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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Corvus made his way out of the old fort after discovering what seemed to be the ultimate weapon. Completely hidden within his cloak, he placed it in such a way that he could almost instantaneously draw the gun and fire. Exiting the forest surrounding the tall mountain, Corvus then came upon an old castle, standing eerily under the virtual celestial sphere. Unlike the old ruins and the old fort that he came upon, the castle was already occupied by at least four people. Corvus watched at a distance using the scope on his XMR as they fought, appearing to be on teams.

@GingerBread @PhoenixFire13 @OceanBunny @CelestiaVanGuard
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Nyx recoiled in pain dropping the sword, he grunted trying to ignore the Searing pain that shot through his hands.

He backed up from the girl, he created an illusion that he was on the ground dazed before slipping into the shadows unnoticed, waiting for a moment to attack.

(Why is everyone coming here O_O)
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Rin was ready to deliver the final blow to the boy but stopped when Aki told her to. "I don't feel any killing intent from him anymore he's not worth it." Rin shook her head. "We can't be too sure besides it's not like he'll really die." She whispered to herself before slicing at the boy's neck only for the blade to go through it like it wasn't there. "An illusion!?" She looked around. "Did he run away?" Aki chuckled. "Well he's a tricky one be on guard he may still be around." Rin nodded.

Nyx climbed up walls to the top of the castle onto the even darker rafters unheard and unseen, waiting for the right moment to attack.
Corvus soon identified the vampire and the student Shina, but as for the others he did not know. With that, Corvus got up from his position, put away his shotgun, and left the area. Then the elf went on the hunt for a certain hooded girl that terrorized him earlier. Better watch out...

@Krekire I'm coming for you
(@OceanBunny Sorry, since you didn't reply, just pretend I didn't shoot an arrow at you)

Shina looked around cautiously for the boy, whom had disappeared. Her eyes scanned the treetops, thinking he might have headed toward the forests. To her shock, there was a figure well hidden on one of the trees. Her eyes widened and she threw a dagger, aiming at the tree trunk beside him.

I can't believe I didn't notice his presence till now. Is he friend or foe?

@CelestiaVanGuard (*^* I'm coming for you next)
Nyx saw the Girl throw a dagger at a tree, he see's this as an opportunity, he looks around for something to throw, finding a small rock. He throws the rock at the other side of the castle to distract the other girl before leaping down almost silently onto the black haired girl, Aiming his teeth for her neck.

@PhoenixFire13 (your move now :D )
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Jay dropped into the simulation. His first day here, and he was already caught up in something violent. Hehe, this is great! I can let myself fight to my heart's content. It's just too bad I won't be able to heal anyone... He glances down at his weapon... a metal pipe. "Ew. What am I supposed to do with this, fix a leak?" he said aloud. Jay could feel the adrenaline rushing through his veins. Time to hunt, he thought. No need to be nice anymore...
(@GingerBread YOU ARE NOT BITING ME QAAAAAAAQ -backs away super fast-)

Shina stood looking at the figure in the tree for a reaction but felt a sense of danger behind her. Confused, she glanced behind her but saw nothing. She frowned and turned back around but the feeling remained clear as day. Unable to shake it off, she just sighed and turned around. Blushing because she knew it would make her look stupid, she began to slap the air around her.

(mwahahahaha, get slapped owo)
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After a few minutes of wandering in the forest, Corvus spotted a clearing. But it was already occupied. Hiding in the bushes Corvus observed the two figures that were there. After a few seconds, his cold expression turned into a smirk as he recognized that one was the honor student and the other was the same girl that had tormented him.

Found you now...
, Corvus thought as he slowly unfolded his compound bow with both hands, careful not to make too much noise. The strings became taut as the bow was readied up. Placing a steel-tipped arrow in the notch, Corvus pulled back the strings as he waited in the distance.

Easy... You can't mess this up...

@Krekire @Kyzaba
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(Sorry @LegenDarius , gonna have to shotblock you.)

As Jay starts running towards a clearing, he saw a student crouched in the bushes. I need surprise, he looks so focused... Alright, easy now... Jay walks closer to the student. Or not. Screw it. I'm going in. He breaks into a sprint, screaming at the top of his lungs. "HEY! Bush guy! Look at me! This pipe is gonna spring a leak... uh... in your head! Wait, damn. That sounded so much better in my head." Jay was sure he got the student's attention, but then he saw the bow in the other student's hands. Oh no... this is not going to end well...
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As he was falling Nyx felt something hit his face, as he fell on top of the girl he realized he'd been slapped. Nyx felt as if he'd been insulted by this girl, she had just made this personal, nyx lunged for her neck, Aiming to kill

Rin turned to the sound of something hitting the castle seeing it was a rock she was confused then heard the struggle behind her she knew she wouldn't be able to turn in time. "My turn my turn my turn!" Rin gave control to Aki who launched a blade from her back at the boy she her hair had turned blonde and she was smiling like and idiot. "My my my aren't we just a pervert going after a girl's neck like that. You pervert vampire!" She laughed.

@PhoenixFire13 @GingerBread
(Should I revive them lovely feelings of high school romance? 8D)

(@Nenma Takashi Wait one sec, lemme slap him a few more times xD Imma save him just this time)

Everything happened so fast (cliche much). One second, Shina felt her hand make contact with something. The next second, she was lying on the ground with a boy on top of her. Wait. A boy. On top.

She screamed and slapped him again. She pushed him off of her just as a blade flew by the spot he was in. Oblivious of everything else, she grabbed the boy by the collar of his shirt and slapped him over and over, finishing with a punch toward his gut with a very red face.
Nyx Felt something shoot past his face narrowly avoiding it, Before getting grabbed and Slapped repeatedly and then punched. He went to get his gun out, when he got it out he hit the girl across the face with it before scrambling away a bit, pointing the gun at her and pulling the trigger

I Wish my team mates would do something this is why i don't team He thought angrily.

@PhoenixFire13 @Nenma Takashi ( can we heard the other person or is it in your head)
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Hearing the student from behind, Corvus quickly turned around and let the arrow fly, hitting the audacious student in the knee. "Psh. No more adventuring for you...," Corvus said as he aimed another arrow at the student's head.

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(@Nenma Takashi Sorry, I might have taken the good part 8D)

Shina felt a hard object hit her on the cheek and fell onto the ground. She quickly rolled to one side but the bullet still hit her, lodged half way between her arm. She pushed herself up into a crouch with her uninjured arm, her eyes flaring with rage.

(Excuse my language. Shina has a habit of cursing when she gets really mad) "Bitch, I'll kill you."

She grabbed the bullet in her arm and pulled it out. She screamed for a while from the pain before she engulfed her entire body with fiery red flames.

"I'll freaking kill you."

She summoned a jet of fire behind her feet and rocketed toward the boy.

"First, your gun."

She turned in midair and knocked the gun off his hand with a side kick.

"Next, your face."

She grabbed him by the throat and slammed him onto the ground.

"Last, your life."

She coated her hand with fiercely sharp looking flames and stabbed toward the ground, at the boy's chest.
The arrow pierced through Jay's knee. Aw geez, that's gonna hurt in a second... And there it is. Argh. With his one good leg, Jay pushes off and rolls into the bushes, out of sight.
Aki let out a sinister laugh as she kicked the girl she had saved off the boy saving him this time then jumped back. "Having a teammate sucks I don't want one anymore!" She said pointing at the girl Rin began yelling at her in her head. WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!! Aki ignored her yells and went on. "Let's make this fair since there's three of us let's play how it's intended no teams just the three of us trying to kill each other!" She began laughing again.
Nyx took this opportunity to run and grab his chair, and his gun before turning back to the girls, he hears the girl say something about fighting each other "How about we team up now, no one would be able to beat us" He suggested, still preparing to fight at a moments notice if he needed to.

He assumed the Girl who had just beat him up would be quite weak after what she did so he decided to try and get the two girls to fight and help the one who was losing before killing them Both.

@Nenma Takashi @PhoenixFire13 (Btw my chair has a knife on the end of it)
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Aki looked at the boy smiling. "Well aren't you just a clever one so you plan on leeching off of one of us then betraying us right? It's what I'd do in your shoes at least." She then held her hands out to the both of them. "If you team up with anyone I recommend Blaze over there cause I'm gonna kill the both of you!" As she finished saying that a blade grew from both her hands aimed at the two. You really can't control your blood lust for more then five seconds can you!? Rin was still yelling at her and Aki was still not listening.

@GingerBread @PhoenixFire13
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Shina let out a strangled cough as she was kicked by the girl she thought was helping her. She got up wobbly, shooting the girl a death glare.


She winced as she touched the place where she was kicked. It was definitely going to leave a bruise.

I almost had him too!

Her head snapped up at the boy's suggestion. "How about you drop your weapons first because you don't sound very convincing," she snapped.

But she knew she wouldn't be able to beat the two of them in her current condition. Even if she used her last remaining powers. Plus, this was a game. Why should she even be so serious anyways.

Because I don't want to lose.

Shina looked silently at the blade pointed at her and sighed. "I'm leaving." Just like that, she began to walk away from the two of them. She stopped to retrieve her katana before heading toward the forest.

(@GingerBread @Nenma Takashi Yup, I'm just gonna walk away like nothing happened 8D)
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Nyx looked over to the girl who had threatened him just now, "i'm going to fight not walk away like a useless waste of space like you" nyx shouted over to the other girl before getting ready to fight the girl his team mates were in here, he had to defend them. Nyx didn't understand why he felt like he did, he pushed the thoughts aside and focused on the fight muttering a weaker version of his incantation to make himself stronger.

He decided to let the girl make the first move, as if he wanted to survive this he would have to play Dirty and defensive, he holstered his gun, holding his chair with both hands if he couldn't kill this girl he would at least injure her.

@PhoenixFire13 @Nenma Takashi
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Screw it Nyx thought aiming his gun at the girl walking away before pulling the trigger, he wasn't going to let someone get away with beating him up so easily, i'll have more fun with her after this.

He braced himself for the attack that he was sure would come for the consequence of his action.

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@GingerBread Jeez finally >o< But I'm not gonna be the only one dying ^^

Shina stopped in her tracks when she heard the sound of a gun going off. A searing pain came from her chest and she collapsed to the ground.

"You... bastard..." She coughed out blood.

She shakily raised a hand to the wound. Her hand started to glow bright orange and the bleeding was stopped.

It's temporary but that's more than enough time!

She jumped to her feet and rushed the boy with her katana, striking downward in a swift motion. She knew it would be a deep fatal cut. Suddenly, her wound opened up again and blood dripped down her shirt onto her sword. She coughed out more blood and began to fall, her body already disappearing into data numbers.

I'm taking you with me.

(Aki's gonna come back and be like "what, they killed each other")

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