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Fantasy Lakoria High School

As Jay heard Columbus's explanation, he gave the zombie a quizzical look. "Really now? I would have thought you were Native American, with that, er," he paused for a moment, pointing to the feather behind Columbus's head. "Er, the feather, and whatnot. But anyways, we can figure that out soon!" He grabbed hold of Columbus's wrist, dragging him off to the first exhibit. "Oh, to the Indians we go~! Sioux and Navaho! This is gonna be great!" He triumphantly marched onward, while continuing his little tune.


Meanwhile, Mrs. Winters continued her rampage throughout the museum, humming happily as the people fled from her in panic. "RUN, SUGARLUMUPS!" She roared, smashing her fist through an incoming door. "BWAHAHAHA- OH, BETTER GET THAT." As she continued her rampage, Mrs. Winters almost knocked over a bronze statue of Benjamin Franklin, carefully placing it back on its pedastal with a small pat to the head. "CAN'T BE RUINING GOOD HISTORY NOW, EH?! BWAHAHA!" People all around her gave the frost demon a terrified look before continuing to flee. "AW, MAN. NOBODY APPRECIATES GOOD HISTORY ANYMORE." With a sad sigh, she punched the next door open and continued her rampage.

(F*ck I pressed send. Oh well, I'm about to hatch my evil plot, anyways.)
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GingerBread said:
Nyx looked over at Miyuki and shrugged. "Why do you need to repay her? Willow wouldn't want you to repay her, she saved you without the thought of a reward. At least I presume she did. Like I've saved Jay's life at least once. And he's saved mine more than I can count. I don't intend on repaying him, and I don't particularly want him to repay me. Thinking you have to repay someone for something they did is stupid. Most people you'll want to repay, don't really want to repaid. They normally do those things because they want to, or because they think it's the right thing to do." Nyx stopped and shrugged as they walked into the fabled Civilizations area. "But what do I know? Anyway, we're here, I'm sure you have more of an idea about what it looks like"
"You're probably right about her not wanting to be repaid." Miyuki said. "But she didn't have to rescue me.. She's the most important thing in my life.. I can't loose her." Miyu sighed, looking around as they entered the exhibit. "It's a crystal bracelet with alexandrite stones."


Dom stood next to her watching the exhibit. If he actually decided to steal something from here, he already knew what it was but hanging out with this girl was a better thing to do. "The only cute dinosaurs you will see are the babies." He told her as he pointed at one exhibit of baby dinosaurs and dinosaur eggs.

Aptual was amazed by the structures, she dashed all over the exhibit; looking at all the dinosaurs. When hearing of the cute dinosaurs her head shot up and followed where Dom pointed. When seeing the cute baby dinosaurs she was put in awe and stared at them. Not making any other noise, her hands were on her checks in amazement.

OceanBunny said:
"You're probably right about her not wanting to be repaid." Miyuki said. "But she didn't have to rescue me.. She's the most important thing in my life.. I can't loose her." Miyu sighed, looking around as they entered the exhibit. "It's a crystal bracelet with alexandrite stones."
"Yeah I still have no Idea what I'm looking for, I'm just going to smash up the entire exhibit and steal everything that looks vaguely interesting. I think it sounds like a good Idea, that's the point of museums right? Free old stuff" Nyx shrugged and walked towards a glass case and smashed it open, getting even more glass in his fist after Jay had healed it from last time. He grabbed the contents without looking at it. He walked back over to Miyuki and opened his hand to show a collection of, now crumpled up fairy wings. "This probably isn't what you were looking for, but can we not just feed these to Willow? Can they heal her or something? Or do I need to look around more?"

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"Oh wow, so just because I have a feather behind my ear, I'm Native American?! I don't even know what that is! I think there's a word for that...I know what it is! You, Jay, are SEXIST! I think..." He continued on walking through the exhibit, giving his 'ohs' and 'ahs' every few seconds. He looked around, "Yeah, nothing here looks familiar! We've accomplished nothing, history is worthless!"

Dom chuckled to himself as he saw Aptual lose herself in the cuteness of the small dinosaurs. He himself conside them cute but not all, just a few of them. He stood beside her, actually for her to say something at least. @metalcity
mewbot5408 said:
"Well,we've know each other since we were kids...we met one afternoon in my hometown which is located near the Same woods his village just down a little ways....He came looking for a doctor,his older brother was dying from a illness and he was crying because the doctor refused to go. So I offered him my help in exchange for his soul....He took it and after that he's been with me since,we've traveled a lot see so many things and people.....He was the only one I could trust with everything....I love jackal so much but my body was destroyed, I'm unable to be standing with him by my side...the least I can do is make sure he continues to smile before I'm gone forever....I can't even hug him goodbye....."He explained and sighed. Xren was looking away at first but looks to Pluto as he speaks and smiled sadly. His blush still there.
Pluto nodded as Xren talked.

'Good Lord. Listen to this little sob story...'

Jason sniffled a little. 'That's so sad!'

Pluto looked up at Xren. He kind of felt sorry, but he didn't know what he could do about it. "Ok...wow uh. Thanks for the information. Why is Jackal called Jackal and not his real name?"

Dom tapped his chin trying to remember their names. He knew a few names but not all of them. "That one would be a brontosaurus." He pointed at a baby dinosaur with a long neck and on its four leg. "That's a velociraptor." He pointed at one standing with its two leg. " and the last one would be a t rex." He said to her while pointing at the last one . "The rest are unknown names to me." He was ashamed of saying that but hey, he only liked dinosaurs such as the Spinosaurus or Tyrannosaurus Rex. @metalcity
GingerBread said:
"Yeah I still have no Idea what I'm looking for, I'm just going to smash up the entire exhibit and steal everything that looks vaguely interesting. I think it sounds like a good Idea, that's the point of museums right? Free old stuff" Nyx shrugged and walked towards a glass case and smashed it open, getting even more glass in his fist after Jay had healed it from last time. He grabbed the contents without looking at it. He walked back over to Miyuki and opened his hand to show a collection of, now crumpled up fairy wings. "This probably isn't what you were looking for, but can we not just feed these to Willow? Can they heal her or something? Or do I need to look around more?"

"You want to turn Willow into a cannibal?" Miyuki asked, shaking her head lightly. "I don't think that's gonna work.. I think this bracelet is the best option." She said, looking down at the picture in the book. "Let's keep looking. You can take anything you want, not like anyones using it." She moved among the display cases, looking for the bracelet.
OceanBunny said:
"You want to turn Willow into a cannibal?" Miyuki asked, shaking her head lightly. "I don't think that's gonna work.. I think this bracelet is the best option." She said, looking down at the picture in the book. "Let's keep looking. You can take anything you want, not like anyones using it." She moved among the display cases, looking for the bracelet.
"What's wrong with being a cannibal? I'm technically a cannibal, I've drunk the blood of Vampires. So I don't see the problem here, what would you rather? Willow be dead, or a cannibal?" Nyx shrugged and walked over to display cases smashing all of the ones he walked past. As he was smashing them, Nyx was looting all of them. By the end of his little walk around Nyx had amassed a small pile of books and other assorted items. In the middle of the pile was the bracelet that they were looking for. "So I couldn't find anything, Though I wasn't really paying attention to what I picked up. But it's probably not here anyway. Lets go"
"Sexist? Me? No, but I- I swear-!" Jay sputtered at Columbus's accusation. "Ah, never mind that! Let's just go find something cool! Also, why did you say 'familiar'? Were you looking for something that might have identified you?" He quickly flipped through the pamphlet, looking for any clues to help Columbus. "I mean, in that case, there's the corpse room with digitally enhanced facial reconstruction, the customs area, trinkets and books... what do you think?"


(Sorry for such a broad post, I didn't want to step on your toes or anything in terms of the development. Want to talk about it?)
GingerBread said:
"What's wrong with being a cannibal? I'm technically a cannibal, I've drunk the blood of Vampires. So I don't see the problem here, what would you rather? Willow be dead, or a cannibal?" Nyx shrugged and walked over to display cases smashing all of the ones he walked past. As he was smashing them, Nyx was looting all of them. By the end of his little walk around Nyx had amassed a small pile of books and other assorted items. In the middle of the pile was the bracelet that they were looking for. "So I couldn't find anything, Though I wasn't really paying attention to what I picked up. But it's probably not here anyway. Lets go"
Miyuki nodded and sighed, not paying attention to what he held. "Ancient Natives?" She asked, looking at the map again. 'We can always go through your loot later to double check if we can't find it."
OceanBunny said:
Miyuki nodded and sighed, not paying attention to what he held. "Ancient Natives?" She asked, looking at the map again. 'We can always go through your loot later to double check if we can't find it."
When Miyuki suggested that they could go through his loot later, Nyx sharply jerked away from her, causing all his acquired goods to fall over and spread out on the floor. Nyx ran over and got on his knees in front of a instrument. "Noooo! My phat Lute! Why?!" Nyx held the broken Lute in his hands and bowed his head and went silent, morning his new, now broken lute.
"Nyx?" Miyuki questioned, worried when he suddenly jerked away from her. She shook her head lightly as his loot when flying and knelt to mourn a lute. She looked around at all the other dropped items and moved to collect them for him. A sparkle caught her eye and she stopped dead in her tracks. Turning she knelt by the glittering object and gently picked it up. "Nyx! Come here." She called excitedly, lolling at the child sized bracelet she held in her hand.
OceanBunny said:
"Nyx?" Miyuki questioned, worried when he suddenly jerked away from her. She shook her head lightly as his loot when flying and knelt to mourn a lute. She looked around at all the other dropped items and moved to collect them for him. A sparkle caught her eye and she stopped dead in her tracks. Turning she knelt by the glittering object and gently picked it up. "Nyx! Come here." She called excitedly, lolling at the child sized bracelet she held in her hand.
"Miyuki! Unless Willow is dying I am busy morning over-" Nyx stands up and throws the Lute away. "You know what? I don't actually care that much about it. I don't know why I did. I can't even play it" Nyx shrugged and walked over to Miyuki and noticed she was holding the bracelet. "Oh, you found it. Congrats. Doesn't bring back my Phat lute though"
(wait why'd it turn green O.o )

Miyuki shook her head, tail swishing, exasperated by Nyx's concern for the useless lute. "It was among the stuff you dropped." She explained as he came over. "But how do we get it small enough to fit her wrist?"
OceanBunny said:
(wait why'd it turn green O.o )
Miyuki shook her head, tail swishing, exasperated by Nyx's concern for the useless lute. "It was among the stuff you dropped." She explained as he came over. "But how do we get it small enough to fit her wrist?"
"Well then by all intents and purposes it's mine. So pay up Miyuki" Nyx felt his hand out expectantly before chuckling and withdrawing his hand. "Why do we need to get it small enough? Why not just put it on her wrist? If it would normally shrink, then it should shrink upon contact anyway. And if not then it should heal her or whatever, enough so that she can grow bigger"
Dom stare at her as she raised his hand. Why should he, Dominic, buy her anything? That was something he was asking himself. She could use the puppy eye look but he wouldn't budge. "What would I get in return?" He asked her. @metalcity
Dom turned away from her, giving her his back. "Nope, something that I could like." He had was never gonna fall for something like that and that was final. "A happy Aptual is right here in front of me." He added. @metalcity
"B-B-b-bu-but! D-Dom!" a tear left Aptual's eye "I really want one! And I don't have money." She struggled to talk as tears flooded down her face, she pointed at the dinosaur she wanted a replica of.

@IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII (you made her cry D:)

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