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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Aptual continued to grab fries "But they are so nice! guess I got to say bye to my teeth." She muttered, still unable to have her words make sense due to the potato mush. She finished her mouthful of food and looked at the plate of chips in disappointment. "I'm out of fries..." She emotionally told Dom, her tail started to calm down and her ears fell flat on her head.

Dom sweat dropped at that. So she would rather like to have More sweets than her tooth, didn't make sense at all. "But you won't be able to get any sweets if you don't have your teeth." He told her while crossing his arms and glaring at her. "No teeth equals no sweets, remember that." He took his fries and took one while seeing her reaction to it. @metalcity
"M...My...fries...." Aptual muttered, watching Dom eat his chips. She looked depressed for a moment, still looking down at her plate. She then shock her head and entered reality again. "Or I can eject the sweets! like those homeless people!" She pouted, crossing her arms.

Dom gave her a stare that literally looked like what she said was dumb, because it was. "You're not homeless Aptual, so please don't make fun of homeless people by saying that." He commented with a grin that quickly left. "So you said something about accepting a punishment?" He reminded her while hiding a smirk that was about to appear on his face. @metalcity (if I don't respond that means that Im busy xD )
Pluto grabbed Nyx's clothes off the ground and tossed them into the cart.

'I'm older!'

'I thought you were like ...16?'

'If you are as old as you say then what time period did you live through?'

"Guys, don't fight with Nyx please." Pluto was wondering if Jay would be at museum or injured somewhere. Who knows what that teacher could've done. So he picked up the pace.

'Now I want the blood. '

Jackal looked down at Nyx and purred. 'You look so cute now.'

He has a boyfriend.'

Yeah? And? I was just stating a fact. What do you think I am!'

'A damn cat.'

I'm 16, I never said I was older, just that I could've been and you guys wouldn't have known. Also It'd be really weird if I was way older than Jay was Nyx looked over at the anaconda and glared at it. It's my blood, get your own. He then looked over at Jackal and the snake he was interacting with, with a confused look etched onto his face. What? I do have a boyfriend, but I don't see how that means I'm cute right now. Going out with Jay doesn't effect how I look as a kitten. But anyway, why the hell did you need to tell me I look cute? Any reason? Did you want to cuddle up with me or something? Nyx shook his head and laid back down in the shopping cart, laying his head on his paws.

@Magical Squid Senpai
"I don't know how many times I have to say it, but it's ok, Columbro." Jay patted his friend on the back as he took to the path, heading straight back to the museum. "Let's just take our minds off that. What do you want to do next? View more exhibits? Chase down a rabid demon? Eat some dinosaur chicken nuggets?"

Columbus rubbed his chin in thought, "Hm...Could we replace chicken nuggets with toast? Dinosaur shaped toast...We should patent that Jay, we'll make hundreds of dollars! Then, with those thousands of dollars we can buy out the school! Nobody will be able to touch us with out millions of dollars! We'll be billionaires!"

Aptual tilted her head "W-What? don't punish me! Or! or! I'll punish you back!" She pouted and crossed her arms, not remembering when she said she wanted to be punished. And it sounded painful, due to him being a vampire. She then looked a little worried and her head moved down, as her belly made a strange sound. "Do I get food after? Cute food?" She asked, her eyes looked up at Dom while her head stayed down.

"But you said you wanted to get punished while eating the fries." Dom said to her while a small pout that quickly disappeared. "So you are both an S&M, didn't really see that coming." He joked before placing his remaining fries in front of her. "Finish it, I'm not really hungry anymore." @metalcity
"A sadist- someone who likes inflicting pain on others somsties just for fun of it or just..." Dom didn't say it because he knew she wouldn't understand. "While the M stands for Masochist- someone who gets off being in pain, so it comes to S&M." It was actually weird for him to say that to her but he just had to explain it in the most simplest way. @metalcity
GingerBread said:
I'm 16, I never said I was older, just that I could've been and you guys wouldn't have known. Also It'd be really weird if I was way older than Jay was Nyx looked over at the anaconda and glared at it. It's my blood, get your own. He then looked over at Jackal and the snake he was interacting with, with a confused look etched onto his face. What? I do have a boyfriend, but I don't see how that means I'm cute right now. Going out with Jay doesn't effect how I look as a kitten. But anyway, why the hell did you need to tell me I look cute? Any reason? Did you want to cuddle up with me or something? Nyx shook his head and laid back down in the shopping cart, laying his head on his paws.
@Magical Squid Senpai
'....can we cuddle!?'

'No cuddling please.'

'Nyx dosen't cuddle. He looks ugly anyway.'

"Apep, what did I say?"

Apep mumbled his half hearted response.

'Are we almost there yet?'

'Pluto do you even know where we are going?!'

Pluto only nodded. He had looked up the location on his phone.

'I just wanna see Jay!'

Nyx didn't really want to cuddle with Jackal, but the snakes seemed to not want him to and they had voted against him taking the bearded dragon from Pluto. I don't care. I'm not going to stop you if you want to do it. I just want to relax until we get to the Museum so that I can see my boyfriend. So if you want to go ahead. Nyx hoped that they wouldn't run into any other people as most people he met were insane. Like that one girl who tried to put him in a potion.

@Magical Squid Senpai
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Zera sighed as he walked, head hung, through the city streets. Oversleeping, then finding out everyone got sent to some museum was good way to start off a bad day. Especially when you've already got issues keeping up with ordinary everyday activities.

His stride stopped when series of animals crossed his path. Snakes, cats, dogs, turtles... Normally he wouldn't react, but when every other person in the street stopped with a stupefied look on their face, he felt the need to act the part. An exotic bird came tweeting by, and Zerachiel extended his arm to let it land atop his finger. The innocent creature seemed to think nothing of it, and came in for a landing, only to disappear in a puff of fire and smoke once it touched him.

"Shit..!" He jumped back in surprise and danced to avoid the flames, then quickly ran out of there before anyone had the time to notice. "Godamnit, not again..."

Only a few minutes and streets later, he caught a glance of someone out the corner of his eye. Or something? Whatever it was, it had snakes for hair. And a cart full of animals. And roughly his own age in appearance.

Slowly, the cogs in Zera's head spun, and then it clicked. This person looked just weird enough to be a student.

He ran up behind them, shouting "Hey! Hello? Excuse me!" His thin limbs barely looked like they could carry his weight, and he was breathing heavily from the short spurt alone. "I- err- am kind of lost. You wouldn't happen to know where the... L... Lakoria highschool... Yeah, that's the name... Lakoria highschool students are?"

@Magical Squid Senpai

Jay gasped in mock horror - or maybe it was real horror, and he was just dumb. "No way, Columbro. The toast... that's just too much power for one person! We're meant to help the world, not harm it!" At that moment, a feverous vision flashe across Jay's mind. The world was in ruins, everything was ablaze, and worst of all... everyone was running. The people's eyes were wide with fear, and in their mouths lay a piece of dinousaur shaped toast. "No..." Jay muttered, clutching his head. "We can't let this happen, Columbro! We've got to kill all the dinosaur-shaped toast out there! It's too appealing! Everyone will want to eat it, and they'll be doomed!" He started breathing hysterixally. "The end is nigh! Oh, repent! Repent!"

Columbus smacked Jay, "You foolish fool who is foolish! You think we may be ending the world, but what if we did it first to keep such an idea from the wrong hands? We'd be trillionares and good people, we can help people with our quadrilions of dollars! Think about it Jay!"

Aptual blushed and covered her ears "LALALALALALALALALALALALA!!!!!!! I' NOT LISTENING!!!!! LALALALALALALALALALALALALALALA" She screamed out, closing her eyes. Everyone in the cafe turned around and looked at the pair in confusion. Aptual started throwing her head side to side as she kept shouting out "LALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALA."

'Cool!' Jackal laid down next to Nyx and purred as he got closer. 'Too many damn reptiles here.' He mumbled.

Pluto was pulled away from his thoughts when his hawk screeched as it flew up into the sky, looking down and watching everyone. "Oh, yeah they all took...a field trip to the museum. I was just going there now. My name is Pluto! And these are all my pets! You can join us if you want?"


@Prizzy Kriyze
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I don't get why you're so excited about cuddling with me, hell you're just laying next to me, not cuddling. But I'm not complaining Nyx shook his head and faced away from Jackal slightly. I agree with the fact that there are too many reptiles, we should kill them all. Starting with that Lizard, so I can make a handbag out of it Nyx looked up at the new guys who had come over to Pluto. Pluto are you really going to just let him come along? Just don't be a idiot and let him know I exist. Okay? Good. I'm sure your stupid snakes can pass on my command

@Magical Squid Senpai @Prizzy Kriyze
"That's a lot of..." Zera paused, but decided on following the younger guy. "... pets..."

He seemed like a nice and cheerful fellow, besides the whole snake hair thing. Hey, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. "I'm Zerachiel, you can call me Zera. Hey, you wouldn't have to do anything with all those animals rushing across the street earlier? They had a distinct lack of..." He looked down into the cart. "... reptiles." He noticed that amongst all the other creatures, there was a small kitten that somehow seemed to get along great. He thought no more of it and turned his attention to Pluto.


@Magical Squid Senpai
Jay clutched the sides of his head. "Nonono. No, don't you see, Columbro? This is all wrong! We will only profit from the ashes of this world! Saying that makes you now better than... than..." He racked his brain for the right name, but couldn't find it. Suddenly a repressed memory drifted to the forefront of his thoughts. "No better than Pluto! Oh god, no!" He suddenly tackled Columbus, trying to grapple his arms behind his back. "I'm sorry, Columbro! I can't let you become a toast overlord! It's a power nobody should have!"

"Well it's nice to meet you! And no I have nothing to do with that these are all my animals and I just like taking them out on early...whatever time of day this is..stroll!"

Pluto couldn't even look the kid in the eyes, he probably would have told him everything.

Jason glared down at Nyx, 'you tried to kill us but it did not work! We only got stronger!!'

'Please do not steal anymore Pluto.'

"Yes yes, so we are going to the museum! I have no more reptiles except for the ones in this cart! And the ones on my head are stuck with me until I die."

Pluto! There are a bunch of little skanks in your backpack! They are eating all the damn chocolate!!' Jason stuck his head into the backpack and pulled out eight little snakes. He spit them out into the cart, they still managed to grab a chocolate bar on their way out.

"Ok. I swear that is the last animal!"

@Prizzy Kriyze @GingerBread
Nyx stood up and glared at Jason. He arched his back and hissed at Jason as all his hairs stood on end. That only served to make Nyx angrier as now his hair was messed up. Don't say I can't do something Jason, you've pissed me off more times than any other thing has. I will find a way to kill you, preferably without killing Pluto. Jay wouldn't probably be upset with me if I did. Nyx then snapped back to his senses as he realised there was another guy he hadn't even met there. "Meow" Nyx mewed up at him as he momentarily forgot he couldn't speak. He was trying to tell the new kid to ignore all that. Nyx shook his head and laid back down next to Jackal in the, now cramped cart.

@Magical Squid Senpai @Prizzy Kriyze
Dom narrowed his eyes at her when she started screaming that and covered her mouth with his while giving her an angry look. "Hush." He told her between his teeth. He hated when he was being looked at or being paid attention to. @metalcity

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