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Fantasy Lakoria High School

(Ouch, that's gotta hurt...)

"Huh? Hello? Anyone there?"
Shina switched to restricting the boy by his hands and stepped in front of him. Her eyes widened as she looked into his eyes. They were coated with a red shimmer as if it wasn't his real eye color.

Is he ... being controlled? Well if he is, this should do the trick.

"Wake up." And she slaps him across the cheek.

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"Rrr... grrr!" Jay's body was getting impatient. In his mind, however, he was panicking. Oh no, what am I gonna do? He starts flailing, aiming a punch at the girl holding him back.
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Enki starts to fall, but the stupid will power gets in the way "I'LL KICK YOU'R ASS!!!!!" He shouts at Nyx, then it starts to happen.Chloe sighs "looks like it's Jim again." She starts to giggle uncontrollably. The increased will power sets off the rage he has been hiding for years. Enki pulls his sword out of the beast the runs around the vampire, hacking and slashing. Blood leaks out of Nyx until Chloe jumps in and punches Enki in the face, Maka stands in front of the vampire "you might be to stupid to understand but in his condition Enki could kill everyone here." She then looks to see Chloe chanting and drawing marks on Enki.

@GingerBread @PhoenixFire13 @Lotusy
Shina dodged the punch and grabbed the boy's arms again. "Well then, that didn't go so well. I think I made him more mad. You know what they say, nothing is ever easy."

She summoned the invisible flames again and touched his forehead with a finger, making his brain absorb the flames. She closed her eyes and concentrated, willing the flames to burn away whatever was controlling this boy's body.

*Gasp* "Aaahh!" Jay winced as the mind control left his body. It felt like a spike was being pulled out of his head. "Oh, gosh." Jay started to cough. "I was *cough* being controlled?"
"And you want me to do what about it, i say let him it will be fun to watch" He said punching the demon in front of him before going to the one in front of Enki and punching it as well, he punched the boy in the face before fleeing to safe distance to watch the chaos he was promised. while stopping his bleeding with blood magic so he wouldn't bleed out from the cuts he got

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"Dammit! You don't know what you did!" Chloe shouts, Enki's eyes went pour red, the symbols on his chest started to glow bloody red, Chloe tried to stop him from getting up. But with out hesitation Enki swipes at the devil, taking her head clean off "Well see you soon sis!" She says while disappearing. "So, I'm free at last in this body." He sees the vampire standing in front of him "Thanks for freeing me, at last I'm not contained inside his weak mind." He says this while evilly laughing "but now I'm going to have to kill you, oh and before you get any ideas, I'm a devil, nice to meet you." He says as he prepares a fireball, but it was strange and not like any Enki has thrown before. It was blue.

@GingerBread @PhoenixFire13 @Lotusy
Aki blocked the bullets but didn't attack the illusion she just sighed. What's wrong? "I don't sense any intent from him anymore this is just an illusion again. And that girl is gone to this isn't fun anymore. When we get back you take over." She stabbed herself in the heart turning into ones and zeros opening her eyes Rin was back in control sitting up she saw a fight between the two she meet and some others. "Should we get involved?" Should we get involved of course we should we gotta pay them back for having fun without us. Plus maybe you could make a friend. Rin was taken in by the promise of a friend and jumped in the fight by running and jump kicking at the boy from before. I just got a case of deja vu?

@GingerBread @PhoenixFire13 @metalcity
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Enki/Jim sees another person approach, he watched this new comer kick the vampire "Hahahaha, you dumb ass, thanks for the help" he shouts as he sends the fire towards them. As he starts to recover from sending that attack, a hand is placed on his back and some chanting in his ears "Maka you bitch!" Then she finishes and Enki's and Jim's souls are placed in the underworld. Maka grabs his body and started to leave as he sees the girl Enki was talking to, she moves over to her and whispers "if you want to try and protect him, go to the library, I can give you answers." She says before flying him to the music block. "Dammit, he was out to long. Hope he can get his soul back, sorry to kill you again Jim." The smoke clears from the vampire and other girl and Enki has vanished.

@Nenma Takashi @GingerBread @PhoenixFire13 @Lotusy
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Nyx ignoring the girl who had just kicked him, he starts to run away. He decides that now would be a good time to head into and pick up some new daggers, Maybe i should get some vials, to store blood in he thought.

When he got into town, he ignored the weird looks he got because he was bleeding, he noticed a weapon shop. When he entered the weapon shop, he noticed A set of 2 daggers.
These look perfect he thought, He purchased them and new sheaths after he found they didn't fit in his old one as the new daggers were longer than his old ones. on his way back to the school he noticed a small shop that sold small vials made of reinforced glass, Nyx brought 4 of them and continued on his way.

As he entered the school, he wondered what to do next, he decided to look through the library Again and see if he could find a book on blood magic
Maybe i didn't look hard enough He thought making his way to the library, hoping he wouldn't run into anyone.
As the fire boy left, the the fight, a new girl came in and kicked the vampire. Afterwards, the vampire began to run away. No! Wait! Don't let him get away! "Wait! Vampire! I can help you!" But the vampire was apparently out of earshot. Jay chased him to the market. He lost him, but soon found him again, as he was buying some glass vials. He's walking now, but he was so far away. Agh, my lungs are burning. As soon as the vampire started heading to the library, Jay panicked. This is my last time to yell. He broke out into a sprint. "Hey Vampire! Wait up!"

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Nyx turned towards the boy and shot him a glare "Really? you're just going to shout Vampire out loud?" He asks slightly annoyed.

"What do you want anyway?" Nyx asks getting impatient.

"Sorry... *pant* I just don't know your name." He looks around to check if anyone is looking. "You... what did you do to me just now?" Jay looks at the vampire, then down to the vampire's arm. "Hey, are you ok? I can fix that for you if you want."

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"You want to help me? I find that hard to believe" Nyx says Looking at the boy suspiciously, moving his hand to his dagger.

@Lotusy (This doesn't have to end in a fight or one of us fleeing, just be careful what you do ;) )
Jay throws his hands up. "Whoa there buddy, no need to get testy. If I recall, you were the last thing I saw before I got hypnotized." He slowly back up a few paces. "I just want to make a deal with you. If I can heal you, promise to never hypnotize me again."

(@GingerBread but OOC, thanks for bringing me into the fight man. I had no idea what to do.)
Nyx glared at the boy "Whats stopping me from hypnotizing you again" he said grinning "One you won't be able to break out of" he added getting ready to chase after the boy if he decided to run.

@Lotusy (No problem man :D )
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"Uh... okay... DEMOCRITUS! I NEED YOU!!!" As soon as Jay yelled, a group of 10 pigeons swooped down, clawing, pecking, obscuring the vampire's view. Jay ran past him, grabbing a brown and white pigeon out of the mix. "Thanks Democritus," he said. As the pigeons fought, he ran with Democritus in his hands towards to library. As soon as he entered, the pigeons around to vampire took to the sky and fled.

"What the hell! Pigeons!" Nyx yelled as he swatted at the pigeons Pecking and clawing him, not seeing where the boy ran off to. Once the Pigeons had left, he started continuing to the library like he was originally going to before the Pigeon boy Interrupted him.

He walked into the library seeing the boy again he unsheathed his daggers. Time for payback he thought charging towards the boy

@Lotusy (It's on now)
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(I'm laughing way too hard XDDDDDDDDD)

Shina watched with intense curiosity as Enki seemed to change into a different person who called himself a devil. She was uninterested at first because he didn't really seem to change other than his personality but when he summoned a blue flame, her eyes couldn't leave it. It was a beautiful flame full of chaos and harmony, balancing each other out yet still maintaining a strong force. She watched, amazed at the damage it caused even though it missed its target. A large crater was on the ground and the grass around it was sizzling from visible heat waves.

A voice whispered into her ear to head to the library. Shina perked up and smiled. Of course she was going. There was no way she would be letting this mystery be left unsolved. She jumped up and took another deep breath before heading toward the library. When she got there however, she sees the vampire from before attacking the boy she had just saved from mind control. She sighed in annoyance and dashed in front of him, grabbing his arms again and twisting them to make him let go off the daggers.

"I suggest that you don't start fighting here unless you want to get your daggers confiscated," She tilted her head to indicate the librarian watching them from behind the counter. "Then again, I can always break your arm so that you never hold one ever again." Her eyes flashed dangerously as her grip tightened.

@GingerBread @metalcity @Lotusy
"AAAHHH! HELP MEEEE!!!" Jay ran away, but he soon saw the vampire behind him again, this time with two daggers unsheathed. Crap. This isn't the sim anymore, I'm really in danger this time. Suddenly, he saw the girl from before fight off the vampire. He grabbed the largest book he could find. Aw, nuts. Why does everyone else get the good weapons? I've only had a pipe and a book. He ran towards the fight, hoping to help subdue the vampire.
"You still owe me a fight, one where your boyfriend doesn't fight for you" nyx said ignoring the pain, I've had years to get use to this sort of pain but oh well He thought, grabbing the girl's wrists and then twisting her arms behind her back and pushing her towards the boy running at him with a book before Sheathing his daggers.

@PhoenixFire13 @Lotusy
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Shina placed a foot in front of her before she could bump into the boy and spun in a circle, untwisting her arms. "Fine, but I have an appointment right now so meet me in the football field after school."

She grabbed the hypnotized boy's wrist and dragged him with her toward the back of the library. "And don't pick on this guy anymore. If you do, the rematch is off."

@GingerBread @Lotusy @metalcity
"Whoa!" Jay backs up, as the girl falling towards him steadies herself. The girl grabs his wrist and drags him off to the back of the library. "Thanks for the help." He puts the book on a table. "So what's your name?"

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(Didnt mean to say library, oops)

Maka looks down to the boy once known as Enki, "hope he can get his body back before he's dead for good." She then hears the sound of more fighting, she sees the group that was out side, she sighs when she directs her attention towards the vampire. When he backs off Maka picks up the body , walks over to the two people and places the body down on the table. "Hi there, so where do you want to start." The sence of death swifts towards the two people.

@PhoenixFire13 @Lotusy
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Nyx glared at the boy as the girl "Got a new Boyfriend now have you?" he shouted over to the girl mockingly before continuing his search for the book on blood magic as he walked through the library he saw the girl and boy near a table, he thought about throwing a book at the boy. Before he could the book the boy had put on the table caught his eye. The book was the book he needed, The Studies of blood magic.

He made his way over to the book hoping to grab it before the girl and boy noticed just as he was about to grab it he was interrupted by a body being put on the table. He tried to reach out for the book again.

@PhoenixFire13 @Lotusy @metalcity

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