of some help...
The sounds from the school echo through the streets. Ebby feels the ground shake but it powerless to do anything. Shiroi approaches the grave yard as the sky goes black behind them. An eerie glow begins to come from all of the tombs. The energy is green but as dark as the night itself. Flowing in ribbons around before flowing into the unconscious Ebby.

Green flames radiate from her body before she burst into her male form and drops to the ground.

@OceanBunny @PhoenixFire13 (wanted to make it more dramatic but eh?)
"Dammit, could have said this sooner." then Enki summoned his sword and jumped at the demon, slicing it in two. As he did this another jumped out and grabbed his neck. "URGH" he said as he started to get strangled by the demon. Then he stabbed the demon in the chest, "Shina, we will team. Jay team up with Nyx and get through his thick scull that we need him here." he shouted at the two as he fell down to the ground. Hyip started to shiver in fear.

@PhoenixFire13 @Lotusy
"Are you okay Ebby?" Willow asks, leaning over the now male form of her friend. "There are demons in the sky.." She says in a worried tone as she looks up at a deep black portal.

@Momo Mix

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