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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Shina opened her eyes to a blinding white light and a plain ceiling. She laid there for a while as she reflected on what happened in the game. Sure, near the end, she had to be a bit serious but as long as no one found out about her powers, it was fine. No... there was one person that found out, the wind child. Shina wondered if she was still alive in the game.

After thinking about random stuff for a while, she sighed and sat up, placing her hand on her chest where the bullet had hit her. She knew she couldn't feel anything out of the ordinary because she wasn't shot in her real body but the pain was still there. Frustrated at losing to that boy, she ignored the monitors and left the gym, wanting to get some fresh air.

Outside, she stretched and let a smile wiggle it's way onto her face. She took a deep breath, enjoying the sun on her skin. The air smelled of warmth and fire. Wait... fire? She sniffed the air again. Sure enough, there was a faint smell of something burnt nearby. She followed the smell and reached the football field. There was a boy standing alone in the middle of the field.

Shina recognized him as the boy that had tried to talk to her at the beginning of the gym period. She watched curiously as he summoned a fireball but couldn't control it well and ended up hurting himself. Frowning, she walked over to him.

"You know, you're putting too much force into making the fireballs."

Enki hears a voice, looking over he sees the female he talked to earlier. No why did a female have to approach me now he started to sweat as the female approached him, then the fireball he was about to summon explodes in his hand. He falls to the floor No, no, no, no a-a female!?!?!?! he looks over confused by the attention he just got from her, then looks over and sees the smoke rise from the floor. Then looks back "urm-urm I guess you s-smelt the smoke."

Nyx Grunted in pain trying not to show any signs of weakness as the girls blade grazed the middle of his face before Ripping open his stomach.

He Gritted his teeth together, trying not to succumb to the pain, he could feel himself dying, he looked over to the girl just in time too see her disappear. Cursing, he pushed himself up shakily. He figured this was where he lost, if he didn't get medical attention soon and even then it was a slim chance. he saw the gun lying next to him he reached out for it picking it up and shakily pointing it at the girl before squeezing the trigger and watch the last 3 remaining bullets fly out towards the girl.

Nyx felt his eyelids get heavy as he was succumbing to the fatal injuries he had gotten, As he felt himself slowly fade away he muttered a spell to create the illusion he was still there ready to fight the girl, he hoped she be stupid enough to think he hadn't died. He promised to himself he would get the girl back for this, he would make her go through hell and back for messing with him, then everything went black.

@Nenma Takashi
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(@GingerBread Well good to know Nyx and Shina have a grudge against each other now lol)

"Yeah," Shina held out a hand toward the boy, "Why don't you try loosening up when you're making the fireball? It's good that your concentrating but I think you're concentrating too hard and making the force too large. Don't be impatient and just wait for the flame to appear."
Nyx opened his eyes and found he was back in the Gym, he stood up and started to walk to the library too see if his daggers were there. He also thought about seeing if the library had any books on blood magic, he doubted they would as they probably deemed it too dangerous for students.

When nyx arrived at the library he noticed that his daggers were gone, he scowled he doubted he'd be getting those back he went into the magic section of the library and looked for a book on blood magic;disappointed when he couldn't find one even though he'd half expected it, he started to make his way out of the library, wanting to go into the town too see if he could "acquire" some new daggers.

As he was making his way out of the school he saw the girl who had killed him feeling rage build up inside him, He picked up a medium sized rock before lobbing it at the girl's head.

Enki looks at the hand held out to him A female being n-nice!?!?! is this a trap, is it a friendly gesture, what is it. Well I don't want to be rude to the first female I've ever talked to, well lest risk it. Enki grabs the females hand and she pulls him up, he looks confused then nods his head. "That seems like a viable option, seems like you know a lot about fire so I should tru-tru-trust you." He says this realising that he isn't feeling as nervous. Then starts to prepare a fire ball, he hears her advise and starts to summon another fire ball, it lights up in his hands, the best he summoned then he throws it but it leaves the air and turns to smoke. Enki sighs.

Shina watched as the boy tried summoning a fire another time. Even though it went out, she smiled.

"Well that one looked better than the last once. I think all you need is just practice. Fire can be destructive at times so it likes taking control if you don't manage it properly. Usually, it's easier if you think of the fire as another living being and-"

Her sentence was cut off as she felt an object flying toward her from behind. She turned around and saw a rock flying toward her face. Surprised, she caught it in her hand and dropped it only to see the boy with the chair that she had just killed a few minutes prior.

"You," her eyes narrowed.

@metalcity @GingerBread
Enki turns his head, noticing the girl suddenly holding a rock, he turned more to see the guy that "killed" him.

"Didn't expect to see you this soon, and still violent as ever." he looks at his figure "Nyx." his hand started to move, summoning his sword.

"Seems you came at a bad time, you see, Im still pissed about both of those loses. And I don't know about the history of you too but I want your head" He stands there waiting for a response.

@GingerBread @PhoenixFire13
Shina looked back and forth between the two boys and sighed. She turned slightly red on the cheeks at the remark, "He's not- Why did you- Who said- You know what, I think I want that one-v-one after all."

She summoned a fireball and prepared herself to throw it at him before she caught herself and stopped. "Tch, I forgot that I was on probation. You got lucky." She glared at him. She looked back at the boy practicing his fireballs and got an idea.

"How bout this, you guys have your rematch and I'll watch. It'll serve as good practice for him," she cocked her head toward the boy in question.

"But first, introductions. I'm getting tired of calling you guys fire boy and vampire boy in my head."
"You'll know my name when it's marked into your tombstone as the man who killed you, until then Vampire MAN works just fine" he said glaring at the girl " and this hardly fair now is it he has a sword i have, no weapon of any sort but if you would like your BOYFRIEND to fight for you go ahead" he said smirking before looking uninterested about what was happening.

@PhoenixFire13 @metalcity
Enki grows red Trying to involve me in a females life like this, I'll show him. He grits his teeth, then looks over to the girl, "Sorry, I don't believe I ever introduced my self, I'm Enki." He says with a little grin then looked at Nyx, He starts to move his hand, dark beings appear next to Enki, "Looks like its just us."

"Oh hi there." Chloe waves towards the vampire, then looks down towards the girl "So, never seen you before. What's you name?" Chloe grows a massive grin.

Maka looks towards the vampire, "I'll pay you back for that punch."

Enki starts a dash towards the vampire.

@GingerBread @PhoenixFire13
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(Ah well, if no one is battling, I guess I might as well leave the sim.)

Jay winced as he tried to crawl with only 3 legs. Once he was sure bush boy was as far away from him as possible, he sat down and examined his new injury. He started tugging on the arrow, but it wouldn't budge. He closed his eyes, and winced as he ripped the arrow from his knee. Blood started pouring out. He felt the pain, almost as if it was real. He considered using his heal, but he wasn't sure if it was worth it, or if he could even use it in the game. Too late now, anyways, his vision became blurred and his head dizzy. Ah... welp, end of the line. He looked at the arrow, then brought it to his heart. Let's make this quick... He stabbed downward. Blackness.

Jay awoke to bright, shining lights, and he immediately heard an argument. Wha... what? He turned his head, vision focusing on two boys squaring off.
Nyx sighs before chanting a quick incantation to freeze the boy's blood making it almost stop it his veins, he smirks before launching himself at the boy kicking him square in the chest sending him backwards "didn't even get to finish introductions, how rude" he remarks before increasing his speed and strength. and launching himself at the boy once again.

@metalcity @PhoenixFire13
Shina's face grew redder at each word the vampire BOY said. I think you could win a trophy with that derp-ass sarcasm of yours, jerk. Why are guys always such jerks.

She nodded in approval at the fire boy, "Nice to meet you. I'm Shina." Maybe it was because he also used fires but Enki seemed different from the other boys. Less jerky like (haha, bad pun I know).

"You have a rematch with Enki and I'll consider it. Talk to me again when you beat him, if you can that is." she smirked, hoping that he was a good fighter so she could see a good match.

An idea came to her and she smiled. Unseen by the two of them, she waved her fingers behind her back and sent two nearly invisible flames toward Enki. The flames touched his skin and was absorbed.

Just in case.

@metalcity @GingerBread @Lotusy

If you guys are confused about what I did, the flame is sort of like a container full of energy that would enhance a person's strength and willpower. Basically it just makes the person feel lighter and in top shape, maybe better.
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After the student rolled away and showed no signs of returning, Corvus disposed of the metal pipe and made his way to a different vantage point, hoping that his target was still there.

@Krekire @Kyzaba
Pain struck's Enki, but then it all stops wh-wh-what!?!?! Confused Enki feels his body. "What is this?" he looks up and smirks "So, bad day to die." Then he leaves vision slightly, so fast Nyx's eyes couldn't truly catch up with his speed. Enki dashes past and swings at his chest, blood squirts out of his chest "Heh, how goes it." Then turns around and prepares a fire attack "I got this"...

@GingerBread @PhoenixFire13

(Basically, if that enhances my speed as well and my sword makes me faster I'm moving super human fast, so its hard for your eyes to catch up)
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After dodging Enki's fireball, Nyx see's a boy spectating the fight and decides to even up the fight a bit, he chants a incantation under his breath directed at the boy, he see's the boy's eyes flash red briefly before going back to normal, nyx knew this meant the boy was now going to fight for him.

He rushed towards Enki faking a punch so he would dodge it then going in for a real punch knocking him backwards nyx followed up with a kick to the stomach while he was recovering from the first punch.


@Lotusy sorry about this ;)
(@GingerBread I thought vampires at least had to make eye contact to control others O.o And Enki slashed your chest btw)

(@metalcity You can interpret it that way, yeah)

Shina sat down on the grass and enjoyed the match. Sure, she had been worried for a second when Enki seemed to have frozen in place but her buff kicked in and now he was moving around with more confidence.

At the corner of her eye, she saw a boy watching the match. She smiled and waved him over, "Hey, want a seat?"

@Lotusy (I dunno about you being controlled yet)
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Jay suddenly hears a small pop in his head. His visions turns red, and he feels... different. He turns around, and runs toward Enki, swinging a punch.

Out of the corner of his eye he sees a girl waving, but can't move towards her.

(@GingerBread not a problem, but Jay has no fighting experience whatsoever.)

Also @metalcity
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After kicking Enki Maka runs up behind Nyx, she claws at his back, drawing blood she smirks. Enki looks up to see the vampire being attacked from behind. He gets up and prepares his next attack, While distracted Enki stabs the vampire and twists the sword...

(@Lotusy Oh no you don't xD )

Shina rushed to the guy she had just waved to and grabbed him by the arms from behind. "Whoa there, buddy. I know you're itching to fight but can you wait in line?"
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A girl suddenly intercepts him. She starts talking to him, but he couldn't respond. "Uh... uh... ah!" Jay couldn't force any words out of his mouth. What's happening to me? Help!
Nyx Grunts as he gets clawed from behind and while Enki sword goes into him and Enki twists it, "i thought this was a one on one to scared to fight me by your self, you know i kind of expected this" He says whilst grabbing onto the back of Enki's head and headbutting him twice, then punching him in the face causing his nose to bleed, then kicking him in his crotch.


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