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Fantasy Lakoria High School

(@metalcity You can still sorta do that xD I don't think my interference changed much of that so I think you can still go with your plan)

(I'm gonna sleep soon too. Right after I finish this Physics HW. Which means I need to concentrate. Which means this is my last post, sorry guys QAQ)

Shina sat there for a while, thinking. "It had something to do with the part of the blue fire I absorbed ... It- she materialized in my dream or at least I think it was a dream. She said she wanted me to be her master. And if I didn't agree, I wouldn't be able to return to my body. So I accepted." She looked up at the boys and blinked in confusion.

"I have no idea what I just said."

@GingerBread @Lotusy
"Neither do I. Hopefully you won't need to dabble in any more magic, not while I can't heal you." Jay picks up the fallen water, which was about halfway full. "Here. Drink this, I'm sure you're feeling beat after what just happened." He looked around at everyone. "So what now? I'm sure you guys don't want to fight, it's been a pretty exhausting day."
(@DragonStorm Forgot Aki/Rin)

Shina got up and brushed dust off her pants. "I think I'll go watch the rest of the game. I'm still curious about the outcome." She began to walk away, toward the gym.

"Oh, and," she turned and smiled warmly, "Thanks for being so caring about me while I was unconscious. Even though I couldn't move, I was still able to hear your voices. So, thanks." She waved bye and went along her merry way.

"I'll fight you after the game ends, Nyx," she called over her back.

@Lotusy @metalcity @GingerBread
"Sure! It'll be a fun shopping trip, hunting for blood." He checks his watch. "We'd better hurry though, I don't want to miss the end of the game!"

Jay walked into the market, with Nyx right in front of him. He saw a butcher's stand, with a burly man chopping meat inside. "Over there!" He pulled Nyx over to the stand. "This is an odd request, but can we have some animal blood? Uh, to go, please." He slipped the butcher a 20. "That should cover it. As much as you've possibly got." While they were waiting, he turned to Nyx. "Hey, I've always wondered... why don't you want to make any friends? I'm sure people would love to talk to you if you just lightened up a bit."
Appearing the arena, the virtual night sky was replaced with a digital globe design surrounding the arena. The arena seemed to have several main sections, which are miniature versions of the biomes that were in the virtual space. Only now there was not much cover. Trees, bushes and rocks were sparse. It was more like a large field. Of blood.

Corvus closed his eyes and imagined this beautiful place drenched in blood, all because a game of survival. But now it was no longer survival. It was a game of Gladiator within a Roman coliseum.

Corvus flicked down his compound bow, its complicated system of strings becoming taut with a loud click. He was wounded, but he wouldn't go down without a fight. Especially not against the hooded girl that terrorized him nor the crazed forest fairy that dared to harm his only friend. "That's it, those two are going down even if I go down with them...," Corvus said with a determined expression that was sharp enough to cut through the shield on his back.

@TheCreator645 @OceanBunny @Krekire
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Tyrrell Was twisting and turning before his body in the real world started to shift just a bit. His mecha dragon tail and wings started to form. After a second He started to materialize in The Virtual world while still being in the Reality world. His human body showed up in the virtual world, but he just stood there watching the game that was going on. He then grinned.
Nyx looked confused as to why the boy cared why he didn't want to make friends, he decided to explain anyway.

"I don't try to make friends because most people don't want to hang around vampires for one and, well because of my stepmother i developed a defencive attitude and would get angry easily, meaning people often Pretended to be my friend so they could make fun of me, or try to get me to fight them. so i just gave up on making friends or trying to hang out with people, i ended up getting used to being by myself." Nyx finished, tears starting to form in his eye's before he wiped them away, hoping Jay didn't see that he was close to crying.

"You're not going to do anything like that are you?" Nyx asked looking at Jay, a hint of worry in his voice.

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Allliah had prepared her dart, getting ready to shot anyone that came near her. She smirked, her plan will be initiated as soon as someone had damaged her enough to get rid of 5% of her blood. She'd then walk towards the center, hoing to see the Elven Boy just to terrorize him again.
Pandora stayed silent, embarrassed by the situation. She quickly snapped herself out of her trance as she was teleported to the domed arena. She readied her blade, alerting herself and getting ready for combat. She looked around, and took note of the limited cover the death match arena had offered, ignoring what Corvus had said standing next to her with his compound bow ready. Pandora opened her wings, prepared for an aerial advantage in combat.

Enki looked as he watched Shina walk one way and Nyx and Jay the other. Hearing wheere Shina was going was great, unsure if she might accidentally tell about the blue flames. He entered the gym and saw Shina sitting on one of the bleachers. Enki walked over, he felt nervous but not as bad. "Want some company?" He said with a bit of red on his cheeks.

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Knowing she didn't have time to use her now before the boy was upon them Willow grew a large thorny vine. It slammed into the boys stomach, thorns piercing deep, and whipped him across the field. The boy slammed into a girl holding a spear and they both tumbled backwards. "We need to find cover." Willow said to Hak, looking around the arena at other students fighting.

Jay picked up a barrel from the butcher, only to turn back and see Nyx wiping a tear from his eye. "Hey. Nyx. Don't worry man. I wouldn't make fun of you for anything. Besides," he said, smiling, "I wouldn't have helped you if I hated you." He turned back around. "Now c'mon, let's go somewhere you can drink this. You don't want to let this blood curdle, do you?"

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Nyx smiled, happy that he had managed to make friends with Jay, "sure, let's get going" he said.

"You better not tell anyone what i told you" He Said, though there was no anger in his voice like there normally would be.

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((This post will be separated into two worlds, Reality and Virtual))


Tyrrell had been twisting and turning for over an hour, His orbs had vanished from sight, while Tyrrell body kept on changing to his mecha dragon form, like something in his mind is effecting him personally. Something bad was going to happen shortly, but Tyrrell had no control over it. Hours later his transformation to his mecha dragon form had stopped, He look completely normal but with wings and a tail. He also stopped moving and was perfectly still, unknown to whats going on his right arm had started to change from a red to a blue to a purple and then back to red and kept repeating. He was still breathing but was perfectly still, he didn't move at all from his curt position. Later on he started to send out waves of electrical energy, that was visible too. Any electronic near by was powered of like something drained the energy right out of it, most likely causing a black out in a short radius.



Tyrrell smirked Watching them fight, His body began to change into his mecha dragon form but something was different about him now. He was no long the size of a 2 story building, but instead he was about the size of Godzilla maybe even a bit bigger than that. He looked down towards everyone that was in the Virtual world, to him they looked like ants. On his back were what looked like massive Guns just forming out of nothing. He aimed them towards the ground, This was his world and he knew all kinds of things that could happen, even to himself in Reality. The guns started to light up Red as each one about maybe 30 or so guns where ready to fire at any moment. He then fired his weaponry towards the center of the arena, it was like a beam of pure energy, it didn't even seem to hit anyone that was near by the beams. Soon after there was a sudden bright light that appeared, before it went BOOM. The light engulfed everything before it exploded, and then there was a pause, like everything had just stopped moving.



Back in the real world, Tyrrell was fully transformed into his mecha dragon form only he was the size of a 4 story tall building instead of his normal size which was the size of a 2 story tall building. Had he only realize this when he woke back up and noticed his form, He tried to speak but nothing came out. His back opened up and about 15 orbs came out and in front of him, He was able to speak to the orbs through his mind (since they are connected)
'Do a full on scan and see what has happened to me and why I am in this form' Tyrrell was also doing his best not to crush the school again or even damage it. The orbs took off after getting the order from Tyrrell and started to scan the huge mecha for any damage. After about maybe half an hour later they finish their scan and fly back to face Tyrrell "You vocal recognition system was badly damaged but can be repaired, and we encountered another virus but was quickly terminated. Shall we do repairs on your Vocal recognition system now?" One of the orbs said. He then nodded and the orbs went to working on repairing his vocal recognition system(couldn't think of anything else). He then went into a sleep mode while the orbs were repairing.



Tyrrell looked around before seeing the explosion coming towards him and then it went pitch black, nothing was in sight and no one were in sight either. The explosion had destroyed everything, even the virtual world was destroyed. He looked around some more before looking down towards where his arms would have been, but there was nothing there. The virtual world was destroyed, everyone that was there was gone, nothing was left.



Tyrrell woke up and was back to normal and laying on the ground, his orbs just floating around him still, he didn't know what just happened. He took a deep breath feeling like someone just suffocated him and then bringing himself back to life. Everything looked completely normal like nothing happen, other than that there was no more tree which was the cause of him laying on the ground. He coughed a bit, since his chest felt like it was on fire. He looked towards the school and saw that he did damage it again, but he doesn't remember what happened, like something just wiped him memory of the last 24 hours. His head felt like it was pounding and he put his hands to his head
"ouch, Headache suck so much" He said before looking at the school again "either I did that or someone else did, Gah, why cant I remember what happened!" He yelled in frustration. He Groaned and looked around for someone if any that were around and saw what happened here.
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Standing testing the wind, Corvus noticed a certain hooded girl in the distance with the same tubed weapon she had before. He smirked as he drew back his bow, with the steel-tipped toxic arrow in the notch, and aimed at the girl. Aiming carefully, compensating for gravitational and wind interference over range, Corvus let the arrow fly. Corvus laughed when the arrow landed square in the girl's back, and watched with vindictive grin as she went down into the ground.

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Suddenly, a blinding light filled the arena, along with a deafening explosion. Pandoras body was quickly filled with a searing pain. And at that, she was immediately teleported back to the gym, not having a single clue as to what had happened. "What the fuck..?!"

(Tyrell destroyed the entire arena so yeah that happened)
"Hak!" Willow called out as the arena was engulfed in a bright light. She flew in the direction he had been standing. She hit into him, knocking them to the ground as an explosion rang out. She screamed out in pain before everything went black. Waking up in the back in the gym Willow found that she was still on top of Hak from when the fell over in the game. Sitting up she blushes and moved to sit beside him. "Sorry." She said with a shy smile.

(Oh wow, that was really descriptive and frightening QAQ Thank god I already died. Since Tyrrell destroyed the virtual world, everyone died O.o )

(The plot twist though, no one won the game lol)

Shina watched the game on the large monitor supplied for the students to watch. A boy on the screen was attacked by a large thorny vine and soon reappeared in the gym in a foul mood. She notice Enki come into the gym and waved at him. He came over and asked to sit, much to her appreciation.

"Sure, I have some things I wanted to talk about with you too. Have a sea-"

Suddenly the entire gym gasped in unison. Shina looked toward the monitors; the screen was completely black. Around them, students that were still in the game began to appear in the gym.

"What happened? That was fast."
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