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Fantasy Lakoria High School

"B-but he loves me...can you not see it? I'm sure he wants to be mine! like if I told him to do a funny dance I'm sure he will! go on little fella! do a funny dance!" Aptual gently placed the kitten on the ground, looking down at it with glistening eyes and a hopeful face. Her hands were placed together as if she was praying for the kitten to dance.

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Dom closed his eyes before opening them again and grabbing Aptual by the neck. "You're a mutt and he is a kit, so stop trying to take him away from his 'owner'." He said the word owner lightly because honestly he wasn't sure. He lifted Aptual up lightly. "Plus you wouldn't be able to keep the kit alive, it will die on you." He explained to her. @metalcity @GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
Nyxen wanted to run away as soon as he was put down by Aptual but found his body wasn't responding to him. He was shocked as he started jumping up to stand on his back legs, waving his front paws in front of his every time he did and nodding his head up and down like he was in a Rave. What the hell is going on?! Nyxen eyes widen in horror as he came to a realisation about what was happening; The blood he drank was demon blood or something similar. Hey Pluto! You need to- Nyxen stopped his thought there, knowing the message wasn't likely to get to pluto through the snakes and they'd just make fun of him. Shit, I hate my life, I really do.

@Magical Squid Senpai @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @metalcity
Aptual waved around as she was picked up by Dom "Noo! I'll love him! I won't kill him! its fine!" She cried out, but everything stopped as she watched the adorably cute dance the kitten did. "OH MY!!! I TOLD YOU!!!" She cried out in excitement, waving her finger at the cat "It loves me!! I told you it would do it! its because he loves me!!! go on cat! do something else!!! like sing! I know what would be adorable for a cute little kitty like you! rap about love! do it!" She wished for with once again, hopeful eyes.

@GingerBread @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @Magical Squid Senpai
Nyx internally cringed as Aptual told him to start singing a song, he hoped against all odds that he would still have control over his own voice, but he had no such luck. "Meow meow Meeeow~ Meow meow~ Meeeeeeeeow~" Nyx mewed as he continued doing the dnace against his will. I hate all of you snake arseholes, you could be helping me right now. But no, you're just watching and- Hey! Are you recording this?! Pluto I'm going to kill you if you are! Nyx desperately wanted to look behind himself to confirm that Pluto was recording him but again found that he couldn't. Instead Nyx continued on with his song and dance. "Meeeow meow meow~ Meow~ Meow meow~"

@Magical Squid Senpai @metalcity @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
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Columbus watched his friend in disappointment, he looked off to the sun as the wind blew through his hair, "It's a shame it had to come to this Jay, but it had to be done. If only you would have seen reason, old friend... I probably look like a really cool anime character right no-" He was stopped as his dinosaur-shaped-rock-toast from earlier slammed into his head due to the wind, "AH! MY ONLY WEAKNESS, WEAKNESSES!"

He rubbed his head before looking at Jay's body. He slipped into his shoes once more and shrugged as he began to drag his friend's body back. He got to the muesuem and began to drag him up the stairs, straining over the weight as he pulled Jay up the stairs, his friend's head hitting every step on the way up. He began to pant as he leaned on a pillar, Man Jay...You sure are *Pant* Pretty *Wheeze* Fat...In an alternate universe where you're overweight that is."

Dom watched the cat dance with a raised eyebrow. Now this was something that you didn't see everything, he actually didn't know what to think of it. "You know by telling the kit to do that, you are hurting it." He explained to Aptual. Dom couldn't understand it but by watching him, he could see that it didn't like dancing or singing. "You are suppose to let cats do whatever they want not tell them to do that." He pointed again at the cat singing, he didn't know if he should laugh or just watch but he just wanted the cat to stop listening to Aptual. @metalcity @GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
"But Dom! look at how much fun its having! its doing all this to show how much it loves me! don't take me away from him!" She cried out. She then thought of what else it might be able to do, then it clicked. "Cupcakes! go kitten! go make me the most adorable cupcakes!" She prayed as she thought of a cute creature making a cute food. It was the most adorable image she has had in her head for a long time.

@GingerBread @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @Magical Squid Senpai
Why do bad things always happen to me, what did I do wron- oh yeah, I have killed many people. But this still isn't fair! Nyxen mentally cried out as he ran away and into a nearby shop. Every couple of minutes Nyxen would run out of the shop with various Items. First it was a bowl, then it was the ingredients for the cupcakes. Then he brought out a cake tray and cupcake cases and finally he brought out an battery powered Easy Bake Oven™ .

Nyxen started putting the
ingredients in the bowl before picking up a wooden spoon in his mouth to stir the ingredients into a fine mixture. How the hell do I even know how to make these? I don't even know how to cook! I can hardly make a sandwich! Nyxen then nudged the bowl closer to the cake tray so he could start filling the cupcake cases with the mixture. He picked up another spoon and started spooning the mixture into the cases. Once he had done that Nyxen summoned Richard to help him pick up the tray Okay, summoning richard kinda hurt there. Not as much as last time though, so that's good. Nyxen, with the help of Richard put the tray into the Easy Bake Oven™ and set it to the right temperature.

After 10 minutes Nyxen opened up the oven and once again had Richard help him with the tray, this time taking it out of the Easy Bake Oven™. His fur helping him to ignore the slight burning sensation the hot tray was giving him. After a couple of seconds when Nyxen was sure it was cool, he nudged it over towards Aptual and Dom.
"Meow" Nyxen looked up at them with puppy dog eyes, wanting them to try the cupcakes. As awful as this experience is, those cakes don't look that bad. And I'm a cat right now. I should try and cook something later, maybe cook like a fancy lunch for Jay. Or maybe it's just the fact that I have no control over my own body right now. Nah, I'm great in every way.

@IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @metalcity @Magical Squid Senpai
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Aptual looked down at the cat, her mouth hung open in disbelieve. "I-I'm dreaming right? nothing this adorable can exist. Dom! pinch me, please." She gently took the cake and smiled sweetly down at the kitten "Thank you." She took a small bite out of the cake, instantly being one of the best things she has ever eaten. "These are great! you are an amazing cook! you know what else would be great! if you, me, Dom and this other boy all had a tea party! and you made the cakes! I say we do this! what do you think Dom?" She asked, looking around to Dom.

@IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
Noah was now in the town just outside of the school he was fascinated by all the sotres there but mostly wanted to look for restaurants as welll he loved food being stuck in the afterlife which was mostly just a completely white room that you could walk around in was boring most of the times he had to go to old peoples homes and there were immensly boring "I think I am going to like living in this place." He said to himself with a small smile on his face.
The snakes could not stop laughing. The one who was getting the most joy out of this was Apep. He laughed so hard he had started crying a little.

'They smell like shit.' He said, even though he actually thought they smelled pretty dang good. But he wasn't going to let Nyx know that.

'Ooh, I wanna try some!'

'I'm always a slut for cake.'

"I don't think the cat would want you to have a tea party..."

@GingerBread @metalcity @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
"Meow" Nyxen continued looking cutely up at Aptual, unable to do anything else currently as she hadn't told him to. When he heard The snakes comment, He wanted to turn around and scratch Apep's eyes out, unfortunately he couldn't because he had to do everything Aptual told him to do. Meaning that unless Aptual told him he could do what he wanted he wouldn't be able to do anything that Aptual didn't say to do. You know if I had free will right now, I would come over there and rip you to shreds. As it stands though I can't do anything I want to do. But currently, I don't have any free will. So piss off. and You can't have any of my cakes Jason, I mean. I can't actually stop you. But I'm saying you can't and you should respect that!

@Magical Squid Senpai @metalcity @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Okay now that was impressive, that Dom couldn't say anything back at all. First the dancing, then the singing and now cooking, yep this was either weird or good, he had no idea really. He was devastated because he really wasn't sure what to do, wether to let Aptual continue 'playing' or let the cat do whatever it wanted to do before he sighed and bended to pat the cat on its head and scratching it's ear softly. "You're an impressive cat." He said to it. @metalcity @GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
Aptual burst out in a fit of giggling "You two are so cute! my best friend and this adorable kitty! so cute! it would be cuter if you had a adorable hug! go on! hug!" Aptual continued to giggle before running to the snake boy "Please take a picture of them hugging! I want to hang it up!" She giggled out.

@IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
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Don't you patronise me you little bitch, I'll have you know I have gone on at least one secret raid on a mad scientists bunker. I have over three hundred confirmed kills and I'm trained in Gorilla combat and I'm the top murderer in the entire campus of Lakoria. I can kill you in over seven hundred different ways, and that's just using my daggers Nyxen didn't even notice what Aptual said even though his body started doing it on it's own; Nyxen hopped up on two legs once again, taking a couple of tries to actually balance on them before resting a front paw on each of Dom's shoulders and then resting his head sideways on Dom's right shoulder, so that his head was facing Dom's. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. You're dead kiddo

@Magical Squid Senpai @metalcity @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
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Dom was glaring daggers at Aptual for telling the cat to hug him. He didn't like being hugged or touched by anything not even cats. He looked at the cat with an emotionless look, that literally was saying that he wanted to throw him away from it but it would troublesome and he didn't want to get yelled by Aptual and male medusa. "You're lucky they are here or I would have thrown you toward the nearest river or lake." He whispered quietly that the others wouldn't heard. This was humiliating to him and he didn't feel like taking a picture. @metalcity @GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
Jay stirred restlessly in his sleep as Columbus dragged him towards the museum. As he tossed uncomfortably, incoherent phrases began to float into his mind. "Jaaaaay... you sure are fat..." Jay's face scrubched up, and he groaned quietly. "You're overweight... fat... overweight..." He squirmed as the words flew by his ears, then he shot up, eyes open and blurry.

In a second, he blindly pounced on Columbus, grabbing his collar angrily. "What the f**k did you just f**king say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated - oh, it's you, Columbus." He quickly let go of Columbus's collar, stepping back quickly. "Geez, that was the worst nap of my life. I had a dream abot you betraying me, and screaming toast, and some evil plot to take over the universe while I took zombie narcotics. I mean, that's crazy, right?"

Aptual squealed in joy, she grabbed onto the snake boy and jumped up and down "Oh my God! they are doing it! they are hugging! this is so cute! it would only be better if they were closer." Aptual joked "I do wonder what else the cat wants to do...DRESSES!" She giggled more "It would look so cute in a pretty sparkly red dress! Go get one! you can do it! I believe in you kitty cat!" Aptual giggled, placing her hands together in anticipation.

@GingerBread @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @Magical Squid Senpai
Yeah Come see me when I'm no longer a cat, You'll find yourself on the ground before you even know what's happening to you. I could kill you with my arms tied behind my back. You're worthless compared to me, I'm cooler than you even as a kitt- Nyxen stopped his line of thought as Aptual told him to go find a dress. No... No....Noooooooo Nyxen's thoughts got quieter as he ran further away and into a shop.

A couple of minutes late Nyxen returned with a Sparkly red dress with 'Mommy's little Princess' Written on the front of it,
I hate all of you, you could be helping me Pluto, but no. You're recording all this. You better not ever show Jay this, I will kill Jason as many times as I can if you do Nyxen threatened as he walked over to Aptual and looked up at her while he gently held the Sparkly red dress in his mouth, unable to rip it even slightly.

@metalcity @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @Magical Squid Senpai
'Oh shit, my body hurts from laughing!'

'He wants you to help him or something. But this is too good.'

"I'm sorry Nyx. But it seems that even if I did do something that girl would stop me or something."

'Here's what we will do, we won't show Jay the video!'

At the mention of Nyx's boyfriend, Pluto froze. His eyes widened and he was suddenly filled with a sense of dread. 'Jay...how would he feel if someone was forcing Nyx to do something he didn't want to do and I was just standing here recording it. He would kill me...I think. I feel like he would be mad.'

Pluto stopped the recording and stepped towards the evil girl. "Um, excuse me...but could you please stop doing this? He really doesn't like it and I really don't wanna get in trouble."

@metalcity @GingerBread @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Dom was scratching his head trying to really figure out what was going on now. First the dancing,then singing,then cooking and then the cooking now Aptual was making him get dressed, well that was going too far. He walked toward Aptual and did the one thing that parents did to their children, he pulled her ear but not hard or soft, just that it would hurt for a few seconds. "Will you please listen to the guy? He knows the cat more than we do so can you just stop making it do whatever you want it to do." He told her. How could one person(aptual) be so troublesome that he didn't know what to make out of her? She was so confusing that he didn't know what to do with her at all. What a troublesome girl. @metalcity @GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai

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