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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Her head was struck suddenly, a small harmless impact against the side of it. She had something in her hair, she could feel it, though she was frozen to the spot, looking forward, blinking. What? Her hand reached up to the side of the head where she carefully threaded the spherical object from her locks. She held the eyeball in front of her face, it was looking right at her and she was looking right at it. It was disgusting, though you wouldn't tell she thought that from her body language or facial expression. It was disgusting, and now a section of her hair was sticky and out of place because of it.

She looked around and saw the only life form that was in this corridor, he was also in the perfect place to have gotten a shot like this, if he wanted to not get caught he'd have to do better than that. She slowly walked up to him without saying a word and stood in front of him as he drew, holding the eyeball out to him.

"You Dropped Something."

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Columbus walked past the trio on his way out, he nearly trampled the small boy in the hallway, catching himself short of walking in to him. He apologized, looked down at him and smiled, "Hey! white hair, just like mine." He reached down and ruffled the boys hair with a smile, "Matching set." He continued on to the exit afterwards.

(Keep up the good work on the interactions guys~ But try to move the conversation to an end soon cause I'm doing the time skip some time soon. If you can't find a way to interact, I suggest heading "home" so that I know who's ready for time skip)

"I see, I see,"
Shina laughed, "Not surprising because most of the girls at this school aren't human anyways. Most of them tend to transfer out by their first year or get eaten by the upperclassmen."

She straightened up and stretched out her body, which had gotten sore from staying in a weird position. "Say, you wanna check up on Tyrrell with me? He's the boy that collapsed we just dropped off in the infirmary."

She hoped Enki would say yes because she was worried about Tyrrell's condition. Ever since he had transformed into a dragon, he had been acting different and it made her nervous to not know why since it was her fault that he turned into a dragon in the first place.

@metalcity @DragonStorm
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Nyx smirked as he saw the boy flinch and start look as if he was going to cry. He noticed the boy was holding something tightly against his chest,

"What you got there?" He sneered at the boy, moving to grab whatever he was holding.

Kura glanced up from his drawing, looking at the eyeball for a moment and then to the girl, speaking in a light tone,"Thanks for returning it." He took the eyeball back and popped it into his mouth, staring at his paper as he chewed. The male grabbed another from the bag and offered it to the girl,"Want one?" It was obvious he wasn't going to apologize or make up some excuse as to why he hit her with the first one.

Kino smiled and giggled a little as the new boy ruffled his hair and his ears went up slightly, then rocketed back down as Nyx snatched his notebook. "H-hey!" He said, reaching out to grab it back. "G-give that back!"
"Nyx. Cut. It. Out." Jay turned around, frustrated. "Hey, Shina. It's been a long day, I'll be heading back to the dorm. I'll see you guys tomorrow." He picks up his bag, and heads towarss the dorm, but pauses. He turns to Kino. "Hey. Kino. If Nyx bothers you again, just tell me. I'm not a guy who can fight, but I've saved his life. I can make him stop." He slowly walks back to his dorm.

The door opened. The musty smell of the dorm beds wafted around. Jay sat down at the small coffee table in his room, and drew out a pencil and some sheets of paper. Alrighty now. Nyx's bloodthirt has set be back a bit. Not to mention, I barely got a half a quart out of that last draw. I need a new plan. He chewed on the end of his pencil. Even with the problem of having to draw blood aside, how much can I draw within a day? If I draw a liter, I'm risking a class 2 hemorrhage. Gah! I'm like a Jekyll and Hyde. This is too much of a secret to bear! I need help to pull this off! Jay dug his fingers into his hair. But, I think I could stay sane enough to heal myself really quickly... Argh. This is gonna be painful. I'll wait for tomorrow to figure out the details. Right now I need... Jay stood up. He grabbed his anatomy book from his backpack. This is gruesome, but... He flipped to the page with the human pulmonary system. "Time to see what will make me bleed."


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(@Lotusy I thought you guys were inside the infirmary and Shina and Enki were outside O.o )

"Alright, see ya." Shina waved bye at Jay before glaring at Nyx. "Jay's right. Stop teasing the poor boy." She went over to the cat boy and was surprised to see that he was shorter than her. Sure, she could tell that he had a small body but she expected him to be the same height. "Don't mind Nyx, he just has a personality disorder sometimes." She smiled and pat his head, resisting the urge to feel the ears.

"I'm gonna check on someone real quick. You guys should start heading home. School ended already." She walked over to the bed she had placed Tyrrell on. A curtain blocked the view and she stopped politely by the curtain instead of just going straight past them.

"Tyrrell? Are you awake? Can I come in?" It sounded weird to ask for permission to open the curtains but she asked anyways,

@DragonStorm @metalcity @GingerBread @sitanomoto
He looked over to where he heard the voice "oh Shina? Yeah sure" He sat up and looked towards where he heard the voice.(short I know just really tired and I cant think very well right now)
Nyx Throws the book back at the boy "I'll get you later" he says to the boy before heading towards the dorms to find Jay, not wanting his only friend to dislike him. Nyx wasn't sure why he cared so much if Jay hated him, many other people did.

Nyx got to the dorms, he quickly found Jays room, he stands outside not being able to enter unless he was Invited in, due to being a vampire.

He looked around the room spotting jay
"Hey, you're not annoyed at me are you?" Nyx asks, He mentally cursed himself for sounding weak.

Why do i care so much about his opinion Nyx thought I never cared about anyone elses opinion about me.

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(@Lotusy Makes sense. Ok, ignore what I said earlier)

Shina walked through the curtains and sat down on a stool beside Tyrrell. "You feeling okay? The others were saying that you were arguing with yourself. Is it with that dragon form you have? I mean, I'm sorry if you don't want to talk about it."

She shifted around uncomfortably on the seat. For once, she didn't know what to say to make someone feel better.

Kino dashed forward to catch the notebook before it fell on the ground. He sighed in relief. "Th-thank you," he called out after the vampire boy.

There were several reasons Kino didn't want anyone to look in it: for one thing, it contained snippets of stories that he would one day piece together to make a book. For another, his brother had given it to him, and his brother lived at his college very far away from kino. The last time anyone other than Kino had opened it was when his brother was about to leave.... He sighed and returned to his lonely dorm, putting down his book and face planting on his bed with a huff of emotion. ((Gnight guys!))
"No no no, My dragon form only talks to me once a year this is a hacker or just someone wanting to just kill me" He kinda blushed a bit "But I'm okay just got to relax and find whats wrong"
(@sitanomoto Night~)

"Oh, um, that's good." Shina bit her lips in worry at the mention of a hacker. She didn't know much about technology but she did take a course of computer science last year and knew enough to know that a hacker could mean the end for technology-reliant life forces.

"So... if you found what was wrong, does that mean the hacker is gone now?" she asked in a hopeful voice.

"Yeah He just screwed up alot of stuff" he chuckled "it will be a bit harder to move for a bit, so what has happened to the game, cause I dont remember alot of stuff from the last 24 hours"
Columbus walked back into his dorm, throwing his bag to the side along with his keys and getting into his boxers and white T-shirt he picked up the book by his nights stand and stepped onto the fire escape. He looked up at the sky for a moment before looking down again at the book, his journal. He decided to keep it just in case he ever lost his memories again, that way he'd have a way to remember all the good times and moments he'd had. It was a bit of a paranoid way to think about it, living in fear of losing your memories, but he would rather be safe than sorry.

He flipped to a new page, Day thirty-five at the school, finally started making new friends! I knew all I had to do was get out of that dusty room! He smiled at a thought and began to scribble on the page once more People here are odd, defiantly different from the few memories of people I have but....It's nice, I think I'll like it here. He let out a breath as he let the spells and hexes holding his human appearance together, allowing his grey and slightly decayed flesh to be seen, finally feeling completely comfortable. He yawned, not because he was tired, because the truth was it didn't matter if he slept or not anymore, but because it felt normal.

He was about to close the book and go to sleep when he remembered to write down one last thing:


Get heavy cologne, tutor complained about me smelling like a grave.

He nodded, satisfied with his work, and headed inside to get some shut eye.
Shina perked up immediately, glad that Tyrrell was feeling in the mood to chat. "Oh, um, to be honest, I have absolutely no idea. One minute the game was progressing in sudden death and the next, the whole screen just went black and the system completely shut down. I got knocked out really early in the game though." She scratched her head sheepishly.

"Where did you go though? I haven't seen you at all this whole day. You skipped a bunch of notes in class too."

"Eh I passed out outside" He shrugged and looked around "well I hope it wasnt to serious though" He then booped her nose "cheer up some more dont be sad okay"
(Good night @sitanomoto . Sorry for the inconveniences.)

Jay was roused from his focus by a knocking on the door. When a voiced asked for him, he realized it was Nyx. Dammit. His timing could not have been worse! He quickly pushed his Alchemy book into his bag and zipped it up. "Nah, it's nothing. Just, you know, don't be a jerk to other people." He was about to open the door, when he saw all his glassware and equipment sitting on the counter next to his sink. He moved to push that over when he saw the gigantic bloodstain on the ground. So that's where the blood went... Argh, sorry Nyx, but I can't stop now. I need some distraction... "I'm... uh... about to take a shower now!" He turned on the showerhead, accidentally soaking himself. Brr... that's cold. "Sorry... uh, right now isn't a good time... I can't let you in. Just... have a good night!"

(@GingerBread This could sound like some kind of rejection material for Nyx, if he misinterprets it. Emotional fuel maybe?)
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Shina blushed, rubbing her nose with her hand. "I think your condition was more serious than the game ever was. I mean, uh, I have to leave now. Gotta get home and start on my homework. See you tomorrow!"

She grabbed her stuff and ran out of the nurse's office with a slight pink shade on her cheeks. She jogged home and went upstairs to her room. Throwing her stuff onto a chair, she flopped onto the bed and buried her face into her pillow.

Today was an exhausting day. Met some new people, made some new friends, made some enemies, talked with old friends. I better finish my homework quick and get a good night's sleep.

And with a sigh, she did just that.

(Time skip tomorrow)

"Right... Ok, see you tomorrow then" Nyx said Quietly walking away, he's trying to avoid me, Maybe i took it too far with that fox boy Nyx thought.

He Started to walk out the school, tears forming in his eyes, not trying hold them back, nyx went to find a abandoned building to stay in.

Nyx got to the abandoned Building, he climbed up to the second floor, where he knew no one would be. Nyx sat against a wall and brought his Knees to his chest and started crying,
He probably planned this Nyx thought angrily He said he wouldn't do this, i bet he's laughing right now i bet Enki and Shina are there too, laughing along with him. He thought getting angrier.

Why did i think i could have a friend He thought sadly His tears Not showing any sign of stopping, as he let sleep overtake him.

(The ship is Broken.... for now anyway)
Pandora paused, thinking about her reply.

"...uh... I think I might just go home... I mean, if that's alright"

She answered. She had enough social interaction for the day- she also had to stitch her clothes back up from the previous fight.


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