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Fantasy Lakoria High School

(lol... gg guyz.)

Kyzaba sighed. "No. Not really." He denied, not wanting to show weakness to the weaker demon. However, he was quite sure that the demon was going to be able to control her powers while he would not be. Well... control of power might not exactly be a good thing. He decided before realizing that the gym teacher had started speaking and soon, they were instructed to go to the circle. "So... Uh fellow demon gotta stick together?" He asked as he looked at the girl in front of him.

Nyx shouted over to the girl he had fought earlier "I'd find a wooden stake if i were you, if you had trouble last time just wait"

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Pandora looked over to the direction of the call. She saw the vampire she fought earlier, which turned her expression angry. Her eyes flashed red briefly.
Enki stands up, sighing, he looks down to the girl, he starts to lose all nerves, he slowly moves "good luck" then he moves his head and makes his way to the circle.
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Corvus, with mixed emotions, reluctantly made his way into the magic circle. He remembered the days of constant warfare in his childhood. He was always running away from the constant drone strikes and the soldiers that would come in and commit unspeakable crimes in the ravaged land of Kansas City in 2068. Today, he would relive that nightmare in a way.

But then... I'll learn the ways of survival, which are vital not only in real life but surprisingly vital in a school such as this, Corvus reasoned. Death is a very real possibility in this school... And with that, the elf stepped into the magic circle and awaited transportation.

(I'll be out for a couple of hours. If I don't post by then, I'll be back in 26 hours. #grind)
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"Yep!" Alliah got in the circle next to him, holding his hand. She freaked out inside, like this was something closer now. She braced herself for what's to come, and braced herself for the heavy shocking to come from the Orbs with the move she'll do. Schizophrenia, Hallucinations, Spiders, Snakes, and some Summons.... Beautiful. @Kyzaba @PhoenixFire13 @AnyoneElseInTheGame
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Willow grabbed Hak's hand as the teacher mentioned staying in contact so they wouldn't be separated. "Don't let go." She says looking up at him. She saw the boy that had insulted them was standing near them as they moved into the circle. She tipped her head looking at him curiously and wondering what his intentions were.

(Bloodlust is good xD @CelestiaVanGuard) @GingerBread
Ryo lifted his head to listen to the instructor, shifting his gaze to the circle afterwards. After a minute of mental debating, he sighed at himself and stood back up only to enter into the circle with a few of the other students. He crossed his arms, studying the different people there in silence as his tail wrapped around his hips like a belt. Better than doing nothing I guess..Koi was never one for fighting, and knew he probably wouldn't last long, but he was too bored to care about success.
Eventually, the teleportation process has ended and Kyzaba stood up to see that they were in the middle of a forest. He sighed before looking around to check whether Alliah was okay.

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"Yo." She said, next to him still. Still with her Chest Hallucination appearing to Kyzaba. Alliah had monitored her surroundings, looking around. "Hm." @Kyzaba
Inside of the magic circle, a supernatural wind kicked up, ruffling his cloak and the shirt and jeans underneath. Then a bright flash came, and Corvus found himself inside of a brightly lit laboratory.

There were several computers all around, as well as beakers, Erlenmeyer flasks, test tubes, and an assortment of chemicals. Corvus explored the strange new place, marvelling at all of the technology around him...
Following the teleportation, Pandora found herself in a dense forest, a stream flowing gently a few steps ahead of her. She looked around, expecting to see Corvus. There was no one around her.

"Oh well.."

Pandora said out loud. She was used to survival anyways-she had experienced the need for self-efficiency and fighting for herself for her whole life- this is going to be easy She told herself. She looked around her, looking for anything that may aid in her survival. She quickly noticed the wooden boomerang laying on the forest floor in front of her. She picked it up, looking strangely at it. What in the hell am I going to use this for?

(Is that how we get our weapons? If not I can just delete that last part)
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"Ah, right, you too." Shina stood up and brushed dust off her pants. She walked to the edge of the circle, avoiding contact with anyone. The boy made a good choice in choosing not to team with her. She wouldn't be able to suppress another wave of guilt if he ends up dying while she held responsibility in protecting him as a team mate.

A strong wind forced her to close her eyes. The wind stopped after a while, allowing her to open her eyes to bright sunlight. She surveyed her surroundings with interest. It looked like she spawned in the middle of some old ruins. Broken stones and worn down signs littered the ground around her. The area was relatively open with barely any place to hide.

Thinking quick, Shina moved swiftly behind the cover of some rocks. Another strong breeze blew nearby, calming down to reveal a snotty looking human with two yapping dog heads. He looked around leisurely as if the game was going to be an easy win for him. She caught sight of the weapon in his belt, two daggers that he had yet to notice he got. She looked down at her hands and saw that she was holding a sheathed katana.

Good thing I watched those action dramas.

She jumped out from her hiding place and rushed toward the two-headed hybrid. He yelped in surprise and turned to run from her. But she pulled the sword out of its sheath and ran past him, cutting his body in half. His body wavered momentarily before disappearing completely, leaving behind the belt with two daggers. She picked up the belt and hooked it onto her waist.

She smiled wickedly and ran a finger over the blade before sheathing it, Sharp blade.

She began to walk around the vicinity, making it a habit to check the path ahead from behind a rock before moving onwards.

@TheCreator645 That's perfectly fine. You can either find it on you already or find it nearby.
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After the teleportation Nyx found himself in what appeared to be an old castle, he looked around to see if there was any weapons, his eyes quickly landed on a wooden chair which was the only thing in the room, he walked over to it and picked it up and found that, surprisingly it was quite light.

Nyx assumed this was meant to be his weapon. Did i get this as a weapon because i started a fight? He thought, he decided to try and break the chair to make an improvised weapon out of it, He smashed it against the ground with all of his strength only to find it was undamaged, after hitting it against the floor a couple more times he came to the conclusion that it was not going to break any time soon.

He wondered how they expected him to kill someone with a chair, he decided to make himself stronger and faster with the use of blood magic, he knew using it would make him weaker if he started bleeding as he would lose blood at a faster rate, but decided to take the risk as it would be his only hope of survival.

As he set off to find someone to kill, He hoped the chair was special in some way.
The laboratory seemed abandoned, despite its being very organized and orderly. It seemed as if there were people there just hours ago and then they mysteriously disappeared, but then again, he was in a virtual reality space.

After searching for a little bit he found a heavy shield on the ground. I'm guessing this is my weapon... But I think I can use the resources here as well, Corvus thought. He quickly went to one of the computers and searched up how to prepare silver fulminate, an unstable explosive. After scrolling down a little bit on a Wikipedia page, Corvus read, "This compound can be prepared by pouring a solution of silver nitrate in nitric acid into ethanol, under careful control of the reaction conditions, to avoid explosion.[6] The reaction is usually done at 80-90 deg C; at 30 deg C the precipitate may not form.[2] Only very tiny amounts of silver fulminate should be prepared at once, as even the weight of the crystals can cause them to self-detonate."

Corvus took note of the substance's tendency to detonate under its own weight, so the elf only gathered the materials he needed—silver nitrate, nitric acid, and ethanol—and waited for his mana to regenerate, for it was depleted due to his recent use of Rewind State.

Once Corvus had regained a little bit of mana, he began to prepare the explosive substance. He poured the silver nitrate into a small beaker containing nitric acid and ethanol, as instructed. Once the silver fulminate was crafted into a golf ball sized crystal, he carefully wrapped the substance in a very tiny amount of saran wrap, and then he muttered, Seal of Time...

A clock glyph appeared on the explosive material, confirming that its state had been frozen. Nothing could detonate the silver fulminate now, as it was frozen in time. Corvus picked up the explosive and hid it in his cloak and cleaned up after himself. Taking the shield that he found, he made his way outside of the laboratory, only to find himself in a clearing of a dense forest. It was nighttime, and a gentle breeze ruffled the trees as the brilliance of the stars showed themselves in the virtual night sky overhead.
(No hard feelings if I'm making Shina too OP? :P Stealing all the good action scenes btw, if you guys don't start playing for real)

Before long, Shina found herself at the border between the ruins and a forest/jungle of some sort. She smiled to herself because it was the perfect place she had been looking for. She gave the perimeters a quick scan before running toward the edge of the woods. She reached the border and immediately jumped back, summoning a fireball to send forward in her place. The fireball hit an invisible wall and sizzled for a few moments before going out.

"Tch, and here I thought I was going to have a tasty human girl for a snack."

Shina frowned and placed a hand on a dagger. "Come out."

"Ha, like I'm stupid enough to do what you tell me to. Why don't you come and find me?"

She shrugged, "Alright, I'm fine with that." The only warning she gave was a flash of light reflecting off the metal as she threw the dagger into a mass of trees. A horrible scream filled the air as the dagger pierced through the invisible barrier. The sound of a body falling through tree branches rewarded her as she walked coolly over to retrieve her dagger. A merman was twitching on the ground, blood coming from the wound in his chest. The dagger laid nearby, where the guy probably threw it after pulling it out of his chest.


She kept a straight face showing no emotions as she went over and picked up the dagger, wiping the blood on the grass before returning it to her belt. "Someone didn't think about keeping their mouth shut and made themselves an easy target."

"I'll kill you!" The merman lunged toward her throat. He was surprisingly fast on his feet, despite being on land. But a merman still has the disadvantage on land compared to a human.

Shina turned her body slightly and held out her hand, coating her fingertips with a light orange flame. As the merman's body passed her, she grazed him on the arm. He stopped in midair and crashed to the ground, flames eating away at his watery skin.

"Who... are you... Fire... shouldn't work on..." his voice warped as he disappeared, leaving behind a bow and the magic quiver that gave unlimited arrows.

She slung the bow and quivers over her shoulder and stared at the spot where the merman had been. After a while, she looked up toward the sky and smirked.

"The sea's power is nothing against the fire bird's flames of life."

Now she had the three weapons she needed.
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Alliah had grabbed the Dart-Blower. She also grabbed a satchel of darts. "Oh-ho... All I need is some poisonous stuff and I can knock out students Easy..." She giggled. She then summoned a extremely-poisonous snake, then killed it. She harvested the poison into a small vial she had in her pocket "Don't ask." Once she had it, she dabbed a few darts and put them on the side of the shaft.
Pandora decided to keep the boomerang for later, stuffing it into her satchel. She began to wander in a random direction, hoping to come across something to aid in her survival.

(who wants to run into Pandora?)
The light of start of the simulation was blinding, then everything went black and then colour and environments started to appear in front of his eyes. Then a crash, Enki appeared in a forest, tall trees covered where his surroundings, and friends. He noticed a golden shine hanging from a tree, he questions this to only move forward. His face lightens with happiness "Sweet a weapon!" He gets closer. The weapon hangs down from a branch, designed for climbing and cutting. Enki smirks as he summons his sword, being the first time he help this weapon it had its toll of draining his blood, but it was something he had to deal with. He know its ability's so it wasn't hard to understand its power.

Enki stretched a bit, making sure not to kill him self. "k, I got this not." then he pushes down and lunges with great strength, he holds the weapon out and cuts the cord to the shiny object, it drops with a thump. However with out knowing his blade cuts the top half of the tree off, alarming most people in the nearby area. He sighs "great", he lands just about. He walks near this weapon and picks it up, it sends chills throughout his body "its so cold, like death." he mutters to himself. He starts to hear people make way to his location as the tree falls, he sprints to another tree, he runs up it, taking short brakes by stopping on branches, until he reaches the top.

He inspects the weapon, trying to understand its power, but starts to dose of. Before he can he summons Chloe and hands her the weapon, she does the same and inspects it, she understands quicker. Then Enki completely goes, his sword dissipates. Chloe sighs and squats on the tree, "I'll play bodyguard then" she says as she looks at Enki. Then her priorities switch to the world under the tree as some men appear by the tree previously chopped down. "I wont kill you unless spotted..." she says as she hid's better.
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Kyzaba rose up his sniper in awe. Using its scope, he managed to scout the nearby environment and after he was sure there was no one sneaking up on them and nothing unusual or out of place, he looked back from the scope. "So what's the plan?"

Shadow smirked as she felt blood drip down her cheek. Black blood. She wiped it off with her thumb and let a drop of blood fall onto the ground. The once beautiful patch of grass now was wilted, as if it was burned to a crisp. She giggled. She closed her eyes and she heard ice cracking. Though it took her about a tenth of her strength, the diamond-like ice began to change into liquid.

"Clueless, Naive, Little Tenya." Shadow smiled creepily as the water dropped to the floor. "Dont you know Ice is like water?" She laughed. She continued to hack and slash until she also wounded her cheek. "An eye for an eye." She quoted, as Kyoya just sighed. "What am I to do with you?" He heaved a sigh. "I dont know, screw me?" Shadow suggested,snickering. "Tch. As if I want to screw a baboon like you." Kyoya retorted. "At least this baboon's butt is big." Shadow replied, still attacking. Kyoya just sighed, knowing he cant win an argument with her.

"Hunt or be hunted. What did you think? Try scoping out shelters. Ill try making a makeshift signal to lure others, so that the compition he tee s reduced quickly. If you find shelter first, let's go on first. Got it?" She laid put a plan with out thinking at all. Alliah had took out her ear buds, rested them on her neck, and played them loud enough for just her to hear. @Kyzaba
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As Nyx walked out of the castle he heard footsteps that sounded like they were getting closer, He spun around and saw a boy Charging towards him, he noticed the boy had a small kitchen knife in his hands, Nyx raised the chair up to protect himself, he heard the boy laughing as he swung the knife at Nyx.

Nyx blocked the knife with his chair before swinging it at full force at the boy causing him to stumble backwards, Nyx took this opportunity and threw the chair at the boy before lunging at the boy digging his fangs into his neck and ripping them back out, slicing the boy's neck. The boy's body disappeared after leaving only his weapon.

Nyx Went over to the boys weapon and picked it up before looking at the chair and deciding to take it, I can at least use it as a shield if i need too He thought before slotting the knife into the Sheath he had for his daggers, he made a note to go back to the library and see if they were still there after this fight ends.

Nyx started to look around to see where to go next, he noticed a dense forest and decided to stay away from there as he would most likely be ambushed there, he also saw some ruins he decided that would be the best place to go until he got a better weapon than the flimsy knife and chair he had now.
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