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Fantasy Lakoria High School

(@DragonStorm I got this *^* I'm sorta being ignored too since I wasn't on and missed quite a lot)

The noise in the gym was so loud that Shina wasn't able to hear anyone at all. In fact, she couldn't even hear her own voice when she tried to call out for anyone who would hear her. So naturally, it took her a while before she realized that Enki had gone off somewhere. She wandered around the gym before she finally found him near the exit, talking to Nyx, Jay, the girl she fought against before, and a new guy. She walked over and almost stepped on a body on the floor.

"Tyrrell?!!?" She knelt down, worry plastered all over her face. "Hey, hey! What's wrong? Are you going to transform into a dragon again?" She looked up at the group standing nearby.

"What happened?"

@metalcity @GingerBread @Lotusy @LokiofSP
Jay turns to Shina. "He had a little fainting spell. He got up, and was screaming bloody murder, something about getting rid of someone or another."

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"Well....Yeah relativity." Truth was he'd been at the school for awhile, but he literally had to relearn everything from kindergarten to now, and after getting teased by the few kids he had told....Well it was better off he just lie.

Columbus looked around and saw the girl was looking right at the group he was in, he shrugged,
"I dunno, I though he was just doing something normal for whatever he is. All the people in this school kinda have confusing practices."

@GingerBread @PhoenixFire13
(@DragonStorm For now I'll just ... move you to somewhere you can stay "offline" for a while yet at the same time you'll be able to jump back in easily)

"I see..." Shina tried to hold Tyrrell up into a standing position. "Enki, can you help me move him to the infirmary? We can't do anything right now but we can at least give him peace and quiet. This noisy gym is really a bad place to rest in."

@metalcity @GingerBread @Lotusy @LokiofSP

(Anyone can follow? I specifically directed request at Enki cause Shina needs to ask him some questions.)
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Nyx Really wanted to leave, not wanting to be near Columbus any longer than he had too, but didn't want to leave unless Jay was going as well.

He hated feeling scared, This is all my stepmothers fault, scaring me all the time with Zombies Nyx thought angrily.

(What time is it in the RP?
@PhoenixFire13 )
Columbus reached for Nyx's hand with soft eyes, "Are you oka-" He looked up to see his tutor storm in, he looked around the room and Columbus knew he needed an excuse to get out, if he still could he probably would be sweating. He turned to Shina with a nervous smile and darting eyes, "Um...You need help with that body there? I don't really have a hard time carrying stuff!"

@GingerBread @PhoenixFire13
"Hey Shina, do you think I could tag along too?" He stretches out his arms. "This place is starting to get a bit crowded." He gestures to Nyx. Come along, man.
Columbus nodded and with a grunt picked up Tyrrell on his back, it was hard to get his arms around the boy, but without a beating heart or working lungs to have to push air through, he had an easier time than others. He made sure the boy was secure and began to walk out, ducking under his tutor as he did so.

"I'm coming if everyone else is, besides you still owe me that fight Shina" Nyx says, not really wanting to be near Columbus, but Jay wanted him to go so he decided he would tag along, not really wanting to be by himself.

@PhoenixFire13 @Lotusy
"Thanks. And I know, Nyx. You don't have to remind me every 5 seconds. Are you coming or not?" Without waiting for his answer, Shina left to follow the boy who carried Tyrrell to the infirmary. She took charge after they reached it, and helped lay him onto a bed. She still had a worried look on her face as she felt his forehead for his temperature. It was a while since she had last seen him and they hadn't exactly parted in good terms. But it still pained her to see someone she was close to for even few hours to be stuck in a coma.

She sighed, wishing that she could do something to help him feel at ease. For now, all I can do for him is let him rest. She got up and gently push the other boy out of the room, closing the door behind them.

"Sorry bout that. I'm Shina. Thanks for helping me with my friend."

@LokiofSP @metalcity (assuming that you followed us?) @GingerBread @Lotusy
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Columbus smiled, "No problem,it was either help or go back for the last five minutes of class, and I would have tore my arm off if I had to find x one last time." He stretched out and smiled, "So I take it I'm dismissed?"

Shina smiled a little, remembering how she used to cut every class in her Freshman year too. "Yeah, sure. Thanks again. Hope to see you around?" She waved at the boy and watched him walk away. She leaned her back on the door to the infirmary and closed her eyes, waiting for the others to appear.

@LokiofSP @GingerBread @metalcity @Lotusy

(Alright, this is my last post for today)
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(Sorry, was sleeping. Act like I was there for all of that.)

Enki looked at the new boy, great...someone I need to keep an eye on. He thought to himself. He went with the group to the infermary but stopped at the canteen to get a drink. As he continued to the infermary he saw the new boy and gave a suttel wave and then found Shina leaning on the door, "ever going to give me questions to answer?" He said jokingly.

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Kino was hiding in the library, as he usually did at night to get away from everyone. His tail swished gently back and forth from under his chair and his ears twitched for any new sound. That was why he had such a big scare. That loud noise really put him out of it. He grabbed his book, pen, and notebook and hurried out the library door to see what the commotion was. His pen was behind his ear and he was holding up his books defensively when he ran into a group of people carrying someoneto the infirmary. He squeaked and hid around a corner, and then put his hand over his mouth to try to quiet the sound of his rapid breathing.....
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As Jay was walking to the infirmary, he could have sword he saw something dart behind a corner. He rubbed his eyes. Just my imagination... As he walked through the doorway, the last person, he rummaged through his backpack and dropped a candy bar outside, before slowly closing the door. While he was inside, he started to chat with the nurse who was stationed there.

Kino saw the candy bar and his eyes went wide. His ears flattened against his head and his bright blue eyes darted accross the hallways. He snuck carefully to the candy bar, picked it up, then gulped as he tapped Jay on the shoulder. "Y-you d-dropped this..." He stammered. He held out the candy bar with his ears flat against his head and his eyes looking atvhis shoes.
'you sir are very hard to kill....Why don't you just die already, its not that hard to do so' The voice in Tyrrell head kept on nagging to Tyrrell why he wouldn't die. Tyrrell then woke up and took a deep breath before coughing. He sat up and calmed his breathing "okay I so hate when stuff like this happen's to me" he then laid back down and looked up at the ceiling before realizing that he wasn't home. He sat up and looked around the room "why am I in the Nurses office" He questioned himself, before putting his hands to his head "Another headache...great" headaches were the least of his problems. He laid back down again and looked up at the ceiling and soon after the orbs that followed him reappeared. "Now Tell me why am I in here, What happened to me, why was the school damaged again, and why can I not remember a Single thing?!" as he yelled at the orbs. One of the orbs spoke up "You went into a coma as you were trying to transform again in the gym, And that's all we can remember. We had the same effect happen to us"

I walk up to the entrance building, look around, and say aloud "This is going to be hectic, I can tell already." Then walk inside.
(@FeIix sorry but did you make an OC yet? Can't really check right now so idk if it was accepted yet. Also, try to include your character's name in your posts to avoid confusion)

Shina smiled and opened her eyes to see Enki standing before her. "Will I ever get the chance to indeed. I suppose that time is now."

She looked around to check if anyone was listening before turning to him with a serious look. "I want you to tell me about these blue flames. Everything you know. I refuse to have these flames inside me without knowing what they can possibly do to me."

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