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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"I don't understand how it is cowardly to dislike violence." Willow says. "I didn't say I wouldn't fight, or that I was scared to fight.." She gives a Hak a small smile as she tries to understand why the boy called her a coward.

Hak puts his arm around her shoulder and pulls her next to him whilst holding his hand on her head, "That's just the way some people are Willow"He says. "Lets go?" He says with a smile ^^

Nyx made his way into the gym and looked for some shade to sit in. He found a dark corner and decided to sit there until class started
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Kyzaba sighed. "Oh yeah... gym class." He said before standing up to throw his trash away. "Come on. Let's go." He said as he looked away and began to walk toward the direction of the gym class.

@Krekire (Do you have any idea of how to develop this relationship? xD )
She threw her cup away, taking off her headphones and holding them and putting them in her locker. She followed him to the class. @Kyzaba (Somewhat. She was gonna be kinda close with him, and shnykees like that. . 3 .(
Kyzaba sighed as he walked into the warm gym. He saw that quite a number of people were already seated and ready to go in the gym... waiting for the teacher and preparing for the worst. Kyzaba looked behind him, waiting for Krekire to come with him to the gym so that they could take the class together.

(@Krekire Do you want Kyzaba to fall in love with you or just be ignorant of your love?)
(@Kyzaba little of both... lol, I'll use wheel decide and we will have our answer :P ) Alliah caught u with him, sitting next to Kyzaba. She care much about Gym, so she slouched forward slightly with a careless face. She twirled her hair a bit. (
(I swear, every time I come on now, it's like I'm a whole month behind DX Also @RealityEntity and @Peebles18 are like in their own world lol Thank god most of us are at the gym building and not the school building)

Shina was relaxing with her eyes closed and all alone in her beautiful solitary corner when she felt a presence in front of her. She opened her eyes to see a boy sprawled on the floor, probably tripped or decided to sleep on the floor. She glared at him in annoyance, her bad mood worsening with each passing second. She opened her mouth to snap a rude remark but caught herself before she could say a word. The boy had obviously been trying to walk over to her despite her purposeful intention from sitting alone in the corner. And here she was trying to hurt someone again. The guilt stabbed her harder in her chest.

"I thought I made it clear that I wanted to sit alone," she said softly.

"I'm good, I'm good," he replied to Pandora. "C'mon we gotta go!" He gestured for her to come as he made his way out of the infirmary. He jogged lightly to the gymnasium, hoping that Pandora was behind him.

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Kyzaba sat down, fidgeting in nervousness. He remembered what happened last time in gym class... metal dodge balls. What a miracle he didn't die that class. He was only a normal human unless he was in his demon form in which he was unable to control. Kyzaba sighed, fear literally coming out of him.

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"-uh.. Okay, yeah.."

Pandora said quietly, quite surprised she was concerned with someone else's well being, by what she said. She dismissed it for now, following Corvus closely behind.
Enki starts to sweat more, he wants to run. Females are scary he thinks to himself, "errr... I thought you looked lonely, t...thought you might have wanted a bit of company..." he starts to get up, he can tell that she seems pissed. Not sure what to do he stands there waiting for a response.

Shina stared at the boy for a while before giggling quietly. There was actually a person left in this school that wasn't scared of her.

"Thank you. Um, you can sit here if you want? I don't bite. Just a little tired and cranky."

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Willow follows Hak through the gym, then leans against the wall when they sit down. She looks around the gym at all the students, wondering if any of them will become friends or if shell have to hurt any of them during this class.. She turns back to Hak with a smile "Theres a lot of people here."

Corvus entered through the double doors into the gym and immediately felt the change in the atmosphere. The air was hot, humid, and it wreaked of tension. Something's about to go down here..., Corvus thought as he sat down on one of the bleachers.
Enki continues to stand there before understanding that this isn't a trick, he moves over to the wall and fall before nervously asking "so... What type of demon/vampire thing are you..." He tries to say this with out pushing any buttons to make this person kill him, then he apologise and introduces him self "sorry, where are my manners... I'm Enki." He nervously waits for a reply...

Pandora followed closely behind Corvus, and sat next to him on the bleachers, cautious of the other students. She stayed quiet, watching as everyone went about their business.
(Starting the game. Remember, anyone can jump in at any time. Just give me a number that hasn't been chosen yet and once I tell you which weapon you got, you can jump right in)

The gym teacher finished taking attendance and stood up on the bleachers, whistling loudly to get the students attention.

"Listen up, ya'll. Today's gym lesson is going to be just a bit more different than usual."

A random student called out, "But isn't it already crazy enough with the usual lessons?"

"Yes," the gym teacher smiled widely, "and it's gonna be even crazier today. We aren't an elite school for no reason. Shaping little monster delinquents into shape is our goal. So if you would zip that loud mouth, I'll get to the explanations."

He picked up a clipboard from the ground beside him and began to explain.

"Today, we're going to have you play a virtual survival game. Rules are simple, it's all the usual anyways. Magic, transformations, items, summons, all allowed. Lethal spells are not allowed but if one should be released by accident, the system will automatically neutralize it completely. With no exceptions. The teachers will be watching the game from cameras hidden in the game environment so don't even try to attempt any cheap moves like cowards. The goal of this game is to test how well you can survive in unfamiliar environments. The time limit is 3 hours. Special permission from the principal. The game ends when there are only 3 people alive left in the entire game. If the game should drag on for too long, the last ones still standing will be teleported to the center of the game field and have a sudden death match. Weapons are randomly distributed when you enter the game field. Kill as many as you can and stay alive. Don't worry about actually dying because all you'll have is a bunch of bruises when you return to this world. Death once means out of the game. Any questions?"

The students were silent.

"Alright, now stand on that circle. In 5 minutes, you will be teleported randomly to different environments. If you don't wanna separate from your sweethearts," the teacher chuckled as he caught sight of many people that were clinging on to each other, "make sure you keep contact with them so you can teleport to the same place. Teaming up is allowed, that is, until you guys have to murder each other in the sudden death match. You may steal weapons from each other (including random people that are not RPed). Anything else I have to say.... nah, just good luck, kids."

He directed the students to the large magic circle in the center of the room and sat back to enjoy the sight.

(If you guys still have any questions, ask in OOC or Q&A. Typed this rather fast cause I have to get off computer soon so I missed some stuff)
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Hak felt the tension going around, he also felt some stares as people were looking around the room, he could tell there was some people in the room with evil intent towards Willow, he closed his eyes and reopened them revealing his killer demon like eyes , it was as though he was staring at everyone at once in the eyes...

"Don't worry....it'll be fine..." He said to her with a deep sharp voice.


(Bloodlust mode much xD :3 ^^)

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