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Fantasy Lakoria High School

The Panther Swung his paw at nyx, Nyx tried to jump over it but ended up getting hit in the leg causing him to crash to ground.

Getting back up Nyx was instantly thrown to the side by the panther, the panther started charging at Nyx with his Maw wide open, not wanting to get bit Nyx swung his dagger at the Panther before getting up and retreating back a bit waiting till the Panther charged at him.

When the panther started Charging at him Nyx flipped over it landing on it's back, the panther was now going crazy trying to get nyx off of it's back.

Nyx was struggling to keep his balance on the back of the panther, he stabbed his dagger into it's back to try to get a place to hold on too.

The panther let out a mighty Roar of pain and anger, trying even harder to get Nyx off of it's back. Nyx was starting to get worried that he wouldn't beat this beast as he was thrown off of it's back, his Dagger still in the Panthers back. The Panter Charged once again, It's Maw wide open once again aiming for his torso.

Nyx Unsheathed his other Dagger as the panther Charged at him, he thought about what to do before swinging his empty fist into the panthers mouth stunning it enough to plunge his dagger into the Panthers eye, Causing the panther to bite down, Nyx felt pain rip through his arm, he then ripped his dagger out of the panthers eye causing it to open it's mouth enough for Nyx too pull his hand out before stabbing at the Panther's eyes alternating between them.

The Panther started to fade away, the dagger that was in it's back clattered to the floor, Nyx went over to it and picked it up he put both his daggers in their sheaths. He looked at his hand to access the damage and saw that he was bleeding heavily as the panthers teeth had ripped through his veins. Nyx started walking towards the Library Hoping someone there would help him, as he got through the doors he collapsed onto the floor barely conscious.

@metalcity @Lotusy @PhoenixFire13
Jay peered over the table, and sees a crumpled body lying on the ground, by the doors.. "Hold that thought Maka, I think someone's out there!" He jumps off the ledge, and runs to the body, turning it over. It's the vampire. Oh, it's him. I'd feel bad about leaving him here... "Ok, ok, let's do this." Jay puts his index finger to the vampire's head, and soft orange-and-brown glow ripples around the body, like the colors in fall. All of the scars and bleeding fade away. Jay pulls open one of his eyes. "Hey. Are you awake?"

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"I'm fine thanks, do you want some advice?" he asks not waiting for an answer "Do not fight a Panther" He says "you wouldn't happen to have any spare blood would you?" he asks. His respect for the boy growing

"I'm feeling a bit peckish"

He looked over at the demon "Answers for what?" He asks Glaring at the demon.

@metalcity @Lotusy
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"Eh, sorry, no. I do have some candy in my backpack though." Jay pulls out a few strips of taffy and opens one up. "So, a panther, eh? How'd that happen?" He takes a bite out of the taffy.

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"Magic" nyx answered before pulling out one of his vials then his dagger as he did this, he saw the demon get ready to attack, he ignored it and pushed the blade against his wrist filling the small vial with his blood, gritting his teeth as he did.

"Here a gift, for saving me" He said offering it to the boy smiling while he did so.

@Lotusy @metalcity
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"Well you kinda just answered them, a panther...a panther? why where you fighting a panther?" she says starting to get down on one leg, "and by the way, you seem different" She ponders on it for a bit "You where polite to someone" she starts to laugh as she says it, she stands back and waves "Well have fun there." and she sits down waiting for Shina to answer...

@GingerBread @Lotusy @PhoenixFire13
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"Uh... well... thanks for this... No! Shoo Democritus! Get away! This is blood!" Jay waves off the brown pidgeon, putting the vial in his bag. "Vampire blood, eh? I'd expect it had a lot of powerful magical properties. By the way," he said, turning to the vampire, "What's your name?"

(Right now I think we're waiting for @PhoenixFire13 to come back and control Shina)

Corvus returned to the clearing, this time hiding in a different location, only to find that his two targets had disappeared. "Tch... Lost them." The disgruntled elf left the area looking for other enemies, now that he was geared enough to go on the offensive.

He was walking close to the forest path when he saw a familiar boy and girl walking along. He soundlessly climbed up to a high tree branch and with his bow in his hand and an arrow pulled back, awaited the moment to strike. Corvus also kept the explosive that he had crafted at the beginning of the simulation nearby in case he needed it.

@CelestiaVanGuard @OceanBunny
"yeah, drinking that will make you faster and stronger for at least a day, about 2 to 3 times your normal speed and strength. It also creates a temporary bond between us so we would be able to read each others minds, and according to some people it can heal wounds" Nyx explained standing up.

"My name is nyx, whats yours?" He added

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"I'm Jay. Nice to meet you." So... this stuff has healing properties? I wonder if it can... but no, maybe not. "I'm sorry about my pigeon attack earlier. Actually, have you met them yet?" He stands up and picks up Democritus. "This brown one here is Democritus. The rest of his flock are probably off eating breadcrumbs." He lets Democritus go, and he flies away. "I won't ask the specifics of what you were doing, I hope it doesn't happen again."


(Btw is there a class schedule of some sort? I mean, what comes after gym class?)
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"Well you see..." she scratches her head. "He may be travailing through hell." she says while drawing a moustache on Enki. She giggles more. "And that's all I'm saying."

Maka giggles "He still has more to learn before he can beat you, by the way I still need to pay you back for those punches." She smirks. She grows with confusion of the change of heart Wonder why he isn't just attacking... she thinks to her self.

Maka sighs "well if you couldn't tell I'm kinda more worried about Enki currently, I couldn't care about those currently." She looks at the vampire, judging him what is he playing at here, what is his motive she thinks to herself.

(I kinda imagin us talking and stuff, and shina is just picking her nose xD )

"Because you're doing so much to help him, aren't you?. i think your just scared to fight me fairly, i guess you're like Enki in that way" Nyx sneered at her.

There was a Flash of anger on Nyx's face but it disappeared as fast as it appeared. "I think you don't have much in the way of family either, why else would you hang around and care about a stupid child who doesn't know his own limits" He replied

@metalcity (@PhoenixFire13 feel free to jump in :P )
(Well then I missed a lot. Sorry guys @GingerBread @metalcity @Lotusy)

Shina sat quietly in thought, half listening and half in her own world. It was rare for her to think that hard about something but it's not like it's never happened before. She snapped out of it however, when the vampire boy collapsed on the floor next to them. Intrigued, she watched as Jay healed him.

So he's a healer. Good to know.

She was about to start asking some questions to the girl who called herself Maka when the two of them seemed to be on the verge of fighting. She put on a frown and was about to smack the two of them and tell them to shut up and be nice but stopped herself. If she did that, she probably would have added fuel to the fire.

"And here I thought we were getting along decently. Why don't you two just sit quietly for once and let's solve this problem, whatever it is. Let's leave your family problems for next time."

She turned to Maka. "So, what's wrong with him again?" She pointed at Enki's body. "I was kind of staring into space."

She paused for a while. "Oh, I'm Shina by the way."

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