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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Well then you can make the dust out of something. Turn it into a necklace to constantly remind Apep of...something. And yes they all want to keep Narupo."

He set the lizard back onto his shoulder.

'Wow, lying and stealing. You really are on a roll today.'

Please don't do that.'

Why are you glaring at me!?'

Pluto grabbed ahold of the shopping cart once more. "Aw, I wanted to go to the museum. Where will we find a fairy around here?"

Aptuals ears raised up slightly "A-Are you sure? I-I used your money..." She cautiously muttered, picking up another chip. Her tail poked out slightly, waving back and fourth as she took more and more chips, her head raised up a little. A little smile crept on her face.

Nyx continued glaring at Jason. "You'll regret that Jason. Should've just given me the Lizard. I'm going to make your snake life a living hell. In any way I can" Nyx then glared at all the other snakes. "I don't know how to find a fairy. I think they like sweets.... I have an idea. I'll be right back" He ran off and a couple of seconds later returned with a rather large cardboard box, a stick, some string and a box of chocolates. "Right, where do you think we should set this up?"

@Magical Squid Senpai
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'But I didn't do anything you ass!'

"I don't know what fairies like." He shrugged and went back to petting Jackal the cat.

'Why did you name him Jackal'

'I love the name! It's cute and you are very annoying, snake. Your lucky I haven't ripped you off his head.'


'Well you're lucky I actually like your voice, please keep talking. "

'Yeah, it's so deep and silky!'

'Why thank you.'

When Nyx came back, Pluto just stared at him. "Ok, so that is what we are going g to use?

Dom gave her a raised eyebrow before smirking and tapping her forehead softly. "Don't whine and accept my friendship unless you want me to give you a punishment." That was a joke but at the same time it sounded like he would really do it. @metalcity
"Yes, it's a foolproof plan Pluto, trust me. I've seen it done on T.V" Nyx looked around for place to set it up and decided on a space with a bush conveniently next to it. "Watch and learn Pluto, You might learn something" Nyx walked over to the spot and put the box on the ground. Nyx then tied the string to the stick and then propped up the box with it. He then emptied the contents of the box of chocolates so that they were sitting underneath the box. "See, It's a great Trap, The fairy won't see it coming" Nyx then lead the string along with him while he went and hid behind the nearby bush.

@Magical Squid Senpai
"You've seen it on TV?" Pluto tried to make sure he wouldn't burst out laughing. "Ok, Nyx I trust in you."

'Gosh what a dumbass.'

I have lost all faith in him.'

He is sooooo uncool now.'

Pluto watched him set up the trap then come back with the string. "So now we just wait and hope that a fairy comes by."

Pluto also hid behind the bush.

"Yeah, we just have to-" Nyx slapped a hand over Pluto's mouth as a woman who looked like a fairy walked past, stopped at the box with a confused look on her face before reaching to grab the chocolates. As The woman started picking up the chocolates Nyx tugged on the string, sending the box falling onto the Fairy woman. Nyx rushed over and held down the box and smirked triumphantly over at Pluto. "I told you, it's foolproof."

@Magical Squid Senpai
Pluto let out a muffled yelp when he was suddenly slapped in the mouth. 'I wasn't even talking...'

He watched as the supposed fairy fell for the stupid trap. "Are you serious? It worked." He walked over to the trap. "Ok, let's see. And you can take the box off because who knows if she'll attack or something."

"I told you it would work. I saw it on Tv, when has Tv ever been wrong? never, that's when" Nyx lifted the box off of the fairy and she immediately dashed away from Nyx and hid behind Pluto, deeming him to be the safer option. "I'm not going to hurt you.. Much. I just need your blood" Nyx opened his jacket and pulled out a rack of about ten syringes. "It probably won't kill you" Before the fairy girl could agree to what Nyx had said or Run away, Nyx had shoved a needle into her arm and was quickly filling it up. Nyx continued filling up needle after needle and by the last needle, the fairy girl looked pale and like she was about to pass out. "Right, we can go now Pluto. I got what I needed"

@Magical Squid Senpai
'Lift it up slow-AHH!'

'Huh, maybe TV is always right!'

'Why is she hiding behind us? We should eat her.'

Before Pluto could say anything, Nyx was already done. When he looked back at the girl he frowned. "Nyx, we can't just steal someone's blood and then leave them like this!" He steadied the girl, making sure she didn't fall and hurt herself. "Are you OK."

"Why the hell not? This way she at least has a chance of living." Nyx shook his head and pulled out another syringe before stabbing it into his arm and then filling it up with a small amount his own blood. Nyx then walked over to Pluto and the girl, who seemed completely disoriented from the lack of blood. "If you want to help her, give her this blood. It probably won't kill her. But I can't give her blood back to her anyway, so you know"

@Magical Squid Senpai
"I don't know why but I don't trust your blood.'

Pluto looked down at the girl and sighed. He gently laid her down.

'Are we going to eat her!?'

'Yeah, I'm hungry. You forgot to feed us.'

I'm about to eat Narupo.'

Do it. I'll claw my was out of you throat.'

Well ok then.'

Pluto took off his backpack and pulled ten chocolate bars. He set them down next to her. " I apologize for all the trouble we have caused you. I hope you like chocolate." He walked back to his shopping cart full of stolen goods. "Again I am so sorry." He pulled out his wallet and gave her a 20 before going back over to Nyx. "Give me a clean syringe. I'll give her some of my blood."

"You know these things cost money right? Well they would if I didn't borrow them from the school" Nyx shrugged and pulled out his last syringe before handing it to Pluto. "I don't see how you're blood is going to be better than mine, but by all means go ahead. It will be fun to watch you mess up" Nyx stepped backwards and smiled at Pluto. "Actually I'm going to go drop these off in my dorm, I'll be right back" Nyx ran off once again, returning a minute later.

@Magical Squid Senpai
Columbus nodded his head at Jay's words, extending a hand for help up, "Thank you just, so much for this Jay. Could you just not tell anybody about this? I don't want to make anybody worry or something..."

Jay smiled and took Columbus's outstretched hand, though the smile contained a hint of sadness. "Of course I will, Columbus. I won't tell a soul." With a grunt, he pulled Columbus to his feet, then patted the zombie on the back with a pained expression on his face. Obviously, whatever sadness that Columbus had also made its impression on him, too. Again, he forced another smile. "Now let's just get back to school. Shall we?"

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Aptual was to entranced by eating the fries that she just nodded while grabbing more to nibble on. "These are great!" She tried to say, but was muffled by the potato mush in her mouth. Her tail continued to sway back and forth as she enjoyed eating.

'Go heal the fairy. make her feel better.'

Pluto was about stick himself but he stopped. "What side is the good side? The right or left?"

'definatly the right side.'

'the left side is for sinners.'

'the right!'

"Ok..." Pluto stuck the syringe in his right arm and it was soon filled with dark green blood. when he was done he walked over to the girl and injected it into her arm. she started foaming at the mouth.

'or maybe it was the left?'

Pluto quickly got out his antidote and poured it down her throat. "Shit!!"

Nyx shook his head and smirked triumphantly at Pluto. "Told you, should've just used my Blood. Works really well, at least for the most part. But anyway, she's most likely dead now. Since you know, Not having blood tends to kill quite a lot of people. So does poisoning them. So anyway, back onto the thing we were doing before" Nyx pulled out one needle that he hadn't dropped off at his dorm. He then held the needle close to his arm before shoving it into his arm, injecting the blood into himself. "We should go find- Meow" Nyx said as his transformation from Vampire to harmless kitten finished.

@Magical Squid Senpai
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The antidote seemed to be working, also Pluto then gave her his real healing blood."Please, I am so sorry. juts, just so sorry!" he then handed her all the money in his wallet.

"why are you a kitten now?" he followed Nyx before he could watch the painful part of the of the antidote. he walked over and picked him up. "Did you want to sit in the shopping cart?"

'How did he do that?'

'dude. got any catnip?'

'Shit, now he can understand us.'

'heeeeey Nyx!"

Columbus nodded, oblivious to Jay's true feelings. He began to walk forward a tad shakily, "Yeah, that's a good idea. People might get worried about us. Also, sorry if I was a bit selfish back there, it was just...A difficult time for me, still is to an extent. It's just easier to deal with know somebody is there to help me I guess..." He smiled softly and waited for Jay in the middle of the road...

I don't really care where I sit, just take me to go see Jay. I'm sure he'll want to see me. But if he asks why I'm a cat this time, I got attacked by a group of fairies. Okay, I didn't do this to myself and I'm not even slightly addicted to Fairy blood. Got it? Good Nyx then remembered Pluto most likely couldn't hear him, so he turned to the snakes. So can you guys pass that message on to Pluto. Oh and fuck you Jason, You little punk ass bitch virgin. Why did you vote against me taking the lizard? And what the hell is catnip? It sounds like you want to bite me. Nyx glared at Jason, hoping something bad happened to him.

@Magical Squid Senpai
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'What!? I voted against the lizard! That little skank took my spot. And fuck you too!"

'Jason is basically a slut. Just saying.'

You're lucky you didn't get an STD.'

Everything can took this booty but no diseases!'

And why are you calling him a punk? He's like a hundred years older than you. I mean if anything your the punk ass bitch.'

'Pluto, Nyx wants to go see Jay. If Jay asks, be got attacked by fairies and he is not an addict.'

"...Ok, whatever you say!" Pluto set Nyx down next to the anaconda and the Komodo dragon. And started towards the museum. 'Hello.'

'So what exactly does that fairy blood feel like?' The anaconda questioned.

Nyx looked up at the snakes. 'Are you sure he's older than me? Are you really sure? You guys seem to forget I'm a vampire, you know the immortal things that are undead yet still look better than all of you. And Don't lie to me Jason, you little punk. I know you voted against me taking the Lizard and turning it into a handbag. All just to spite me. But it's fine. Because unlike you, I'm not going to be alone forever, I have Jay' Nyx turned away from the Snakes and looked at the anaconda. 'It feels amazing, just pure ecstasy. I would equate it to drugs, but they don't work on me. But everything feels great for a couple of seconds after drinking fairy blood. Nothing else is like it, it's just great' Nyx curled up in the shopping cart 'I don't really like the side effect of turning into a cat though, but it's normally fine'

@Magical Squid Senpai
Well that was fast, looks like Aptual had forgotten that Dom was just mad at her. "Remember Aptual, if you would had gotten all those sweet things, your tooth would had fallen off and you wouldn't be the big bad wolf anymore." He told her while also adding a small joke at the end. @metalcity

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