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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Stay out of this girl, if i remember correctly, you're the cause of this because you were too scared to fight me so you got your boyfriend over here to fight for you resulting in this" Nyx sneered at the girl.

@metalcity @PhoenixFire13
Maka sighs "fine, but basically he has a demon in him that took over his body, and I killed him. Sending both there souls to hell." She says continuing to poke Enki's face "next question?" She says with a giggle.

Shina glared at Nyx, "Look, I'm not in the mood to be pissed right now. So if you would just shut up and sit there quietly, I would really appreciate it. Or you can just leave since I doubt you want to help him anyways."

She turned back to Maka. "Is he trapped there for eternity? I'm guessing no and you want my help to revive him or something."
Maka laughs at the question, "no no, he can escape. Reviving him would kill him in his current position." She says with a smirk. "Next question?"
"Uh, guys...I think I might want to go." Jay stands up. "This tension is too much. I'm going to go check out a book." As he was walking away, he turned around. "Oh, and Shina? Thanks for saving me... twice now. I owe you one." He walks into the library.

(Just to edit this in: I'm going to take an irl break. I promise it won't be long.)
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Shina waved at Jay, "No problem. Only one though? Shouldn't you owe me twice?" Her eyes twinkled mischievously. "Just kidding."

She giggled a little at Nyx's response. Maybe he isn't that bad of a guy. That last part was unnecessary though.

"So why exactly are you telling me, us, this? Wouldn't it be bad if Enki returns to his body and finds some strangers suddenly know his history without his permission?" Shina stared at Enki and had an urge to poke him, which she proceeded to do.
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She giggles "yep, but I just don't want people to piss him off to that level again, next time it could be worse." She looks at the vampire "I know you don't care but don't do that to him again, he could kill most of us if he does that again, and me and Chloe might not be summoned to stop him again." She looks back at the girl "think I can answer one more question before he wakes up and I go see my sister." She waits for her next question.

@PhoenixFire13 @GingerBread
Although it was tough, Corvus was able to hear a whisper from one of his targets because of his elfen ears. "ak... ai... a... ees..," was all Corvus heard. Fortunately, it was all he needed to hear. The two students were aware of his presence. With that, he let the arrow fly aiming at the girl's leg.

Shina began to pull on Enki's face, seeing how many different expressions she could force him to make.

"Huh, what? Oh, um, what do you want me to do after knowing this information? Also, are you taking the body with you guys or do I have to find somewhere to bury his body? Wait, that's two questions..."

She shot another glare at Nyx. "And you too because I'm gonna make sure I drag you to hell with me."
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Willow flapped her wings, pulling Hak into the air with her as the trees told her the arrow had been loosed. Landing on a branch she released Hak's hand and leapt back into the air. Pulling the bow off her back she flew high aimed for the elf and let the arrow fly.

@CelestiaVanGuard @LegenDarius
Maka laughed, "I was wondering if you had any more, that's all." She giggled as she saw Enki start to slowly move. Then she remembered "by the way shina, you are the first female he talked to besides me and my sister, so that's why he might seem strange around you." She whispers before going to hell.

Enki starts to open his eyes, he sees an upside down Shina then notices the vampire. He looks at him he seems different then looks around "Wait, where am I, what happens?" Then he remembers "did I lose again?" He says as he sighs.

@PhoenixFire13 @GingerBread
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Seeing the arrow coming at him, Corvus quickly turned around as he jumped off the tree branch, hoping that the arrow would embed itself into the shield that was on his back. However, it grazed his shoulder, leaving a red trail of blood. Corvus winced in pain as he jumped down.

After landing, Corvus searched for another point to attack the students from, his one hand covering the flesh wound on his shoulder. The compound bow was useless without the element of stealth, so Corvus collapsed it and put it away. He waited in the darkness of a nearby bush, with one Deagle in hand and ready to fire. 4 rounds... make it count, Corvus thought to himself. Hope the smell of blood doesn't give me away...

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Jay walks back out of the library, trying to shove an especially large book into his backpack. He sees Enki shoot up, awake. "Just in time!" He ran over to the group and sat down next to Nyx. I wonder what happened to him...
Kyzaba thought he'd heard walking in an area near them but decided that it was nothing. He looked behind to see that there was no one and soon came to a conclusion that either he was hearing things or the game was misleading his senses. Either way, he was losing blood fast and he needed a bondage. Kyzaba groaned before tearing off a bit of fabric from his shirt and covering up his wound after removing the weapon.

Shina was shocked as she heard about Enki's weird behavior around females. No wonder he seemed really nervous before...

She smiled and stretched his cheek again. But his eyes suddenly opened and she jumped back, pulling her hands away and hiding them behind her back,

"Oh, uh, morning. I totally wasn't playing with your face. I mean uh, how do you feel?"

I sound like an idiot, she screamed in her head.

@metalcity @GingerBread @Lotusy
Willow closes here eyes listening to the forest plants. As a bush informs her of the enemy's location she notches an arrow. Turning in the air she lets the arrow loose towards the boys location by the bush. Making sure that she stayed aware of Hak's position in the nearby tree and any danger directed at him.

@CelestiaVanGuard @LegenDarius
Dammit, as she wasn't down there she must have been talking to them, what did she tell them. Enki gets off the table, "If I died how come I'm alive?" Then notices he is sitting next to a female, he panicked and moved to another chair. He started to sweat, then checked his face "did she draw on me when I died again." He sighs before realising he said that out loud then tried to cover it up. Then wonders why he felt more powerful. @PhoenixFire13 @GingerBread @Lotusy

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