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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Dom cringed when Aptual run into the wall. That must have hurt, maybe he felt it but he didn't show. "Why mustn't you watch where you are going?" He questioned while stopping himself from slapping his face. @metalcity
Jay kneeled down next to Columbus's huched body as the zombie began to speak in a cracked voice. He slowly lifted his hand off his shoulder at his friend's pained words, searching deeply for some sort of answer. "Look," he began, the decided better of it. For a few more seconds, Jay thought a bit, before piping up again. "It's not a problem, Columbro. When we're said, sticking together is what friends do." He slowly sat down, cross-legged, next the the pile of dirt Columbus had dug up. "Sometimes, we all slip up. I would say we're all human, but we're even more than that. We're simply alive. We were born to make mistakes, but we have to keep pushing through. Life is just a test of our mettle. It's not that you can't do something, because you can. Though it's weird, life is still beautiful. People made fire, made wheels, discovered their inner self, overcame their boundaries. You just need to overcome yours."

Aptual darted off the ground "Don't worry! I am A-Ok!" She cheerfully exclaimed, still scratching the back of her head. "Any ways! where should we go next? I vote food! raise your hand if you vote food!" She continued, starting to jump up slightly with her hand raised. She giggled happily.

Scratch that about feeling sorry for her, Dom literally wanted to rip his hair out. This mood swings that she had was annoying him and he didn't know what to do. She was so bipolar that he wanted to go bang his head on the wall. "I'll buy." He said with his head dropped. @metalcity
"Yay!" Aptual stopped jumping and put her hands by her sides, giggling slightly. "I wonder what they serve." She pondered while looking for directions to a cafe of some sorts. She found a arrow pointing in a direction "This way Dom!" Aptual called out, skipping in the direction of the cafe.

Dom walked next to her as she skipped to the cafe. He hadn't been in here before but he felt like he knew the area, just it didn't catch on quickly for him. "Don't be on a rush or I won't buy anything for you." He told her. Now that he though about it, it felt more like he was the dad taking care of his child but that child was a troublesome wolf. @metalcity
Aptual pouted, still skipping next to Dom "I'm not! this is just fun! and cute! and! and!" Aptual built herself up to say something else but nothing came out "So yea" She cheerfully finished with. "What are you going to eat?" She followed with, still being cheerful. She tilted her head to the side to look at Dom.

Dom hummed to himself as he though about what to eat. He wasn't really sure because he didn't know what they sold and he had left his 'drink' at school which kinda annoyed him. He stare at her before giving her a small devious smirk. "Maybe you." He knew he was joking there but he wanted to see her reaction on that. @metalcity
Dom really wanted to laugh at her reaction but he continue to joke with her. "I don't know I'm really thirsty." He told her before he burst out laughing while rubbing her hair. "I'm just kidding with you Aptual." He told her between his laugh. @metalcity
Columbus wiped his eyes and sniffled, "Really? I just... I'm not sure if I can..." He stayed silent for a few moments after saying that, sniffling a few more times before speaking, "Jay, could you cover her back up for me? I can't do it... I just can't..."

"No I'm not getting an eagle. Or any type of bird. I want a lizard! They are just...better?"

'Why do you need a pet?' Jason asked from the top of Plutos head. He glared down at Nyx. 'This is all his fault. He has to ruin everything!'

'He's such an evil bastard. I love it...'

'You're weird Apep.'

Shut up.'

"You don't have to make me a pet. I don't really want you to die just because you got me a pet. And I don't really feel like dying either."

'I feel like everything he wants to do is always the hard way.'

"I wouldn't die, I wouldn't even be in danger of dying. I only had to fight Richard to bind him to me, otherwise he wouldn't listen to me and would be ripping my face off right about now." Nyx took another drink from his bottle and shrugged. "You'd have to fight whatever you wanted. I wanted a panther, so I had to fight one. The only reason he's tougher than most panthers and slightly bigger, is because he was made from my blood. I mean, in a way, Richard is my child. If you wanted a lizard, you'd have to fight that. I wouldn't be able to interfere" Nyx shrugged and began walking off, further into the town. "You coming to see if this town has any pet shops?"

@Magical Squid Senpai
'Nooooooooo. Ugh!'

Pluto followed after him. "Yeah I'm coming! I wonder what it would be like to fight a lizard? That could be easy...but I would rather just buy one. Or steal it, whatever we are going to do."

'If we are getting a pet, let it be a girl.'

'No, what if they turn out like the bitches at home?'

Oh yeah. That would suck. But the guys at home aren't that great either!'

Everyone sucks!'

Pluto walked next to Nyx as he looked back at Richard. "So that was really how you met Jay? Wow..."

"Well, no. That was the time Jay saved my life, It was a fair trade, I gave him some blood in return." Nyx then put his bottle to his lips again, finishing off the rest of the blood before throwing the empty bottle away. "But we actually met when I took control of his mind and used him as cannon fodder so he would die as a distraction while I killed someone." Nyx shrugged and shoved his hands into his jacket pockets. "He then chased me down afterwards, wanting to heal me in return for me never doing that mind control thing to him again. I told him I could just do it to him again." Nyx abruptly stopped and stared off into the distance. "Then he got his pigeons to attack me, there were so many of them" He shook his head and continued walking forwards again. "Then I chased him into the library where I tried to kill him once again. More stuff happened and then the Richard thing came after that."

@Magical Squid Senpai
'Wait, mind control!?'

Is there anything you can't do?' He said sarcastically.

"Wow, that is...a very good story to tell people! You both are a very interesting couple! It's cute." He chuckled.

'Its not cute! I should be with Jay, to be honest.'

'I wonder what Jay would be like in ancient Greece?'

That would be fun!'

'I don't want that guy in any time period.'

"Yeah, it's a fun story. Lot more death in the long version though. Whole lot more death. It's fun. I wouldn't call it a good story to tell people, just cause it'd be really awkward if Jay's parents, if he has them, I never really asked. Heard about how their son is going out with a vampire that tried to kill him, not once but twice, or maybe more, I'm not really counting." Nyx shrugged and looked around for some pet shops in the town. "They might end up not liking me that much and I wouldn't be able to kill or threaten them, that might upset Jay if I did. And I'd rather not upset him at all."

Nyx shrugged and walked over to a pet shop he spotted and gazed through the window.
"Hmm, they don't have any here. I know fairies are technically living beings, but so are most animals. I just want my own source of fairy blood, is that really too much to ask world?" Nyx shook his head and walked back towards Pluto "They don't have any faires, can you believe that. They have some stupid reptiles and crap though"

@Magical Squid Senpai
"Yeah I don't think parents would like that."

'Your parent would think that was hilarious and then wonder why you were still alive.'

Pluto looked through the window and saw that they had just what he wanted.

"You want fairies? I think there are some on my island. I don't know what kind of Fairy you want. Why do you want fairy blood?" He asked as he walked into the let shop. "Doesn't that turn you into a cat?"

"No. It turns me into a kitten. Not a cat, just a kitten" Nyx followed Pluto into the pet shop and sent a quick glare at the caged birds and then at the snakes inside a tank. "And because of what it does is the reason I want it. Have you got a problem with that? It makes for a good excuse for me to sleep in Jay's bed with him as well as other reasons." Nyx shrugged and walked over to a tank housing a Komodo dragon. "Hey Pluto. Think fast" Nyx threw the Komodo Dragon at Pluto and then quickly walked out of the store.

@Magical Squid Senpai
@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai

Guy followed behind them all the way, listening in casually to their conversation. After a long period of silence, he spoke

"So, what made you buy that lizard? Last time I checked those things ate human faces."

He spoke in a neutral tone, as opposed to his normal cheerfully one.
"Ok then, a kitten." As Pluto walked through the store the snakes just kept hissing at the different animals.

They all stared at a huge snapper turtle in a tank by itself. It stared back.


What the hell?'

Pluto very strangely felt a connection with a couple of these snakes in a tank. While Nyx was talking he reached in, grabbed them all and put them in his backpack. 'We have been chosen!'

"Mhmm, you do you Nyx."

A snake in a tank that looked just like Jason was glareing daggers at him. 'Why is he looking at me like that!?'

'Cause you look stupid as fuck.'

'Ok, wow. I don't even know you and I already hate you. I hope you never get adopted!'

Pluto wanted a lot of the animals! But he couldn't fit them all in his backpack.

He yelped when Nyx threw the reptile at him. "W-wait, Nyx!" Pluto held the giant thing in his arms. ' 'Sup.'

'It's hideous!'

It looked up at Jason. 'Boy, if I had a middle finger I would shove it down your throat.'

Your so mean!'

"Ooh, I really like him!"

"Excuse me young man?" An employee came up behind Pluto and glared down at him. "You put that thing back right now! And don't think I didn't see you steal those snakes! Where are your parents young man?"

Pluto didn't know what to do. He stared at the guy as he tried to think of a good excuse. "My parents are dead! I-i don't have any money to get a pet!" The man obviously did not believe him. "Sir I am going to have to take the animals back." He reached for the dragon.

"No!" Pluto smacked the guys hand away. He stated at Pluto in disbelief. "Ok sir, I am calling the police." He angrily walked stormed off to use a phone somewhere. "No! No!" Pluto didn't know what to do...do he glared at the guy. In an instant the man's legs were turned to stone. He ended up tripping and hitting his head on a table.

'Wow. Did you just kill Gary? Can I eat him?'

'Good job Pluto!'

"Oh shit!" Pluto ran over and checked to make sure the guy wasn't dead. He was still breathing. 'What do we do now?'

'Steal from the cash register!!! DO IT!'

Pluto got an idea. He ran around the small shop and started to let the animals out. They all ran towards the exit. There were all kinds of animals like turtles, eagles, cats and dogs, snakes and fish. Well there was only one fish, so Pluto grabbed a shopping cart and put the fish tank in it. "Why am I doing this?"

'Because it's fun!'

While he was letting the animals out he noticed a little bearded dragon. It was orange and it was fucking perfect! Pluto picked it up and set it down in the cart.

Bye the time Pluto was done walking around the shop he had already taken a big fluffy cat (who he named Jackal), a Komodo dragon, a bearded dragon, a hawk who would not leave him alone, a gold fish, ten tiny snakes, an anaconda and a turtle who was probably high as fuck. He fit them into one cart and in another he had the appropriate food for all of them. He made sure to set the turtles free in the creek behind the shop.

"Ok, let's go!"

'Why the fuck do you need so many!?'

"I don't know."

'Hey cutie, how you doin'?~' the large snake said to Chua. '....'

'Don't talk to him!'

We hate you!'

Go die!'

Pluto walked up to Nyx and Guy as calmly as ever. "Ok. We can go now. But I need to let this fish go. Where ever you put goldfish."

@GreenEyedStranger @GingerBread

(Can you even get an anaconda at the pet shop?? I don't think so.)
@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai

Guy watched as the animals ran past. Strangely, he didn't seem to have a reaction, seeming completely unfazed by it all

"It seems that most of those things won't survive on their own for much longer..."

He spoke in the neutral voice, maintaining a long pause before picking up his optimistic tone again

"Well, I guess that's that! Wasn't that fun though? Say, we don't have class soon do we?"
Nyx watched as Pluto walked out of the shop with a cart full of animals. Nyx smiled and walked over to him before lightly slapping him on the back. "So you finally decided to embrace the life of a criminal? Well done Pluto. But I thought you only wanted a lizard. Not the entire pet shop. But...If you're looking to get rid of a couple I can find something to do with them. I could always use my own supply of blood. And I'm sure Richard would always like a couple of snacks." Nyx shrugged and looked at Guy. "Really? So you're an idiot and you want to go to class? God, I swear you're coming up with new ways for me to hate you"

@Magical Squid Senpai @GreenEyedStranger
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@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai

Guy took on a confused and pained expression, like he just stubbed his toe. His voice became serious again, and he looked just past Nyx, focusing on something nonexistent behind him.

"I don't understand what you have against me, vampire. So far I have only been suggesting that we do normal things in our society that could be seen as socially acceptable. Would you prefer I become a sociopathic cannibal such as you? Or become a submissive puppet for your own entertainment?"

His head suddenly twitched and he seemed like he was about to throw up, but he controlled himself

"I know what it is like to be both of those, so now I am trying to integrate into your society. If you do not like me, I don't care. However, open hostilities and vulgarities will not be accepted. Cease talking with me, or we will have a problem that will need to be resolved ."

And that was the last word Guy ever spoke to Nyx the vampire. He then turned to the squid, taking on his overly cheery tone once again

"So, I don't believe I ever got your name squid kid!"

He laughed at the silly joke
Nyx chuckled at Guy. "Cannibalistic would imply that I eat my own race, which quite frankly is stupid. So far there's no one like me at this school. No one. And as for being a puppet, if I wanted a fucking puppet I'd just make you one against your will. And if you want to start trouble with me, go ahead. It hasn't turned out well for anyone before you, and it's not going to be different for you" Nyx snapped his fingers and had Richard walk back over to his side. "You see, my friend here, Richard. He tends to get a bit peckish and well I'm sure you make a great snack for him. So, because I'm nice and I'd rather my boyfriend wasn't angry at me. I'm going to give you a choice. Walk the fuck away, or I kill you. Simple as that. Because I don't take kindly to people threatening me." Nyx unsheathed his daggers before sliding the blades of them against each other. "So make your choice. Stay and die, or leave and live until I run into you again"

@Magical Squid Senpai @GreenEyedStranger

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