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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Jay felt his stomach sink as Columbus's situation didn't improve, watching sadly as the zombie began to throw up into the water fountain. Meanwhile, his mind was racing, trying to figure out what was causing Columbus such discomfort. It was obviously the girl, but what was it? Corpses? That wouldn't be it, he was a zombie. Maybe... someone he knew? Jay shook his head, clearing his head as Columbus started talking again. "Er, it's going to be ok, Columbro. Look, let's just get you to the bathroom, and..." Jay's voice trailed off in despair. "You'll be fine. C'mon." He quickly dragged Columbus into the bathroom, setting him down in a stall and walking out. Whatever was bugging him, Jay didn't want to make worse. "Just call for me if... it gets to be too much. I'm out here, I promise."

Aptual gave up and shrugged "Fine." She looked down at the fish, she noticed how they stopped going after the food, letting it gently float on the surface. "Looks like there fall." She stood up and dusted off her skirt "So what now?" She kindly said, looking down at Dom.

Dom tilted his head while looking at her. He had to make all the decisions so he wanted her to decide now not him. "You decide, I already decided." He told her with a smile. @metalcity
"Umm? What about nature! we could look at all the pretty flowers in history." She recommended in cheer, thinking of all the variations of colours on the flowers, some might have pink petals and a yellow centre. The thoughts made her giddy.

(Sorry, @OceanBunny. I PM'ed and everything, but I'll have to evac Nyx from the situation.)

As Mrs. Winters paraded down the hall, she busted doors, tipped statues, and froze the occasional passerby solid. Of course, she was slowing down tremendously, which was made incredibly obvious by the icicles forming on the ceiling and halls. "MUST... KEEP... RAMPAGING..." Te frost demon let out a weakened roar as her anger slowly depleted, following the sounds of a breaking piano into the music room. "GGGGRRRrrrrrrrrrrr..." As she tottered along to Nyx, the frost demon slowly shrunk back into a frail old lady, who fell down at the base of the piano. "Oh, my pacemaker," she groaned. "I hate all you kids. Every one of you."

Nyx paused his destruction of the piano as Miss Winters tumbled into the room. "Hold on... You're that worthless old lady that threw me out of your classroom. I could kill you right now. I'm sure the school wouldn't care if I killed you and completely made your body unrecognisable. Why would they care about a worthless old woman like you?" Nyx spun his daggers around in his fingers before stopping them and catching his daggers by the hilt.

@Lotusy @OceanBunny
Mrs. Winters growled, though from her old lady form, it sounded like a smoking parrot. "Threatening a teacher, boy?!" Suddenly, the temperature dropped again, and the one vein on Mrs. Winters's head started bulging again. "You want to threATEN ME?!" Suddenly, the muscles on her back rippled again, and she turned back into her frost demon form, tackling Nyx and sending them both through the hall and into the artifacts exhibit. "YOU... WILL... FREE-" during the tussle, Mrs. Winters fell onto a magic carpet with a stereo attached, and, much to the old frost demon's surprise, it flew. "OH MY GOD!" Suddenly, she almost squished Vance trying to fit on the carpet, which was hard, considering her sizable demon bulk. "I'M TOO YOUNG TO-"

"I can show you the wooooorld! Shining, shimmering splendid..."

Suddenly, the stereo crackled to life, blasting "A whole new world".

"A whole new WOOOOOOORLD!!!"

The music only added a layer of unnecessary tension to the magic carpet ride. Mrs. Winters shifted uncomfortably, trying to push Nyx to the side. "Ugh. What is this music?"

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Nyx tried to get away from Mrs Winters and not fall off the carpet at the same time. "Don't move close to me. There's only one person I like being this close to. And it's not you, you old hag" Nyx glared at her and begrudgingly sheathed his daggers, now wanting to accidentally rip the carpet. "So how the hell do we stop this thing so we can get off? I'd rather not be this close to an old hag for this long. I would kill you and drink your blood, but I'm sure it tastes worse than animal blood; Not everything gets better with age."

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Dom shrugged his shoulder while looking at her. He didn't like flowers at all but if she wanted to go there then he wouldn't mind just going. He just hoped it wasn't troublesome and boring. "Lead the way." He told her. @metalcity
Aptual joyfully squealed "Yay!" She smiled while looking around for a sign. "Flowers?" She mumbled while looking at the sign. When finding the location she turned to Dom "Its this way!" She pointed before skipping towards the flowers.

Dom followed her with his hand on the pockets. He knew this was gonna be boring but if Aptual was happy just seeing boring things, who was he to say anything. As he looked around, something caught his attention and made him stop, blinking before a dark smile formed into his face. That necklace wasn't here last time he came here and now it was here, his property by paper which was stolen. He turned to see it if Aptual was around before walking toward it. @metalcity
Aptual skipped around multiple corners and hallways, cheerfully humming to a tune. Aptual reached the flowers, seeing a vibrant arrangement of flowers scattered across the floor. She giggled and crouched down by a blue and white one, still being surrounded by many other coloured ones. "So pretty!" She cheerfully giggled, poking the flower gently so see if it had any strange reaction. "What do you think Dom?" She asked, turning her head to look at Dom. However, to her surprise Dom was not present. She looked around slightly, standing up "D-Dom?" She questioned with a worried tone, she looked around but couldn't see him anywhere. She wondered around the flower exhibit in confusion, looking for her friend.

As Miyuki followed Nyx down the hall, Willow started to wake up. Miyuki stopped and knelt on the round as she watched Willow, tail swishing excitedly at the thought of her being okay. "What's going on?" Willow asked, looking around the hall as she sat up in Miyuki's hand. "You were sick.. I found something in a history book about the Fauna Fae Forest.. Nyx helped me find the bracelet.. Now you're better." Miyuki rushed through her explanation, smiling down at her mistress with a adoring expression. "I'm so glad you're okay." Willow smiled up at Miyuki before looking at the sparkling bracelet on her wrist curiously. She stood up and jumped into the air, switching back to her human size. "I'm glad I'm okay too. I'd definitely like to see that book you mentioned." She said, reaching out to hold Miyuki's hand. She was excited at the possibility of learning something about where she came from.
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Columbus opened to lid to the toilet and practically fell into the water as he once again heaved into the toilet. He was crying at this point, yet he still didn't know WHY. There was this gut reaction when he saw the body that not only made him sad, but also made him sick to his stomach. He trembled as he flushed the toilet and curled up, leaning onto the wall. He thought back, before he was in this school, before he';d been dug back up, before he'd been enslaved, before the darkness that clouded over years of his memory. He attempted to reach the part of his head that was locked off, the part that he couldn't remember. He then could only see one memory. He thought it through, remembering every detail, every moment, everything, until... Until...


Oh god...

He'd only seen the face for a moment, and it was more round and youthful, but it was definatly the same. He knew why he felt sick at that moment, and threw up one final time before storming out of the stall and out of the bathroom, only one thing registered with him. He needed to do something, and he wouldn't leave until he did...

Dom sighed as he left the exhibit. He really needed some way to get that necklace but there were some people on it so he couldn't steal it. Well he could but he didn't feel like causing some mayhem, it would have been too troublesome to do it. He finally arrived at the flower exhibit and looked around trying to find Aptual but he couldn't which was weird. @metalcity
Mrs. Winters squirmed restlessly on the carpet, a motion not suited for a 9-foot tall frost demon. "A HAG?! DID YOU JUST CALL ME A HAG?! YOU KNOW WHAT, FINE. BREATHE. CALM. I CAN HANDLE THIS." The old frost demon closed her eyes and inhaled slowly, then let out a gust of cold so powerful, it launched the carpet back a couple yards. "IN... AND OUT..." As Nyx threatened to drink her blood, the aged teacher opened a scaly eye to look down at him. "OH, LAY OFF IT. I'M NO MYTHICS TEACHER, BUT WE ALL KNOW WHAT DEMON BLOOD DOES TO VAMPIRES. IN... AND OUT... AND... AND..." Suddenly, Mrs. Winters started sniffling, and action that sounded like an engine revving up.


With a gale-force blizzard shooting out of her nose, Mrs. Winters launched the magic carpet into a tailspin, then quickly fell off, crashing to the ground below, but relatively uninjured. Meanwhile, the carpet with Nyx kept spinning, then suddenly righted itself, bringing Nyx down next to Willow, and surprisingly, the piano he'd been thrashing earlier.



Jay stood outside the stall, looking down with a pained expression while he heard the heavings of his friend. "My god," he muttered under his breath. As sobs began slowly coming out from the stall, Jay's brain twisted itself into knots. Ironically, here he was, with a severely hurt friend... but there wasn't a type of healing he could perform to fix it. Anything Columbus did was beyond his reach. Instead, Jay could only stand and wait, hoping his presence could help Columbus in any way.

Suddenly, the door burst open, and Columbus stormed out of the bathroom. As he passed Jay, there was almost a glint of determination lingering there. "Columbro? Hold on! What're you doing?"

Aptual continued to wonder around, confused by the disappearance. "Dom?" She called out, hoping that her friend would call out as well. But nothing was heard, only strange looks from other visitors. "I wonder where he is?" She asked herself, looking at a sign. She saw the dinosaur exhibit again and decided to try look for her friend over there.

Dom yawned as he searched for Aptual. How the hell did he lose her so fast? He never lost anyone before so he felt kinda weird looking for others. He started to look for Aptual with a frown on his face. @metalcity
Columbus hugged his shoulders and ignored Jay, continuing onwards as he took brisk strides. He stopped in front of the exhibit, finally speaking once he saw the face of the woman once more, "Jay...I need you to help carry this out of here. I-I'm going to give her a proper burial..."

Nyx stood up from the crashed magic carpet. "Holy hell, that hurt. Screw magic carpets man" Nyx looked around and spotted Miyuki and Willow. "Hey. Miyuki, Willow. How you doing?. That's twice I've helped save your life though. You know what they say, third time's the charm." Nyx chuckled at his morbid joke.

Aptual searched around the dinosaur exhibit, still not finding him she started to grow slightly bored and became easily distracted. As She continued to look for Dom she saw a baby dinosaur statue, it instantly captured her attention and she turned to look at it. She looked at it for a moment, the suddenly burst out squealing and rushed over to its side. She crouched down and gently poked it on the cheek. "Hello mister adorable!" She gently welcomed the creature. She poked it once more then it started to fall, but ended up stopping on her hand, as if it didn't want her to leave and wanted more of her attention. This made her completely forget about searching for Dom. "Awwwww! your so cute." She giggled softly as she stayed my the statues side.

Well, now Dom really wanted to hit face in the wall. After searching for her in every part of the music, he found her out of all place, back at the dinosaur exhibit. His eyebrow twitched in anger. He would had come here but he though she would had gotten lost, but no she was here. Fucking dammiy. He came behind her and said nothing as she looked at the statue. @metalcity
Aptual continued giggling, she set the statue up right and petted it gently. "How can you be so cute? I want to take you home! and we will snuggle!" Her infectious giggling continued as her eyes glistened while looking at the priceless creature.

Dom smirked at her before an evil idea came into his head. He grinned before speaking in an old man voice. "Now little lady, stealing is bad." He wasn't the best at impersonating but he could make a good old man voice. @metalcity
Jay quickly lengthened his strides, then broke into a jog to try and catch up to Columbus as the zombie brushed him off and lressed forward. "H-hold on! What do you mean, 'proper burial'? You can't possibly be talking about-" Jay's suspicion came true as he saw Columbus standing in front of the girl's glass case. "But... well, fine. I'll help. I promise." With a silent flick of his hand, Jay sent a bolt of orange light at the case, shattering the glass. After one more silent glance at Columbus, he stepped through the broken glass, heaving the body off its stand, to which it hung limply. "Here you go. Er, I won't ask, but here."


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