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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"Its just a tail silly! who cares? I don't!" She kept her sad tone but when being scratched again her ears shot up and her tail started to wag again "ahhh, that feels great!" She started to relax, enjoying the spot Dom was scratching.

GingerBread said:
"I've no idea!" Nyx flung his arms, but because of the way he was standing he just ended up punching a wall. "Anyway" Nyx looked back at the map and thought over it for a second. "I've got it! We'll go to the ancient musical instruments section. Then I will destroy them all! IF I CAN'T HAVE MY PHAT LOOT THAN NO ONE CAN HAVE ANY INSTRUMENTS" Nyx turned back to Miyuki and smiled. "How does that sound?"
"Sure, smashing instruments sounds good." Miyuki giggled at Nyx. She looked at the map and then headed in the direction of the exhibit. Stopping at a broken display she lifted a Beverly cushion and shook the broken glass off, laying Willow where the artifact used to sit. She smiles and continued on her way with Nyx.
Dom laughed to himself at her reaction again. "Look over there, food for fish." He told her while continuing to laugh. It was really funny and intriguing the way she reacts to being scratched on the ear. @metalcity
Jay groaned as Columbus grabbed his arm and began to drag him around the exhibits. "Aw, really? I don't know if I feel comfortable doing this, Columbro! I mean, you're an old guy, who's taking me to see even older guys and their old 'things'! My mom told me they were the bad crowd... hey, are you even listening to me?"


"Apparently not," Jay muttered, brushing himself off as he picked himself up off the ground. As he looked over at his friend, though, Columbus seemed a bit... uncomfortable at the sight of the girl. Intrigued, Jay took a closer look at her. "I don't know, Columbro, she seems kinda normal... except she looks kinda like you."

OceanBunny said:
"Sure, smashing instruments sounds good." Miyuki giggled at Nyx. She looked at the map and then headed in the direction of the exhibit. Stopping at a broken display she lifted a Beverly cushion and shook the broken glass off, laying Willow where the artifact used to sit. She smiles and continued on her way with Nyx.
Nyx nodded, ignoring Miyuki's giggle and walking down a random hallway, intent on finding the ancient musical instruments section of this museum, so that he could reck havoc on all the instruments. Once he got to the entranceway of the section, Nyx pulled out his daggers and charged in and started slicing up a piano "FOR NARNIA. I MEAN MY PHAT LUTE"
Aptual continued to relax as her ear was scratched, she slowly moved her head to look at the food "We should feed the fish! Why else would food be placed there!" She was about to move but stopped as she was to relaxed.

Dom stopped scratching her ears before patting her head. "For you to eat it." He said to her jokingly. He decided to place his hood up so that only his face showed, not his hair. @metalcity
Aptual giggled when her head was patted, she then looked up at Dom "Silly boy, I'm not a fish. I'm a scary werewolf! rawr!" She joked, "But come on! lets go feed the fish!" Aptual started to drag Dom to the fish.

Dom just realized something that made him blink, for a short girl, she was short. He shrugged as he let her drag him, it would maybe hurt her if he stayed behind and let her get the fish food. "And here I though werewolves liked eating fish." He joked. He knew that was insult right there, because cats were the one who liked fish not werewolves, maybe she wouldn't notice. @metalcity
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Aptual looked back at him confused "You actually believed that? I thought you were joking. See, most werewolf's would eat meat. But we don't eat fish food. It's even in the title, 'fish food' for fish! you get it?" She asked. They reached the food and fish "See! these are fish! they eat fish food! get it? fish food? food for fish! I'm sure you will learn. Go ahead! feed them!" She motioned towards the food and fish with a cheerful innocent look.

Dom again looked at her as if she was dumb. He had just insulted her and her species, yet she didn't notice. He was mentally face palmitate himself as he looked at her. "God dammit, I was joking while insulting werewolves Mrs Bad wolves." He told her while givin her a nickname. @metalcity
Columbus studied the well kept together face. It was taxidermied and stuffed to the brim to keep a pose, treated like an actual animal on display. He felt his stomach turn at the sight of the face, it seemed unnaturally familiar. It seemed to be close to something he felt he should remember, maybe it was a bit more sharp, but there was a DEFINATE familiarity there. He stood up and turned to Jay, "I-I don't think I like this exhibit! Let's leave...Please..."

Aptual giggled while feeding the adorable fish, her head turned to face Dom. It was semi annoyed and filled with joy from feeding the adorable fish "That isn't very nice." she then turned and continued to feed the fish.

Dom shrugged as he stood next to her. "I like joking around with you, so some of them are rude, big deal." He said the last part with another shrug before patting her head. @metalcity
mewbot5408 said:
"That's just the name I chose...." xren answered and nodded.He pushed back his purple hair and tilted his head. "....do you ever wonder what he sees?" Xren suddenly asked.
'What a weird name.'

'Wait! You get to take souls!?'

'I like his name now! It's very fitting. '


Pluto nodded. "That's a...different question. Do you mean what does he see in other people?"

'Pft, he obviously sees what everyone else sees.'

Jay squinted, looking even closer at the stuffed girl. Something about her was eerie, almost as if a corpse was suddenly restored to its lively self - but was still acclimating to its old body. As he threw a glance over to Columbus, though, Jay could tell his friend was taking it a lot harder than he was. As Columbus asked to leave the exhibit, Jay nodded quickly. "Yea. I feel you, but... are you ok?"

Columbus put a hand to his stomach, wanting to peel his eyes from the figure, but at the same time unsure how to do so. He put a hand to his stomach as tears began to well up in his eyes, "I-I dunno! I feel sad, and I don't know why! I feel like I'm going to be sick Jay! W-we need to leave NOW! Please..."

Jay nodded silently, feeling his skin crawl as his friend couldn't take his eyes off the body. "Got it, got it," he muttered, quickly grabbing Columbus's arm. "We need to get out, just get some fresh air..." As soon as they were out of the exhibit, Jay set Columbus down by the water fountain. "Alright, we're out. What was that, Columbro?"

Aptual looked up at Dom's hand "That feels nice...But I still think you were mea...niiccccccceeeeeeeee...N! MEAN!" She looked away, slightly agitated that he disrupted what she was saying. "Feed the fish." She smiled once again, looking down at the fish.

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Dom crossed his arms and gave her a slight glare. Nope, he was not gonna feed the fish. "No way mom, I ain't feeding the fishes." He said to her while joking at the same time. @metalcity
Dom closed his eyes a little bit thinking about how to respond to that. "I just never one for fishes or anything, I like water and all, but fishes nope never." He answered truthfully. He sighed when he finished saying that but he had to tell her why he wouldn't feed them. @metalcity
Columbus sweated a bit and shook as he came to the fountain, he keeled over by the fountain and actually threw up. His thoughts raced as he attempted to shove them away from the forefront of his mind, but the familiarity of the face kept bothering him. He shook and spoke to Jay, "I don't feel good, I don't feel good at all. Why did I do this? Why did I come here? Stupid, stupid so stupid, I feel sick, I want to throw up again..."

"Come on! give it a try! it might be fun!" Aptual started to give a warming smile to Dom, she grabbed onto his sleeve and yanked him down next to her. She giggled slightly as she gave some food to the fish.

Dom crossed his arms while looking at her and shaking his head. "Nope, never." He responded. No way was he gonna feed some fish, he didn't like them and that was it. @metalcity

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