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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Guard #2 fired his taser at Columbus, but ended up missing because his hand was shaking quite a lot. He grabbed his baton from the desk beside him and charged at Columbus and started wildly swinging it at him. "I'M ALMOST OUT OF IDEAS! I NEED MORE!"

Aptual thought "I wouldn't mind looking around, just act like we are not with the crazy people." Aptual suggested, looking at the window of the crazy people with the guards "I know I am a bit crazy but stealing from a museum? that is insane." she stated in a mixture of her angry tone and regular tone.

Jay could only give the guard a look of confusion as he started panicking, though Guard #1 wouldn't be able to see his expression. "Wha-? You kno what, I don't know. WE'RE WALKING THE F*CKING DINOSAUR!" With a mighty yell, he swung his iron at the guard's nuts. "Forceful sterilization is the only way to go, buddy!"

Guard #1 Fell to the floor as the iron connected with his meat and two veg. "NOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooo" His voice became higher pitched as he screamed in pain. He looked up at Jay and started to speak, his voice still in such a high pitch that it would hurt any nearby dogs ears. "Tell my wife I love her"


Dom for the first time actually looked at her confusion. How the could she talk angry and neutral at the same time? That was really weird, really really really weird. "I really got no answer for that." He responded while patting her head to see if she would calm down.

Jay could only stare down at the man as his iron connected with flesh, sending Guard #1 to his knees. He shuddered as the guard let out a shrill scream, as it was all to close to how he himself screamed earlier. With his face and emotion covered by a mask, Jay loomed over the man. "Get on the floor," he commanded, before swinging two successive strikes to both of the man's heads. "Nighty night, fella."


Meanwhile, Mrs. Winters finally pulled into the parking lot. Unbuckling her seatbelt with a soft click, she suddenly howled in happiness. "DESCTRUCTION! PILLAGING! OH, THE GLORY DAYS!!!" She roared happily, charging straight towards the museum.

(@Bus folks yer free elves now. :)
Miyuki shifted when she got back to Nyx, sitting beside him once more. She flipped through the pages, looking for anything about faeries and illness. "She can't be dying.. There has to be some way to heal her." She said softly, not wanting to know a world without the little fairy.

"huh?" Aptual looked up when she felt something on her head, seeing it was Dom patting her she smiled "hehe" She giggled slightly and looked down again "That feels nice" She muttered, then when the bus crashed to a halt she was thrown to the other side of the bus and crashed into the wall. She whimpered out "ow" Then started to get up slowly, due to her pain.

(I dug through and found it )

"....Hmm...terrible. you know and you play with his emotions, I also know everything you did...." he told pluto crossing his arms and tilted his head staring with his blue and violet eyes smirking. he shook his head lightly at the snakes' comments. my my were they talkative and quite strange. he pushed back some of his purple hair and licked his lips teasingly. "pfftt! I have no sort of intrest in him and no matter how dirty he can be...no matter how little morals I have...I have no interest in a child,hehee jackal is way better in bed anyday!" xren said snickering amused.
LokiofSP said:
Columbus grabbed the baton and swung it at the guard's head, "No, stop it, bad random citizen..."
Guard #2 Fell to the floor and feigned unconsciousness when Columbus stole his baton from him and began hitting him, not wanting to share the same fate his friend, Guard #1 had gone through.

OceanBunny said:
Miyuki shifted when she got back to Nyx, sitting beside him once more. She flipped through the pages, looking for anything about faeries and illness. "She can't be dying.. There has to be some way to heal her." She said softly, not wanting to know a world without the little fairy.
"Look, if she dies. She dies. End of, her life. But seriously, she probably won't die. I mean if I think she is, I'll stab her before she does. I'm the only thing that can kill her, I called dibs Miyuki. I. Called. Dibs. Only I can kill Willow, nothing else." Nyx looked down at Willow and moved one hand towards his dagger. "So, Should I start performing a really bad open heart surgery?"
mewbot5408 said:
(I dug through and found it )
"....Hmm...terrible. you know and you play with his emotions, I also know everything you did...." he told pluto crossing his arms and tilted his head staring with his blue and violet eyes smirking. he shook his head lightly at the snakes' comments. my my were they talkative and quite strange. he pushed back some of his purple hair and licked his lips teasingly. "pfftt! I have no sort of intrest in him and no matter how dirty he can be...no matter how little morals I have...I have no interest in a child,hehee jackal is way better in bed anyday!" xren said snickering amused.
'Pluto is as clean as freshly fallen snow!'

'How good are we talking here?'

Pluto turned and squinted his eyes at Xren. "When have I ever played with his emotions?" He threw open the door and walked in before slamming the door in Jackals Xrens face. He angrily threw his leaf clothes off, tossing them onto the bed. "Who does he think he is?" Pluto walked around the room trying to find some clothes. He didn't really know why Xren was suddenly annoying to Pluto. Maybe he still had some cat in him....yes that was all, he was annoyed because he was a cat for two days. He grumbled on about Xren and how he wanted Jackal back. Pluto got dressed in a big baggy shirt that said "please don't make me do stuff." And jeans with red shoes. He opened the door and looked at Xren.


Dom really wanted to fall on the floor of the bus laughing. This was too funny, how the hell did she fall? It didn't take long before he actually started laughing, it was too much for him to handle. "How?" That was the only thing he said as he continue laughing.

Miyuki looked at Nyx, not sure if she should be touched or angry by his statement. "No surgery.. " She said, shaking her head lightly. "Nyx, look at this!" She said excitedly, coming to a page labeled The Fauna Fea Forest "Willow's last name is Fauna, maybe this will tell us what's wrong!"

The loss of the Fauna Fae was a great tragedy. The royal line fell ill and was unable to recover due to the loss of a family heirloom. The Alexandrite Crystal Bracelet, had kept the Fauna's from falling into a doomed illness for generations before it vanished, without the bracelet the royal line could not survive. The Fauna's were trapped in their smaller forms and fell into a feverish dream state, never to recover.

Strangely the Fauna Forest did not die out with the royal line and their subjects.
Some speculate that a child may have been born to the princess before the illness set in, and that this child has been keeping the forest alive. If this speculation where true then the heir would only have fifteen years before the illness took hold and the Fauna's were truly gone.

Four years after the fall of the Fauna, the bracelet was found, and it now rests in the Fantasy History Museum.

"Well for one thing there's little miss fairy....another is you like him not love,...Do you even return his feelings? No. But you go along with it because you are afraid of hurting him...truthfully it's worse when you don't feel the same.."xren answered with a sigh and watched Pluto go and slam the door. Cream waited outside looking up and looked back to Pluto when he returned."I hope you know,if this keeps up jackal will want more...also I was his first everything,"
Aptual looked at Dom, rubbing the back of her head to check for blood "How what? How did I fall from that sudden stop? you see, this is why you wear seat belts I guess." She sighed "Any ways lets go look around! I want to learn more about history!" Aptual grow a bright smile and ran over to Dom, she grabbed his wrist and dragged him out of the bus and towards the museum, ignoring all the slapstick humour going on around her.


Dom walked next to her with a small smile. "So what exactly are we gonna look at?" He asked her, not really sure what he liked. He hummed to himself thinking a little about it before an idea came him. "Let's go to the Dinosaur area." Why dinosaur? Because he liked them, they were awesome.

"So, there's a magical bracelet? One that would fit on Willow's wrist right now? And we have to go through a library that's currently being raided to get it" Nyx sighed and pulled out his dagger. "It would be much easier to just let me kill her, painless for Willow as well. But I guess if you realllly want, I can help you look for something that's probably smaller than a gnat's arse"

Jay sniffed in satisfaction as he watched Columbus hoof the shit out of his opponent. "Well, I think that wraps it up." With a yell, he suddenly lifted his club into the hair, bringing it down with an blood-curdling smash against the monitors and keyboards in a similar fashion to a few weeks ago. It was a smack-dab job, but Jay managed to finish wrecking the room wih only a few scratches on his iron. Panting heavily, he picked up his walkie-talkie, turning it on. "We're done. You can go in, they've got no evidence," he said breathlessly. On the bus, it buzzed through the the receptor on the dashboard. With a satisfied grin under his mask, Jay swung his club back into the cover. "Alright, Columbro. Want to check out the museum?"

(@LokiofSP Ready for some Columbus character development?)

@GingerBread @OceanBunny @TheMoonRose @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @jamaicanviking @metalcity (Bus folks)
(Fucking yes)

Columbus held up a finger to signal he needed a minute, "Almost forgot something, I'll just be a minute..." He swung his pipe down on guard #2's crotch and tossed it, "Okay, done! I just needed to make sure he didn't get off to easy, fair is fair after all..." He adjusted his horse mask and began to walk, "Also, what are we going to do about all the people inside? I feel as if it might be a bit mean to beat ALL of them up..."

Pluto's eyes turned red and he had to stop himself from hissing.

"Look, you random ass demon, ghoul whatever the heck you are. I don't care if you were his first everything. Cause all i care about is being his now. And I know from experience that I shouldn't just immediately go into a relationship and say I love you. I don't know everything about Jackal, hell, after meeting you I think he has some explaining to do. Jackal dosen't even know everything about me!" Pluto took a deep breath. He then glared up at the tall purple haired asshole.

"And that thing with Willow. I don't even know what that was! Don't return his feelings? How the fuck do you know how I feel? If I didn't have any feelings for Jackal then I wouldn't be with him. And if it hurts him then he will get over it! I think it would hurt him even more if I stayed with him when I don't love him! Why would I stop him from getting to meet someone else. That would really hurt." Pluto closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead. "What more would Jackal want? Would he want more from me?....or someone else?"

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Jay shuddered a bit, crossing his legs as Columbus brutalized Guard #2's balls. "F*cking hell Columbro," he muttered under his breath. He quickly gave Columbus a nod, pulling him by the arm and over to the side of the hallway leading to the main area of the museum. "I wouldn't really worry about the people. I mean, we have-" he was interrupted mid-sentence by a bloodcurdling howl. "-her." The temperature suddenly dropped ten degrees, and a very elated Mrs. Winters burst through the wall, howling in jubilee as she rampaged through the museum, freezing most things and ironically leaving all the exhibits perfectly intact. "HUNKER DOWN, CUPCAKES!! YOU'RE IN FOR A WILD RIDE!!!" Jay finally closed his hanging mouth. "Well, you know the drill. How about we check out exhibit... er, 1A?" He quickly snagged a map off the wall. "Says here, 'Ancient Natives, artifacts on display'. What do you think?"

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"I think the bracelet changes sizes, like the carries. Otherwise how could they wear it? If it's in display it's probably in the larger form." Miyuk reassured Nyx, hoping she was correct. "Let's gat a map, see if we can find a good place to start looking."
"They sound cool! I've never heard of them before." Aptual's mind started to wonder, thinking of a dinosaur could be. In her mind they looked like a ball of cuteness trying to seem scary, that thought made her giggle.

Columbus nodded again before gasping in realization, " Wait! I almost forgot something!" He ran off, leaving Jay there for obe minute...Then another...Then three more, until eventually ten minutes had passed. Just as the eleventh minute was about to strike, Columbus came through the wall in the golf cart, "I almost forgot I'm to lazy to walk. I'm gonna take this baby the rest of the way..."


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