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Fantasy Lakoria High School


Guy stopped paying attention to to Nyx long before he started just threatening him. He acted as if Nyx no longer existed. For Guy, anyone that acted openly hostile such as that was clearly an outcast from society. If he was willing to integrate, he'd do his best to ignore them.
Pluto looked over at Guy, "well i'm sure someone will pick them up."

The hawk searched itself on the edge of the cart and stared at Nyx and Guy.

'This is going to be the worst!'

Are we really going to keep all of them?'

"Yeah." He smiled at the fluffy cat and reached out to pet it. "Well Nyx, I never chose the criminal life. The criminal life chose me. I was literally born into it. Atleast my mom would be proud of what I did...and I just let the whole pet shop go! Why couldn't you get your own!?" He scooted the cart away from Nyx a little as he narrowed his eyes at him.

'Pluuuutoooo! That fat dragon keeps saying mean stuff to us!'

"Yeah, I know. I can hear him. Now shush!"

Pluto didn't like that Nyx was threatening Guy and that Guy was only going to talk to him instead of Nyx. It's awkward when two people don't like each other.

"Ok, ok, we don't need any threats now." Then Nyx summoned Richard. "Or Richard!"

@GingerBread @GreenEyedStranger
Nyx just started nodding as Guy ignored him. He turned to Pluto and smiled. "Yeah, you're right. we don't need threats So I'll stop making them" Nyx put his daggers back into their sheaths and then looked towards Guy. "I apologise for making threats, I was brought up better than that" Nyx looked at Richard and snapped his fingers before pointing towards Guy. "I was always told to not make threats, not to give anyone any warning before I killed them" Richard sprinted towards guy and leaped at him, sending him to the ground. Richard firmly pressed his sharp fangs against Guy's neck. Richard let out a low growl, silently warning Guy not to even think about making a move. If he did Richard would rip his neck to shreds. "Any last words?"

@Magical Squid Senpai @GreenEyedStranger
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@Magical Squid Senpai @GingerBread

As he was pounced down, Guys face became completely neutral. His eyes looked dead and his body was motionless. After a few seconds, his body faded into a dark fog, only for him to reappear a few seconds later a few feet away. He fell on his face as he left the fog, still remaining completely motionless. After a short pause, he picked himself up, standing up straight.

Guy stared directly at Nyx. If the vampire chose to examine his eyes, he would see inside his eyes that whatever Guy was, he wasn't. The thing standing before him didn't exist entirely in this world, it was lifeless.

And with that, Guy turned to Pluto and smiled

"I'll see you later squiddy!"

He turned away and started walking back to the school, laughing to himself at the name he just called Pluto.
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Nyx glared at Guy as he walked off before turning his attention to Pluto. "So, now you've got an entire pet shop. What do you want to do? We could go to the museum or we could go do something else I guess. Or we could fight, that's fun. Fighting. Not to the death, Jay wouldn't like the idea of me getting hurt. He would probably get slightly annoyed. But he has said that just sparing or whatever was fine" Nyx shrugged and put his hands into his jacket pocket, not really sure what to do. "So up to you what we do. Maybe start a criminal empire or something. I honestly could go for doing whatever right now. We could even try to open a bakery"

@Magical Squid Senpai
"Ooh! I wanna take the animals to my room and then we can go to the museum! Because no I do not want to fight you. I'm not that much of a delinquent. Wait...I think it's too late."

'Oh what a shame none of you can come along!'

The bearded dragon climed up onto Plutos arm and slowly made his way to his shoulder, where he laid there. "Oh my gosh! Look! It's so cute!"

'What the the fuck! That's my spot!'

'Well I don't see your name on it.'

'You piece o-'

"Jason be nice! I'm gonna name him...Narupo!"

'What the hell kind of name is that?'

'I like it.'

Nyx stared at the bearded dragon resting on Pluto's shoulder. "You know I'm sure I could make a handbag or something out of him. Jay might like that. You should give that Lizard to me" Nyx walked closer to Pluto and reached out to grab the Lizard with one hand while his other hand went to his dagger.

@Magical Squid Senpai
Aptual shrieked out in fear when Dom continued with his joke of being hungry, replacing it with a sigh when he said he was kidding. She pouted when she lowered her sleeves "So mean! Just you wait! I'll get you one of these days! And you will be all like 'oh wow Aptual! you are so cool and funny!' And I will be all like 'I know! so much better than you!' yea! just like that!" She determinately told her self, nodding while doing so.

Dom eyes glimmed red as he walked toward Aptual with a frown on his face. "You sure little Aptual, that you would want to do that?" He asked her before a smirk came on his face. "Should you really be saying something like that right now?" He asked again while eyes went back to their usual color and he turned to walk toward the cafeteria but stopped. "Are we going there now? Or not?" @metalcity
Aptual joyfully squealed as the smell of food whifted out of the cafe "Lets go!" She cheerfully skipped into the cafe. Once she was next to the menu, she started to look it up and down; making a mental note of all she wanted. "You're paying right?" She asked, looking back at the menu as she waited for a answer.

Jay nodded. "Of course, of course." He silently picked up the wooden shovel, slowly scuffing the dirt into the hole to not disturb the body inside. It didn't take too long, considering he was less tired than Columbus, and after a few minutes, Jay turned back to his friend. "Yeah, I got it. I wouldn't worry about it, Columbro. I'll always be here for you."

Dom closed his eyes but nodded at her. "Just don't pass $15(no idea what money they use so yeah xD ) or I won't buy you anything." He threatened but it was just to make fun of it. He really didn't care about the money at all, he just didn't feel like watching her eat a lot. He went over to the counter and just ordered a burger with fries and a small soda, really didn't feel like ordering more food, he could drink the blood on his bag once they get to school. @metalcity
Pluto backed away from Nyx, "No! I told you, I just let a whole ton of animals go! Just go get them, these are mine!" He held the little lizard close to himself. "Go get you're own lizard handbag."

'Yeah dude, fuck off.'

"Maybe you can steal something from the museum."

"Look Pluto. I understand that you don't want me to kill and skin your new lizard. But look at it from my side. I don't want to have to chase some random animals through the streets. I just want to take the one on your shoulder" Nyx pointed his dagger towards the Lizard to emphasize his point. "Why don't you vote on it with your snakes. Hell, you can chose something for me to do, a forfeit if you will. If they don't want to give me the lizard" Nyx sheathed his dagger and started gently nodding, hoping to subconsciously persuade Pluto to give him the snake. "Sound good?"

@Magical Squid Senpai
"Yay!" Aptual joyfully exclaimed. She ran over to the counter and leaned on it, smiling and giggling like a child. "I want a milkshake! and a pizza! and a burger! and cake! lots and lots of cake! and sweets! lots of those too! and! and! A chocolate fountain!" Aptual excitedly yelled, as more foods entered her mind. She looked at the lady at the till sweetly "I'll be sitting over there with the vampire boy! thank you!" She politely told the lady, then skipped over to Dom and sat down next to him. "I hope it's under $15." She pondered.

"You are so lazy. I stole this. I physically harmed someone to get this. I am not giving it up."

'Everyone who wants the lizard to go, say Ayy!'

There was a chorus of 'Ayys' from the snakes.

"If you want, you can make a handbag out of Apeps dead body?"

'Wait! No!'

"I can give him to you right now."

Nyx thought it over for a second. "Don't your snakes turn to dust once they come off of your head? Or at least disappear once they come back on your head?" Nyx shrugged "So did the snakes say I couldn't take the Lizard? I bet they said I couldn't just to spite me" Nyx glared at Jason, blaming him for Pluto not giving him the lizard. "Anyway, come help me find a fairy to mug and maybe kill. I want some fairy blood and if you won't give me the lizard you at least owe me that much"

@Magical Squid Senpai
Dom crossed his arms as he looked at her with a frown and tilted head. He shook his head before standing up walking toward the counter and ordering something normal for Aptual. Such as pizza, the milkshake and some fries. Once the food was done he went back to sitting down and placing his food next to him and her food in front of her. "You would had ordered something that would had cost me more than $100, think about what you want to buy next time." He told her with a sigh. "I don't have money for all those things." He added. @metalcity
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"I did think about what I wanted! And I ordered it! and it only cost $99.99! not $100! learn maths!" She pouted as she thought about the cake she would not get any more. She took a bite out of a slice of pizza then washed it down with a sip of her refreshing milkshake. Leaving a milkstache on the top of her lips.

"Which comes to our misunderstanding, I said $15 not $100, because honestly I'm not made of money and from my point of view, you ain't got no money." Dom told her while sighing. "I'm not a millionaire nor do I have a lot of money." He added before holding his hand in front of her and flicking her forehead. "Why the hell you call me Vampire boy in front of her?" He asked mad. Seriously, Aptual just couldn't control herself and it was making it hard for him to just listen to her spirited personality. "If you want something, buy it yourself next time cause I'm not buying it for you." @metalcity
Aptual was shocked and saddened when she was flicked, it was the hardest he did it and his tone was scary. She lowered her head and rubbed her eye slightly, making sure not to burst out crying. "U-Uh, sorry..." She sadly muttered, nibbling on one of the fries to try make herself feel better. Didn't work. "I-it was wrong of me...sorry...I shouldn't have tried to buy a lot...sorry..." She teared up, hiding her face with her hair. She rubbed her eyes again. She went to take another chip but hesitated, removing her hands from the food. He did get angry because she tried to buy a bunch of food, using his money. She left the food on the table, with her hands in her lap.

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Dom sighed before rubbing her hair. "I didn't mean to get mad, just don't take advantage of my kindness okay?" He said to her while giving her a smile. "I have my limits remember." That was true, he never got mad but there was time he had to say what he wants to. @metalcity
Aptual lowered her head slightly more when he rubber her hair "O-Oh...okay...sorry." She grow more quiet as she spoke, to the point it ended in her mind. She quickly grabbed a chip, nibbling on it again to try make herself better. Just making her feel worse that she wasted Dom's money.

Dom closed his eyes before rubbing her hair again with a smile. "What? You want cake or not?" He didn't know how to make her happy now, he didn't know how to do things like that. "Wanna know something? I think your first person whom I really hanged out more than anything, I could consider you a friend in a way." He said to her. @metalcity

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