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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Oh and what do you want now " she says looking over with cold eyes "if you couldn't tell we are in a meeting so back off." Maka says flicking her wrist in a back off motion

"Well, long story short. A devil was killed and has been placed in Enki, but only apperes when he rages." Expressions turned darker "somehow something triggured him to unleach this devil." She begins to smile, "Next question?"

@PhoenixFire13 @Lotusy
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"What's so important about this book anyways?" Jay reads the cover. "Blood...Magic..? Hey!" He quickly grabs the book and holds it away. "What are you gonna do with this?"

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"W-well..." Jay could feel the pressure of their stares. "How do I know you're not going to use it against us? I've already been hypnotized once, who says you won't do it again?" Jay shuts his eyes and walks backwards.
"As much as I agree, Enki what's this guy to fight at full when he leaves hell. Trust me, Enki is going to train until he can win with out me or Chloe." She then flixs her head over to the vampire "if we give you this, you are not allowed to fight anyone until challaged by Enki." She smirks.

@GingerBread @PhoenixFire13 @Lotusy
Jay looks over to the vampire. "Tch... I guess, this is yours..." Jay checks out the vampire. He seems strong enough anyways... what does he need this for? He reluctantly hands over the book.

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Maka sighs and grabs the book before handed over, she puts a flame near it "do we have a deal" she looks at the vampire.

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"sure" nyx said before grabbing the book and walking towards the Librarian to check out the book.

"My deal wasn't with you though" He shouted over while the librarian checked out the book.

"Me too.. Do you think we should take their weapons?" She asks, looking over at the katana, chair-knife, bow, and gun. "They might come in handy if we run in to more players." She says with a frown.

Nyx walks out of the library carrying his book looking for a place to read it. He finds a bench outside and decides to sit there and read the book.

while reading through the book he sees he can create a familiar that's bound to him via blood; depending on what sort of blood it is, it can be really strong, werewolf blood being the strongest, vampire just below that. he reads that he would have to create a potion with a lot of different ingredients, one of them being the hair of the animal he wants it to be and some of his own blood. It also says that he would have to fight it when he first summons it, once he had beat it it would become his to summon and would be bound to him by blood.

Nyx closes the book and walks into town recalling that he had seen a hunting shop, he hoped they would have some real animal fur.

when he got to the shop he found they did have real animal pelts But only of big cats, Well if anything is going to kill me this is he thought.

He decided to get some panther fur as his favourite animal is a panther, He cut some of the fur off of the panther without the owner seeing and quickly left the shop

Once Nyx had the rest of the ingredients he headed back to the school. He pulled out one of his glass vials and put the ingredients in it, he then bit his hand causing him to bleed, he squeezed the cut so his blood dripped into the vial, he then check the book for the incantation he was meant to say.

Once he had said the incantation, the vial started to heat up, The mixture inside started bubbling, Shocked by the sudden heat Nyx dropped the vial Causing it to break, Spilling the mixture over the floor.

Annoyed at wasting his time Nyx started to walk away
well this was a waste of time he thought angrily before being slammed into a wall.

Picking himself up he looked over in the direction of the person that hit him expecting it to be one of Enki's Annoying devils.
" oh just piss off will-"

He stopped talking, Surprised when he saw an only just solid panther surrounded by a red glow. Nyx Unsheathed his daggers Charging at the Panther, happy that he didn't completely fail. The panther let out a massive roar before charging at Nyx
"Nah, I don't really know what I would ask you about this... Enki guy." He climbs onto a ledge, opening up the window, then sits down. "So, demon and girl, what are your names? Mine's Jay, Jay Delon..." At that moment, a brown pigeon swoops through the open window. "... and this is Democritus."

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