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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Dalton looked curiously at the bird as it interacted with the chip. He felt a little sad when the bird decided not to eat the chip. He started to wonder what he could feed the bird when a girl came along and put a paper on his desk saying something he couldn't hear. He look at the girl puzzled to what she wanted, forgetting he never met her before and never told her he was deaf.

@Lotusy @metalcity
Jay shook Warren's hand happily, glad to have prevented another fight for Nyx. Of course, the student's words seemed almost as cocky as Nyx's, but as Jay looked closer, he could have sworn he'd seen a nervous glint flash across Warren's face. He cocked an eyebrow with some sort of worry at the boy in front of him, but said nothing. "Righty then. Well, er, Warren, pleasure to meet you. Must be a great culture if death doesn't scare you. Wonder what that ms like, huh?" He turned away from the strange awkwardness between them, staring out the window and catching sight of a distressed Miyuki. The leopard was emitting pads of frost from her paws, a sure sign she was worried about something. Jay waved his hand down at her, hoping to catch her attention. "Nyx, look! It's Miyuki, and something's up!"

@GingerBread @jamaicanviking @OceanBunny
He was more confused when the second person approached him, but apparently they wanted something from him and it had something to with the papers. "your going to have to speak up if you want me to hear you, I'm half deaf." He spoke with a bored monotone voice. He was slightly annoyed by the to that seem over excited to speak with him. He hated when things got to noisy. Dalton considered putting on his ear muffs that would block all sound to him and taking a nap.

Miyuki noticed a waving motion coming from one of the windows. She huffed and looked over to see what it was about. She smiled, as much as a leopard can, when she noticed it was Jay. She bounded over to the window, looking pleadingly at Jay and Nyx through the glass. 'Open the window or come out here.. I can't shift with Willow on my back.' She thought, wishing they could understand her in this form.

@Lotusy @GingerBread
Nyx looked at Miyuki through the window Why doesn't she just change and open the window. She probably doesn't want loads of people to see her like that. Okay, I'll solve this Nyx stood up and walked over to the window before punching it which caused glass to embed itself in his knuckle, causing it to bleed. He shrugged it off and started breaking every bit of glass so Miyuki wouldn't even have a chance to get hurt. "You alright Miyuki?" Nyx smiled at her before taking his seat once again.

@jamaicanviking @Lotusy @OceanBunny
Jay could only watch, dumbfounded, as Nyx decided to punch his way through the window to get to Miyuki. He could see his Nyx's line of reasoning - to not have people see her, but in reality, he'd probably drawn more attention by punching a window to pieces. To make things worse, he started punching stray pieces of glass, causing enough damage to his knuckles for Jay to flinch a bit. He looked over at Warren, as this was probably not a common or rational sight to behold. "You'll have to excuse him," he said with an awkward laugh. "I'd better help him out." With a small push, Jay strode out of his seat, and his wispy tendrils of orange light began spreading from his palm. They wrapped around Nyx'a knuckles, healing from the bone as to push the pieces out. As the process finished, Jay closed the distance between himself and his friends. "Hey there, Miyuki! Is there something bothering you?"

@GingerBread @OceanBunny @jamaicanviking
Alright, Ms. Independent. He chuckled towards his own home whether she thought it was funny or not. But it was somewhat true. Instead of getting help she wanted take care of it herself and endure the struggle.

As they walked they ended up at the main office which is weird because that's right were he needed to be. He had to pick up his schedule and locker info.
I actually have to get my schedule and locker info. What about you? Whatcha gotta do? @FenyxEmber
Miyuki shook her head lightly at Nyx punching the window out. She was happy to see Jay fix the damage and huffed lightly as he came towards her. She turned to the side, looking up at him, then over her shoulder where Willow lay and back up at him. 'Please understand.' She thought, not wanting to risk dropping Willow by jumping through the window.

@Lotusy @GingerBread
Jay only gave Miyuki a look of confusion as the snow leopard refused to walk through the window. Of course, Willow was laying, unconscious, on her back, but Nyx made a point of smashing the window to pieces... well, it didn't matter anyways. Jay slowly stepped through the window's frame, making a point of not stepping on the shards of glass littering the area around it. "So, something's wrong with Willow?" He inquired, looking down at the fairy on Miyuki's back. "I know I'm never called unless there's an emergency."

@GingerBread @OceanBunny
Nyx stood up and followed Jay out of the window, admiring his handiwork on the way out. Nyx walked over to Miyuki and looked at Willow. "Stand back Jay, I've got this" Nyx extended an arm and pushed Jay backwards before walking closer to Willow's tiny fairy form. "Right. I think I've seen this in a movie before. All we have to do is get loads of people chanting that they do believe in fairies. Once we've done that, I'm going to go out and kill that one Idiot who decided to not believe in fairies and vocalize it." Nyx took a breath before leaning in closer to Willow. "I do believe in fairies, I do"

@Lotusy @OceanBunny
Miyuki was glad that Jay at least understood something was wrong. She huffed lightly and shook her head when Nyx pushed past to chant about believing in fairies. 'At least he's trying to help..' She thought. Turning, she licked Nyx's cheek, thanking him for trying. Then walked over to Jay and put her head under his hand, tipping her head so his hand would fall onto her back next to Willow and he would hopefully realize she wanted him to pick the little fairy up.

@Lotusy @GingerBread
Jay could only give a more confused to Miyuki as she tried to push Willow into his hands. The fairy girl was small, and obviously something was wrong with her, but he couldn't tell what it was. Jay always felt excluded with the animals' talk, like he was being left out of some loop. "Alright. I'll see what I can do," he said, patting Miyuki's head, though he was frustrated that he didn't know what was wrong with Willow. "We'll figure it out."

Meanwhile, in the classroom, Mrs. Winters was absolutely stewing furious. The students were going crazy in her classroom, almost to the level of shouting, especially around the half-deaf student. Then, of course, another student decided to break her brand-new windows and socialize outside... damn, it made her absolutely furious. A vein bulged on the old lady's forehead, followed by an eyebrow twitch. "These children don't appreciate good history," she muttered, followed by some incoherent curses. "You know what? They need a field trip! Yes, a field trip! That'll teach them! Hahaha! HAHAHA!" Mrs. Winters's laughs were audible now, terrifying screeches as she finally went insane from her job. "YOU WANT HISTORY?! YOU'VE GOT HISTORY! BWAHAHA!" Her muscles began to grow oversized again, and her skin turned a deep shade of blue. The air temperature dropped by about 10 degrees as she finished her hulk-like transformation into the huge frost-demon that she was. "COME ALONG, CUPCAKES!" With a sudden swipe of her now-massive hand, she grabbed most of the students, Miyuki included, and jumped out of the classroom at mach speeds. As soon as she got to the edge of campus, she unceremoniously dumped them into the Lakoria Detentional Facility High School bus, a rickety old bus with bars on its window and vulgar graffiti emblazoned on the left side - but only the left side. If one could look closely, it was almost as if the bus had come from some sort of correctional facility, but it was too covered in spray pain to be legible anymore. "BUCKLE UP, KIDDOS!" Mrs. Winters growled, though, of course, the bus didn't have seatbelts, either. Before any of them could protest, the old-lady-demon floored the gas, sending them accelerating like a race car. As the bus sped down the road, it almost seemed like a scene straight from The Magic School Bus... if the bus was a cracked-up van, Ms. Frizzle was a grizzled old frost demon, and all the kids weren't magical creatures of all sorts. As Mrs. Winters hummed a surprisingly cheerful tune, her large, blue arm suddenly reached into the back seats, snatching Jay from his place in the bus. Without warning, she threw him on the dashboard, then looked him straight in the eye. "So, boy, I need a bit of expertise. We need to break into this museum. I heard you have the skillset for that, last time I was at the zoo." Jay looked at her, dumbfounded. "What, you think I don't know? It's been all over the news. Now, do your hacky-stuff, or whatever you kids do nowadays." Jay gulped, nodding his head in fear. He slowly raised the magical walkie-talkie to his mouth. "Hello, Columbus? I think we need the golf cart again..."

@GingerBread @OceanBunny @LokiofSP @metalcity @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @Mister Veeeee @jamaicanviking @TheMoonRose

(If you don't want to tag along, just say Mrs. Winters didn't snatch your character up.)
Dalton was completely calm during the turn of event of being snatched up and thrown on a bus. He personally just didn't care cause nothing was exactly life threatening so he went along for the ride putting on his ear muffs to make him fully deaf deciding he wont be needing his hearing it wasn't being useful at all at the moment. He sat at the back of the bus watching everything that was going on.

@Lotusy @everyone else that it may concern

Dom on the outside was calm but in the inside he was freaking out. Steal from a museum? That was the most absurd and most stupid thing he had ever heard. Was the teacher stupid? Of course she was or else she would had just let it slide. The one thing that was bugging him was why he was one of the people snatched up? He had done nothing and now here he was, just like some people say 'shit happens.' Yes that thing could be described right now, shit had happened and now they were being told to rob a museum. (Didn't see mistake, had to edit

xD )

@Lotusy @metalcity (and anyone else xD )
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Miyuki growled when the demon-teacher-thing scooped her up. 'What the Hades is going on?' She wondered as they were carried across the school and unceremoniously dumped into a bus. 'Oh no, Willow!' She looked frantically among the students as she realized the little fairy had fallen as they were jumbled around. Miyu quickly shifted to kemonomimi form and checked the bus seats and floors, hoping no one had sat on her mistress. She sighed in relief as she spotted Willow, laying unharmed and the back of a seat. She scooped her up, craddling the small body carefully in her hands and turned to look for Jay or Nyx, giving the other students suspicious looks as her ears turned down and her tail curled nervously around her.

@Lotusy @GingerBread @Mister Veeeee @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Nyx saw Miyuki walking down the bus nervously and decided to poke his head out. "Hey Miyuki. Are you alright? Do you want to come sit with me, Jay was kidnapped by the teacher. I'm sure he's fine though, he'd call out for me if he needed help anyway" Nyx smiled at Miyuki and tapped the seat next to him, motioning for her to sit down. "Anyway, I thought you didn't want to shift while Willow was on your back or whatever"


Dom looked at Aptual as if she was crazy before shaking his head. "You didn't hear what she said?" He questioned her. Did she really not hear what the teacher said with her hearing? Wasn't she a werewolves? Didn't they have great hearing? Or was that something he just heard? Anyways, that was kinda crazy. "Even I can hear what she said." He whispered to himself while sighing. If she didn't hear the teacher, who was he to say anything.

Miyuki sighed in relief when Nyx found her and quickly moved to sit with him. "I didn't.. she fell off when the teacher dropped us in here, I had to find her." She explained quietly, still watching the other students. "Can you hold her? she's burning my hands." She asked, Willow's fever causing the frost her hands to melt as it formed, steam rose lightly around the restless fairy.

@GingerBread @Lotusy @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @metalcity @Mister Veeeee
Aptual continued her giggling, not shaking Dom as much now "We left the school! and going to learn more history! are you not excited?" Aptual calmed down, maybe it wasn't that interesting. Her head dropped slightly and her smile left temperately. But it was to her, summoning her smile once again. She looked back to Dom "We will find something you like there! I know it! for sure!" She kept her smile, with the goal of finding something he may like there.


Dom facepalmed himself. Why did she had to be so idk, gullible? She was too peppy or whatever people called them? Did she not just hear what the teacher said? Maybe he should play along. "So what would you do, if they told you idk, to raid the museum?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow.

Aptual thought about that "Sounds fun? yea! fun! what is that?" She asked, looking at Dom with slight confusion. She scratched the back of her head in slight embarrassment of not knowing what a raid is.


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