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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Willow climbs into a nook by the window. She keeps her eyes closed, trusting the trees to guide her. She grows a small forked sapling and a vine, creating a sling shot. Reaching into her bag she pulls out a firecracker and aims a little to the left of the girl. Should distract her enough to help the boys if needed. Smiling she makes sure that she also knows where Hak is.

@CelestiaVanGuard @GingerBread @PhoenixFire13
After a quick 5 minute breather, Corvus explored the depths of the ruins. From the entrance, there was a corridor on the right that led down some stairs. However, the darkness proved to be a problem since there was no feasible light source in sight and there could be dangers down there. In caution, Corvus threw a small pebble down the stairs to see if anyone would react.

Click, click, click... No reaction. Not even Corvus's sharp elfen ears could pick up any sound that could be related to a possible adversary. But that didn't convince Corvus, and in the end he decided to turn back as the risk was too great. I was already stocked anyway... But if I could somehow get my hands on some body armor...

That thought set Corvus back on the road on a quest for even better gear. In time the landscapes changed, from the dusty mini desert surrounding the ruins, to the rugged mesa biome, into an even more remote mountainous area. Corvus had met some enemies along the way, however he was too cautious and too well-prepared for any of them to be a real threat to him. "Heh... Just like Halloween," Corvus said to himself as he finished off his last opponent, picking up another Desert Eagle. The elf unloaded the weapon's magazine, and found 6 rounds inside. Considering that he had not yet used any of his gun ammo, this was a great find! Corvus took two rounds from the magazine and then placed it back into the new deagle. Then he took out the magazine from his old gun and put two rounds in the bag, so that both guns would have 4 rounds each.

A little further up, Corvus reached the base of an enormous mountain, surrounded by a dense forest similar to the one he first spawned in. It towered above anything else in its surroundings; even the giant hulking plateau's back in the mesa biome seem like little hills compared to this gargantuan mountain. It appeared that if you were to somehow reach the apex, you could jump from there and land on the moon that still stood in its place in the sky. But what really piqued Corvus's interest was the old fort that lay at the base of the mountain, just yards away from where he was standing. The elf made his way towards the small fortress, keeping his usual wariness with every step.

((Jeez my posts are beginning to sound like The Road by Cormac McCarthy))
(Whoa I better not screw this up O.o Ambush from 3 sides)

Shina looked around cautiously before running behind another tree. She was close to the entrance of the castle now. And as far as she could tell, there didn't seem to be anyone around her. She took a tentative step toward the entrance. She knew she saw nothing but her instincts told her to be careful. She was about to just make a run for the entrance when the sun flashed a a glare into her eyes. Flinching, she looked up and saw a figure half-hidden by one of the windows in the castle. She frowned and gripped her bow harder.

She looked back and forth between the entrance and the figure by the window, unsure about which choice to make. Should she just run through the entrance and try dodging whatever the mysterious figure threw at her or should she take care of that figure first? The latter one seemed like a safer choice so she backed up into the trees, camouflaging herself. Keeping her movements as quiet as she can, she crawled over to a tree right across from the figure and took aim.

At this position, she was able to see the figure clearly and make her out to be a young girl. Shocked, she stood frozen with her arrow notched in place, waiting to be released. After that incident with the wind spirit, she really didn't want to hurt another young girl. She pinched herself on the cheek.

This is a survival game, not something I can win by being emotional.

She looked back at the girl, who didn't seem to have noticed her change in position. Not wanting to see her death, Shina re-aimed, closed her eyes, and released the arrow.

@OceanBunny @CelestiaVanGuard @GingerBread
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Nyx noticed from his position, that the girl was drawing back an arrow he saw she was aiming it at willow he threw his chair as the girl released the arrow, the arrow hit the chair in mid air stopping it from hitting willow.

Nyx started unloading a clip in the girls direction hoping a bullet would hit her.

@CelestiaVanGuard @OceanBunny @PhoenixFire13
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Shina opened her eyes and saw a chair on the ground. Wait, what? A chair? She stared at it in confusion before a thought suddenly came to her. The chair didn't seem to have come from the girl, which meant there were other people here. She started to survey the area around her again, moving in a zig-zag path with minimal wasted energy. Her senses were tingling now as she got ready to fight.

Her eyes fell on the entrance of the castle. She didn't notice before because he was blending into the shadows but there was another boy standing there, aiming at her with a gun. Her eyes flashed angrily as she unsheathed her katana and used the blade to reflect a bullet before running toward the boy. Against that gun, she first had to get close up and slash him with her sword.
Enki looks around everyone looks disappointed, he sighs "Stupid poison" he says as he sighs, he gets up and walks out the gym "I need to get stronger, next time I'll win, I'll beat them all..." He says gripping his fist. He makes his way to the out side football area. "good no ones here" he says while looking around. He starts to cast a fire ball, he tries to throw it and it explodes in his face. Falling to the floor he catches himself and lands on his feat, he repeated this process until he managed to throw a fire ball but it fades into nothingness. He sighs but continues to do this.
Nyx's eyes widened as he saw the girl deflect a bullet with her blade and then start charging at him. he threw his empty gun to the floor before deciding to start charging back at the girl, as he got closer to her he flipped over her and pulled out his revolver and pushed the barrel against the back of the girls head waiting for the slightest bit of movement to shoot her, far enough away from her so he would have time to move if she decided to try something.

He looked over at willow willing her to do something to help as he knew he wouldn't stand a chance against this girl alone.

@PhoenixFire13 @OceanBunny @CelestiaVanGuard
Willow waited as the girl moved to another tree. As the girl closed her eyes and aimed Willow started to move back from the window, but then the trees told her Nyx was aiming to shield her. Trusting the vampires timing she only moved slight back out of the way, wanting to stay where she could help. As the girl realized where Nyx was and turned on him Willow shifted her aim to follow the girls path. She flung firecrackers at the girls feet in an attempt to trip her up or make her falter enough for Nyx to stay out of reach of the deadly katana blade. She smiled as Nyx got behind the girl. Then jumped from the window, vines growing to catch her. She crouched on the vines as they brought her closer to the pair. Aiming she threw the screwdriver towards the girl, extending the vine connecting it to her wrist.

@PhoenixFire13 @GingerBread @CelestiaVanGuard
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As the boy charged at her, Shina readied herself to stab him in the leg but was stopped by some crackling at her feet. She almost tripped as she backed up in confusion. Before she could respond fast enough, the boy had flipped her onto her face and placed a gun beside her head. She let out a gasped as she landed painfully on the ground, the wind knocked out of her. For a while, she saw black spots but it soon receded. Heeeh~, so he knows some moves. Quite a monstrous strength he has.

She grinned and grabbed the gun pointed at her head. With a twist of her arm and a flick of her wrist, she knocked it out of his grasp. Before he could react, she flipped herself onto her back and grabbed his arms, twisted it behind his back and pushed him in front of her as a shield.

This is fun! Finally someone who is worth the fight.
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Kyzaba rubbed his legs before looking back once more to ensure safety. "It seems like nobody's chasing us." Kyzaba said as he lay there on the floor, his leg completely useless for the time being. Kyzaba sighed as he realized that the pain in his leg was still trembling from whatever was thrown at him from whoever. He needed to stop the bleeding. "I need a bandage." Kyzaba said to Alliah... and he needed it quick.

Hak knew it was no time to hesitate, he looked at his staff and realized it may not be that useful... so instead he provided backup by putting the girl off from the shadows, he stayed in the tree and closed his eyes for a moment, soon after looking straight at her with devilish bloodshot eyes, Hak hoped he would freak her out for a moment...

"Good luck guys..." He mumbles whilst disappearing again...

@OceanBunny @GingerBread @PhoenixFire13
Nyx struggled from the girl's grasp, as soon as he was free he ran for his chair he picked it up, preparing himself for a difficult fight.

As he looked in the Girls direction he saw his gun was on the floor still, he Charged at the girl, not aiming to him her but her Sword, Knowing his chair was stronger than her sword, his goal was to knock the sword out of the girl's hand and claim the sword for himself.

As he was charging he hoped willow would provide support again.

@OceanBunny @PhoenixFire13 @CelestiaVanGuard
Rin opened her eyes and looked around the virtual world she was in for this gym class was impressive. She had only arrived at the school today and was already thrown into something like this although it didn't show on her bland face she was really nervous. She looked at the weapon in her hand a hammer she threw it to the ground it was a pretty useless thing to have for someone like her at least a ranged weapon would've had some use. Inside her head Aki chuckled. "To anyone watching you probably seem crazy for dropping a weapon like that." "It wouldn't serve us any use now you know the plan right?" Aki sighed. "Yeah if anyone ask we lost our weapon in a fight we make them think we're weak and then stabby stab stab! Oh and also I'm supposed to act like I'm you and your hair just happens to change color when using your full power right?" Rin nodded then began walking looking for someone to fight.
(@Nenma Takashi A-a little help here? QAQ)

Shina felt a chill down her back, like there was someone behind her with an intense desire for the sight of her blood. She stood there, paralyzed, not realizing that she had loosened her grip and allowed the boy to wiggle out of her grasp. She snapped out of it when the boy started to charge toward her with the chair, which she thinks is his weapon. Her mind was still dazed as she turned to a side to dodge his assault. Too late, she realized that he was aiming for her weapon.

With a clang, the katana was knocked out of her hand and flew off behind her. She grimaced at the pain but grabbed her daggers and slashed at the boy's legs and arms. If possible, she really didn't want to use her powers while she was dazed and she was really starting to get a headache.
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Nyx tried to back up as he as saw what the girl was doing, he ended up getting a long, but luckily not deep of his leg causing him to hiss in pain before backing up before he could get hit again.Nyx prepared to charge again if the girl went for her weapon, He wished Hak would start to pull his weight and start fighting alongside him Right now Willow is doing more than Hax He thought.

@PhoenixFire13 @CelestiaVanGuard @OceanBunny
(Your prays have been heard.)

Aki sensed a familiar intent it was one she knew very well the intent to kill she instructed Rin to follow the feeling which lead them to a fight between two people and one girl. "That's not fair." Aki chuckled.
"Well what do you want to do?" Rin sighed and jumped to a tree then aiming at the boy she jumped out of the tree and kicked at the chair in his hands shouting. "Ganging up on people is for cowards!"

@PhoenixFire13 @GingerBread @OceanBunny @CelestiaVanGuard
Everything inside the fort seemed ancient and dilapidated, to put it nicely. The structure almost collapsed upon Corvus the moment he stepped inside, but somehow managed to stay intact. One careless maneuver, however, and the whole place could come down, disastrously ending Corvus's career. Fully aware of this, the elf wandered inside looking for gear.

Nothing much was found, just some old unreadable papers and rusted equipment. "Tch, waste of time," Corvus said to himself in frustration. He was leaving through the corridor that connected to the main room just before the vestibule of the fort, however he was stopped when he noticed a room that he hadn't inspected yet. Peering inside, Corvus could hardly see anything in the near total darkness. The elf looked around for a light source, and found an old flashlight. Surprisingly, it was still functional, and the flashlight provided much needed light, dim as it was. Peering into the unexplored room once again, Corvus shined the flashlight around to find that the room seemed to be a conference room, with chairs surrounding a large table. The elf stepped into the room, for there was no one to be found inside.

The papers on the desk, unlike the papers Corvus found earlier, seemed to be much more recent and more importantly, readable and coherent. "Woah... these are weapon designs!," Corvus said to himself in amazement. Placing the end of the flashlight between his teeth, he unrolled the slightly faded blueprint. His blood went cold as he immediately recognized the design. The blueprint design was that of the XMR-47 Supernova, the first of a new wave of directed energy weapons. "Impossible...," Corvus said as he beheld the infernal blueprint.

The XMR carved itself into Corvus's subconscious, as it was the very weapon that the soldiers would carry around back in his own time, where his hometown was constantly ravaged by war. But that was in the far future! Corvus was sure that he had traveled at least a century back in time when he escaped his home world! "Why does this exist..." Corvus asked in disbelief, ignoring the fact that no one was there with him. With a sigh, he reassured himself saying, "Get a hold of yourself. If you somehow get your hands on this weapon, the game's over. This is no time for sentiment."

Reactivating his cold persona, Corvus put down the blueprint and noticed a briefcase atop a counter on the far side of the room. Opening the briefcase, Corvus discovered a prototype of the very thing the blueprint was describing. It was a slender build, closely resembling a shotgun, with a long barrel and a rail on top that attachments could be placed on. It was a shotgun, but it had no magazine nor any way to load any kind of bullet in it. Instead, according to some notes on the blueprint, the weapon would use a very small amount of your mana to fire a sort of magical buckshot that was very tight compared to previous shotgun designs. Strangely enough, the XMR also had semi-auto, and even fully automatic capabilities, confirmed by the switches on the side of the gun above the trigger.

Surprisingly, the XMR already had an EOTech sight on it, with small scope that could be toggled on and off for variable zoom capabilities. But aside from that, there was no mistaking it, this was the shotgun that terrorized Corvus all of his life. It felt both very surreal and very suspicious that Corvus was able to wield it, but alas there it was in his hand. He took one final look at it before storing it away in his cloak along with his other items. "Engineered by AΣgis Corp." it read on the side.
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Willow jumps into the air and shifts to her smaller form. She head the vine tighten around her wrist as she does this so she won't lose her screwdriver. She has difficulty flying at first but once she gets used to the extra weight she moves towards the girl. She has vines stout from the ground near the girl, sending them to wrap around her like restraints.

@GingerBread @CelestiaVanGuard @PhoenixFire13
Nyx was starting to get annoyed with this fight as his chair got knocked out of his grasp, he ran towards his gun picking it up before going after the girls sword.

Picking it up and charging at the girl willow had trapped in her vines and tried to plunge the sword in the girls chest before she broke out of willows vines.

@OceanBunny @PhoenixFire13
(Thank you QAQ)

(@GingerBread Well derp, I'll change it... If you still want to get my sword, you're gonna have to plunge your hand into the flames o3o)

Shina placed a hand on her forehead, trying to ignore the headache and focus on the fight. Her body shook from the amount of energy it took to keep her standing, which she didn't have much of. She sank down to one knee and stopped herself from going any further with her other hand on the ground. Is this as far as I get?

Out of nowhere, a girl appeared and knocked the weapon out of the boy's hands. Shina saw this as a chance and tried to run to her katana but vines rose from the ground and wrapped around her, trapping her within its thorny sides. However, by now, the headache was beginning to disappear, allowing Shina to think properly.

She saw the boy charge toward her with her sword and glared at him. She took a deep breath and summoned her remaining energy, creating a large flame around her and burning the vines off her. The flames burnt the boy's hands, making him drop the sword. She left it on the ground in front of her and switched to her bow, seeing that the girl that helped her was being attack by more vines.

In a swift motion, she sent out a volley of arrows toward the vines.

(Hmm ... I wonder how the arrows didn't get burned by the flames)
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Rin landed only to be attacked by vines which were shot by arrows wanting to return the favor she jumped in between the boy and girl she had just saved. "Sorry to interrupt but I'm afraid I'm your opponent now!" Aki began laughing inside Rin she was getting excited. "So what are we a hero of Justice now?" She asked RIn but she didn't answer it would be weird if she began talking to herself after all.
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Smiling, Shina gave a quick "Thanks" to the new girl before she turned toward the girl by the window. She reached for two arrows behind her back and coated them with flames at the tip before releasing them toward her.


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