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Fantasy Lakoria High School

Jay looked down in surprise as Columbus stated he was carrying him. "What the f- you know what, I'm not questioning it. Inner peace, I love my life..." He closed his eyes for a moment, only for them to shoot open again. "Wait a minute, no I don't!" Jay rolled out of Columbus's arms, falling unceremoniously to the ground. "What the hell? I mean- never mind, inner peace..." He said, striding over to Columbus's door. "So what are we watching?"

Columbus raised a brow, "What do you mean Jay? We've been watching Doctor Whom for the past hour. During which time you've been hogging the popcorn!" Columbus snatched the bowl of popcorn from Jay and ate a handful. Looking around the room one would find it was surprisingly neat and tidy. No clothes on the floor, bed made and the entire place looked like something out of a cataloge, right down to the tacky art hanging on the walls.

"What- why-" Jay sputtered, trying to get a handle on the situation. "I swear, I never... ah, nevermind, there's popcorn." The boy shoved a handful into his mouth, his eye twitching, trying to contain the utter insanity from the crap going on around him. The laser 6-bit wrench appeared on the screen, and Jay could almost relax for a bit. "Well, it's not all that bad. I mean, the paintings are kinda weird, but hey, what's next... wait, wait, shit. Something's going to happen, I swear. Are we going to suddenly be at dinner? Teleported to the bathroom? I-in bed? I swear, I've got you figured out, Columbro!"

Columbus backed away to the other end of the couch slowly, "A-are you okay Jay? Did Pluto slip you something? Just calm down and watch this with me! Also, pass the Milk Duds while you're at it..."

*Signs up for school and walks out of sign up* "Ugh, so this is the place. It is a little too bright. Who cares! A new school!" Said Alec as he gets out of sign up.
"No... no way. I refuse to believe this!" Jay slammed his fist down on the couch. "Nonono. This is all some elaborate trick, right? Right?!" He dug his fingers into his hair. "Of course, when I figure it out, it stops! Haha! Hahahah!" Jay started laughing manically, driven crazy by the insanity around him. "G-good one, Columbus. What's next?"

Burkschase said:
Alec: "What is going on!" I say as I walk by.
(They in the dorms B)

Columbus slowly backed away from Jay, picking up a bowl of cookie dough and popping a ball in his mouth, "Jay, whats wrong? We got up here, started making cookies, made prank calls, decided not to make cookies and just eat the dough because we're lazy, we became blood brothers, then started watching Doctor Whom! Nothing else happened!"

"Cookies... prank calls... blood?! What the hell? Why don't I remember this?" Jay sputtered, grasping at straws to make sense of the situation. "M-maybe Pluto drugged me? Yea, that's gotta be it!" His eyes were hollow as he looked at Columbus. "Yea. This is all a drug trip. Maybe if I walk away, I'll just-" As he moved to leave the couch, Jay tripped forward, falling face-first on the floor. "Urk. Nevermind, not a drug trip. So this is... all real?" His eyes started watering. "Oh god, I ate raw cookie dough? And a blood handshake? That's so insanitary!" Jay turned back to Columbus. "I have no idea what witchcraft this is, but please, no more, I beg of you! Next thing I know, we're going to be above a cliff, and only start falling once we realize that we're not standing on anything, or-" his hysterical rant was interrupted by the sound of someone's voice at the door. "Uh, hello? Nothing's really going on right, now. Why are you creeping up to random dorm rooms?"

@Radi-ho @Burkschase
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Columbus rubbed his chin and hummed at he thought. He put another ball of dough in his mouth and chewed thoughtfully, he eventually realized snapped his fingers as he took a ball of dough and stuffed it in Jay's mouth, "There! Now you should remember everything! You're welcome..."

"What the f-MMMPFH!!... Hey, this is actually pretty good." Jay swallowed the cookie dough ball. "But I still don't remember jack shit! Did I do all this willingly? What's going to happen next?" He rolled around on the floor. "Most importantly... can I have another cookie dough ball?"

Columbus stuck out his tongue once more, thinking. He then smiled wide as an idea came to mind, "Oh, oh! I have an idea! Maybe if you close your eyes while eating, it will work better!"

"Really?" Jay said, taking another piece of cookie dough. "Hmm... nope, not feeling anything. The cookie dough is good, though." Jay's ear turns to the sound at the door. "Uh, hello? Do you have business with us, or are you just a creeper at our door? To be honest, I'm kinda grapplin with my sanity right now."

@LokiofSP @Burkschase
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"Uh, ok. Cool," Jay muttered, kinda creeped out by the stranger outside Columbus's room. He turned back to Columbus. "B-but the blood! The cookies! I don't remember any of it!" He rubbed his temples, sighing. "Wait, let me test something." Wih a sudden ferocity, he ran over to Columbus. Scooping up his zombie friend, Jay suddenly ran out the window, head facing up. "A-alright. Now, by cartoon standards, we shouldn't be falling. We only fall once we look down-" *CRACK!*

"OH MY F-"

Five minutes after healing his legs later, Jay groaned, rubbing his back. "Oh, holy shit. What's next?"


"Oh, can it, Columbro. I softened your fall!" Jay rubbed his legs gingerly, legs feeling like jelly. "Oh, screw cartoon physics! What's next, a giant acme anvil-?!"


"MY FOOT!!! MY MOTHERF***ING FOOT!!!" Jay howled, hopping around while clutching his foot in pain. "Ugh, do something magical, Columbro. Please..."

"MY MAGIC DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT JAY!!! YOU SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT THIS JAY!! YOU KILLED THE COOKIE DOUGH! FIRST THE TOAST, NOW THE DOUGH?! I THOUGHT WE WERE BROTHERS!!!" Columbus turned and dragged himself to the dough, sobbing over the balls of uncooked cookies and holding the in his hands.

While he was still removing the axe from his ankle, Corvus activated the cybernetic enhancements on his legs and charged at the man with a look of fury, closing the distance between them in the blink of an eye. Then with his sword drawn, he plunged it through the man's stomach and pinned him to a tree. As the blood gushed up to his throat, Corvus looked him in the eye as he plunged his left hand right through the smoking man's rib-cage and ripped out his still-beating heart and threw it on the ground like some disgusting object as it continued to beat, struggling to live as it died.

Then, stepping back from the bewildered man, Corvus took the can of pepper spray with his right hand and summoned a lighter with his left. He stood there for a moment and stared at him as he choked on his own blood. Corvus had so many words to say to him, but in the end, he just decided to end him right then and there. He placed the lighter in front of the pepper spray can, and as he released the liquid, it passed through the fire and became a dragon's breath. It caught onto the man's clothes, and soon it enveloped the man's body has he let out an incoherent, muffled scream. And as the bright flames enveloped the man and swallowed him whole, darkness covered his eyes and his body disintegrated into digital glyphs as he was transported out of the battle simulation.

Then, drawing his pistol, Corvus turned to the last man standing: Willow. "You know I never did settle our fight from the last sim."


@OceanBunny (Sorry guys, we gotta end this quick)
"Magic?! I knew this was some form of black magic! And I'm innocent, I swear!" Jay yelled, waving his arms in a peaceful gesture. He noticed that the zombie was lookiging absolutely miserable, and against his better judgement, Jay hobbled over to Columbus, trying his best to keep the weight off his crushed toe. "Look, Columbro. The toast, the cookie dough... I'll pay for all of it. Let's just go back and watch Doctor Whom. I'll deal with whatever antics you've got." He turned around, walking slowly and... stubbing his toe on a wall "MOTHERF-!!"

Kat teleported back to the gym is complete annoyance "Fair fight my fucking ass, stupid elf." Kat angrily muttered, he looked at the screen "He better not fucking shoot lady willow. I must end this" Kat looked around in a panic and found a small room with a door swung open, he tilted his head and approached it. He entered and found a cluster of unlabelled buttons "These must control the game." Kat grow a evil grin and started to pull and press the buttons at random, many notifications came up in game

buff applied to willow"

debuff applied to corvus"

all weapons removed"

all weapons granted to willow"

This happened many times with other random notifications untill it said "
player corvus has left the simulation. Willow wins." the sound of trumpets sounded through the simulation as Corvus turned to light. Then after a few seconds Willow was teleported out as the winner.

kat sighed in relief.

@LegenDarius @OceanBunny
Columbus slowly stood up and attempted to walk next to Jay, still complaining about the dough, "And we'd spent so much time on it! We even colored them blue! It was so good!"


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