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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Who was it the one who started it? Not me but you." Dom stated before narrowing his eyes at her. "You can buy the turtle yourself, the acting won't work on me anymore." Dom just turned around and started to walk away from them. Aptual had taken things too far with all her naiveness and he was the one taking the heat, now it had gotten to him. He had been nice to him and was taken advantage of just because he had called her a friend, now it just seemed like she wanted to be friends with him because of the money, screw that he wasn't gonna fall for it. @metalcity @GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai @Prizzy Kriyze

(That's how I feel the friendship between Dom and Aptual has been about, so i figure he could respond like that)
Aptual was shocked by Dom's change in emotion, she blinked a few times in complete confusion. She tried to move towards him but just watched as he became distant. "What do I do?" She asked herself, raising her hand to cover her mouth. "I-I messed up." She bit down on her hand slightly in annoyance at her self. How did she not see this coming? It was now clear that what she did was wrong. She couldn't repay him back, it was to late for that and in addition, she still had no money. She slightly yelled into her hand before turning around to the boy "I must apologise but I can't accept one of these adorable pets. Please take good care of them." She kindly muttered, looking away from the boy to try see Dom in the distance. She clenched one of her fists "Take care." She quickly turned around and tried to run after Dom "Wait up! We need to talk! I apologise!" She desperately cried out.

@IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @Magical Squid Senpai @GingerBread @Prizzy Kriyze
Pluto noticed how sad the girl got and how the guy would not buy it. Why was he suddenly acting like a heartless bastard? He watched as she ran away.

'I know what you are thinking. Don't do it.'

"But...but I need to! I have to do one good thing today."

'Ugh! You are such a disappointment.'

"Hey wait up!" Pluto took the cart full of animals as he ran towards Aptual. "I-ill give you the animal for free! Plus a kitten! Your ok with this right Nyx?"

@metalcity @GingerBread @Prizzy Kriyze @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Nyx looked up at Pluto as he offered to give him to the overly hyper girl. You want to give me to a girl who seems completely insane and doesn't think I'm anything more than a kitten? Yeah I'm completely fine with that, why wouldn't I be? Nyx rolled his his eyes. "Meow" Nyx mewed up at Pluto, forgetting that one he couldn't talk and two that Pluto couldn't hear his thoughts.

@Magical Squid Senpai @metalcity @Prizzy Kriyze @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
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Jay watched, expressionless, as his friend convulsed from the healing magic, then closed his eyes. Finally, it's over. It was so tragic, but greed like this can't be allowed to- as he opened his eyes, time suddenly seemed to slow down. Columbus was up, yelling, and a shoe was hurtling towards him at high speeds. No, it can't end like this! I can't dodge it in time! As despair began to befall him, small gray shape hurtled through the air - and took the shoe for him, landing with a strangled squawk. As Jay looked down, he saw the beaten body of Dalton twitching on the ground. Everything suddenly became a blur as Jay fell to his knees. "No... no! Why did you do it, Dalton? WHY?!" Healing magic was already flowing out of his fingers, until the large bruise on the pigeon's side vanished. He quickly shook Dalton with his finger, but to no avail. "Dalton? Dalton, wake up!" Suddenly, though, Jay got an idea. He picked up the rock toast from Columbus, waved it in front of Dalton, then threw it. To his surprise - and immense frustration, Dalton shot up, flying after toast. "DAMMIT, DALTON!" Jay yelled, shaking his fist at the shrinking form of the pigeon. He wiped the tears from his face, then turned back to Columbus, picking up the zombie's shoe. "What am I even supposed to do now? Hit you over the head with this shoe?"

Columbus watched in shock as Dalton simply flew off unharmed, 'W-what?! Nobody has ever survived the shoe of death! That's my most powerful move, I-I have nothing left besides a wide array of cool powers I could use to kill him right now! But that would be rude! I have to get creative...' Columbus laughed without smiling before going into a display of terrible acting, "FOOL! DO YOU REALLY THINK I'D BE FOOLISH ENOUGH TO ALLOW MY OWN SHOE TO BE USED AGAINST ME?! I HAVE RIGGED THAT VERY SHOE TO EXPLODE THE MINUTE IT CAME OFF MY FOOT! AND NOW, YOU SHALL BE BLOWN TO BI- Wait, is that a butterfly?!"

He pointed behind Jay to distract him before taking off his other shoe and throwing it at Jay once more, "THE SHOE OF DEATH...AGAIN!"

Dom stiffened when Aptual called out for him but shook his head and continue walking. He wasn't gonna forgive her just because Aptual said she was sorry, nope no he wouldn't, he wasn't gullible. It may seem like he was an asshole or a heartless bastards or whatever people would him, but he didn't feel like doing it. He had been used before and he wasn't gonna let that happen again. He turned to look at Aptual before shaking his head and walking away, not sparing to give her a second glance. Aptual had those people there with the animals to talk and that was enough for him.

@metalcity @GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai @Prizzy Kriyze
Aptual gritted her teeth, tears continued to build up in her eyes "Urrrggg! Stop! God darnnit! stop Dom!" She slightly aggressively shouted out, angry at her own stupidity. She ran up to him and jumped on his back, latching her legs and arms around his shoulders and became his backpack. She rested her head on top of his, it was hard but still comfy due to the hair. She sighed gently "I know, I know I know I know! I screwed up! I kinda took advantage of the whole money thing once of twice. But it wasn't that bad. I wont even beg for money even more! Would it make you feel better if I stole something?" She asked, still resting her head on his.

@IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @Magical Squid Senpai @GingerBread @Prizzy Kriyze
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Well shit, that had surprised him when Aptual had jumped into his back. He at first didn't realize that something or someone(Aptual xD ) had jumped into his back until she spoke. Damn was she light and weight barely anything, for a second he had though some monkey had landed on him. Tick tock tick tock, that was what was happening in his as he try to comprehend and compute what just happened, and when it did, he did the one thing that came into his head. "What the hell." Dom shouted when he looked up and saw her chin that was resting on his hair now resting on his nose. "What are you doing?" Yep, he wasn't sure what was going on and that was bad, he was never lost on things and usually never shouted but this time he made an exception. "Why are you as light as a monkey?" He questioned out of nowhere. @metalcity
Aptual gripper her legs around Dom and raised on of her arms and ran her hand through his hair "Its okay now! Aptual is here now! let it all out! Talk about what's troubling you, not my weight. Also thanks! I shall take that as a compliment." She smiled slightly, he wasn't showing any struggle. She continued to run through his hair, it was soft and felt good. "So cute..." She muttered as she started to play with Dom's hair and make funny patterns.

@IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @Magical Squid Senpai @GingerBread @Prizzy Kriyze
Nyxen looked up at Pluto from his spot in the cart. So, Pluto. You know we could just leave now and not give the crazy girl any animals. And you know. Leave. We could go find Jay at the museum or wherever he is. Or you could steal some of the girl's blood, she looks human. I'm assuming she is anyway. So just take one of the syringes I have in my jacket, stab it into the girl's arm and take her blood, then give it to me, and everything will be fine. I'll be able to kill both of them. So go do that Pluto, go and do that now. Nyxen laid down on his side, lazily gazing over at Aptual and Dom, waiting for Pluto to take the girls blood.

@metalcity @Magical Squid Senpai @Prizzy Kriyze @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
The snakes told Pluto what Nyx wanted. Although it was really Chua who told the truth. Pluto sighed as he reached into the jacket pocket. He pulled out a good syringe. He also grabbed the turtle and ran towards the girl. He snuck up behind her and stuck the syringe in her arm, quickly stealing her blood. When he was done he put the turtle on top of her head and ran back to the cart.

"Ok, I'm never doing that again. Now get out of the cart."

@GingerBread @metalcity @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
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Aptual felt a sharp object prick her arm "Huh?" She questioned as she turned her head to look at her arm, there wasn't anything on her arm but she saw a boy place a turtle on her head "Awwwww! its adorable! than-WHAT THE HELL!" She shouted by Dom's ear, pointing at the small syringe Pluto was holding. "THAT'S MASSIVE!!!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!? WAS THAT STEALING MY BLOOD!!! I'LL SUE YOU!!!! H...H.....how.....da...re...y" She tried to shout, but started to faint at the sight of the syringe. Turning limp on Dom's back.

@IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @Magical Squid Senpai @GingerBread @Prizzy Kriyze
Nyx was slightly shocked that Pluto actually stole blood from Aptual. Well as much as I'm surpised that you actually did that. But in any case Nyx jumped out of the cart and sat down in front of pluto, not wanting to waste anytime that he could use to turn back. Well hurry up, I want to turn back today Pluto. I mean I've got all day, but at that point it'd be too late because I'd have already turned back. And being a kitten isn't that bad but I'd rather not be a kitten around Crazy people like that Girl or any of the other people we've encountered. Anyway, turn me back now.

@Magical Squid Senpai @metalcity @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
"Come fucking on." Dom shouted inside his mind. How the hell could Aptual just fucking faint because of a syringe? How the hell did that work? He wasn't sure and he really wasn't sure to answer. He actually made sure that she wouldn't fall off before looking at them. "Why the hell did you do that? That wasn't necessary, she's too dumb so you should had asked instead of stealing." Hey, taking and stealing were the same thing so he had to say it. @metalcity @GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai @Prizzy Kriyze
Nyx let out a small mewl of pain as Pluto injected him in the leg, though he was happy that he would finally be turning back. When Nothing happened Nyx looked up at Pluto with a confused look in his eyes. Pluto, why is this taking so long? Did you take enough blood? Nyx shook it off as the blood needing more time to take effect. He waited a couple of minutes but started to get impatient when nothing happened. Nyx began looking all around his, glancing at Aptual and Dom before finally going back to looking at Pluto. I've not changed back yet Pluto. Go and check that the girl was a human. If she's not I'm going to scratch someone's eyes out, Probably yours. And tell your snakes that they're still arseholes and now I have proof that they talk shit about me when they think I can't hear them. They're all getting killed.

@metalcity @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @Magical Squid Senpai
"A butterfly? Oh god, is it Schmetterling?" Jay turned his head fearfully, but didn't catch sight of the insane man. "What the hell? Don't scare me like that, Columbro-?" His words were caught in his throat as he turned back around, catching sight of the second shoe heading towards him face. In fear, Jay raised the other shoe to his face, blocking it - but also releasing a strange substance with the smell of eau de zombie on it. "Wha... urgh?" He squeezed his eyes shut in pain, hoping the smell would wash over soon as the areas around his eyes started flashing with bright colors...

Jay was roused to the sound of a toaster dinging. A beautiful smell of butter washed over him, and his eyes fluttered open. All around him was a cracked-up landscape of swirling rainbow colors upon hills. Fearfully, Jay poked his head above one of the hills, and his eyes widened in astonishment. Giant pieces of toast were running around the landscape of swirling rainbow, flailing their arms around like trees in the wind. Then, to Jay's horror, the toasts suddenly grew mouths, unleashing a horrifying yodel that pierced his ears. As they screamed, Jay screamed back, claming his hands over his ears...

Back in the real world, Jay was curled into the fetal position, and he was screaming manically about toast of some sort. His eyes were glazed over, and as he drew his hands tighter over his ears, foam began to froth around his mouth. In a fit of pitiful screaming, he finished by throwing up on Columbus's feet and passed out.

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The sound of the kitten crying in pain rang in Aptual's ears and head. In her current state it was the only thing she could hear in darkness. Her eyes shoot open and her eyes darted towards the kitten. "KITTY!!!! DON'T WORRY!!!! I'LL PROTECT YOU!!!!" She cried out, jumping off Dom's shoulder and towards the cat. She landed next to the cat and picked it up "ARE YOU OKAY KITTEN!?!?!?!?!?!?!? DON'T WORRY!!!! MUMMA APTUAL IS HERE NOW!!!!" She cried out, squeezing the kitten as she attempted to protect it.

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Dom eyes were twitching as he watched Aptual with the cat. "Leave the kit alone Aptual before it decides to scratch you or you get another syringe on your body." He threatened while having his arms crossed. God dammit, it just reminded him of the time when he got chased by the lion when he was small after'accidentally' finding himself inside in the lions den at night. How he survived that day? No idea but here he was good and all. @metalcity @GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
Nyxen wanted to scratch Aptual as much as he could before he was taken away from her. But he couldn't because His paws were pinned between himself and Aptual's chest. I hate everything right now. Pluto! Get me away from this girl. I don't want to stay with this girl for longer. Nyxen didn't try to struggle anymore, knowing it would just end up being a waste of time and energy since he wouldn't be able to get out of her grip.

@Magical Squid Senpai @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @metalcity
'Pluto it's not working. He wants you to check if that girl is human.'

"I don't know why it didn't work!" Pluto was seriously about to go and check, but the girl was already up and assaulting Nyxen again. He sighed. "Please small girl. Can I please have my cat back?" He reached out and tried to take Nyx back.

'No! Don't!'

He wants to be with the girl.'

Yeah he said so himself. He likes all this attention because his mother never gave him any so yeah, leave him be.'

@metalcity @GingerBread @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Nyxen moved his head around as much as he could just so he could glare at the snakes, but ultimately couldn't due to how hard aptual was squeezing him against her chest. One thing you got wrong there Jason, My mother loved me, well at least that's what I was told. I never found out since she died in childbirth. But whatever. Don't push your experiences onto me, just because everyone hates you, doesn't mean you have to say your life is mine.

@Magical Squid Senpai @metalcity @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Noah was walking around the school campus just looking around he didn't know if there were any classes on at the moment he just teleported around oggling at the structure of the school he actually liked it his scythe was making some form of noise while it was on his back it wasn't alot some students looked at him as he just teleported around the campus quite casually a small smile was on his face.

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