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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Columbus buckled slightly under the weight of the corpse. He hadn't excepted it to be so heavy, but after a bit of adjusting he felt a bit more comfortable. He looked at her face, brushing a small strand of hair from her face, which upon closer inspection, was actual flesh. That thought made him feel sick, the thought that she had been stuffed full of chemicals and preserved... He didn't know much, but he knew about decay, he was living proof of that same process.

He looked to Jay and nodded, smiling slightly at his friend, "Thanks for the help. I-I think I can take it from here...I mean, you can come if you want, but it's just...It might get a bit weird."

Jackal exhaled deeply as he moved around the room and quickly packed up his bags. His tail swishing nervously and ears flattened as he got all his stuff together ready to go. The shifter cap would have liked to stay longer but he couldn't. Yeah no choice but the move back to his homeland to take care of the village Elder who had taken care of him for so long. He owed it to her now that she grew ill. He was going to miss this place a lot and he definitely was going to miss Pluto. You got everything ready to go and carried it outside and went out to the school entrance quickly. He had told if we ever needed to contact him or if you wanted to send letters he gave him his numbers and addresses. He waved goodbye and off he went."I'm going to miss you a lot....i love you!!"
Aptual screamed and leaped forwards, knocking the baby dinosaur on its bottom. She started bowing in-front of the man, not seeing the man's face "I wasn't planning on it! sorry for miss leading you!" She shouted in her state of panic, trying to hold back tears. Aptual started to look up, to see the man's face but saw, Dom?! "Wait! your not a old man! I'm so confused." She then noticed the dinosaur on the floor, no longer being able to hold back tears she burst out crying. Picking the dinosaur up she started to hug the adorable creature "I'm so sorry! please forgive me! I'll never drop you again!" She cried out, rubbing her face up against the statue.

Jay nodded slowly, his brain furiously trying to connect what was going on with Columbus. Considering his age and disposition, likely, this may have been someone he knew, or... Jay became frustrated as he pulled a blank on what could be happening. At that point, it was almost shocking how little he knew about Columbus's life. How much do I really know about him? He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before stepping out of the case. "Don't worry, Columbus. I'll come with you, unless of course, you need some time alone. I just want you to know - I'll never leave a friend."

Columbus nodded. He didn't want Jay to come with him, but how could he explain why? How do you tell somebody, 'I'm going to bury my dead sister and I don't want you to come with me...'? He walked off slowly, making sure the body wasn't dragging as he walked through the museum. He walked outside, then onwards to the forest on the outskirts of the town, the trip took about forty-five minutes alone. Once they reached a small clearing, Columbus propped the body against a tree and picked up a branch, making it into a shovel as he began to dig...

He dug for hours on end, making sure to get the dimensions of the six foot hole JUST right. He began to sweat after awhile, before lifting himself out and picking up the body. He held the body in his arms for a few moments, before gently putting the body in the hole. He went to the dirt pile and was about to begin covering the hole up, but between the way his arms and legs ached and how just...Emotionally exhausted he was, he set down, staring blankly ahead at her face. He didn't even turn to face or acknowledge Jay a that moment. It was like...He was in his own little secret world.

Pluto stood there silently staring at the letter Jackal had written to him. He didn't know what to say, he had left without saying goodbye. Pluto surprisingly wasn't that angry. He did feel like he wanted to punch something but he ignored the feeling. He was happy that he could still keep in contact with Jackal! But he still felt sad.

'He's gone?'

Forever!?' If snakes could really smile then Coatl would look like the joker. Jason and Xuacoatl started to cry after reading the note. 'Who is going to feed me now!?'

'I wamdjjcvvcjxuvfjckvjbjcjvaaaah!' "Jason please, your not even making sense." Pluto patted the sad snakes head.

'Well this fuckin' blows. I was kind of getting attached to that Xren guy. Why didn't you date him!?'

Yeah, who else is evil enough to be ou-your boyfriend?'

"Jackal is still my boyfriend."


"I will write him a letter! But I will wait until I think he is home."

'Well atleast you can't get pregnant with a long distance relationship!'

Pluto folded the letter up and stuck it in his pocket. He made his way through the hallways. 'Where the heck are the kids in my class?'

Nyx was starting to feel slightly peckish and was tempted to just attack someone on the street and steal their blood. But he didn't want to cause chaos, because he knew that might upset Jay. So instead Nyx reached into his pocket for his wallet and found that he didn't have it. Now I have to head back to the school, that's more difficult than just killing a guy Nyx sighed and began running back to the school.

Nyx arrived at the school within minutes due to his vampire genes, even though he was slightly slower than normal vampires. Nyx walked through the dorm hallways, going slower so that he could catch his breath. Nyx entered his room and sifted through a drawer filled with daggers, books, socks and underwear.

Once he got his wallet with minimal cuts to his hand, he walked out of his room and spotted Pluto walking through the hallways.
"Hey, Pluto" Nyx held a hand up to wave to him. "How you're doing? And why are you here and not at the museum?"

@Magical Squid Senpai
Pluto had been feeding the snakes chocolate. It seemed to make them feel better, it also helped him a little.

'Hey look, it's Nyx!!'


Pluto looked over at Nyx and waved. "The museum? Is that where everyone was!?"

'I wanna go!! I wanna relive the good old days.'

"I didn't know anything about the museum. I had to deal with Xren and some things."

"Yeah, everyone is at the museum. I just came back to pick up my wallet, I was getting peckish and I don't want to start some chaos, Jay would probably complain and I don't want to upset him" Nyx shrugged and pulled his wallet out of his pocket, checking to see if he had enough money. "So I grabbed my wallet and I was about to go to the butchers and then back to the museum. You wanna come with? I guess we can talk about whatever, you said something about your boyfriend? Xren was it?"

@Magical Squid Senpai
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'This is what you get for skipping class!'

'Ooh, can we get something too!?!?'

Feed me!!'

"Pluto nodded and smiled, " Well the snakes want me to come with you, anything to keep them quiet. " Pluto checked to see if he had his wallet on him. "No, my boyfriend is Jackal.... But he's not here anymore. He left." 'Forever!!'


(I had fallen asleep on my phone..)
Nyx felt kinda awkward talking about this since he had no idea how he should react. His first thought was to make a mean remark about it, but thought about how he had hurt Willow before and decided not to. "Oh, I'm not really sure what you want to me to say. But I know I'd hate it if Jay left though. So sorry to hear about that, I guess?" Nyx shrugged gave Pluto a smiled, assuming that would be a good response. "I can pay for anything you want at butchers, I tend to get a discount. Since I go there pretty much everyday. So if that would make you feel better I can do that, I guess"

@Magical Squid Senpai
Pluto chuckled softly at Nyx. He knew he was trying to be nice and Pluto was glad for that. "Yeah, it sucks. But I can still keep in touch with him! And you don't have pay for me, I have more then enough. But thank you anyway."

'How could you turn down free food!?'

We get money from his parents so we're good!'

"So is everyone having fun at the museum?"

Nyx shrugged as Pluto chuckled at his attempts to be nice. "Good, I was going to if you wanted me to. But I don't have a job, so I would've had to start 'borrowing' money from Jay without asking him." Nyx shoved his hands into his jacket pockets. "And I don't know how everyone feels about the Museum. We did get kidnapped and taken there, not really sure what everyone thinks of it though" Nyx shrugged and began walking down the hallway, expecting Pluto to follow.

@Magical Squid Senpai
"Wait, kidnapped?" Pluto asked as he followed Nyx. "I thought you were all in a class! The teacher allowed this?" How is this school still standing? Somebody had to of complained or sued the school by now!

'When we graduate, we are going to grab our diploma and then slap the principal with a big fat....sueing paper!!'

We could have a pretty good case against them.'

"Yeah, well technically it was a 'school trip'. And the teacher was the one who took us. Getting thrown in the back of a bus filled with various... 'Things' isn't fun. All I'm saying is that I'm glad I'm immune to diseases" Nyx thought back to that and hoped Jay didn't catch anything from the bus, since he seemed to have enough wierd things about him. "So, um. How do your snakes feel about Xren or Jackal or whatever name he goes by, leaving?"

@Magical Squid Senpai
"Well I guess it's good I didn't go." He shivered at the thought of being on the bus and how strange the teacher had to be. "How do they feel about Jackal leaving? Well...."

'Praise be!'

'I-i will miss him *sniff* so much!!!' Jason started crying again.

'Meh. I might miss the evil one.'

'I respect his choice to leave and take care of his home place. Yet I am still saddened by his departure. "

'I will miss him!'

Pluto tried to comfort Jason. "Well Jason and Xuacoatl are sad, Apep could give less of a shit, and Icarus and Chua seem to be kind of sad but ok. It's kind of a mess up here."

"I remember most of those apart from Jason, which one was he again?" Nyx went silent for a couple of seconds as he tried to remember who he was. "He's the really assholeish one that that tries to live his sex life through you right? I think he liked... Nope can't remember. Oh well, I'll get them all the sad ones some chocolate or meat or something, apart from Jason. I just don't like him" Nyx smiled at Pluto as they entered into the town. "I could always get Apep some more makeup"

@Magical Squid Senpai
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'Wow. I came out here to have a good time and I am feeling so attacked right now. How can you talk shit about me in my time of need!!?' Jason glared at Nyx. 'And I don't need Pluto for my sex life!! I had the best sex life!!'

"Oh please don't give me that mental image." He started laughing at what Nyx had said. Apep was laughing the loudest. 'Bitch I know your not laughing. I could roast your ass right now! Fight me!'

Apep also turned and glared at Nyx. 'I don't need any makeup you asshole!' He tried to hide from him. "Aw, now you've made them mad! Well atleast they aren't that bad."

Dom was sweat dropping as he watched Aptual cry. Out of all the thing she could do, she had to cry. This was becoming so frustrating but he held in his anger as he watched her. "Where did you find the little guy?" He asked her with a tiled head. @metalcity
"Well I can't even hear what they're saying. But I'll just assume that Apep is angry because he's getting impatient about not having any makeup on. And Jason is angry because he doesn't have any genitalia and my comment reminded him of that fact" Nyx shrugged and stopped outside the butcher's shop. "So do you want anything from here? Or am I just getting myself some blood?"

@Magical Squid Senpai
'Oh yeah? Just you wait Nyx. You won't be laughing when it's me who has taken Jay's virginity!!!'

'...but how are you gonna do that?'

Uh...I'll just slither around..I don't know!!'

"Not having any genitalia is something they don't like talking about. And please don't remind them. Sometimes they even talk about how great their butts used to be! It's always the worst subject." Pluto shook his head, trying to get rid of the thoughts. 'Maybe that's why your gay?'

"And I guess I'll buy some meat just to shut them up."

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"Nah, I have the best butt here. I've never really looked at Jay's, so I don't know about him. But I've seen yours, and it's not bad." Nyx shrugged, not really sure how they got onto that topic. "But it must be hell to have like 8 virgins on your head, especally when they try to all live their sex life through you" Nyx chuckled and smirked at the snakes.

Nyx shook his head as he entered the store. "But You can't give them stuff when they're being bad just to shut them up. Then they'll keep doing it. If it gets too much for you just come to me or Jay, we'll give you a haircut, free of charge" Nyx walked up to the counter and asked for the usual before placing down a twenty on the counter. "If you keep rewarding them with stuff when they're bad you'll teach them that it's okay to do bad stuff, since they get rewarded for it. Have you never owned a pet, Pluto?"

@Magical Squid Senpai (Decided to edit this a little)
"...thanks for the compliment?"

'Short boys always have the best booties.'

Pluto took out his wallet and looked through it. Chuckling at what how the snakes hissed at Nyx.

'Virgins!? Excuse you sir! I've been sexually active since the dawn of time! If you really want to know how good I am in bed then you should ask your mom!! And maybe your dad too!'

'Bitches couldn't keep themselves off of me. And I made sure to give them what they wanted.' Apep seemed calm but he really wanted to kill Nyx.

'I actually am a virgin.'

I had sex lots of times!'

'Oh please, the only thing you've had sex with is your left hand!'


Pluto couldn't help but sign as he entered the shop. The snakes started to hiss at Nyx and each other. "Great, now it's a mad house. I'm sorry. I should discipline them more. I tried to once when I was like 10. Apep bit me so punched him. But anyway, no I have never had a pet before. Ooh! But I have always wanted a bearded dragon! They look so cool."

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As Jay followed Columbus into the woods (which, in hindsight, was pretty creepy), he made sure to keep a safe distance between himself and his friend (which also turned out to be creepy). As Columbus began to dig a hole, Jay only watched, propping himself up against a tree. It wasn't as if he was lazy, but Columbus seemed so focused, so determined, it would be terrible to interrupt him. Eventually, of course, the zombie stopped, maybe out of exhaustion, but maybe something more. As the minutes dragged by and Columbus wouldn't finish the grave, Jay carefully approached him, giving him two light taps on his shoulder. "Er, would you like me to finish that for you? I wouldn't want to interrupt, but..."

"So why don't you get one? I'm sure I can help you steal one from a pet shop or zoo or wherever you get one of them." Nyx shrugged and picked up his barrel of blood from the counter the butcher had set it on. "And what are your snakes saying now? Are they all trying to tell me I'm wrong and denying the truth? What did Jason and Apep say? Apep is probably saying something about needing more makeup so he can stop being a virgin or something, right?"

@Magical Squid Senpai

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