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Fantasy Lakoria High School

The men looked around, looking for pray, Chloe looks down on them with piety "humans...shame, I'm bored I wanna fight interesting things and this ass is sleeping." Out of boredom she starts to make fun of them. There was three people, all males, one of them was a tall skinny boy, he seemed to be in charge of the group, no fears (as he wants to believe), there was another tall boy but this one seemed to be a bit nervous, relying on the leader to carry him. The last boy was on the fat side, trying to act tough, but you could see through it easily, as he jumped to the sound of a scattering squeal.

Chloe shoots the foot of the leader,he unleashes a painful howl and he falls over, the other two start to shake, looking down they see his foot bleeding, he calls for help but they stand in place, the fat one starts to move over before hearing another deep metallic 50 Caliber bullet hit the floor in-front of him, dirt flew up.

"Oh hey there," Chloe said with a giggle, "how goes it down there?"

The leader grows with anger "stop toying with us bit..." then silence falls, another round goes straight through his head. A wet puddle forms underneath the skinny boy, evil cackling comes down form the top of the tree.

"You witch!" The fat male points directly at her, he looks down and sees his weapon is a revolver, he takes it out of it holster and points it at her. His hands shake, to much to aim, "Can you not shoot a little girl" she exclaims to him, he pulls the trigger and shoots the squirrel he heard before. Chloe shouts down "thanks for dinner" before shooting him between the eyes, he vanishes from sight.

"N..No, you killed my friends." he makes his way to the weapon. Chloe giggles more, loud enough for him to hear. He picks up his weapon, he almost falls over. Aww, he thinks he taking that Chloe thinks to herself, then she jumps down. She lands on his back making him crash to the floor "I'm not that fat..." then she picks the weapon out of his hand, he throws profanity after profanity at her but she giggles all the way through, before jumping of his back and saying "have a nice day!" she says while waving him off, he runs for his life Hahahaha, wonder if he will get better later, funny to see the reactions of his friends when he's not there. She then giggles and fly's to the top of the tree "well I better move you before he comes back with company." she picks up Enki and fly's him to another tree spotting other contestants, but makes her marry way to another tree.
Kyzaba looked around the deserted forest before realizing that there was indeed a cave located, hidden in around the area. Kyzaba sighed, hoping that the girl would be able to hear her surroundings with that earbud in. He pointed at the cave, knowing that she'd probably be unable to hear him. Without another word, Kyzaba went over to the cave and peeked inside. It was a hollow cave, a cave that was designed for shelter... the perfect warmth and stealth. He went inside before realizing that it was quite dark outside but he knew that no danger would be within the cave. Kyzaba sat down on the cave floor, waiting it out.

"You know I can still hear..." Alliah said as he looked at her as if she was deaf. She thought this was the perfect moment to hang out with him a bit, so she scrapped her original agressiveness for now, and had gotten in the cave sitting next to him, leaning against him. She rested her head on his shoulder. Just for an hour... or two.... Something intense could happen... @Kyzaba
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Kyzaba did not mind Alliah leaning her head against his shoulders... in fact, he hadn't noticed. He was too busy listening in to the environment, prepared for any situation related to danger. He didn't know what the others were capable of and this may be his downfall... he knew that he was one of the more powerful students in the school but the element of surprise would prove vital in this game. Kyzaba sighed as he looked around... hiding in the cave while peeking outside.
After the teleportation ended Willow found herself in a dense forest near a stream still holding tight to Hak's hand. She looked around at all the trees feeling more comfortable here than she had been out in the open at school. Noticing that she held a screwdriver and the strap to a small bag in her other hand she released Hak's hand to open the bag. It was filled with what appeared to be firecrackers. 'Are these my weapons?' she wondered. She turned back to smile at Hak.


(Is the bag okay? I wasnt sure how unlimited firecrackers would work, so i thought maybe an enchanted bag?
Hak looks around surprised by how realistic the scenery was... Hak noticed they were still holding hands and was glad they didn't get separated.

"Are those your weapons I suppose?... " Hak said to willow soon after realizing he was holding a pole like staff in his hand, "Woah this is almost like my spear....except....the weight, it is sooooo light...." He says as he sighs.

Alliah had her hand gently over his, blushing just slightly. "Can we talk quietly for now?..." Alliah said, whispering. She turned off her music at the same time. @Kyzaba
Chloe hears two people speaking, she looks down to see a strange fairy and some other humanoid figure. "Well that's a strange relation." She peaks over the edge slightly, looks like my new pray. She giggles, but loud enough for them to hear... she sighs. She aims...

@CelestiaVanGuard @OceanBunny
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Alliah heard a quiet streaming behind the cave. She got up and went out, looking back at Kyzaba "I'm gonna go check out the stream." So then, alliah went behinf the cave. She saw two people, readying her dart blower. She sensed another source, however, she looked around and noticed a girl hanging out in a tree. Good over Evil? She wanted to get Kyzaba's interest, so she went with his logic. She loaded the dart blower, and aimed it with air tightly packed in her lungs.

@Kyzaba @CelestiaVanGuard @OceanBunny @metalcity
Chloe backs off, she feels this is a bad situation. She turns and starts to try and wake Enki, he wakes up and sighs. She looks at him with stern look making him wake up quicker.

"What do you want." Enki asks while yawning, we need to move, the situation has changed. She explains the situation and grabs on to Enki, She pulls him above the leavs and they start to relocate to another tree.

@Kyzaba @CelestiaVanGuard @OceanBunny @Krekire
Oh... that got Kyzaba's attention alright. He'd heard the sound and immediately rushed over to Alliah with his sniper held firmly in his right hand, prepared to strike out with that trusty weapon of his if needed. Kyzaba sighed when he saw that Alliah was safe but immediately noticed that there were people around. Kyzaba cursed as he raised his sniper to the people down there... the two having a conversation in the middle of the death game and prepared to press down on the trigger. What he didn't know was the fact that there were two dangerous people that had gotten away.
"God dammit. The two had gotten away. I was gonna save those two by the way, Kyzaba. Shoot them if you want, I don't really care." Alliah said, releasing her air. (Not a fart. lerl) She rested the drak blower on her shoulder and looked at the twom definitely not caring.
Kyzaba smirked. "Sure will do." He said silently before aiming at the girl's head and preparing to bring down his trigger with a sudden movement. "Hope you don't mind I take them out." He said with a grin before pressing down that trigger.

@Krekire @OceanBunny
Hak turned his head towards the rough location where he could feel people staring at them with cold eyes, He stared with cold blood lust like eyes... he then immediately swung his arms under Willow and leaped into the air leaving craters in his path...

as they finally landed, they found themselves near a castle like structure, only a smaller version shaped more like a tower.

"Sorry about that Willow again..." He says to her.

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(Sry for the rushed post, parents made me print something off and its hard to argue coz me and my dad have some time issues, so I rushed it then had to turn pc off, on my phone now)
Kyzaba shrugged as the victim soon leaped out of the way of his attack. "Eh... I wasn't trying anyway. Might as well show some mercy early on in the game." He said as he watched the two leap away with some sort of escape jumping power to avoid death. Argh... Should've shot sooner. He thought as he turned back.
Willow clung to Hak as he grabbed her and leapt into the air. She was surprised at the sudden change but happy to be so close to him. She looked up at the castle they landed near then back at him. "It's okay." She says with a smile. "What happened though?" She asks

@OceanBunny No problem as long as the bag holds only the firecrackers. Nothing else. Since there's unlimited firecrackers in there, there shouldn't be space for anything else

Shina opened her golden eyes slowly and stretched out her sore limbs. After killing that merman, she had walked along the border between the forest and the ruins, hoping to see a water source that won't lead her into the forest. She didn't want to venture into the dark area just yet but at the same time, she didn't want to walk too far from the border so that she couldn't find her way back to the ruins. Along the way, she fought some more students, some of which were easy and others that made her exert more energy to kill them. She ended up taking a short nap to recover her stamina.

She looked up from the ground and gasped as she saw the small opening that led to what seemed like a riverbank. She ran over in excitement and dropped onto her knees, scooping water to her mouth. The water was cold and clean, perfect for her dry throat. She laid down beside the riverbank and allowed herself some peace and quiet time to enjoy the scenery.
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Nyx Saw a figure leaping through the air towards the castle he was just in, against his better judgement he decided to check it out.

He hoped the person over there wouldn't attack on sight.

When he got to the castle he saw that it wasn't just one person it was two, upon looking closer he noticed it was the boy and girl he insulted before all this.

He set down his chair and sat down, his knife resting in his hands, he relaxed waiting for them to notice.

@CelestiaVanGuard @OceanBunny
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"I want to stay and fight" Enki says to Chloe, she sighs and they land on a tree, "you want to die this early?" She says in a stern voice. "It's not like this is real, I don't want to be that person that is known to run from his first fight." They look at each over, Enki won't back down Chloe shrugs it off, and allows Enki to enter the fight. Chloe requests to be sent back to the underworld, not wanting to be apart of the fight. Enki sends her back to the underworld but before asks her to hand over the guns then summons his sword. He starts to dash over with a incredible speed, smerking as he chops down each tree in his way...

@Kyzaba @Krekire
"I felt the presence of people....Luckily they weren't exactly hiding, that or their ability to bring their presence to naught isn't very good"

He says whilst sighing, "Anyway, I'm assuming you aren't an enemy considering you haven't attacked yet? or maybe you have a sense of pride?" Hak says whilst looking towards the boy seated in a chair, Hak wondered to himself why there was a chair outside a castle... 'It must be his weapon...' he thinks to himself. Hak pulls Willow behind him incase he was going to attack.

"Shit! Kyzaba!" She yelled out, throwing a normal dart, hitting him before taking out her dart blower. She quickly breathed in and fired, shooting torwards him with hopes of also getting a hit.
Kyzaba smirked as he got right to action by raising his sniper to his eye. He should be able to hit the target especially with the years of practice he's achieved even with the extreme speed that this person was charging at. Finally, when he is within range, Kyzaba grinned before pressing the shoot button and this time, all the way down and thus, a bullet was shot from his sniper and headed toward the direction of the runner.

Enki sees the dart, his smerk grows greater as it hits him, he lets it hit him to prove a point, then he hears the sound of a bullet "shit" he moves bring up a dust cloud. The runs for the shooter, he brings up his degal and shoots...

"I wasn't planning on attacking... unless you give me a reason to" he said standing up "I'm Nyx by the way considering you haven't attacked me i'm assuming you won't. i was wondering if you'd be interested in forming a sort of alliance, as you can see the weapon i was given was a wooden chair.

But that doesn't mean i can't kick your ass if you try something"
He says smiling and holding out a hand for the boy to shake.


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