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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Nyxen was glad that everyone was stepping in, but they didn't really seem to be helping much. She didn't say I had to nod my head did she? no she didn't Nyxen nodded in agreement with himself before realising how much of an idiot he was. I'm an idiot, I just really hope the girl didn't notice me doing that, hopefully she was too distracted Nyxen stayed where he was, mostly due to the fact that he assumed he couldn't move till Aptual told him he could and mostly because he didn't want to draw anymore attention to himself.

@Magical Squid Senpai @metalcity @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Aptual looked back and forth between Dom and the snake boy, she pouted "Let me just have some fun! why are you guys being so sel-" Aptual stopped what she was saying and looked away from all of them and let out a small sigh. She turned back to look down at the kitten which nodded its head, she thought that it might want to have the dress off but shook that thought out of her head. She gently scratched behind the kittens ear "Sorry for being selfish. I don't know what to think, but I wont put the dress on you. Thank you for playing along. I feel like we became really good friends." Aptual smiled sweetly before standing up.

She turned her attention to the snake boy "
Sorry for keeping your pet for so long, I thought he was having fun but I guess everyone disagrees. Would you mind if I asked for yours and the cats name?" Aptual asked, looking slightly disappointed as she sadly held onto the cute dress. Which was neatly folded over her arm.

@Magical Squid Senpai @GingerBread @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
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Why the hell did you have to go and give her my name, she's going to know who I am when I turn back you absolute arsehole Pluto. Nyxen sighed and shook his head. At least Jay won't find out about this. If this girl comes up to and asks I'll just make up an excuse or something, I'll have to. I can't let Jay know about this Nyxen then looked up at Pluto, having gained some control back since Aptual hadn't told him to do anything in awhile. But you should grab those cakes Pluto, I can give one to Jay or something. Just don't let the snakes have any.

@Magical Squid Senpai @metalcity @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Dom rubbed Aptual head while nodding at Pluto and then at the cat. "This is Aptual the big bad wolf and I'm Dom the normal one between us two." He introduced himself to them before looking at Nyxen. "I feel like I should know that name." He though to himself while watching the cat with an apathetic look. @metalcity @GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai
'Nyx wants you to bring the cakes and make sure we all have some.'

"I know he didn't say that."

'He is mad because you used his real name. What a pansy.'

'Wait, I think that guy is getting suspicious.' "No! No, his name isn't Nyx that is uh...the turtles name! The cats name is...Lord fluffbottom the third."

'Good cover up.'

@metalcity @GingerBread @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
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Lord fluffbottom the third.... Lord Fluffbottom the third..... Lord Fluffbottom The Third.... Are you kidding me Pluto, that's the fake name you thought to give me? Did I do something to deserve this hate? Is it all the threats I made on your life? Did Jason tell you to do it? Is it because I'm going out with Jay and he's jealous? Is it because I didn't let him have any of my cakes? Is it all of those reasons? Nyxen shook his head and sighed before looking up at Pluto. Just grab the cakes, you idiot and lets go. Finding Jay has taken longer than it should've because you didn't just walk off when those two weirdos came over to us. Look at them, they're just so weird. At least me and you are normal, you with your snakes for hair and me. The image of normal

Nyxen then shot a glare over in Aptual's direction.
I will kill you once I change back and I'll feed you to your boyfriend you demon. How could you force me to do those awful, inhumane things?! How could you?! Nyx turned up his head at Aptual and walked over to Pluto. Pluto, put me back in the cart, away from these strange, evil creatures

@Magical Squid Senpai @metalcity @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Columbus looked up from his Iphone as he was in a business suit, "What did you say? I was just organizing a toast deal on Mars, turns out Martians don't like toast...Who woulda known?" Columbus looked at Jay with a smile.

Aptual turned around and looked at him in confusion, her head tilted slighted. "What are you doing? You can be so strange sometimes." She pouted and turned back to face the other two. "Any ways, I'm guessing that you go to our school! You seem smart enough to hang with us." Aptual nodded as she thought about her smart choice of words.

@GingerBread @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @Magical Squid Senpai
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"Wow this town is pretty damn big." Noah said to himself now considering that he happened to be extremely lost "Heh maybe I should have gotten a map." Noah tought sratching the back of his head when he heard commotion coming from round the corner he peaked his head round the corner to see a group of people crowding round a cat "Maybe they can give me directions?" He whispered to himself as his stomach growled "Yep need directions to a place that sells food."

@GingerBread @Magical Squid Senpai @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @metalcity
Jay's face paled as he heard Columbus speak of toast deals. "Wh-what? Hold on!" He quickly grasped at his head, reeling backwards from shock. "So it wasn't a dream, and you're evil, and..." The words were left unsaid. I took drugs. Jay stared back in horror at Columbus in his fancy business suit. "You didn't! No, Columbro! How could you - wait, what were we talking about again?" With a confused look, Jay tapped the side of his head. "I can't - nevermind. Hm. Where are we going, Columbro?"

Noah looked down at the girl and saw what he had wanted to see for the past hour "FOOD!" He screamed out as he took the cupcake out of her hand and proceeded to devour it infrontof her "Oh sweet merciful god thank you for blessing me with someone who...has a cat that can make cupcakes?" Noah said confused "Eh not the weirdest thing that I have heard of." Noah was still kind of confused though then he realised she asked him for his name "The name is Noah it is a pleasure to meet you Aptual." He said shaking her hand.

@metalcity @Magical Squid Senpai @GingerBread @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
metalcity said:
"Were they good?" Aptual asked with a slight tilt to her head "If you want to thank anyone, thank the kitten. He is so adorable and he can do anything! He rapped, danced, cooked." Aptual started drooling as she remembered all the cute things the cat did. "S-So much cuteness."
@Knight Artorias @Magical Squid Senpai @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @GingerBread
"Yea they were really good actually and also how did you teach your cat to make food I kind of want to do that with my hellhou..." Noah paused remembering that Death promised him not to talk about fluffy to anyone Noah was actually confused as to how Death got hold of one and actually trained it "...My dog back at home I would really like to teach my Dog how to make food."

@Magical Squid Senpai @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @GingerBread

~*Laika Flynn*~

Grumbling a little to herself Laika slung her bag onto her shoulder, unpacking had taken her a heck of a lot longer than she thought it would and now she was late for class, or well, the apparent field trip the students were supposed to go on, she was encouraged when she joined to go so she could settle in, but now of course they had left without her so shed have to walk there herself, not that she minded walking all that much, but knowing her luck the trip would be over by the time she got there, since she was quite late. After a while of walking she finally arrived at the museum they were supposed to be visiting, there was no sign of a class or anything being there "Uhm..." She stood at the steps looking around, she did spot a few people walking around and the two males that seemed to be talking about.... Toast? Standing near where she was, were they from her class? She hadn't gotten a clue and again, she probably would have known if she had of arrived on time. Wearing a somewhat confused and lost expression as she looked around, she fixed the straps of her bag so they wouldnt hurt hurt her shoulders, unaware of what to do next...



((I'll send her in you guys' direction if that's okay ;v;))
Columbus puffed out his cheeks and adjusted his tie, "Well, I have no more business to do on the toast front, so we can just go wherever you want to go!" He tore off his suit to reveal his typical hoodie underneath, "Well, I don't need this anymo-" He paused as his eyes widened in horror. At now of all times, in one moment his life would come crashing down.

Why did it return? Maybe it was whatever god above telling him he was headed down the wrong path, maybe it was cruel fate, or maybe it was due to his own actions. Either way, he was unable to react in pure fear of the object approaching him.

The toast fell from his pocket and landed perfectly in his mouth.

He looked at Jay in shock, and sent him a look that begged for his friend to help him, before he began to run uncontrollably down the stairs! He was unsure of what would happen to him, but he knew of what he had to do to counter this curse! He steered his body into a nearby girl, knowing that due to anime rules, he'd be saved once he crashed into her...

@Nonalaka (Welcome to Lakoria! This is normal I swear :P )

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