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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Pandora awoke, swearing that she could've heard the sound of fighting.

fuck.. how long have I been asleep...?

She asked herself, slightly panicked. She quickly checked she still had all of her belongings, to which she was relieved she did. Pandora stood up and made her way out of the cave.

After a few minutes of wandering out into the terrain, she spotted Corvus, which lifted her spirits a little. But then she saw the blood trickling down his arm.

"...Corvus? Whats happening...?"

Pandora called, unaware of the nearby dangers, as she was distracted by the appearance of the elf.
(@metalcity Are you referring to that buff effect I gave you or something else?)

Shina calmed herself down before responding, "Not sure if that is considered drawing but you should check a mirror."

She took a mirror out of her backpack and passed it over to Enki.

"By the way, I can feel your fidgeting under the table. Can you please sit still? I told you I'll fight you after school. Can't you wait for another hour or two?" She shifted uncomfortably away from Nyx.
(May have made a contract with a devil ;) that will come up later @PhoenixFire13)

Enki checks the mirror, he starts to go red "dammit" he mutters wiping off the ink. "So why am I suddenly in the library?" He asks moving over to another chair so the female isn't too close.
"No i can't, i can't wait to beat you to a pulp and then feast upon your corpse" Nyx said grinning before turning his attention towards the boy.

"You're here because your little bitches brought you here"

@metalcity @PhoenixFire13

(Ok, just checking to clear up confusions owo)

Shina watched Enki's movements with amusement. So he really isn't comfortable with females. Makes me sorta want to pinch his face again.

"Your friend, sister, I think she called herself Maka, brought you here to answer some questions I had. Hope you don't mind that we kind of know your history now?" She smiled innocently and pointed to Nyx, Jay, and herself.

She kicked Nyx under the table and whispered, "Stop thinking about food all the time. If you're hungry, go to the cafeteria or something."

@metalcity @GingerBread @Lotusy
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You know, Enki's pretty funny when he scoots away... Jay rouses himself from his thoughts, and coughs. He looks at the vampire. "If you're hungry, would you care for some candy?" He pulled out a small chocolate bar. "70% cocoa, it tastes pretty good." He offers it to Nyx.

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All of a sudden, another arrow pierced through the bush leaves and grazed his thigh, but the injuries were minor. Looks like stealth isn't gonna work here... She knows where I am..., Corvus thought before hearing a familiar voice. Pandora... "(Sorry... Can't chat right now...)," he whispered to her.

With a war cry, he rushed out of the bushes with a shield mounted on his left forearm and a Deagle on his right, shooting from behind the shield as he sprinted towards his female assailant. I need to save up my mana for Glitch. Using the XMR is a luxury that I don't have right now...

@OceanBunny @TheCreator645
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Enki sighs and looks down at the table "What do you know then." He says as if he had failed something, "anything else you want to know about my past" he starts to sound angery "when did she start" Enki hopes that they won't bring up the church.

@PhoenixFire13 @Lotusy @GingerBread
"And I wanna know where you got that trashy mouth," Shina whispers to herself.

"It's ok, we didn't learn much," she reassured Enki, "Just that you have a devil inside you and that Maka and Chloe, I think that was the other one's name, are your sisters."
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Enki looks up in shock "you know what!?!?" He shouts before lowering his voice because of the librarian "dammit I know she would say something like that." Enki gets up and started to leave. He started shaking, "I need some water." As he leaves he goes back to the football field "Why did he appear, it was out of no where ." He mutters to him self before summoning a blue fire ball, "what the..." As he does this he deactivates the spell and goes back to the library. "Err, Shina could you come with me" he asks nervously...

@PhoenixFire13 @GingerBread @Lotusy
When Enki left, Shina became bored and decided to get a book. She sat down and opened the book just as Enki returned.

"Er, sure..?" she asked cautiously. She closed her book and got up to follow him.

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Pandora asked, confused. She spun round as she saw Corvus begin to attack- Pandora realised there was dangerous opponents in the area when this happened- but she could do no more as an arrow tore through the air, and right into her shoulder. Blood trickled quickly down her arm as she gasped, and gritted her teeth in pain.

@LegenDarius @OceanBunny
He is gonna make this hard "I'm not telling you." He says as he starts to head back out to the football field, Shina still behind him. This time no nerves struck him he looks Shina in the eyes, " you seem to know a lot about fire." He says in a stern tone "Could you explain why my fire is blue." He says to her whilst summoning a perfect blue fire in his hand. Dammit, this wasn't part of the contract.

@PhoenixFire13 @GingerBread if you want to be there.
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Shina's eyes were drawn to the blue light that the flame on Enki's hand gave off. "Flames have personalities just like people. If your fire changed from red to blue, that means the personality that appeared before when you went unconscious is starting to take over your current personality. It's not going to happen with a snap of a finger but the change in your flames are the evidence that you are changing."

"Still..." she reached out toward the fire, as if in a trance, "It's a really beautiful flame... You seem to have an easier control over your flames now..."
When Corvus heard the arrow hit Pandora behind him, his eyes widened ferociously and his heart instantaneously combusted with flames of rage. "How dare you!," he yelled as he closed the distance between him and Willow using Glitch.

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Jay looked up. No one invited me outside... they're probably having a moment. He sat around awkwardly, all alone, then stood up. Jumping out of the window he opened up earlier, he sprinted towards the market...

At the market, he bought a couple of items. A six pack of soda, two bags of candy, and then some glass vials, a jar of honey, and a box of rubber gloves. I think this should be good enough. For good measure, he bought a clear plastic sheet. He headed towards the dorm.

He walked into the dorm building with his odd assortment of items. As soon as he was in his room, he dropped his bags and opened the window. He picked up his new book and placed it on his table. "A Guide to Alchemy - Modern Magic". He took out a pair of bandage scissors and cut out two lens-shaped ovals from the sheet, then taped them together, and attached a strip of bandage wrap to them. So what do I know? Well, he said vampire blood could heal, I guess I can start there. He then flipped open the book, to the Glossary section : "Potions made with Vampire blood". He flipped to the page, and was amazed. This potion... it could be so useful... life changing in fact... thank you, Nyx. You have no idea what this means to me. He snapped out of his thoughts. "Lets see..." He scanned the page. The ingredient list ran as follows:

1 cup of honey

1 drop of vampire's blood.

3 peacock feathers

1 live salamander

1 spiritual flame


And two liters of the alchemist's blood.

"This... this better be worth it." He winced and close the book. But... but... this could solve all of my problems. "I better get started," he said out loud. He strapped on some gloves, and attached to makeshift goggles to his head. Jay exposed his arm, broke off one part of the scissors, and held it above one of the vials. Here goes nothing. He made a slash in his arm, and squeezed. "AAAHHHH!!!"

(So basically, Jay'll be out of the picture until this evening. This is only because I couldn't find a reason to continue being in the real world group. Sorry guys. He can meet back up at dinner.)
"I don't understand why he attacked today, I didn't even feel angry like I did before."Memorys of the church start to fuel Enki's mind. "You seem like a good person." Enki then throws the ball of fire over towards the tree, it lights up in a blue light. Enki looks at it happily, then starts to understand that he set the tree on fire. "Dammit that was stupid, we should put this out." Enki says running over to the tree.

(@Lotusy Ok now I see Jay in a new light O.o That. Was so not expected.)

(@metalcity NATURE KILLER! Willow is gonna be so angry with you QAQ)

"Mmhmm..." Still entranced by the blue flame, Shina's eyes followed it as it landed on a tree and began to burn away the leaves. "Even when it's burning it looks so beautiful..."

Wait. Burning...

"Oh my god," Shina ran over to the tree and touched the flames but was immediately pushed back by the force. "What the..." She stared in shock at her hands. The skin was slightly raw and exposed but strangely it didn't feel painful. It felt more like the fire burnt away her top skin and willingly merged into her body but some other power forced the process to stop halfway. She shook the strange thought out of her head. "Guess we do this the normal way. I'll go get water!"

She ran off toward a nearby water fountain.
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Shina rushed back with a bucket of water which one of the teachers had so graciously thrown at her after seeing the smoke. She threw the water onto the tree but the fire didn't go out. In fact, it seemed like the fire just burned even brighter, as if it was angry.

"Oh god, this better not be one of those fires that have a mind of their own... Enki? Any ideas?"

In desperation, she grabbed one of the marshmallows from Nyx and threw it at the blue fire.

@GingerBread @metalcity

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