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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Corvus had tramped his way inside of the forest, using the moon and stars as his compass. With his elfen ears twitching at each footstep, Corvus made his way to the top of a miniature cliff, fully aware of his surroundings. He knelt down at the edge. It's a good vantage point, but it's certain death if I'm caught from behind. I won't stay here too long...

Narrowing his eyes, he scouted the area. It was nighttime, so spotting targets was difficult. Aside from fireflies and owls, there was nothing to see. But as Corvus was about to vacate his vantage point, his ears twitched as they picked up the sound of distant footsteps. That sound kept him on the spot, and he looked to his bottom right to see a student—a human—walking unawares through the small dirt road amidst the dense population of oaks and willows.

The student seemed nervous, pacing slowly as he looked fearfully at his surroundings. Corvus put on a smirk on his face when he spotted a Golden Desert Eagle on student's belt. The elf waited for the right moment as he strapped the shield to his right arm, gripping the second strap with his fingers. For what seemed like an eternity, there was nothing but silence aside from the gentle rustle of the trees. Then Corvus leapt down from the cliff, and with his shield punched the student right in the face with the edge of the shield.

The student fell down to his knees, blood and teeth flying in all directions. Before he could scream, however, Corvus had delivered another brutal swing to the downed student's chest, finishing him off with a fatal blow. For a moment it pained Corvus to had to have killed him, but once his survival instinct kicked in, he just stared at the corpse with coldness as it effervesced into digital glyphs that slowly rose into the sky as they faded. Soon the body was gone, and all that was left was the Golden Desert Eagle.

Corvus picked up his trophy and felt its weight in his hands. In the moonlight, the gun shined with the brilliance of the stars, and its weight testified to its sheer firepower. Corvus unloaded the magazine, and his mystified trance was broken with a pang of disappointment. Tch... Only two rounds...

Hiding it away into his cloak, Corvus then disappeared into the shadows yet again.
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(@LegenDarius I know that was a gory scene and I didn't want to see one but xD I can't help laughing while I visualize you jumping with the shield)

Shina watched in disappointment as Kyzaba grabbed his friend and ran away from the fight. Aw, it's over already? And I just got her- Her eyes widened as she saw him aim the sniper gun wildly, point it in her direction, and let out a shot. She barely had time to move her head before the bullet scraped her cheek, leaving her with a painful cut. She bit her lips to stop the cry bubbling up from her throat. Wincing from the pain, she jumped to an adjacent treetop, making her a bit closer to the fleeing group. She notched an arrow on her bow and released it, aiming at Kyzaba's leg. The second the arrow was released, she began jumping away from her spot so that he didn't know who the arrow came from.

It wasn't a shot to kill but he at least deserved a scratch for hitting her, even if it was an accident.

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Enki looks around, seeing what the group is planning, however to his advantage it seems there not attacking. They seem confused how he showed up, he starts to stand, he mainly looks at the vampire and notices he is only a kitchen knife, he feels better about the situation. he starts to back off slightly and explains..."urg" before he says anything the poison grows. He looks down and notices a needle sticking out of him, he pulls it out. He notices that some poison is still on it, "g-good *pant*, this would have *pant* finished me off." Then he looks up again, waiting for a responce from these strange individual's...

@GingerBread @CelestiaVanGuard @OceanBunny
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"No duh." Alliah had said while sprinting with him. She was bummed by the fact she had to ruin the potention "moment" by checkign on some stream. So stupid! She felt dissapointed, she continued anyway. She still had a chance at this.
While he was wandering in the forest, looking for a way out, Corvus heard very loud footsteps to his 3 o'clock. The elf instinctively ducked and hid in the bushes, intending to observe before taking action. He then hid silently on a high distant tree branch, watching and waiting for the sources of those sounds. He saw a boy wielding a large sniper rifle on his back, and Corvus's eyes widened at how the great weapon shimmered in the moonlight. Behind him there was also a hooded girl with what seems to be some sort of tube in her hand. Squinting his eyes, Corvus's heart rate picked up when he recognized who they were.

The sniper was the honor student that had tried to stop the fight between Pandora and the vampire, but more importantly the hooded girl was none other than the demon that had tormented him during second period. Corvus's fists clenched into balls of rage as he saw her walking, his thirst for vengeance being all the more apparent with each second her infernal figure was in his sight. "Hey... Easy... Easy...," Corvus said to himself when he noticed that his breathing had become more heavy. Gradually his rage diminished and his breathing normalized, and the elf resisted his urges for revenge. Not now... I'm not geared enough and there's two of them. I have to get away...

And with that, the elf had soundlessly jumped off of the tree branch and resumed his search for a different biome.
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All throughout his journey through the dense forest, Corvus had noticed that the positions of the moon and stars in the virtual sky above remained static. They stared down motionlessly from their places in the heavens, down at the poor students turned soldiers in a sick game of survival and death. Wandering in the endless night, Corvus had finally found the end of the woods. He sighed of relief as a vibrant river greeted him as he exited. He gratefully knelt before it and drank a hearty portion of its water, relishing its taste for Corvus did not have a bottle.

He looked up and saw some ruins in the distance, and decided to find some shelter there from the cold, dark, outside. Within the protective walls of the ruins, Corvus found a hidden place to lie safely. And so the tired elf rested, refraining from total sleep for security purposes. This was a game of death after all.
"I-*pant* I believe it may b-*pant* be snake" he says slightly confused I've not been attacked yet, wonder why, but if anything this is best I got for the poison, he thinks to him self. Or this could be a trick. He continues to stay where he is, not making any sudden moves.

@OceanBunny @GingerBread @CelestiaVanGuard
"Snake venom.. Hmmm.." Willow bites her lip thinking. "Tatuya roots and green tea leaves should do it." Sitting down on the ground she concentrated on the earth below her. A small sapling and some green tea leaves grow before her. Then some vines grow and form into a small bowl. Willow pulls the leaves off the tea plant and uproots the sapling with a sad frown. She knew it was necessary but hurting the poor plants still up set her. She placed the leaves and a root she snapped off into the vine bowl. Then breaking off another root she used it to mash and blend the the plants together. Finishing the paste she moved towards the injured boy. "Where is the bite?" She asks.

@CelestiaVanGuard @metalcity @GingerBread
Willow looks at the puncture wound from the dart. She spreads the cold paste over his skin. Tipping her head to the side she looks at the paste then vines start growing down her arm, large green leaves sprouting along them. Plucking a leaf she presses it across the paste to keep it from wiping off the wound. "That should help with venom. It might take a while though." She says. Willow walks back over to Hak and takes his hand in hers giving the other boys a small smile.

@CelestiaVanGuard @metalcity @GingerBread
Pandora looked around to see that she was alone, the opponents fleeing the area. She sighed, deciding to move back into the cave and rest. May aswell just wait for everyone to kill everyone else- Pandora thought, as she laid down in the darkest reaches of the cave and closed her eyes, lightly napping- but still attempting to keep herself alert.
"Are we really going to help him?" Nyx asked looking annoyed "In case you forgot the gym teacher said last THREE people alive not four, I say we kill him now while he's weak" He added, glaring at willow for helping the boy.

@OceanBunny @metalcity @CelestiaVanGuard
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Enki looks over at the vampire, he stands up straight, tries to not show weakness. Then looks back at the female, "thank you for your help..." he looks back at the vampire his sword appearers in his hands, he starts to back off, he pulls out his degel and points it at the vampire whilst backing off "If I remember correctly, your only allowed to use you weapons, no spells...Chair man" he looks down at the chair...

@GingerBread @OceanBunny @CelestiaVanGuard
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Nyx Picked up his chair before Muttering an incantation to increase his strength and speed, as he did his a red glow surrounded him.

"I'm giving you one chance to run, i would take it if i was you" He said before Thinking about it and adding "Actually Give me your weapon and i'll let you leave, if you don't i'll kill you and take it anyway"

Glaring at the boy he got ready to fight.

@metalcity @CelestiaVanGuard @OceanBunny
Enki looks in shock at this girl, surprised by how fearsome she looks, "I thank you greatly for your help, but i have no intent with working at this vampire. I wish to leave..." He says while slicing up and cutting the vines "Sorry for that." He looks away and starts to walk...

@CelestiaVanGuard @GingerBread @OceanBunny
Nyx stares at willow "You going to let me kill him now or are we going to let him become a danger later?" he asks.

This is what i get for working with cowards he thinks.

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"Willow...he has a point, as much as I'd like to team up, in the end one of us would have to go down..." He says whilst smiling at her.

"Besides, it'd be a good opportunity to see if they will drag us down or not, as harsh at it is...this is how the world is like ^.^" He mumbles to her.

@OceanBunny @metalcity @GingerBread
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A light appearers behind Enki, sensing the knife he turns his head slightly and smirks. A devilish giggle arrives, Chloe has been summons out of the under world, she waves at the group.

"Hai there." Then she fires a fire ball at in front of her, Enki dashes away from both groups of people. Chloe giggles more as she starts to dissipate, the flashing light disspears and Chloe shouts over "Thanks for the help there, he can be a bit of an ass." then she leaves...
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Nyx see's the boy running away, his face forming a scowl, he starts running faster quickly catching up to the boy.

He swings the chair at the boy's chest, whilst exclaiming "Take a seat!"

"Hello there!" he shouts as he lifts his degal, "Take a bullet" he shoots towards the vampire's hand holding the chair, know that wouldn't be so easy, the chair just hits "fuck" he exclaims as he gets knocked back, he lands just on his feat.

Nyx recoils a bit as he hears the sound of the gun, holding the chair in front of him as the last resort to block the bullet.

He feels the bullet hit the chair and was surprised to find that he was still alive and unhurt, not questioning this Nyx charged at the boy, aiming the chair to hit the boy in the face.


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