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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Dom looked at her as if she had lost her mind. Who the hell hadn't heard of dinosaur? Everybody has, even the him best person. "Seriously?" He gave her a look of disbelief. Even he had his limit of stupidity, but saying something like that was going too far. @metalcity
"What do I get out of this? Because I could just kill Willow here and now" Nyx unsheathed his dagger and let it hover above Willow's small body. "What's to stop me from doing that instead of going on a hunt for a bracelet?" Nyx started laughing and put his dagger away. "I'm joking by the way, I'm going to help. I'd prefer Willow was there to help me find the unicorn. And this also means she'll forever be in debt to me. This will be the second time I've saved her after all. So, are you going to carry Willow? Or do you want me to?"

"Maybe I should.. My frost might help keep her fever down." Miyuki said, lifting the little body from his hands. She got off the bus and walked into the museum, going straight to the maps. "Where do you think we should look? Fabled Civilizations, Ancients Natives, or another one of these?" Miyu asked, showing Nyx the map as steam started to rise where her frost was coming in contact with Willow's fevered body.
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"I guess Fabled Civilizations would be the better choice here. But who knows, maybe Willow is classed as an Ancient Native of the forest. I highly doubt it though." Nyx looked at the map and shrugged. "So lets go see the Fabled civilizations thingy. And then if it doesn't have what we need, or I get bored of looking for it. Burn the whole thing to the ground. Because I wasn't allowed to go on the last raid, because I was dying. So This building is going to get destroyed, or I'm going to steal more than I can carry" Nyx started walking in the direction of the Fabled Civilization display in the Museum.

Aptual looked away a little embarrassed, it sounds like everyone has heard of these adorable creatures except her. But she had her reasons for not knowing "Well, seeing that I have been chased by hunters all my life. I've bee trying to escape death. So not really had time to look at these creatures." Aptual told Dom, still looking away as they walked.


Dom looked at her with his eyes narrowed. How was that an excuse? She wasn't the only one who had been hunted, he was among them. "Pretty face and all but a real lack of information, that's you right there." He told her while face paling himself.

Aptual nervously chuckled " I guess so." She sighed softly, then she turned her head to look at him "I will I will take the 'pretty face' as a compliment, thank you." She chuckled again.

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Dom shrugged at that. He wasn't one to compliment anyone, so if she wanted to take it as compliment, who was he to stop her from doing that? "There are many types of dinosaurs, some eat meat others eat grass and some even just steal other Dino eggs and eat them." He explained. "Many say that the Tyrannosaurus Rex was the king of all dinosaurs but in my opinion I think the Spinosaurus was the real king of dinosaurs." He added at the end.

Aptual nodded as if she know what he was talking about, ultimately not having a clue. "Wait meat?" She looked at him confused, these adorable balls of fun turned into demonic meat eaters! "How can anything adorable be a meat eater! I say your telling fibs!" She huffed, not wanting to believe that they would be carnivores.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/59802ed020c9d33dbc1255d6438fc4e9.jpg.e5b372290249d6f62762dcd8d71ab7a1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111212" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/59802ed020c9d33dbc1255d6438fc4e9.jpg.e5b372290249d6f62762dcd8d71ab7a1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Dom stare at her wide eyes. Dinosaurs cute? What the hell? Was she on drugs? He continue to stare at her as if she had grown another head. Okay, that did it, she was on drug and he was 100% sure she was. "What the hell? Dinosaurs aren't cute, they are dangerous. See." He took out his phone and showed her a pic.




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LokiofSP said:
Columbus nodded again before gasping in realization, " Wait! I almost forgot something!" He ran off, leaving Jay there for obe minute...Then another...Then three more, until eventually ten minutes had passed. Just as the eleventh minute was about to strike, Columbus came through the wall in the golf cart, "I almost forgot I'm to lazy to walk. I'm gonna take this baby the rest of the way..."

"What are you..." Jay's voice trailed off as Columbus suddenly ran off. With a sigh, he leaned against the wall, tapping his left wrist while watching the clock. Two minutes... five minutes... ten minutes... I swear, if he doesn't- suddenly, the wall mere inches to the right of Jay's arm exploded as the magical golf cart soared past, skidding to a stop nearby. "Well then. That certainly changes a lot." With a quick pull, Jay swung himself onto the golf cart, unfurling the map. "Alright, Columbro! Take two lefts and a right, and we'll be at the 'Native Artifacts' exhibit in no time!"

"Fabeled Civilizations it is." Miyuki said, following the map directions. "That's right, you were one of the people in the infirmary Willow brought me to after rescuing me fro the zoo." She said, thinking back to that day. "I don't think I'll ever be able to pay Willow back for getting me out of there.. We have to save her Nyx."
Columbus saluted and nodded, "Aye, aye sir!" He then proceeded to floor it, going through the walls until he came t the exhibit, not taking any turns along the way. He once again turned to Jay, "Okay, we're here! I took a quick shortcut, hope you don't mind!" He stepped out and held out a hand for Jay...

Nyx looked over at Miyuki and shrugged. "Why do you need to repay her? Willow wouldn't want you to repay her, she saved you without the thought of a reward. At least I presume she did. Like I've saved Jay's life at least once. And he's saved mine more than I can count. I don't intend on repaying him, and I don't particularly want him to repay me. Thinking you have to repay someone for something they did is stupid. Most people you'll want to repay, don't really want to repaid. They normally do those things because they want to, or because they think it's the right thing to do." Nyx stopped and shrugged as they walked into the fabled Civilizations area. "But what do I know? Anyway, we're here, I'm sure you have more of an idea about what it looks like"

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Xren's eyes widen. He wasn't expecting that and he crosses his arms looking away blushing a pale tint of pink across his cold skin. Xren pushed some hair behind his ear signing."geez okay....you pass....Also if you want jackal back, just call for him....but not as jackal,call Shamahari...He answers to that every time,I guarantee it.."He told him with a soft pleased smile.
Pluto sighed, "you still didn't answer my question..." He looked up at Xren, noticing the blush, he tried to hide the fact that he was proud of himself for putting it there.

'Way to go Pluto. Show him who's boss!'

'I wish I got that on film...'

Pluto had calmed down a bit but he was still pissed at Xren, not as pissed though. 'If I punched him would that hurt Jackal? I hope not.'

"Ok, so how exactly do you know Jackal? Tell me everything."

"Well,we've know each other since we were kids...we met one afternoon in my hometown which is located near the Same woods his village just down a little ways....He came looking for a doctor,his older brother was dying from a illness and he was crying because the doctor refused to go. So I offered him my help in exchange for his soul....He took it and after that he's been with me since,we've traveled a lot see so many things and people.....He was the only one I could trust with everything....I love jackal so much but my body was destroyed, I'm unable to be standing with him by my side...the least I can do is make sure he continues to smile before I'm gone forever....I can't even hug him goodbye....."He explained and sighed. Xren was looking away at first but looks to Pluto as he speaks and smiled sadly. His blush still there.

Dom laughed at that. Looks like showing her a picture was funny, including her reaction. "They were twice as big or taller than certain buildimg, did you know that supposedly Argentinosaurus Huinculesis was the tallest out all of them? Estimated to have been 99 short tons and 130 ft long." Hey, he wasn't dumb like some people, he just wasn't a history person. "While the one on the picture, he is the estimated Dinosaur king." To him, the Spinosaurus was always gonna be the true dinosaur king.

"Oh wow! that sounds cool!" Aptual tried to make her self sound interested, and succeeded. "So lets hurry to the exhibit! before the crazy catch up with us!" Aptual begged slightly, she was really excited to see one of the moments in history and didn't want to hear Dom drown on.


Dom raised an eyebrow at that, did she really didn't want to hear him? Should he say anything about it or not. "You really don't care about that, right?" He asked her.

As Columbus hit the brakes and the car skidded to a halt, the dashboard had an unpleasant encounter with Jay's abdomen. "Y-yea... one second," he said, clutching him stomach and running to he nearby restroom, having a hurl over the toilet. As he finished, he walked back out, rubbing the back of his head abashedly. "Whew. Alright, here we go!" He unfurled the map, which was already looking as beat up as the two of them. "So what kind of zombie are you, Columbro? We could hunt down your civilization or something!"

@LokiofSP (Was Columbus part of a tribe or something? Sorry, I wasn't so sure when writing this.)
Columbus shrugged, "I dunno, I don't pay enough attention to Miss Winters to know where I'm from, and I don't remember to much about back then. For all I know I could be some cool ancient race like Roman, or Egyptian, or Martian! I suppose I'll never know... Unless I find something out, then I guess I will..."

@Lotusy (He was, just haven't gone into detail or anything so I don't butcher the culture or practices)
Aptual turned around and started to walk backwards, looking at Dom with a smile; she shock her head "No, no! I'm fascinated! they sound interesting and I would love to know more! Just i really want to see the exhibit and see models and stuff!" She reassured Dom, she sort of cared. But wanted to see the exhibit a lot more.


Dom smiled at before it turned into a smirk. "You do know I was joking with you?" He asked her while keeping the smirk. He liked to mess around sometimes and seeing Aptual reaction kinda made it worth it to joke with her.


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