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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Enki pants, what nothing he thinks to him self. He sees the chair move towards him, noticing a bullet mark but no hole he gathers that this is quite strong, shit this attack could be the end of me he turns his head to see look at surroundings anything then he notices a rock, close another for him to grap cool picks this up and throws the rock at his foot, quick enough so it collides with his next step... (he should slightly trip due to the rock getting in the way of his next step)

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Nyx trips on the rock the boy had thrown in front of him sending him flying towards the boy. The chair colliding with the boy's face, Nyx quickly stood up While the boy was dazed before going in for a another swing.

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UGR FUCK he exclaims lying on the floor. Being dazed he just about saw the guy go for another attack, he shook his head to get rid of the effect, he looks up once more to see the vampire about to hit him again, he pushes him self slightly closer to be able to lifts his leg and have a fierce kick, he moves his foot to hit him in the right shoulder, forcing him to fall again, he stops him self above Enki. This moves the chair next to him. "You seem to have a lot of pride, you like having a fun fight. Would you mind telling me your name, I would like to know the name of my enemy." he looks up to the vampire, salver falls on Enki due to his mouth, not sure whether he's going to bit him or speak. Trying to save some time to think of his next move...

Nyx assumed the boy was trying to play for time, Reacting quickly he pinned down the boy's arms not giving him time to react. He moved his fangs to the boy's neck, "Nyx" was all he said before digging his fangs into the boy's neck.

"Nyx, umm, seems like you won this fight." He coughs up blood "When I become stronger I will beat you, in the real world that is." He starts to fade away. "Before I go let me tell you, kick that snipers ass, and my names Enki." he fades away. Everything goes bright as the world goes back to normal, in the gym. He looks around, confused. "Looks like quite a few have died, wonder how many people remain. He looks over and sees the number "huh" then sees a map of what's happening, "I think they might be the only people I would want to have that gear." then he turns and sits on one of the bleachers, waiting for company. He sighs disappointedly.
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Nyx see's the boy fade away leaving behind a revolver and a desert eagle, picking up the weapons and putting the revolver in his Sheath, the revolver only just fitting in the Sheath as it was meant for daggers but it fit for now. He picked up his chair he made his way back to willow and Hax, armed with the knowledge that someone had a sniper and his chair is bulletproof.

As he got to the castle he saw his Knife laying on the ground still, he picked it up an idea forming in his head.

He walked into the castle, greeting Hax and willow saying only one thing "He's dead"

@CelestiaVanGuard @OceanBunny
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"It's fine, I'm okay." She says giving Hak a small smile. She twirls her screw driver I. Her hand, pondering how it could be used. Her eyes sparkle and her smile grows as she gets an idea. A thin but strong vine appears on her wrist. She ties one end to the screw driver, the other to her wrist. Then a small vine of dark red berries grow around her other wrist. She squeezes the berry juice over the end of the screw driver. Smiling she twirls the vine, testing how the screw driver reacts to her movements.

@CelestiaVanGuard @GingerBread
Intrigued by what willow had done, Nyx gets an idea.

"Willow, you think you could attach my knife to the end of my chair?" Nyx asked.

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"Sure." Willow says walking over to Nyx. She sits down next to the chair and grows a vine identical to hers. "How long do you want it?" She asks.

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"Thanks" Nyx said, picking up the chair and giving it a couple of swings, stopping when he realized he probably looked stupid.

"So your power is plants then?" He asked, trying to ignore what he just did.

Kyzaba was in the air when he had been struck with a weapon when he was high in the air. With a grunt, he fell to the ground along with Alliah and felt his legs, wondering if he'd broken something. However, soon after, he realized that he would have to hide from plain sight so he took Alliah's arms and dragged her behind a thick tree and studied his legs.

(Phoenix. Why you gotta attack?)

@PhoenixFire13 @Krekire
After a quick 20 minute nap, Corvus rose from his dark corner and cautiously made his way back to the entrance of the ruins. He treaded much more lightly than usual because these old stones echoed his footsteps, making them as loud as a lion's roar. The elf made his way outside to scout the area for enemies, when suddenly a hand shot out from behind the wall of the entrance, gripping his right wrist firmly so that it would not move easily. From the other side emerged a fairy with a large combat knife in hand and a bow on his back, threatening Corvus with a deadly look.

Though Corvus experienced a sudden surge of adrenaline and fear, it felt like he was looking in a mirror. The fairy reminded him of himself, looking hard at his enemies with a stone cold expression. But this was no time for reflection, and so Corvus stared back at the assailant, waiting for the right chance to break away and/or attack.

Corvus kept his gaze at the fairy's eyes, when suddenly the fairy rushed his blade towards Corvus's face. The elf, anticipating this, ducked and countered with a hard punch to the fairy's stomach, followed by a hard kick to the fairy's knees sending him falling into the ground. The fairy's hand released the knife when he felt the impact of the hard ground. Corvus, now freed from the fairy's grip, took his shield and jabbed him in the throat with its edge. The fairy's initial finesse was now replaced with his desperate, blood-muffled cries for mercy. But this was war; there was no room for sentiment.

Corvus picked up the dropped combat knife and stabbed the fairy in the chest while he struggled to get up. With his other hand, the elf covered the poor fairy's mouth to ensure that he couldn't attract the attention of any nearby enemies. Though it was a brutal death that bloodied up Corvus's glove, the fairy quickly died, his body disintegrating leaving only the bow that was at his back and the arrows that it came with.

Sheathing the combat knife away in his cloak, Corvus picked up the dropped bow. "Perfect," he said to himself. The bow had a rather advanced design, making use of multiple strings and pulleys in its design to assure maximum elastic potential energy when pulling back the string. Not only that, the bow was collapsible, folding neatly at the center despite its complicated structure. One flick downwards and the bow would be ready for use.

Corvus collapsed the bow by bringing its two ends together before attaching it to his belt, so that it hung right above his knee. He rested in the safety of the ruins once more to regain his strength after that battle, and then made his way out back into the forest when he was ready.

(A/N: "Elastic potential energy" is something you'll learn about in AP Physics ;) @PhoenixFire13)
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"Oh fuck... Grr.." She said, growling at the fact that someone had shot her potential lover / crush. She stayed behind the tree, and began to pet a tarantula that had crawled out between her breasts. "You alright, man?"
(Jeez guys xD You're making this game so interesting that I can't even focus on my HW anymore)

(@OceanBunny @GingerBread See o3o Great combination. The chair is more useful than everyone thought)

(@Kyzaba Because I noticed how you shot a bullet before you fled but no one reacted to it so I decided to take that as my chance to do something)

(@LegenDarius Why did you even think about bringing Physics into this ... -facepalm- Like is it not enough that I spend 3 hours on my Physics HW everyday?)

(@Krekire I'm sorry 8D)

(I wanna go to the castle but I feel like Nyx will kill me if I do QAQ Ya know what, yolo)

Shina jumped from the treetop and landed on the ground, panting. The cut on her cheek was forcing her to lose a lot of blood. She teared a small piece of cloth from her sleeve and used it to clean up all the bloody mess.

"Ow!" She flinched multiple times as she dabbed at the injury with the piece of cloth, wishing she was back at the river so that she would be able to clean the wound properly. However, the blood wouldn't stop flowing so she just ended up with a bloody cloth and a wound that wouldn't close. She sighed in frustration and tucked the cloth into her pocket, ignoring the thought of her blood wiping off onto her clothes. She looked around to survey her surroundings and saw a large castle in the distance.

The temptation of a roof over her head for even a few minutes almost made her start running toward the building. But she kept her ground and took deep breaths to calm her thoughts. Then, she started to head toward the castle, stepping lightly in case there were people already there. She had her bow in her hands, an arrow notched in place, ready to shoot at any time.

She got to the castle and looked out from behind a tree, trying to see if there were any people already there.

@GingerBread @OceanBunny @CelestiaVanGuard (I still haven't forgotten bout getting revenge for that kiss)
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Nyx smelt the distinct sweet metallic smell of blood, he looked around to pinpoint where it was coming from, he found he couldn't pinpoint it as the smell was quite weak. He looked at hak and willow "you guys bleeding if not then there is someone nearby" he said keeping his voice quiet incase there was anyone there, he would let them think they had the element of surprise

@CelestiaVanGuard @OceanBunny @PhoenixFire13
Water and Ice. Two peas in a pod. This was exactly why they were chosen as partners. They were two sides of a coin. Their powers would harmonize when they brought together but at the same time they would nullify each other if they fought. Ice to water. And water into ice. It was convenient she thought as she watched her ice melt, Shadow grinning like a Cheshire cat. Tenya returned it with equal force. "Naive? You amuse me."

Shadow, lifted her hand and Tenya's now liquefied ice came at her. She quickly crafted a shield.Light-speed jets of water whipped past Tenya, slashing and berating on her defence, catching her on her lower legs.

But there was a downside to Shadow's power. She had to cut herself in order to melt my ice. She couldn't do that unless she wanted Rea dead. Tenya grinned harder and charged just as the last of streams went past. She called on Nemna and ordered him into Calvin de Jure. Shadow, taken by surprise and shocked on how quick her foe reacted called the water back to her. But Tenya was already in point blank range and gutted Shadow in the chest. "Nulify." Rea won't be able to use Shadow for a while. I've sealed the demon for now.

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"Should be an easy kill then" Nyx said still keeping his voice low so they would not hear him. He decided to create an illusion of himself with his back to the entrance of the castle, he put his finger to his lips as he slipped into the shadows becoming almost invisible in the darkness.

Armed with his gun and chair, Nyx was ready to attack at a moment's notice, he wasn't going to underestimate this girl, the last time he'd underestimated someone he'd almost died, he wasn't going to make that mistake again.

@OceanBunny @CelestiaVanGuard @PhoenixFire13

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