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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Hak extends his hand, they then have a firm hand shake "Seems your pretty trustworthy... Willow we should consider this?" He asks her whilst smiling.

"My name is Hak, and as I just said her name is Willow, nice to meet you even though it isn't really under the greatest circumstances.. but oh well. Could you give me and Willow a minute to decide? He asks Nyx.

@OceanBunny @GingerBread
Soon, Pandora was alerted to the sound of powerful gunshots ahead of her. She quietly prepared herself, taking her knife out, walking slowly towards the noise. She soon saw that they had come from a cave up ahead, to which she was facing the back. She slowly crouched up to the side of the opening, and glanced in. The first thing she saw was the boys sniper rifle, which made her eyes light up. Next to him was a protective looking girl, holding some darts- she's going to make this harder, isn't she? Pandora thought, frowning. Suddenly, she had an idea. With great speed, she grabbed the boy, and held her knife against his neck, as he kicked his sniper away from reach. "Try anything and he goes down!" She yelled threateningly at the girl as she used her wings as extra shielding.

@Kyzaba @Krekire
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"I dont mind." Willow says smiling at Hak. "He is the boy that called us cowards though.." She frowns slightly. She looks over at the Nyx sitting in his chair. "None of us really have great weapons.. teaming up might help us last longer."

@CelestiaVanGuard @GingerBread
"True, it seems we have came to a conclusion then... let's get through this..." Hak says to them both, "Don't worry about it" He says to Willow with a smile, "In the end there's people who would attempt to kill us on the spot..." He says whilst looking serious

@OceanBunny @GingerBread

(Gotta sleep :3 sorry aha ;P)
"Stabbing people in the back isn't very nice." Willow scowls at Nyx. She turns to look at the forest closing her eyes and concentrating on the plants life forces. As she connects to the plants they start to brighten up at the presence of a fairy. Flowers start to bloom, fruits ripen,and the forest seems more alive. Opening her eyes Willow smiles at the thriving plants and enjoys the connection she has made with them. Turning she gives Hak a bright smile. "They'll let us know if anyone approaches or if there is danger near." She says.

@CelestiaVanGuard @GingerBread
@TheCreator645 @metalcity @Kyzaba "Shit!" She caused Schizophrenic hallucinations to the both of them, Enki and Pandora. She then shot her darts out of the dart blower at Enki, and jumped backwards while Enki had deeply cut her in the middle of her dodge "Ow~!"
Pandora dropped her knife, as she clutched at her head, fearful, violent and other hallucinations invaded her mind. She stumbled backwards, hyperventilating and cursing erratically.
Enki becomes alarmed and confused by this illusion, however he starts to see throw this and cuts towards the female, he hits slightly to throw her off balance, then he dashes around her, bring up a dust. No one out side can see what's happening, Enki places himself behind her and continue s this by plasing his degal on her head "sorry to meet you like this but I hope you don't hold this against us." He says nervously with a grin as he slowly pulls the trigger...

Pandora's hallucination ceases, much to her relief as she quickly retains her composure.

(fuck what do i do??? xD )
(I believe snipper dude was billed back and I just traded dart girl and waiting to see what happens could react to this and try to attack or leave me to die, that would be rude and I suggest over wise)

(@TheCreator645 @metalcity Not sure if you guys wanted that to happen but nice team play! Even though Alliah seemed to get herself and Kyzaba out of the trap o3o)

Shina heard the snap of a twig and quickly sat up, hurriedly surveying her surroundings. But she couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. Yet she could sense that someone was there. She got up slowly and cautiously, willing her body to go into fight-or-flight mode. Each step she took was light as she prepared herself for quick evasiveness just in case she was about to be ambushed.

Still, nothing out of the ordinary happened. She relaxed slightly and tilted her head in confusion. Was it my imagination?

A few feet away, someone fell onto the ground, yelling out in pain. Shina twirled around and saw ... nothing. All she saw was the fallen log she had almost tripped over when she rushed over to the rive- fallen log. She waved her hand and created an invisible flame barrier with a 10 foot radius around the log. Then she waited and watched.

"P-please don't hurt me..." a small voice came out from inside the barrier.

"What are you?" Shina demanded, "Actually, where are you?"

After some time, a small girl appeared in the middle of the barrier. She was clutching her ankle and tears were in her eyes. "P-please don't hurt me. I just wanted to get some water. I'm s-sorry."

Shina's jaw dropped as she realized what she was looking at was a child wind spirit. Her expression softened, "It's ok, I'm not going to hurt you." She waved her hand to break down the barrier and walked over to the girl. She touched the red spot on her ankle softly, "Does it hurt?"

The spirit child bit her lips and nodded.

"Here, I'll heal it." She coated her hands with a soft yellow flame and placed both hands on the girl's ankle. The girl yelped and tried to push her hands off, flinching away from the flames. "It's ok," Shina said softly, "These flames don't hurt."

As if to prove that her words were the truth, the red color was fading and the skin returned to normal color. The girl's mouth opened wide as she stared in shock between Shina and her ankle.

"Try walking." The girl nodded and got up, testing her weight on her ankle. She smiled and grabbed Shina's hands, twirling her around.

"Thank you so much, child!"

Shina felt awkward being called a child by someone who was a child but she smiled back shyly, "You're welcome, wind spirit."

"You are a child of the Phoe, are you not?"

Shina shifted uncomfortably. She liked her powers but she didn't want others to know that she had them since it traumatized her in her early school days. "Um ..."

Sensing that she asked a touchy subject, the girl quickly added, "It's ok, you don't have to confirm. I already know." A slight pause. "I sense danger nearby. You should not stay here. We will have to part ways but I will come to your aid if you call out my name, Lilia. Thanks again for the healing!" The girl kissed Shina on the cheek and turned on the spot, becoming the wind once again.

Shina snapped out of her trance and packed up her things, moving quickly away from the riverbank and into the safe covers of the trees. Not a moment too soon either because she heard voices approaching the riverbank. She smiled and whispered, "Thank you." She just made a strong ally.
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("Sniper Dude" lmao... Show some respect to ur Mod bro. And what the heck just freaking happened. How does Alliah pull Kyzaba away but have a gun at her head at the same time?)
(1.I wrote that as she did her's so after posting I read hers and was like "errrr... Crap"

2. because my sword increases brain power I broke the illusion quickly and as she said I attacked I'm saying that she grabbed you then then I cut her to throw her off balance then made a dust cloud and put a gun to her head, I think that makes sense

3. I'm shit with names so you current name is sniper dude, hope you like it)
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"Fuck!" She swung the Dart-Blower back, the darts on the side of it struck Enki/ They were poison n tipped with Pain-Inducing venom from a snake. She then ducked quickly, and fired at Pandora. "Kyzaba, help me a bit here!"
(@metalcity OOC Chat D:< )

Not wanting to be caught in a disadvantage of the open field, Shina moved swiftly through the forest by jumping between the treetops. She looked behind to check if they were following her. Instead of seeing a team of students after her like she thought she would, she saw what seemed like a fight between two girls and two boys. It looked like it was one girl and one boy per team. She recognized the members of one team; Kyzaba and that girl who was flirting with him. On the other team was the guy that had tried to talk to her and a girl she faintly remembers seeing a few times but doesn't know what her name is. Curiously, she sat and watched the fight going on.
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Kyzaba grunted in reply. "I need distance with a sniper... the only thing I can do is buy us some time!" Kyzaba shouted before pulling up his sniper from within him and shooting it without aiming, the shot wasn't accurate but hopefully it was enough to buy them some time for the getaway. Kyzaba grabbed onto Alliah's hand before sprinting away. "Their teamwork caught us off guard." Kyzaba said as he paced forward with Alliah, hoping that the other two aren't catching up.

"Damit, urg..." He lowers his gun and aims for the head, he pulls the trigger but nothing happens, as she disappears, the cloud lowers and he turn and spot the girl retreating with the sniper, the pain starts to grow, he pulls of a shot and hits the girl in the leg, then he starts to fall to the floor, he uses the speed from the sword to create a new dust cloud.

He sprints for the trees, gets to the top and jumps away he starts to pant, he follows the trees to a castle, he sees a group of people and crashes infrount of them, he gains there attention, he sees the vampire he attacked earlier.

The new dust cloud settles to the surprise of everyone Enki was no longer there, they assume he died to the poison.

(Going to bed, bye)
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"oh shit-!"

Pandora yelled as she narrowly dodged the darts that flew towards her, watching as the two opponents sprinted away.


She yelled after them, groaning to see that she had almost lost the battle. She picked up her knife from the floor, before noticing the other boy who had helped her falling unconscious.

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