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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Aptual bit down on Dom's hand, gently but enough to tell him to stop. She moved back "Don't say such gross things about me!" She demanded, blushing still she tried to keep a angry face but it looked like she was trying to hard to be mad.

"Aptual, I never said that It was something you did, I asked if you were into it." Dom expained in a sagely way but it was weird because Dom eyes were glowing red. "Next time don't bite just push it away or I may tell that you are into it." He joked with her while also sounding like it was the truth. @metalcity
Aptual continued to blush while trying to still look mad, like a small tomato. "Well don't even insinuate that I might be into that stuff!" She crossed her arms and huffed. "And it was only gentle! Don't be such a cry baby." She exclaimed while looking away. Quickly realising that the last comment was very hypocritical she furiously turned back to Dom "Just shut up okay! we are changing topics!" She demanded, then quickly looking away again. Still blushing.

"What? Don't tell me you want a kiss for messing with you?" He asked her while joking. Dom really didn't even know why he said at all but he felt it was the right time to say. "You sure you want that?" Mentally he was groaning because he hated saying that but her reaction had been priceless. @metalcity
Aptual slapped Dom's face, blushing a lot more now. "Shut up!" She yelled in a panic. Her skin colour started to change to black with hints of grey, fur started to grow as well. Everyone turned to look at the strange commotion and saw the forming werewolf, screams could be heard through the cafe as people started to evacuate. Aptual looked around in confusion then noticed what happened to her. "Idiot..." She cried out as she quickly ran out of the cafe, scaring more people as she approached them in her escape.

Dom didn't have to wait at all to run after her. He took off moments after she run out. Okay, maybe his joke went too far but it was just a joke goddammit, he didn't mean for it to be or sound rude. He had to find her before others arrived to try to subdue her some way or another, he didn't want anything to happen to her at all and he was gonna make sure it didn't happen. @metalcity
"Huh, I guess maybe it's normal to have that many pets here. Come to think of it, I haven't visited a lot of people's homes. Or well, yeah I have, but those people shouldn't be trusted with lives." He bent down to pet one of the snakes. "Hey that cat's getting mighty talkative-"

Zera raised his hand with a surprised and curious look, and watched the snake hang off of him. The little guy apparently didn't like being petted, and as such had decided to bite him. Zera just seemed to be in awe at first, but then he turned pale. Then his mouth slowly turned into a frown. Then he started trying to shake the snake off, to no avail. Then he started shouting. "AAAAH WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" He was flailing wildly with his arm, trying to get the snake loose. To his chagrin the little trooper held fast, and soon blood was dripping from him. "IT'S INCREDIBLE UNCOMFORTABLE PLEASE GET IT OFF ME." He stopped his crazy dance for a split-second, and held an expression as if he'd just been hit by an epiphany. "IS THIS WHAT YOU CALL PAIN? IT SUCKS, I DON'T WANT IT ANYMORE!"

Somewhere along the lines of panic induced by his first encounter with bodily harm, something in Zerachiel tried to protect him. Unfortunately, that meant that the poor snake who'd only wish was to be left alone spontaneously combusted. "NOOO! GODAMN IT IT'S ONLY GETTING WORSE! COULD I ASK YOU TO PLEASE REMOVE YOUR PET?!"


@Magical Squid Senpai
Aptual continued to run, slowly ignoring all the screams from the people surrounding her. She thought about what would be the quietest place, it would allow her to hid and calm down. She quickly came to the conclusion that the female toilets would be a best place to go, she hoped not many people were in there. On her way to the toilets she had a quick glimpse out of one of the windows and spotted a shopping cart full of animals, each one being adorable! She instantly turned back into her human form losing all fur and squealed in excitement, she completely forgot what just happened and many people looked at her shocked by the random change in appearance physically and emotionally. "OH MY GOD YOU ARE ADORABLE!!!!" she yelled, her voice could be heard all through out the museum and the streets outside.

With out a care in the world she threw herself out of the window, smashing it and leaped towards the cart of animals being lead by a few lads. Ignoring them she leaned into the cart, looking at each animal carefully with a massive grin and a cluster of giggling. "
YOU ARE ALL TO CUTE!!!" She squealed out as she choice one at random, turning out to be a little white kitten. (Nyxen) She held the cat and started to spin around "I LOVE ALL THESE ANIMALS!!!!" She giggled while spinning still, holding the cat far enough away that it could not attack it with out leaping at her.

@IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai @Prizzy Kriyze
'You can never kill us. We are immortal!!'

Pluto watched as one of the little snakes bit the new kid. The rest of the snakes started laughing as the other was biting the other. "Hey! Hey! just hold still!"

'Haha this is fun!'

'hey you can let go now! its not nice to bite people! he is not chocolate!'

The tiny snake yelped and let go of zera. he fell on to the ground and slithered back under the cart. " I am so sorry for that! are you ok?!" he asked Zera. he heard the squealing from behind. "Hey! those are my pets!! well Nyx isn't..."

@metalcity @GingerBread @Prizzy Kriyze
Columbus yelled and squirmed in Jay's arms, "No Jay, YOU are the fool! I can resist the toast temptations! I am more powerful than you can ever imagine..." He picked up a stray rock, and in his other hand appeared dinosaur-shape-rock-toast. He hit Jay over the head with it, "Now I must smite you so that society may progress! I'm so sorry Jay!"

Hey! I'd rather be labeled as your pet than taken away by this crazy girl. And get her to stop spinning me, I'm going to- Nyxen started making noises like he was trying to force something out of his throat before finally having a small amount of vomit land on the floor near himself and Aptual. I'm going to kill everyone you care about Pluto, And your snakes! Why the hell did you let this girl pick me up anyway?! And why are you still letting her hold me?!

@Magical Squid Senpai @metalcity
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Despite his hatred of the situation, Nyxen began involuntarily purring as Aptual started petting him, causing his hatred of the situation to rise. Pluto, you better get me out of this. And you stupid goddamn snakes better tell him to get me away from this girl. If I don't find Jay, I won't be able to get any human blood. Meaning I can't change back. So in other words, Get me the hell away from this girl and get me to Jay. Tell her I'm your pet and I'm not for sale or something. Nyxen hated being pulled so close to the girl and having her act like he was actually a kitten.

@Magical Squid Senpai @metalcity @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @Prizzy Kriyze
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Dom was gonna have to thank Aptual so way or another because he was able to steal the necklace he wanted and no one saw, yay for him. He literally was running all around the museum in a speed that humans couldn't see and sometimes he would call out Aptual name. It wasn't until he saw Aptual petting some type of animal that he stopped and walked toward them. "Aptual, let the kit down before it reaches your face." He told her calmly while looking at those around her. @metalcity @GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai @Prizzy Kriyze
"But it is so adorable! It loves me! listen to it purring!" Aptual giggled as she continued to cuddle the cat, however she started to hear what the kitten was saying. However she listened to late and all she heard was "for sale" And she started squealing more "Oh my god! Dom! its for sale! I'll forgive you about before if you buy it for me!" She giggled and continued to cuddle the animal, looking forward to having her new pet. "I'll love you forever!" She calmly whispered to the cat.

@GingerBread @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @Magical Squid Senpai @Prizzy Kriyze
"Please don't cry. I don't like crying. I can't sell this kitten for many reasons! I'm sorry!"

'No, sell him.'

'Think of all the money we can get!'

'Why don't we give her all the animals!!'

"No. No kitten selling!" Pluto looked around to see what he could give her. "....how about... This turtle!?" He reached into the cart and pulled the turtle out. "He's nice! I think you would like him!"

@metalcity @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @GingerBread @Prizzy Kriyze
The tears basically evaporated off Aptual's face when she saw the turtle, a beaming smile appeared on her face as she nodded happily. "Yes please." She kindly agreed to having the turtle. "D-Dom" She tugged at Dom's sleeve while staring into the animals eyes. "Please buy this from the kind boy." She reached forward and started to rub the top of the animals head, smiling more as she continued.

@Magical Squid Senpai @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @GingerBread @Prizzy Kriyze
Nyxen breathed a sigh of relief as Aptual chose to have the turtle instead of just trying to steal him or something. Thanks Pluto, I guess I owe you for not giving me to to that crazy girl. Nyxen then looked over at Aptual, feeling smug and happy. "Meow. meow meow. Meeeow" Nyxen mewed over at her, attempting to tell her all manner of nasty things, not caring that she couldn't understand him anyway.

@Magical Squid Senpai @GingerBread @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @Prizzy Kriyze
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Dom had his arm crossed as he looked between Aptual, the turtle, the guy and cat, while the others weren't in his sight. Should he really pay for the turtle but before sighing and looking at Aptual and the guy selling the turtle. "You will owe me if I buy the turtle." He told Aptual because this time he wasn't gonna spend his money on something not befitting himself, he wouldn't get anything in return. @metalcity @GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai @Prizzy Kriyze
Jay reeled in shock and pain as the dinosaur-toast-shaped rock connected with his head. "Gah! This isn't over, Columbro! You'll never get away with this dastardly plan!" He sent a wave of healing magic over his head while he grappled with Columbus, then kicked him off a sent a surge of healing magic through his body. As he freed himself, Jay frantically searched for a weapon to use, but to no avail. "Please, don't do this, Columbro! This isn't the path we're supposed to walk! The world isn't ready for toast like this!"

Columbus convulsed as the magic coursed through him. He lay on the ground for a few minutes before he picked up his head, looking at Jay with determenation, "This is over Jay! Now you get to see my SPECIAL ATTACK." He took off his shoe and threw it at Jay's head, "THE SHOE OF DEATH"


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