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Fantasy Lakoria High School

(Sorry guys, I'm gonna hop back in.)

"Uuuugh..." Jay opened his eyes. He was on the flood. Wha... what? He stood up, shakily. I guess I need to get back to the gang...

After a glass of water and a bar of chocolate, he was ready to walk again.

As Jay walked, exhausted, to the library, he picked up ylthe smell of smoke. He sped up, and saw Enki, with Nyx slung over his solder. He ran up. "What happened to him?"


Reanne Rea's eyes returnes to its natural color. Her gaze flickered at the X Canon, headed straight for her dear best friend. She screamed in horror, loud enough for everyone at school to hear. She dashed to her friend at the speed of light and stood in front of her. As the powerfull ball of magic struck her back, her nine tails protected it, but the pain was unbearable. Sh e screamed in agony, her skin burning. After 5 painful minutes, the ball of fire and water dissolved. She smiled at her best friend. "Good to have you back, Old Friend." She collapsed, breathing heavily, as the world around her turned dark. But as she thought of her best friend, the darkness was a little bit brighter

Shina looked worriedly at Nyx, checking his temperature and feeling his soul fire every 5 minutes like some overprotective mom. "We'll talk later. Right now we need some blood to wake him up before he gets too weak to ever wake up. Anyone want to donate some blood?"

She looked up hopefully at Jay and Enki, hoping she wouldn't have to be the one donating in the end.

@GingerBread @metalcity @Lotusy
  1. "B-b-blood?" Jay looked nervously at his backpack, where he had his own blood stored. He remembered the pain of the scissors, and how it felt to bleed out. But at the same time... this is Nyx. He needs the blood... I can't be so selfish. Jay walked over and unzipped his backpack. "Don't ask where this came from." he said, drawing out the flask full of his blood. "Open wide Nyx." He uncorked the bottle and held it over Nyx's mouth.

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Nyx smelt the sweet smell of blood, his eyes shooting open looking for the source of the smell, adrenalin rushing through him.

He saw Jaw holding a vial of blood above him without thinking, he reached out and snatched it out of jay's hands, he put the vial to his lips before swallowing the crimson red liquid.

@metalcity @Lotusy @PhoenixFire13
@animefan374 Excuse me ... not sure if you saw my notification or not but can you please fix your character sheet and read my note about your posts in the OOC? Before you do so, I'm afraid I cannot allow you to post anymore on this RP.
Shina looked carefully at Enki's face for his reaction before answering, "No, he doesn't. At least I don't think so. But since he is probably going to ask how Nyx came to this state, I was going to tell him about it. I won't tell him about the flames if you don't want me to."

"Don't, I can't let another soul know about this." Dammit, I can't let that ass hat say anything. What do I say here...fuck, I can't think of anything. I could try kill them all here, Nyx and Jay would be easy but, I don't know the extent of her power. Seems as Jay wouldn't say, he only seems to talk to us, but what about her. It will seem creepy if I'm with her all the time though. Enki thinks this but realises as he thinks he has been staring at Shina this whole time. He looks way and blushes slightly great... Not creepy at all.

OceanBunny said:
"We can." Willow agreed with a smile as the teleportation started. They landed under a dome beside some ruins, she could see the trees in the distantance over the swaying grass. Turning she saw that they stood among the ruins in a large meadow. Closing her eyes Willow quickly connected to the nature nearby. "Over there." She said to Hak turning to the left where a boy with a long sword was sneaking through the tall grass towards them.
(@animefan374 Alright, I'm sorry to hear that :c But pretty much, yeah. Because if you post the way you do, it's kinda of hard to read and messes up the whole format part ^^o)

Shina continued to stare at Enki. His eyes told her that he was seriously distraught about this issue and seemed to be in conflict with himself. She sighed and glanced back at Jay and Nyx to make sure they weren't listening. "Fine, I won't. But just ... if you start to feel yourself changing in a bad way, I think I may know of a way to solve your problem. Don't overdo it or you might die again."

She reached out to reassure him with a gentle pat on the back but remembered that he felt comfortable around females and backed away a few steps. "I'm going to check up on Nyx's condition. Remember my words."

She took one long look at Enki before running off toward Jay and Nyx.

I feel like it's a situation where it's calm before the storm...

@GingerBread @metalcity @Lotusy
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Nyx stood up and looked at jay "Thanks for the blood" he said smiling kindly at him.

Nyx heard footsteps approaching him and spun around quickly, as he did this he felt a searing hot pain in his chest.

He grabbed his chest in pain, a look of distress on his face,
It feels like my insides are melting he thought, letting out a scream. Collapsing to the floor in pain

@PhoenixFire13 @metalcity @Lotusy
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Enki look at the floor what do I do now? I''m not killing anyone, again and not yet anyway. I need to do something with Jay and Nyx, I don't want to have to look out for someone else. Enki looks up to see Shina run ahead, what do I do to shut Nyx up then? Then he sees Nyx fall to the floor, shit, is it the flames? Why does it feel like I know a solution. With out thinking Enki rushes over and played his hand on Nyx's chest. Then a blue glow starts to leave the vampires body and enter Enki's, it doesn't hurt?

@GingerBread @PhoenixFire13 @Lotusy
(Welp guess I needa do some acting too ...)

Shina reached Nyx's side just in time to see him fall to the floor, clutching at his chest in pain. Almost instantaneously, she felt an intense pain on her wrist. It was the hand that had touched the blue fire when she had attempted to absorb it. The pain felt like it was spreading quickly through her body, toward her heart. She staggered a bit and placed her other hand to her forehead. Her vision was disoriented with blinding white spots as she fought against a headache in her head.

Then, just as suddenly as it had come, the pain vanished completely. She straightened up and looked at her hand in shock. The burn was gone and a soft orange glow was left behind.

Ok, that was weird. What in the world did I try to absorb?
Shina smiled, or at least she tried to because the pain returned momentarily before disappearing again. "Good to see you two are getting along so much better. Um, if there's nothing else, I'm going to get back to class now. Kinda wanna see who ends up winning. See ya."

She hoped she didn't give away too much as she forced herself to stand without grimacing in pain and run off toward the gym. The last thing she wanted was for her blood to be taken when she was already dizzy-headed. She turned the corner to the entrance of the gym building and collapsed to her knees.

"What's going on..." was all she managed before she fainted on the ground.

@GingerBread @metalcity @Lotusy
"Did she run off because of me? i just said blood, i was thinking animal blood" Nyx Said before shakily getting off the ground, he looked over at Enki

"I'm going to go explain that to her" Nyx started to limp slowly towards the gym where he had seen the girl run off to.

@PhoenixFire13 @metalcity @Lotusy
Jay, having nothing to do, followed Nyx to the gym. He saw Shina faint, and fall to the ground. "Whoa, Shina!" Jay watches the black-haired girl fall fall to the ground. I don't have another heal... dammit. Looks like it's time for modern medicine... "Someone get her some water!" He turns her onto her back. "Nyx, can you check her pulse?" He propped her legs up on his bag. "Hopefully this'll keep her bloodflow steady..."

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