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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Jay sighed, grabbing onto Columbus's hand and dragging the complaining zombie back to his room. "C'mon, Columbro! You know I don't remember any of this. Hell, tomorrow, I'm going on a witch hunt for Pluto for making me go through this nightmare." He stormed up the stair, dumping Columbus unceremoniously in the zombie's own dorm room. "Sweet dreams, buddy. I'll get you more cookie dough and Pluto's head on a stake tomorrow!"

And with that, a day full of battle sims, fights, and pigeon attacks ended, feelinging likt it had taken three weeks, somehow. ;) People got cut, dropped, and turnt like crazy, but now was finally the time for rest...

... Or like fifteen f*cking minutes of it. Because, surprise, a new day has come, kidlets! As the sun rose over Tumble Hill, Dr. Schmetterling climbed up to the roof of the dorms, stretching and clearing his throat. "COCK-A-DODDLE-SKREEEE!!!" A new day. Rise and shine, cupcakes.

@Kayzo @Ami the breadling

At the sound of the horridly loud screech, Jay groaned, turning over in his bed and squeezing his pillow to his ears. He'd already destroyed his last two alarm clocks in pervious days, but he wished for them back as an alternative to Dr. Schemtterling's screeches. "Good morning..." He muttered before slowly getting dressed. Suddenly, the first period bell rang, shocking Jay and sending him into a frenzy to get dressed. "SHIIIIIIIIIII..." After furiously throwing on his shirt, he ran out the door. "...IIIIIIIIIIIII..." The long I sound kept going and going as Jay scrambled to his first period class. "...IIIIIIIIIIIIIIT! Oh hey, I'm on time!"
Pluto had slept in Jackals room. They had had a very eventful day! Eating, sleeping, playing around. So he got up after hearing ever so lovely screeching. Pluto jumped off the bed, opened the door, and ran down the hall. 'Crap, I really have to pee!'

'We should go pee in Nyx's room.'

'No he's probably still in there! He would kill us.'

'Darn, maybe next time!'

Pluto ran outside and took a piss at the front door. 'Much better!' He then walked to first period, but then remembered that he doesn't have to go to school cause he is cat!!

So he followed Jay around, meowing at him.

Columbus blinked, slowly getting up from his mess of cookie dough and liquid. He was only in his underwear and had stubble drawn on his face, in the bathtub next to him was a dolls body in a pool of red paint and ice. Columbus got up and slowly walked to his bed, taking off the covers only to find a fake horse head in it. He yelled, grabbed his backpack and clothes, and jumped out his window in attempts to escape the horse!

He got dressed in the air, and fell on the alien prince from yesterday who had a piece of toast in his mouth. Falling on the prince, the toast went flying through the air and landed in the zombie's mouth. Columbus shot up and ran off, "I'M LATE! I'M SOOOOO LATE!" He crashed through the classroom door, then ran right into the wall of the class and kept trying to run, still unaware he'd made it to the class on time.

(For the sake of, you know, not butchering Pluto, I'll have Jay be an ignorant litte crap :P )

As Jay sauntered into first period, he heard a faint meowing behind him. Turning around, he looked down and saw a kitten, covered in fur. Of course, Jay never noticed he tail, so he didn't realize this very kitten was the feared drug baron of Lakoria that he thought of. "Oh, hey there, buddy!" He scooped up Pluto, cradling the kitten in his right arm. "What are you doing here, huh? Are you magical or something?" One of Jay's pigeons, Dalton, landed on Jay's shoulder, staring at Pluto intently. The pigeon hopped down to Jay's upper arm, before squwaking and fluttering away at the sight of Pluto's snake tail. "Huh. What's his problem?" Jay started scratching behind Pluto's ears, a trick that he'd learned from the countless times Nyx became a kitten. "We'll you're staying with me for today. Actually, I'd like you to meet my friends. One is a vampire, one is a drug dealer, and one's -"


"-well, that's Columbus." Jay waved over to the zombie, suddenly noticing the piece of toast in his mouth. "Oh no. Hold on, buddy." The boy frantically put Pluto on his shoulder and ran from his seat. According to the law of Toast, a person with toast in their mouth could not stop running unless he made it to class or bumped into a girl. Jay, of course, was oblivious to the former, so he ran up to a random snakey girl in the class. "Sorry, miss," he said, before picking her up and throwing her at Columbus. "Hey, Columbro! I got you, man!"

@Magical Squid Senpai @LokiofSP

(@GingerBread you ready to do the class thing?)
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Mr Wolfsfeld sighed as he looked at the class "Everyone in their seats. Now!" He stood at the front of the class and glared at all of them, as if he was silently willing them to go to their seats. Of course he couldn't force them to, not without getting up and physically moving them to their seats.

@Lotusy @LokiofSP @Magical Squid Senpai (I've no idea what to teach. Lets go for a famous poet. Adgar Polen Ele :P )
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Kat rolled around in bed trying to refuse waking up, he really didn't feel up to doing anything to day. While rolling around he fell out of bed "ow" he muttered as he got off the floor and brush him self off. He lifted his hand to his mouth and yawned into it, he then wiped his eyes and started to get dressed. Once ready for the day Kat walked out of his dorm room with a slight hunch back. "Lets just get this day over with." Kat yawned out as he tried to make sure his back pack stayed on his back.

(any one want to interact?)
Pluto immediately went limp when Jay picked him up. 'Why dosen't he recognize me? He actually watched me turn into a cat!'

'He is so stupid.'

'You watch your mouth!'

He watched as Jay continued to ramble on and then throw a girl at Columbus...

'What is up with this kid?'

'I wanna throw girls too!'

Pluto stayed quite as the teacher came in.

@Lotusy @LokiofSP
Willow woke up and yawned, looking over at Miyuki, she sighed and thought back to the battle sim the day before. 'Corvus said we never finished our battle.. I thought we had.. since he glitched away in the first sim.. Well time for class.' She thought, getting up she moved over to wake Miyuki and get ready. The snow leopard huffed and yawned sleepily before bounding out of the tree after her mistress. They headed towards the school, Miyuki still strangely quiet. Willow smiled and hummed, looking up at the sky as she walked.
Nyx yawned as he rolled out of bed Another boring day, let's hope I don't come close to dying. I think that would piss off Jay Nyx shrugged as he got up and started getting dressed Though, because Jay's scared of me dying, he won't let me fight anyone. That completely destroyed my plan for the year Nyx sighed and walked out of the door.

While on his way to class Nyx spotted Willow and Miyuki.
"Hey Miyuki, How have you been?" Nyx smiled at her "Yesterday was fun wasn't it?"

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Willow smiled and waved as she saw Nyx, stopping to wait for him. Miyuki sat on the ground and leaned against Willows leg, purring lightly. "Wait.. What about yesterday?" Willow asked when Nyx addressed Miyu. 'Miyu what's he talking about?' Miyuki ignored Willow's voice in her head and watched Nyx sadly.

"Just some stuff me and Miyuki did yesterday, It's not important don't worry. Anyway, you've got more pressing concerns Willow. I need that Unicorn blood. I almost died yesterday, I need to make sure that won't happen again" Nyx looked down at Miyuki and smiled happily "I wouldn't mind spending some more time with you, Miyuki. It wasn't too bad yesterday. I need some more 'normal' friends. I'm pretty sure there's only a couple of sane people in this school at this point"

"I'm sane." Willow said, giving Nyx a funny look. 'I thought you hated him..' 'I did.. but he's actually pretty nice when you get to know him..' Miyuki finally replied to Willow before walking over to Nyx and pressing her head against his hand. "Just tell me when Nyx, and we'll go find a unicorn."

Asaki woke up the next morning at her normal time. She did her everyday routines, make a quick breakfast, take a shower, do her hair, yadda yadda boring stuff people don't care about. However, today she felt a little different. Around the campus, she's noticed a lot of students walking around with many different types of pets. There were cats, dogs, birds, and even griffons. But what about the Grey-haired girl herself? She had nothing, and it made her sad. She really wanted some company around the place, but she also didn't want to take care of it 24/7. So what's the next best thing? A student! She decided that she'd find a student to be her pet. She could have them curl up on her bed, take them on walks, cuddle with them, and they'd already be toilet trained and know how to cook! Though it seemed strange, she found it to be a great idea. Now the one problem was finding the right person. Asaki has heard about some people who practically worship girls, though she didn't know who or where they were. That means she would have to ask every man on campus. And if that doesn't work, she'll move onto the females. Slinging her bag over her shoulder, she left her dorm room and began to walk towards the main building. The halls of the dorms were empty, besides her and one other boy who came into view. He was fairly tall with black hair and white skin, he had a handsome face too! Picking up her pace, the girl quickly caught up to him, her hand tapping against his shoulder. "Excuse me, sir. What's your name?"

"Yeah. I know you're sane, but.." Nyx shrugged and gently started stroking Miyuki's head "Anyway, we could go after period 2. Or we could go now. But it's a bit early. Any time you're ready really. To be honest I can't even remember why I wanted it in the first place. I know why you owe me it because I helped rescue you or something" Nyx shrugged again "But, you don't have to do it anymore if you don't want to. Half the time I end up forgetting anyway. And I can just drag Jay out to help me catch one. They like virgins right?"

Kat started to turn his head, he yawned while doing so. "uh what?" He asked sleepily, once he turned his head around he saw that the person was of the female gender. This removed Kat from his hunch back posture, this surprised him forcing him to jump back and bow to the female "I apologise for my rude response, please grant me forgiveness. My name is Kat, my lady." kat continued to bow.

"Female virgins.." Willow says, still looking at him strangely. Miyuki started purring again. "We can go later today, Jay can come to.. Just don't get too close at first." Willow said, biting her lip as she thought about how best to bring the boys near a unicorn. "Unicorns really only like pure maidens so this might be a bit difficult to pull off."

"I can put Jay in a wig. I'm sure he can play a convincing woman" Nyx thought back to the time when Jay told him he used to be a cheerleader "Besides, what can a Unicorn do to me" Nyx smirked arrogantly. "Why do you keep looking at me weirdly? Do I have something on my face? Is it my hair? These things are hard to check when you can't use a mirror"

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"Usually they go for the heart.." Willow said. "I'm not sure a wig will trick a unicorn.. I mean they can tell if a girl is a virgin or not.. They'll probably be able to tell if the virgin is a boy in a wig rather than a pure maiden.." She said, tipping her head and giggling as she imagined Jay in drag. "No its not you.." She said, looking down at Miyuki.

Asaki giggled at the boys attitude towards her. It seems that she found one of the female worshippers on her first try, and that made things a lot easier for her! Plus his name was Kat, which had to be destiny. "I forgive you Kat. My name is Asaki, and I have a question for you." She said, smiling at him and holding her hands behind her back. "Its a big question, but do you want to be my pet?" She decided to be straightforward with it rather than spending time buttering him up. If she did that and he said no, then she wasted a lot of time. Time that could've been spent asking other people.

Kat's eyes widened and he lifted his head and tilted it to the side "I'm sorry...but what? be your pet? how?" Kat had so many questions to ask, he was completely confused by her choice to have a pet, and to choose him of all people. Was it his name? well he had nothing to do with the creature. He disliked having a name so close to that animal.

Asaki nodded her head at Kat, his shocked expression not surprising her at all. She'd be confused too if someone asked her to be a pet. "Yes, my pet! See, you'd follow me around and be supportive. We'd cuddle and go on walks together and you could even sleep in my bed! I'd also buy you lots of things and give you a lot of attention!" She explained in a quiet but happy tone, giving him another smile before adjusting her bag, which was falling. Off of her shoulder. "What do you say?"

OceanBunny said:
"Usually they go for the heart.." Willow said. "I'm not sure a wig will trick a unicorn.. I mean they can tell if a girl is a virgin or not.. They'll probably be able to tell if the virgin is a boy in a wig rather than a pure maiden.." She said, tipping her head and giggling as she imagined Jay in drag. "No its not you.." She said, looking down at Miyuki.
"Nah, Animals are stup-" Nyx coughed slightly, deciding not to finish that thought "Yeah, they might. But I can still use it as an excuse to get Jay to dress up" Nyx smirked as he began scratching behind Miyuki's ears "So, why the weird look then Willow? Cause I'm not sure what else you'd be giving a weird look. Did a bird mug a student or something?"

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"You can have him dress up if you want.." Willow said. "Let's get to class, we can talk about how were gonna do this." Miyuki purred happily and pressed against Nyx's leg. "And the looks for how she's acting.. Usually she'd be growling or trying to freeze you.."

As soon as Columbus and the girl touched, the bread came from Columbus's mouth, he and the girl rolled over a bit before the girl was on top of him, a sudden blush on her face from the sudden contact. She opened her mouth to speak when Columbus pushed her off and yelled, "Thank god! That's the last time I land on an alien prince! Anyways..." He dug into his bag and took out a giant tin of cookie dough, taking one out, he placed it in the teacher's hands before walking back to his seat, munching on the treat...

@Lotusy @GingerBread
"OMFG!" I scream as I run around flashing from Opaque and translucent. "I GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE!" I scream more as a K9 Unit chases me. "ALL I WANTED WAS A CHEEZEBURGER!" Turns out, I stole a burger.

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