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Fantasy Lakoria High School

@metalcity (In a situation like this, it would be better not to elevate the body. Jay has some knowledge, so he can help. If you want a moment, Jay and Nyx can leave to go call the nurses.)

Edit: Especially don't lift her head.
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(@GingerBread Gee, please don't drink my blood QAQ I'll die)

It was a really weird sensation. Shina was able to feel what was happening around her yet she didn't have control over her body. She tried to pry open her eyes but they refused to budge. She laid there, helplessly trapped in the darkness while her conscious wavered between control. She somehow knew that her body was trying to fight against something internal.
Corvus blushed as he saw his friend walking in and seeing him shirtless. He snapped out of it almost instantaneously, thinking, C'mon! This isn't the time, or the place!, before finishing up the last of his impromptu stitches.

Re-equipping his shirt and cloak, as well as reorganizing his weapons, he stood up nodded at Pandora with a serious expression as a gentle light enveloped them like a cloud, transporting them into the death match arena.

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I can't let her leave yet, Enki got up and went after Shina. As he caught up he saw her fall to the floor, "what's wrong, that was to sudden for just going to class." Then saw her pass out completely, "SHINA!" He ran over and saw Jay and Nyx, he saw Nyx close to her neck "Leave her alone!" Enki confused this as drinking/preparing to drink her blood, Enki summoned his sword, how ever it didn't look like a broadsword, it was a long sword now. "You basterd!" He ran over and placed his sword to the back of Nyx's head. He looked down at Jay, "You think it's ok for him to drink her blood!?!?"

@GingerBread @Lotusy @PhoenixFire13
"Enki! Nyx! Stop it! Our problem is here! And Nyx, I'm pretty sure this is the right thing to do. I've seen some exhaustion fainting before. This is has got to be something supernatural, she was fine a while ago." Jay gestures towards Shina. "Enki, you have some fire powers. Do fire mages overheat or something? If you can do something healing-related like her flames do, that would probably help." He picks out a bottle from his bag. "I'm going to go get some water. Boys, don't kill anyone while I'm out." He runs off toward the water fountain.
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"Really, I even said before i came over here, i wasn't going to drink her blood, i was going to get Animal blood" Nyx spat at Enki, Feeling annoyed at the stupidity of the boy, He stood up slowly so Enki wouldn't attack him and started to walk towards Jay.

@PhoenixFire13 @metalcity @Lotusy
Enki lowed his weapon, and sighed in relief, he questions what to do. "I don't believe you possess blue magic..." He says this as he remembers that she touched to tree. "Guess I can do what I did to Nyx." He placed his hands on her chest, a glowing blue light was yanked out of her body and into Enki's soul, "don't die!" He rocked her back and forth.

(One sec, I have a plan in mind o3o Heck this is gonna be a long paragraph ...)

Once the boy's hand touched Shina's body, a light blue aura began to quickly envelope the girl's body. It scanned the boy's hand in a soft blue light and rejected it, shocking the hand away from the girl's body. Once it completely encased her inside the barrier, she began to float a few inches off the ground, hovering in the air. The aura solidified into a clear barrier and did not permit anyone to touch it or break it. An important dream was taking place inside the girl's mind.

@GingerBread @metalcity @Lotusy
(@metalcity I guess there wasn't a "moment", so I'll come back now.)

Jay filled the water, with Nyx trailing behind him. He ran back to the site where Shina fell. "Enki! I got the water!" Seeing the giant barrier around Shina, who was hovering, his jaw dropped, and the water fell to the ground. "Wha... What the hell just happened?"
"I'm... uh... not really OK on giving blood." Jay thought about the blood he just took. If only he could tell... I'm already spent from drawing out so much blood... "I guess... we could go assault some other students for it, if you want..." Jay eyed the library. "I'm sure there are some unsuspecting victims in there."

@PhoenixFire13 should we leave you alone for a while?)
"I'm sure there's a butcher in town just get some animal blood from there, though human blood would be better" Nyx said to jay, not wanting to make him hurt himself or others for him, not liking that he looked Uncomfortable.@PhoenixFire13 @metalcity @Lotusy

(I think Nyx is starting to care about someone O_O)
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Tyrrell Was asleep outside the school, under one of the trees. In his head pictures kept popping up showing his past before the accident, he kept twisting and turning. (Now I have something planned but I dont know who is in the virtual world or not)
(@metalcity Sorry if I sorta messed up your explanation of the blue flames now QAQ I could change some parts if you don't like them)

(@GingerBread Good o3o)

In the dark state in Shina's mind, her mind created a phantasmagorical (basically an illusion, just copied it off Google cause it sounded cool o3o) image of her dream state in the form of her human body. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around, everything around her was pitch black.

"Where am I? Am I ... inside my mind?" She turned in a full circle, hoping to see a speck of light that would indicate an exit or a path, anything.

"You won't be able to find light here. Not anymore."

Shina turned to see a mirror image of her, dressed in the exact same clothes, yet with a darker glint in her eyes.

"What do you mean..? Who are you? Where is this place?"

"You know who I am. Or what I am, to be exact." The mirror girl reached out her hand and summoned a blue flame. It glowed brightly in the darkness, giving off an eerie yet comforting light.

"That flame ... Are you the blue fire?" Shina unconsciously walked forward, reaching out toward the flame. It was beckoning her.

"Not yet," the mirror girl extinguished the flame, "You cannot have this power yet. Not until you accept our contract."

"Contract? What contract?"

"You are to become my master."

Shina blinked in surprise. "Excuse me?"

The mirror girl waved her hand at thin air. Multiple balls of blue fire appeared around her. "I assume you heard the story from that boy and you saw us appear when he ... changed into that personality he called Jim." She turned to face Shina, her hands halfheartedly playing with the blue flames that danced around her hand. "That person, Jim, he holds the mastery to blue fire magic, otherwise known as devil's flame. You told that boy that each flame had its own personality. You were right. And I am another personality, born from your fire magic and pure heart."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, slow down." Shina was rubbing her head in her hands. "So what you are trying to tell me is that since I absorbed some of that blue fire, which turned out to be you, I have to now claim to be your master or something?"

"Yes," the mirror girl smiled, glad that her new master was understanding so quickly, "once we seal the contract, you will be my new master. And I will become part of your magic. You will also develop a different personality, like that boy."

"Are you telling me that I'm going to become ... half-devil, half-demon, whatever?"

"No, you will become whatever you wish to become."

Shina sighed and began to mess up her hair. "Like that I can understand all that with a snap of my finger."

"Master," the mirror girl had turned her full attention completely to Shina. The blue flames around her began to fly around faster than before. "You must accept this contract if you ever want to return to your body. We do not have much time left to talk. If you remain in this death state for another minute longer, you will forever stay asleep."

"Well why didn't you tell me that earlier?!?!? What am I suppose to do to seal the contract?!??!" Shina figured making a contract with a blue flame spirit ... thing... was better off than not waking up. For the time being that is.

"We must touch so that you may absorb me completely."

"That sounded weird for a second but it's ok if it's just touching hands right?"

"Yes," the mirror girl held out her hand. Shina took them in her own hands.

Their hands began to glow blue and the mirror girl closed her eyes as she slowly disappeared. After her body disappeared, the blue flames around her flew into Shina's palm. In an instant, the contract was complete and the darkness began to glow brighter and brighter, becoming light.


Shina's eyelids began to flutter. She slowly opened her eyes, squinting against the bright sunlight.

"Morning..." she said softly.
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(@PhoenixFire13 ^ That's a good read... pretty well thought out.)

"Oy look over here! She's awake!" Jay walks over to Shina. "What happened? Are you still feeling sick?"
What the he'll just happened? Why was I rejected by the flames? Seeing that she looked OK Enki said "go on if you can..."

@PhoenixFire13 @GingerBread @Lotusy

(That's fine with the fire, it sounds cooler now, btw I kinda plan on making it that Jim is a devil prince, I call it Jim as Enki was never told its real name. And my contract is with said Jim)

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