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Fantasy Lakoria High School

For a moment, Pluto actually thought of giving Nyx the middle finger, but he wasn't about that life. "What do you mean? Who wouldn't want to be a cat? Are you just but hurt that you were turned into a cat? Because I am sure I pet you nicely! and really? 'Your boyfriend has fleas! What are you? A nine year old school girl?"

@mewbot5408 @GingerBread
@mewbot5408[/URL] @GingerBread
"Well he might not have Fleas. He might have worms, which is arguably worse. And yes being a cat is awful, there's nothing to do, it's hard as shit to kill someone when you're a cat. But hey, If your boyfriend likes feeling helpless that's his thing. Though you could always turn him to stone" Nyx shrugged, not really caring about the situation.

Nyx smirked as he got an Idea
"So you think being a cat is Fun? Do you?" Nyx pulled out the cat collar and held it up so Pluto could see it "How about you become a cat?" Nyx rushed over to pluto and before he could react put the collar around his neck. Nyx pulled out his dagger and cut his own finger and created a Blood seal on the collar, meaning that the collar would only come off if Nyx took it off himself, or Nyx died. Nyx stepped back from Pluto to watch him turn into a cat.

@Magical Squid Senpai @mewbot5408
"Actually, I can't help it...you see it's the animal I turned into in my age coming ceremony. When a shifter is of age the first animal we turn into is the animal we are, I just happened to be a cat...my older brother is a owl, the village elder is a bear, nanamay is a sheep....it's normal to take after the animal that choose us. It's our way of living..." Jackal explained with a serious expression and sighed. He looked off."also, jackal is my nickname...my real name is shamahari," he added with a sigh.



@Magical Squid Senpai
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"Oh worms, how original.." Pluto glared at Nyx then looked back at Jackal. He felt something around his neck, he tried to push Nyx away but it was too late! He gasped before shrinking in size and turning into a very fluffy cat. The snakes had also gotten smaller, very very small. They were covered in cat hair, so they were kind of hard to see. And Jason...

'Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! All I see is hair! Hair! So much hair! Aaaaah! I'm blind! Where did everyone go!?!' Jason was now Pluto's tail. He was covered in fur. Pluto hissed at Nyx.

@mewbot5408 @GingerBread

(I have a job to do! Which is taking care of cats! So I will be back soon!)
"Columbro..." Jay turned around sadly, leaving the zombie to mourn. Suddenly,

Dalton woke up in his hands, letting out a loud squawk and sending Jay sprawling. When looking at the world upside-down, Jay had an idea. Taking the plentiful pigeon feathers on he ground, he spelt out: "RIP Columbro's anime life" in block letters. Satisfied with his work, he leaned back on Columbus's back, watching Pluto transform into a kitten.

@GingerBread @LokiofSP @Magical Squid Senpai @mewbot5408
@mewbot5408[/URL] @GingerBread

(I have a job to do! Which is taking care of cats! So I will be back soon!)
Jackal's eyes widened and he squeaked in excitement as he picked up Pluto."ADORABLE!!!" He hugged Pluto purring happily. "THANKS NYX!! You're officially my friend!! "he yelled putting kitty Pluto on his head and practically hugged nyx squeezing the life out of him purring. He then skipping off with Pluto in his arms."sushi tonight!! And lots of cuddling!!"
mewbot5408 said:
Jackal's eyes widened and he squeaked in excitement as he picked up Pluto."ADORABLE!!!" He hugged Pluto purring happily. "THANKS NYX!! You're officially my friend!! "he yelled putting kitty Pluto on his head and practically hugged nyx squeezing the life out of him purring. He then skipping off with Pluto in his arms."sushi tonight!! And lots of cuddling!!"
Nyx glared at Jackal as he hugged him "Do that again and I'll kill the both of you. And have fun with..... Damn it, I had something for this" He shrugged and went back to glaring at Jackal. "Anyway, that collar won't come off until I'm dead, or I take it off myself" Nyx smirked at Jackal as he skipped off. Nyx turn to Jay and smiled "I think I just solved your problem with Pluto, whatever it was in the first place" Nyx extended a hand to help Jay up "Anyway, lets go to the nurse and see if your meant to be on any medication. Cause you're acting crazier than normal"

@Magical Squid Senpai @mewbot5408 @Lotusy @LokiofSP
Before he knew it, he was being swept up and taken away. instead of fighting back, he went limp in Jackals arms. Pluto pouted, 'How could this have happened?' he asked himself.

'It's so fluffy....so soft...I ..can't move. Is this heaven?'

' jeez la fucking weez Jason! just sit up!'

Jason moved his head around, although it just looked like Pluto was moving his tail in a weird way. "gasp! I'm alive!!'

'Jackal...where are you taking me?'

Corvus' tomahawk was inhibited by the smoking man's hand as he want for another blow, this time for his hip. Quickly, Corvus shifted the position of his left forearm to guard his hip and blocked the attack. Then, headbutted the man in the forehead and kicked him in the stomach, causing him to stagger back and loosen his grip on the tomahawk. With that opening, Corvus lunged at the smoking man with his left guard up and his right hand swinging the tomahawk at the man's side


"Cool trick, Nyx," Jay muttered, stretching on Columbus's back. "Good to see you're not the cat for once, eh?" He took Nyx's extended hand, pulling himself up. "And I swear I'm not crazy. He mugged me for drugs once!" Jay was about to leave, before staring wistfully down at Columbus. "Hey, Nyx. We can't just leave him here, right? We should help him mourn..."

"... Or we could inject him with excessively high amounts of anesthesia!" Jay smiled widely at Nyx. "I mean, we could kidnap him and taking him on a golf-cart joyride to get rid of his grief. Whaddaya say?"

@GingerBread @LokiofSP
Ami stepped away from what she had built. "Finally! It is done!", she exclaimed in her dorm. She knew that nobody was around to hear, but she did not care. A few system checks were running, but about to finish.

And then he was complete. Ace. Artifically Created Unit (ACU) 1. Ami knew, if the activation worked like it should, she had to find Sean to pat her on the shoulder.

Ami activated her robot. "
All systems running, starting ACE.", a voice said. The robot stood up. "Wow, that took long enough, did it not?"

Name: Artifially Created Unit ACU 1 "Ace"

Gender: male

Species: Robot








Ami being hurt

Impolite people



Ace has 3 Forms, Protect, Attack and Execute.



This form has full access to Ami´s database, is armored heavily, not that fast but not slow either, the arms contain electric batons that can be used to paralyze enemies. Has smoke grenades to escape with Ami if needed.



The energy blade Ace uses can cut through any non magical material. His armor is not as great but he has incredible speed and strength (Not the speed of light, but fast.) He has the ability to strike 5 times in one blink of an eye. He has thermal and Xray vision and full access to Ami's data.



In this form, Ace has all abilities of his other two forms. The axe can break any non magical material and has a electric stun gun in the back. Ace's strength can even cause earthquakes when smashing the ground. Ace will passively transform into this form when either he or Ami are in serious danger. An active transform is impossible.

Ace will always stick around Ami or be in her dorm.

The robot is approved and allowed by @Lotusy
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"We both know you're crazy Jay, but I want to know if you're crazy enough to warrant medication. And I say we don't Inject Columbus with drugs. Do zombies even get affected by them? I don't really care actually" Nyx wrapped an arm around Jay and pulled him closer "But. I have to go do something. So I'll see you later, Probably at the end of the day. Don't get into any trouble" Nyx wrapped his arm from around Jay and smiled at him before starting to walk off.

@Lotusy @LokiofSP
Pluto wanted to swat at Jackal, but he thought against it. He pouted and plopped down onto the couch. He was annoyed for some reason, he swished his tail back and forth.

'Aah! Please don't do that I might throw up!'

Jason flopped down onto Jackal's back.

'So is this all we will do? I guess this will make up for me killing you.' He scooted closer to Jackal. 'What if your roommate comes in? Wouldn't he think it was weird?' He asked.

"Weeell then maybe we can!" Pluto got up. "We can go walk around! Go see if they sell any fish! Go bother people in a yarn store! We can have so much fun!" Pluto jumped off the couch, only to turn around and scratch at it. He then jumped on what he guessed was Raven's bed. He rolled around on it, making sure to leave some fur behind. He felt like a kid again! Only less sad. He tail fluffed up and he started running around the room. Jumping on the bed, running off the shelves, purposely knocking things over! But he made sure they were only unless stuff like tissue boxes and school books. He then ran back over to the bed and jumped on Jackal. 'C'mon Jackal! Let's go play!' He giggled before jumped off and over to the door. He scratched at it, forgetting that he couldn't open the door. So he hissed at it.

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jackal was knocked over by a excited pluto as he had watched him make a mess. he sighed and shifted into a human picking up pluto while opening the door and walking out. he put pluto down again after a bit and shifted into a cat himself sniffing the ground before typically climbing up a tree and jumped over so he landed on the roof. he looked down at pluto. "let's go.."
Pluto happily followed Jackal up the tree and onto the roof. 'We should go eat something! Alot if something! So we can get sick and hack a hairballs in Nyx's bed!' He walked on the roof. 'We could do alot of things! It's fun being a cat!' He purred.

Magical Squid Senpai]Pluto happily followed Jackal up the tree and onto the roof. '[COLOR=#cc99ff][I]We should go eat something! Alot if something! So we can get sick and hack a hairballs in Nyx's bed!'[/I][/COLOR] He walked on the roof.[COLOR=#cc99ff][I] 'We could do alot of things! It's fun being a cat!' [/I][/COLOR]He purred. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26561-mewbot5408/ said:
Jackal's ears twitched and he tilted his head looking at Pluto. "I don't hack hairballs..." He told Pluto before scampering across the roof and stood jumping down and landing on his feet on the fence looking back walking across before jumping down. Sniffing around his ears perked up and he lowered his body as if he was stalking something. He quickly jumped up and ran pouncing on a large rat biting down on its neck and dropped the dead rodent at his feet. "Plutooo..." He called before picking up the rat again and walked into the direction of a small shop.
Pluto jumped after Jackal. 'Wow, what an expert hunter!'

I could do better.'

'No you couldn't.'

Shut up! Yes I could!'

'Where are we going? And if we can't put hairballs on his bed, then we can just....poop under the bed!'

Kat was slightly dizzy from the head butt and was thrown off when he was kicked, he lifted his head up and everything was a blur. He saw some type of object come towards him, he swung the mace around with his full power and hit the tomahawk, knocking it out of the elf's hand. Kat didn't know what happened except the fact he is not dead. He staggered back and tried to shake the dizziness off.

@LegenDarius @OceanBunny
"Well If we really wanted to do something to nyx, we could stick dead things in his room and hide them in various places so it'd take forever for him to find the smell...." Jackal said when he set down the rat and looked at Pluto. He stopped and sniffing around,shifting into several different forms before turning human went in coming back with a bag of salmon cakes and sat down on the ground. He opened up the bag so if Pluto wanted he could easily grab something to snack on. Jackal nommed on his own purring. He got distracted easily and liked food.
"Oh. Okay." Jay sad sadly, turning back to Columbus. "Have fun with whatever you're doing." He slolwy picked the feathers off the ground, arranging them in a pile. "So... what were you doing during the sim time?"

@LokiofSP @GingerBread
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Willow sighed, watching the boys fight. 'This is ridiculous.. I don't know how to stop them though.' She shook her head lightly, watching what she viewed as senseless violence. 'At least they're not actually getting hurt..'

(Sorry.. life kinda kidnapped me for a while..)

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