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Fantasy Lakoria High School

GingerBread said:
"Well then by all intents and purposes it's mine. So pay up Miyuki" Nyx felt his hand out expectantly before chuckling and withdrawing his hand. "Why do we need to get it small enough? Why not just put it on her wrist? If it would normally shrink, then it should shrink upon contact anyway. And if not then it should heal her or whatever, enough so that she can grow bigger"
'That makes sense." Miyuki said, smiling at Nyx. She laid Willow on the ground and carefully lifted her tiny wrist. Sliding the bracelet under it, she placed Willows arm back down, now inside the bracelet. "Please work." Suddenly the bracelet shpown with an iridecent light before shrinking to the size of Willows wrist.
OceanBunny said:
'That makes sense." Miyuki said, smiling at Nyx. She laid Willow on the ground and carefully lifted her tiny wrist. Sliding the bracelet under it, she placed Willows arm back down, now inside the bracelet. "Please work." Suddenly the bracelet shown with an iridescent light before shrinking to the size of Willows wrist.
Nyx started clapping as the bracelet shrunk down to fit Willow's wrist. "Woooo. We did it. Yay." Nyx shrugged and turned to face Miyuki. "So what now? Am I getting a reward? Cause I'll take like a pint of Willow's blood as a reward for what I just did"
(WTF color changes! O.o ) @GingerBread

"She's sick! You can't have her blood!" Miyuki said, shaking her head lightly. "Ask for something else.. or wait till she's better cause she probably wouldn't tell you no anyways." Miyu sighed, scooping the little fairy up, she was relieved to find that Willow's fever was gone. Willow curled into a ball in Miyuki's hand cradling her left wrist, with the bracelet, against her chest.
Dom looked at her with his eyebrow twitching. He never liked spending money for others. "What would I get in return?" He asked her sharply crossing his arm. Hey, if she wanted him to buy her something, he wasn't gonna buy it for free. @metalcity
Aptual stopped crying and crossed her arms as well "Why do you have to be so stubborn? Fine! I won't have a doll of it." Aptual said in slight anger, making her look like a puppy again (apparently?). This quickly faded and she grow a smile again "Where should we look next?" She asked, dashing over to a sign with a list of the dinosaur exhibits.

Dom went inside the gift shop, ignoring Aptual voice. He looked at all the gift that were of dinosaurs but saw nothing that he would like, not even a Spinosaurus shirt. "Stupid people." He just up and went and grabbed one Keychain and then went to grab an egg. He had made sure no one saw him not even Aptual before leaving. He stood next to Aptual and placed the egg on her pants pocket, making sure that she wouldn't find it until they got back to school. "The sea animals?" He questioned. @metalcity
Sean sighed as he stood before the school, he had a couple bags with him filled with clothes he decided to take with him to his trip to Ireland, more specifically the place his tribe once was located. He spent however many days there and just got back to town. The period of time since his departure he saved quite a bit of money from various jobs he did in Ireland. With another sigh he went back to his place of living which should be a dorm in the school last he Remembers though he could be thinking about a different school from his past by mistake.

Once his stuff had been put away, he left his current living apartment/Dorm and began exploring the town again looking for new or familiar faces for the Irish Vampire to meet.

"Jelly fish are sea creatures right? I want to go see the jelly fish! they are adorable!" Aptual traced the sign with her finger to find the sea animal exhibit but didn't find it. "Where are they?" She started to pout as time went on with her not finding it.

Dom laughed at that before leading the way. It was funny se didn't know, wouldn't her hearing or smell work better now than it did before. "Do you not use your hearing to hear the people talking about where it's located at?" He asked while joking. @metalcity
OceanBunny said:
(WTF color changes! O.o ) @GingerBread
"She's sick! You can't have her blood!" Miyuki said, shaking her head lightly. "Ask for something else.. or wait till she's better cause she probably wouldn't tell you no anyways." Miyu sighed, scooping the little fairy up, she was relieved to find that Willow's fever was gone. Willow curled into a ball in Miyuki's hand cradling her left wrist, with the bracelet, against her chest.
"I don't see why I can't take her blood. Its not like it will kill her. And if it doesn't than who cares. I would've been the one to kill her, like I said I would" Nyx shrugged and walked over to a wall map. "So where should we go next?"
"huh? I can do that?" Aptual looked at him confused, she closed her eyes and concentrated of smelling fish and salty water. She also tried to hear if someone was talking about fish. Her eyes shot open "I found it! the fish exhibit is this way!" Aptual ran over to where she heard and smelled fish and salt. She turned corner and saw a man sitting on a bench eating fish and chips, making comments about the fish. Aptual pouted and turned to face Dom "This doesn't look like what I had in my head."

Dom laughed before he grabbed her by her ears and arm and started leading her to where the fish exhibit was. How could she get it wrong? Even he, who wasn't a werewolves, could find it without problem. "Troublesome." He said while still leading her to the area. @metalcity
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"not the ears! not the ears! not the ears!" Aptual repeated, struggling to get her ears out of his grip. Aptual sniffed again and smelt salt "You better not be leading me to a old man again!" When they walked around the corner she saw a glass wall with fish inside "Wow!" statues of ancient fish were in a aquarium type setting. Aptual looked at all the fish, her face pressed up on the window "They look so cute!"

Dom chuckled at her reacting to seeing the fishes. It had taken him a while but he had found the map to the museum. Why did he grab her ears? Because she was a werewolves yet she couldn't smell the location of it. He smirked when he was another man like the last one. "Well there's one over there Aptual." He told her pointing to the man while grabbing her ear lightly. @metalcity
Aptual started to scratch around her ear, it felt strange having someone hold it "Why do you have to hold my ear? its strange." She pouted, the hair around her ear started to become fuzzy due to her scratching "See what you did! your so mean to me." She growling slightly as she tried to struggle out of Dom's grip.

Dom looked at Aptual before smirking and scratching her ears. Hey, he just wanted to see her reaction to that, so of course he woud do that. It would be funny and Funny was awesome. "I did nothing." He shrugged ignorance at that. @metalcity
Columbus dragged Jay along further into the exhibit, "No! Let's just run around until we find something cool!" He laughed as he dragged Jay behind him, closing his eyes for a brief moment as his eyes scanned the cases beside him, it was all so cool! What if this was stuff he used years ago? What if he was mentioned in some of these scrolls? What if-


He stopped as he slammed into a glass case, slowly peeling off the glass as he hit the floor. He rubbed his head,
"Stupid glass..." He looked up at the person on the display, a body taxidermied and stuffed full of preservatives. He raised an eyebrow at it and smiled uncomfortably, "Um... Does this body freak you out at all Jay? She looks a little...Weird...Why is that...Maybe it's the eyes, the eyes look a little weird..."


Aptual continued to try struggle "You're so meeeeaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnn"Her words got extended as Dom started to scratch her ears, she started to relax "that feels nice." Her mouth hung open and her tounge hang out slightly, her tail popped out and started to wave around happily. "Everything is good again."

Ryan stepped in front of the school gate and looked up at the seemingly normal school slash institution, his backpack barely hanging onto his right shoulder. He looked down at the map he was given amd confirmed that it really was Lakoria before crumpling the paper into a ball and threw it away. He grinned to himself as he stepped inside "Welcome me to Lakoria highschool~"

(Hi ya'll I'm a newbie ^~^)
Dom grinned when he saw her reaction to the scratching but slapped her head when he saw the tail poo out. "There's a tail behind you." He casually told her. He didn't know if people were watching but if they did, well he didn't know if they were fucked or not. @metalcity
GingerBread said:
"I don't see why I can't take her blood. Its not like it will kill her. And if it doesn't than who cares. I would've been the one to kill her, like I said I would" Nyx shrugged and walked over to a wall map. "So where should we go next?"
"I don't know, where do you want to go?" Miyuki said, shaking her head lightly at Nyx's words. "You wanted to loot and pillage right? Where do you think the best artifacts would be?" She asked, looking down at the little fairy who's fever was already lessening.
OceanBunny said:
"I don't know, where do you want to go?" Miyuki said, shaking her head lightly at Nyx's words. "You wanted to loot and pillage right? Where do you think the best artifacts would be?" She asked, looking down at the little fairy who's fever was already lessening.
"I've no idea!" Nyx flung his arms, but because of the way he was standing he just ended up punching a wall. "Anyway" Nyx looked back at the map and thought over it for a second. "I've got it! We'll go to the ancient musical instruments section. Then I will destroy them all! IF I CAN'T HAVE MY PHAT LOOT THAN NO ONE CAN HAVE ANY INSTRUMENTS" Nyx turned back to Miyuki and smiled. "How does that sound?"
Aptual's face grow a little sad "W-why would you hit me? that was mean!" She looked up at him with her sad look, her tail stopped wagging "It came out because I was happy! it can't wag in my trousers or it just strokes my butt." She said in a sad tone.

Dom shook his head before face palming. "What are you gonna do if people see your tail." He questioned her before going back to scratching her ears. Hey, there was no problem with him wanting to scratch someone ears, right? Whatever, not like he cares. @metalcity

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