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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Seeing the fire was getting out of hand Nyx Unsheathed one of his daggers and started drawing a symbol on the field. Once he had finished the symbol He cut his wrists Draining his blood into the Symbol, He shouted over to Shina "Have some blood for me when i wake up" Not explaining what he had said he stood in the center of the symbol and started chanting.

Nyx rose up into the air a red glow surrounding him as his chanting got louder and louder, the Blue flames started to move towards him swirling around him, the blue flames had completely left the tree and were around Nyx, he could feel the intense heat of the flames around his body, the blood magic barely stopping them from burning him.

As he finished the chant, the blue flames started to Engulf Nyx before getting absorbed into him, exhausted from the Ritual he collapsed, passed out on the floor.

@metalcity @PhoenixFire13
Appearing on Willow's tree branch, Corvus focused on his airborne assailant that had attacked his only friend. No longer was he the cold and calculating Corvus, but he had transformed into a vengeful elf that thirsted for the girl's blood, despite her innocent appearance.

Switching the Deagle for the combat knife and putting the shield back on his back, Corvus leapt from the tree branch and with a frenzied cry, jammed the blade square into the fairy's back, causing both of them to descend at a rather frightening speed. In the air, Corvus moved his and Willow's body so that they were both horizontal with the tips of their heads touching. Corvus then wrapped his arms around Willow's neck behind him and then held her there until the ground halted their descent, while hoping that the shield on Corvus's back would shield him from most of the shock.

@OceanBunny Get RKO'd
Willow cried out as the the blade pierced her back. Vines shot out of the ground as the fell and wrapped around her, haunting their descent. Screaming in fury Willow summoned large thorny vibes from the ground. The flew up with lightning speed wrapping around the boy, the dagger sized thorns piercing his flesh.

@LegenDarius what does rko mean? @CelestiaVanGuard @TheCreator645
Pandora sat on the ground, holding back any sign of her pain.

"fuckfuck- gr-"

She grunted, gripping the arrow that had embedded itself in her shoulder. She closed her eyes, and without pause, snapped the bloody wood.


She gasped, responding to the sharp pain that shot through her as she snapped the arrow. Using all of her strength, she stood up, grabbing her knife, and attempted to assess the situation around her.
Corvus screamed in pain as the thorns pierced his flesh. "GLITCH!!!" Light rays could be seen coming from inside the cocoon of deadly vines as the elf disappeared and relocated himself elsewhere.

Corvus reappeared inside of the chemistry lab where he first spawned. However, he immediately fell down and grabbed hold of a table to keep himself up. "Ugh.. Guh...," the mortally wounded elf grunted, his blood quickly staining the clean white floor below him.

"Need... Mana..." Corvus mumbled, almost incoherently, as he hazily searched the room for a chemical that can restore his mana. Noticing a light blue solution behind a glass cabinet to his right, Corvus shuffled his way there, clinging on the table as it was his life right now. With his right hand, he burst through the glass and grasped the beaker. Holding it in front of him, he could read the label saying "Magic Essence." Desperate to survive, Corvus quickly emptied the beaker, ignoring whatever side-effects it may have.

All of a sudden, a feeling of thunder coursed through his body and caused him immense pain, as if all of his bones were slowly being broken at once. Gritting his teeth, Corvus emitted a muffled scream as he didn't want to attract any nearby enemies, pushing the fear of death into the furthest sections of his mind, and instead focusing on surviving. The forest where I was isn't too far from here... If they find me... I'm done for...

With that, the elf collapsed on the ground, with his back to the floor and bleeding, despite the shield that protected it. There he waited. Either for salvation, or death.



This is an RKO:


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Pandora was suddenly alerted to Corvus's teleportation command, screamed with pain. Her expression turned angry and her eyes began to glow red, as she spread her wings and charged at Willow, her blade stretched in front of her.
Seeing the boy had vanished Willow untangled herself and flew to Hak. Growing healing plants on the tree. Suddenly the girl was flying at them with blade extended. Grabbing Hak's hand Willow leapt backwards off the branch falling away from the oncoming sword. Landing on the ground she encases them with thick thorny vines to protect from the girls blade. Safely inside the vines she regrow a the plants to heal her wounds from the boy. @CelestiaVanGuard @TheCreator645
(sword??? soz but i have a hunting knife 030)

Pandora began slashing at the thick plants that encased the two opponents, protecting them.

"YOu fucking cowards!"

She screeched, kicking in the plants with her furious strength.
@Kyzaba @LegenDarius @Krekire @OceanBunny @TheCreator645 @CelestiaVanGuard @Nenma Takashi

(No time to rest guys~ It's time for sudden death -evil laugh-)

Throughout the entire virtual environment, a voice spoke up for all survivors left in the game to hear.

"Ah, testing, testing. Can you hear me, remaining survivors?" It was the voice of the gym teacher.

"At this point in time, there are about 20 survivors left remaining in the game. As explained in the beginning of the period, you will all now enter a sudden death match. In one minute, all survivors will be teleported to the center of the field within a clear dome. The dome is indestructible and inescapable. The biome will be a combination of all the ones that have been discovered. So, uh, get ready for mass massacre in one minute! The game won't end until only 3 of you remaining alive. That's all."

There was a sound of crackling before the mic was switched off. Silence filled the entire arena.
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Hearing the voice Corvus hung his head in defeat, just waiting for his mana to somehow regenerate to the point where he could use Rewind State again.

"No... I can't go out like this...," Corvus said, trying to get up but was too weak. "Please... I need more time..." He spoke, but those words only fell on deaf ears. But as if his answer was prayer, the pain from drinking the blue solution subsided, and a feeling of power coursing through his body replaced the feeling of painful thunder inside. "Y-yes... It's not much, but it's enough to get me moving..."

Rewind State!

Corvus's badly damaged legs and arms were covered with mysterious glyphs, the wounds patching themselves up as the body's state reversed in time. However, Only the arms and the legs were repaired; Corvus's torso was still badly wounded, although he did have some spare mana to repair it a little. With his new found strength, Corvus managed to get up with less effort (though it was still painful) and he scrambled for a first aid kit. Finding a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, as well as a first aid kit, Corvus took off his cloak and shirt and splashed himself with the solution. Watching the sea of peroxide fizz as they disinfected Corvus's remaining wounds, he began to wipe the areas where the fizzing was subsiding. Then Corvus began to stitch himself.

It wasn't clean, but the job was done. Corvus's body ached with even the slightest movement, but at least he stopped the bleeding. He had somehow survived being brutally mangled by virulent vines.

Lesson learned: don't mess with forest fairies..., Corvus thought to himself comically as he waited the transportation to the deathmatch coliseum.

@PhoenixFire13 Come at me
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Pandora stopped her attack on the plant-like shield, to listen to the death match alert.


She said aloud, remembering the state of her friend. Leaving the area, she flew high to see the landscape around her. The first thing she saw was a building of sorts, so she flew down to the entrance, as her eyes returned to their blue colour.


She called out into the science lab. She was determined to help her friend before he began fighting again in his pained state. Her eyes grew wide as she spotted Corvus with his shirt off, stitching himself up. Pandoras face instantly blushed a deep red, as she stood there speechless.

"-fu-fuck- I-I was just- uh-"

She attempted to speak. The only thing she could manage to do was turn around, embarrassed.

(I cant believe i just did that
xD )
Peebles18 said:
Water and Ice. Two ctly why they were chosen as partners. They were two sides of a coin. Their powers would harmonize when they brought together but at the same time they would nullify each other if they fought. Ice to water. And water into ice. It was convenient she thought as she watched her ice melt, Shadow grinning like a Cheshire cat. Tenya returned it with equal force. "Naive? You amuse me."
Shadow, lifted her hand and Tenya's now liquefied ice came at her. She quickly crafted a shield.Light-speed jets of water whipped past Tenya, slashing and berating on her defence, catching her on her lower legs.

But there was a downside to Shadow's power. She had to cut herself in order to melt my ice. She couldn't do that unless she wanted Rea dead. Tenya grinned harder and charged just as the last of streams went past. She called on Nemna and ordered him into Calvin de Jure. Shadow, taken by surprise and shocked on how quick her foe reacted called the water back to her. But Tenya was already in point blank range and gutted Shadow in the chest. "Nulify." Rea won't be able to use Shadow for a while. I've sealed the demon for now.

Reanne Rea flickered her eyes open and looked around. Her eyes widened. Destruction everywhere. Shit. Shadow had taken over without her permission. She looked over to Tenya, she had no choice. She took out a ring, engraved with patterns and a larged white jewel shaped as a hexagon in the middle. She put it on and closed her eyes, her hands erupted into white flames, including the ring.

"Aya-aniki gave me this, he was my target, I thought it was a piece of cake, turns out he is a mafia boss which his family specializes in unique weapons and upgrades. This is one if them." Rea said, as she flew up using her flames. She took out a box, "Kuro. Shiro." She muttered as two mini dragons came out. "X Bruciatore." She muttered as the two dragons curled up on her hand which turned into some sort of gun and a huge white fireball shot out and getting ready to hit her straight on.

"Dammit. Just when I thought we could talk." Tenya muttered under her breath as she dodge the fireball. She's going to use those eh? Cute. "Nemna, Vacouver mode!" Nemna then manifested into a brilliant white griffin. She's going to use Fire? Interesting. "Fuego." Her familiar gave a deafening roar as a beam of ice made its course for Rea.

Reanne Rea just sighed. Tenya never learns. Her burning hands melted off the ice with one wave. It turnes into water, and she gave a triumphant smirk. "He. He. He. It takes more than that to beat me Tenya-chan~" She laughed as her eyes turned into slits. She was turning into what she was, 300 years ago. It was the reason she left Tenya., "Prepare to die~" she cackled, as the dragons charges up a ball the size of a truck, its contents were water mix with fire. "X Canon." She smiled at her. "See you on the 8 paths of hell~"

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Enki attempted to stop the flames, but as he did he saw the mystical blue flame ignore the tree and make there way to Nyx. Engulfing him and forcing him to pass out. Enki starts to walk over "what do we do now, I've not kicked his ass yet." Enki says looking back at Shina.

@PhoenixFire13 @GingerBread
The surroundings blurred as if time stopped as Tenya watched Rea's X Canon come straight at her. She knew this would happen, that's why she didn't come here without something up her sleeve. She took a deep breath, instilling her mind as she searched deep within her, finding her core. She found and forced it to the surface. A burst of light sprung from Tenya engulfing every one in white. I'm bringing you back. "Calsifer's Wish: Angela's breath." The light summoned from a heart that is true, shall have its wish. Tenya wished for her friend.

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Enki continued to the body of the vampire not wasting time on an answer, making sure he's not dead. Hope he's not dead. Enki got down on one leg, rocking Nyx back and fourth hoping he would wake, "Don't die yet, I didn't kick your ass" Enki says trying to wake up the boy. Fuck, whats wrong with those flames, Jim wouldn't be able to do that. And the contract never said anything about living fire. He confusedly thought in desperation. Hope this doesn't hurt her as well. He thought looking back at the girl. "Wonder what he did to the fire."

@GingerBread @PhoenixFire13
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"Okay..." Hak says as he finally comes back to his senses giving her but a mere smile. Hak finally noticed everything that was going on around him, luckily he still had a tight grip on his staff hoping he could be somewhat useful now, "I'm sorry I couldn't help....are you okay?" He says as a tear falls from his eye, Hak had a glimpse of his past reminding him of what had happened, it turned out whilst he was high in the tree a while back, another person had sent his mind into a state in which he could only see his past memories, he practically became a ragdoll at the time. Luckily the fairly low level magic that was cast upon him wore off, although he had no memories of what had happened during his immobilized state. Hak noticed a wound on Willow's back (I think right? xD ) and got pissed off that he was incapable of helping, Hak thought 'I have a rough idea of what happened...maybe Nyx betrayed us?....or perhaps those people from back when I remember are the ones who attacked us... either way it seems a few people have died here and there.'

"I'm okay Hak." Willow says wiping the tear off his cheek. "We're about to be teleported to the death match though." She frowns slightly. 'I hope he's okay' she thinks. "You ready? We'll have two people after us if they spot me." She sighs then gives him a small smile, gripping his hand tighter and awaiting the teleportation.

"We can." Willow agreed with a smile as the teleportation started. They landed under a dome beside some ruins, she could see the trees in the distant over the swaying grass. Turning she saw that they stood among the ruins in a large meadow. Closing her eyes Willow quickly connected to the nature nearby. "Over there." She said to Hak turning to the left where a boy with a long sword was sneaking through the tall grass towards them.

(Replying from my phone on a shaky bus lol Hope my spelling will be ok. I'm only going to be able to manage one post before I get on my laptop later)

Shina followed Enki over to Nyx's side and knelt down beside him. She placed a hand on his chest as felt for his soul. Vampires have dead bodies so looking for a heart beat would be useless. She tried instead, to sense the flames he had absorbed inside him.

After a while, she was able to locate a faint response from a strange life force. It seemed to match the aura of the same bit of flame energy that came from the blue flame she absorbed. She sighed in relief.

"Looks like he's still alive. Probably need some rest... and some blood after he wakes up."
She looked away at the mention of blood. "For now, we should just wait for him to wake up."
What did she do? Enki questions in his mind but it gets interrupted as he looks at how close Shina is to him. He moves over quickly and tries to act like nothing happened. "I don't think we can keep him here." He says looking behind him "I believe they do football practice today." Enki picks up the vampire and throws him over his shoulder "Where should we take this beast?" He looks at shina.

@PhoenixFire13 @GingerBread
Nyx let out a barely audible Groan As he was Thrown over Enki's shoulder, pain shooting all through his body, his eyelids twitching, nyx not having enough strength to open them.

@PhoenixFire13 @metalcity (What's the plan for what happened with the fire like how is it going to affect me?)
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